PR 07/14/1959, : . _ - , , . . . � .
�._._ . �. .—' -. �:! . � � .° r:�. . a . � . . �.
�� Present; �, SAeri�tan, 9teltau� Berger
s B. ��.3,8C�
ro u ss The minutes were spproved as read.
s�3. "'ilson reporLsd that the baach was crowdad with
ou s er3 nr the sefmming alass. She requested the assistana� oP
�he poliQe. p lsl�tar was draftid (see aLta¢he�) to bs sent to tha
ehieP o1''police and to Yr. Naddy.
�jyj,@i A motion was tm de, seconded, pp ved to verity bills for
P83��t. ( S88 atteCh9d) . GC's-c�-��� �b�;� ,-r„ ���c � ��-•_e_ c� u�
t D8 to write Offloes �deGartk�y and �Gr. Dfaddy about polio•
a at t e eaah. 8.9�, and D.B. to write a auestionnaire for
parents at the end oP ti�e program ta fittd out wffi t�hey did and diQ no�
like. D.�S. to sp write a letter tor Parks��c� to be sent to the
oity cowlail.
��;��,�$�,p�i 8. �il�on rsported that she l�s rac�ivad queries at�ut
asi s t program. Equipment for the program ia available end could
bs tased in tha Pall.
,.-� Aeare��ion i,�l9�s A diseussion oP the 1Si60 program ittdiaeted that
tne co��sxon migbt sapec� attenc9ance up to 1000 neat yeer. Tha
q�stion �raa raised a�ut the use of edditionel aleaa room spsce.
�s A dise�smion of the park sitnation led to the aonalu&ion that
e park aystem needs additlonal lend. Zn the future the leck oP
land will impede the r�creaLion program. The oommtseion wants to
stand on record Por planning Por recreetion in the parks. D, �e1Lon
is to write a lettor Por tha next aeeting on thie topie. The letter
will be diacnssed and then sent to the city co�mcil.
IN,�ut�stina; August 10.
Ad3o�„�;: �feeting ad�ourned at 1Os00 p.�.
Recreation Progr�m "ills
raner�s ��andicraft ----
Gager�s Handicraft ----
Donaldson's ----
P_��ts. Pandicraft ----
Central iiardware; ----
ben r'ranklin btores ----
Lavid brazil (whi�tles) --
�nyder�s Dru�s --
��I:e'c�lc-�,e�...J� �-tZ,
� June t..�, 1979 --
�u.l�' �, i o�,o --
�ul�T 10, 1959 --
July 17, 1959 --
p�n Cv-a ��
� �o.oa
" �.io
w 63.67
lf' 6 0
�5, � 7
,;:296. r�7
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jj" `°^7 � U @_..� C�o ,
���arlc:t; �uiv�
,, f � I y a i, � 9�>'9
°eii!1C3 ApY' l:rt tU AOC �;ly 1`:ai
CO�,.Is ia�„T�VIT.0 :ra.i:.�J;tl'I',::L„ ;lU� Ed:.i„�,.i�dCl:
1-12 II3.rectar uf' tiecreet3nn f867,3g �1,530.W S66'3.6s
SYmuner i'1$-grouztd
a—lz�l a, aaa3atant f) 3?S.� 375.�00
2-12-2 b. As�isL'azrG �m'1 2'F5+00 273s410
Z-23 ce Trsrmportation 300.00 �pp.ta0
z»32 d. Equ3.imcrtt 11►9.�i�i z`�°� .Sb
Easebts2z. rM
% 39 ::xpemdable Equi�mer�i �� ri�a�:i ��[+
.. �SG�'i00� HE.."I'£&t.��I! °2'CgI'Etd .
�i^'� 3. A9�S1St2Rt �lII� ,��,� �a� 17(%e�
/�-52 b e k:quiTment 1�Bp 50>00 �g�
t9dult Yt�o�ram
5°�34 `�PP13:es c"00.00 2d0.f70
J�3or Dance Yrogram
o.�3g supp2ies 75,00 75.CG
?w3R MAscellaneotas Sttppliea� b?b.� 319.88
�...� #4a331"�i�
xscxEarlcr► FuHn
�� 1r 3 -. �9��'9
Period ApT lst to Bee 31, 1959
�� �r.�
1�12 DSrector ot &eo:watinn
S1�raner Pl�. �ound
2»�32>1 a, assisLanL (Y)
2-12,.2 bA �ssistarec (m)
2-23 c.. Trer�sportation
2-•52 d., Equi�ertt
3 39 �+xpendabie Equipment
School Iteci•eetion :'rogram
ta-12 a►, lissistant (m)
4-52 b. F�uiPmeni
Adult i'zop,rrm
5-3�5 Su�l.ies
Junior Darnce Program.
a..3g 9upplies
7 39 M:,sce]].aneovs �ppiies
�' ' � f t; � t.
