PR 07/13/1959" , �,^ � �y��� � �'1 n _i.i.'"i �?' �.i «.�.i.,. � ..� ri•.'yr�,;,c 1�1 r-'_ D�et�g wae called t.o cx�der at ?:3a o'cloc]c P.n. �,;���. _, : �. __ �.e. •� .. s _ t_� __ -!..L• . Fontaiac, b'txang. Siverts. Milcarek 1�Tr. Dqaddy.C3iy MstiaqeE' and Sahn Pic43oy A geace fior ttse Tot Area was discuased to greai: length. 2'Yte la► bid was aw�sLtea by crown Iroa worxs - S79o.o0 £or ssx (6) �oo� �ence on t2�ree aides and fihxee (3j faot on or:e �ide �$2�40.00 instslla�ion cost. The park Coa�3.�ee sugges�ed a tt�ree �3) Foot %nce on a11 sides, Crcrwn Iron Works wi.],1 be asked to resubma.t a bicl, 1'kie je� aircraft w312 be acaepY,ed by xise Cit^X. The J.C.'s w31i receive ered3t for maki.ng ar�cangemerr�s for same and assis�in� in ti:� trauspoz�ation �o Frid3.ey. E'oilowing a lesigth+� discussion �tte Eollowitng budget was pro,posed: ��3 �ipmen� Ma9x�tenance DOan Part-+i'3me M3ri Lif�u3rd8 ITtilities Weed cant.rol Fert3liaer �PPlies Irtsurance Land Acquieition Partable 87molter Souse &est Room Fecilities t�eneral Supplies $ 1,OOOo00 �4, 500;,00 1�000.00 1r500.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 800.00 2�0.00 ?,500.00 1�500.00 6,000.00 �75.00 j� 2 �, �; I�g Siverts msde a motion that a rec�at3on be made to f.he City Counc3l t�at tbe lan8 wesf oi Mianesa�a & Oatario Paper Cam�aay, propert,y soutb o£ Hinnesota TzansP�,-east to Hic,�hway 56 and narth of Riee Creek bo ae.�quired. (81oaL a bond is8ue - land to be uaed as public aad park ptiipOS@8 0 } 8trot�g secon�ded the mation w3fih the addi�iian "ar fio be cond� ar take st�ps to sequise". August Z4o 1959 se� Eos the �xt ameet,irng oP ttie Cqmmittee�.