� .�
�. a•
r s. ��
•i •� �t �:
� �
• ••
�r .:�� i-• •� �. x�
:. • �� ,
�.� . �.i �s�, ,�e
♦♦ s+
y ., �I, 9.s c =
,�� l� .3i, /Ys�
Period Apr lat to A�c 91, 1954
h" i T'A'�
Irl.2 Dlrector ot &ccreatinn
3�gr,mer Pla; �gz�ound
z—�zez ao a$ax�t�,t {r)
2a1.2.2 b� AseistatiL (ra}
2-,23 a. Transportati�n
2--52 d. ;:qvi�ceflt
3 39 i�mendabla Equip�nt
Schooi Itecresticui Prograsa
Lr12 a, A��.atanL (m)
4-52 b, F'quiFment
A+dttlt P1vP,ram
5-39 5vpplies
J�ior D�nce Progx�am
c-•39 5upplies
7 3° r;�sccs�3ar_�ous Supplies
#�iry+� �1y53o.oa ��
�l7i.�C► 2'75 � 00
�;� 1506a0 �
� SC�.C]0 �+'i�
�t�1 20Qs00 1�
� Stl„W �
.r ��
75.40 '}'$�
�� �
! \
Ft�Gi3€..'<'ii;iJ .FUMD
��lr 3i, i9� 9
Period Apr lsb Lo Doc 31, 1959
�.12 Direotas ot A«DU�sd.l.nn
Slmuner Pl.q•grouad
2—]2.7, ae Asaiatant (f)
2.•1242 ba Ass3star►t (m)
�23 co Transportatiari
2W52 d. Equi�rnnt
3 39 wc�e�aanl.e c�,,.t�nt
School ita.�re�tinn Pro�rr�e
4�-12 a. kssisf: �� : {m)
1r52 b< �xigneaC
A�u2t Yi+op,ram
5-�39 9u!�pliss
J�ior Derice Pxvgram
a-39 9nppliee
? 39 Hieaellaneo� 9nppliea
EJL,,,,,PI�t•,�I.i,,;.,L",,� AU ET P,ALAIdCE
�¢ �t,590.00
as0000 „�,
� SCOooO �¢«'�
:ar�1D §060� �}
� k..: j.: �I >.
t ti'
�d �
�� 4
Yinutes oP the Fridley Reereation Commission- Au�ust 10, 1959
Yembers Presea� Melton, Sheridan, Aammer, Milcarek, Berger
Ot ers: Betty Vfilson
ipproval of 1iin�ztes: The �inutes were approved as read.
Iss nce: Idarvin Brw3sell has received a bill for a blanket policq
or t e baseball progr�m. Only two boys tnrned in money on that
program. Thmre were 125 boys in the baseball pro�ram. 18 other
childreza paid Por inss�rance (Prom the playgroand). This makes the
bill a to�.}. af �].8�. (143 people O�1.50 each).
S t on of the Summer P o : B. i�ilson presented the newsletter
sent home to the parents. see attaehed) 681 children registered
for the swn�er program. B. i�ilson
exhtbited ir. the Hobby Hoase. The
8LLaCnea.1 rna p
�ve Senior Li.f'e
r� hirir� others. K
to the Council by
School Board how
in � Por�l wey.
• � `�
presented posters which had been
posters were oi w3r�ers of various
on Budgst for 1960 presented by B. wilson. (see the
lan ineludas 2 playgrounds. Playground leaders should
Saving certi.ficates to double at the bescY��rithout
total oP $4700 wRS oronosed. Th3s must be t�resented
Sentember. The Commission must snell o�t to ths
we use moneq, What aetent„ wh�t we are getting etc.
eb : The Coaches want ta g�t sponsors and to disa£Piliate apd
�et their Puncis elsawhere.(renorted b.q g. Ha�nmer�
Summer Eauinment: B. Wilson sa�*s xe need storsge sDace Por Equiument.
R. Sheridan sugg�sted building a closet at the sehool. ill summer
equipment is stored dowt�stairs in the city hall.
Dancess ouBust dance discouraged becar�se Qf �ocr attendance at last
daucs in Jul.p. First d�nce oP new season to be with � band. B.
Wilson �s to go over_chageroae list and revise it Por new year.
B� s.• ♦ bill for �106.65 fo� basebell-equipment (bats) was A�"ented
of r seriPicAtion. A motion was made s�nd seconded to approvs tlae
pay�ent. thought
Letter to Co�eil mn Pflrtsz D. Yelton �td� we should continue to
use the Yacilities �P the school and that since the council is already
aware oP the prohlem that Re should not send a letter indicaxing
the need Yor purehase oP pare lanQ. The grou� agreed.
� �,ss�; B. YYilson to Yal].. program ready for nezt meeting.
DBe'rger to conteet Bill liorin about equipmant. ask hia to bring copy
of equip�ent leYt to next meeting. DB to se�d article to the TAB on
s�er prograa. DB to get ready a letter to the counci]�. DB to aet
ofP a letter to dohn g. Hr+nson, S�?pt. of 8chools requesting sppropria-
tion of 115pp for .ne�ct year.
�Text 1[eetine: Sept, lf�
JtdSottrnment: The Group ad jonrned at 9:15 p.m..
��U1'J1V: :tl :�Li�.V �.:..',.J �: �,.�._i. . I' 1.?l�: �i� .. .:.v! .�'n}iT..r
'1�"12 i"'Z'1QlH �>U?7Il7??.'P a�iH(:1't,"dt1CT1 iT'O�P%3Yti C�:.Y' r/�' t;C:y^.riv'(. c:SL'CCc'S9
in mdn5� d1.if'erent vc�.��s. 1he m�in cne, oY' cot�r�e, iU the number
of re�;istered bops ��nci �irls, ��,pich �e�.c'r�ed Gal.
`?'he enlar�Pd enr�l�ment brnurrrt on man�� int�re�tin�° ��x°oblems,
�rnP �cain oi�e ��-�s bettin� aufficient hela t,c carr� out thP orogran!.
?'!N!) !niPP9 �71PP,Cl t:1 1'?P,lp 15+1'tl"; 54+/=iTII?'11T1& 8.T?Cj tl"!PP.P, hF;].70C1 T'B�UI?T'].4 8't
t]"1P, �Z�ZTFS1'�U7?rl. '�'�"`.2T"P l%'onP, C�RVS �4�h371 TnOiB Y1P1� CnUI r� 'f13qE; Yjr?r.Il L1J _P,d,
'Pi^c 1^t;.3 Slt,1;�1;1_OYl V,!Fi.', rli'.�.t.F: ��00� •,Yl(1 }19Vir�r; }`,ttj f,r�71;�T�CPf".?ti'.".�T'.
� "S `� fa.rr?t `�53?f; tn 1;hE> �T'C�c:2'%-��;... It '?"'nil:?'},,t 1'181':z., �.%O:'� �nr1 ,iY�3
1?]t,0 i l�q *)TOP;r?)'� '.�!ti�.0� Q„_F'.Y'ffi'lSP �`T L?.1� 'r]C3V8 GE,'9I] LlTl.a�ll e t0 PttBrl�.
U�^,il�? lii�^ t� �����k� th�se t,i;,�e::ticns w}iile 1�okin� o-head to
tha =`r �r=�.rr_ f i��0. l`�e V�ii_l n�� �d adat�icn�:� �1����;1°cuna apace,
1':'�i� i� 1__ . ?��:t r�rlSVi�r: :�le�ri. .;c iCU1 aG ;^,e11 ,_�-� e.; cl'C�Ol
�}iC;U1.Q l�_'.c: L�11�17.Er? i�i. t,ti'�1�.� 1'T'O;�T':`117"t. .L V;�LiIC�_ :iUb�'�c,:it. �, at'�:f'f' �.t; E�flC:'-.
�l AV .�rnUn� ni C7'1° ... . �.1. C .:.' �� f1a.,j 'L`;' ,' .. ;.,.� ±�,-.;-� ., � _:,t.,n�� ,,rri+,;�:
..1:Y?1C]", 1�".YO r'll?l_1f1C�^i�lOI15• I Y.Ol;ll!� .=1�J0 .�'.Li�,c?P,St. F,�",.`t i:'"'.
L,..:, tr;nsnort�tion be cc,ntinued.
It P�85 . ,]ZC'.asure ,vCr�r;,,,�, P;+,r, ±.Y 13 "�T'C:�.I' �*^, � f' � ;;.5�,
-�etf',,!` L• "':ii'JO''?
.�,r� ,n?;�t x�ct�QmT��� �::^?"y, T��;��.n.Tm•�.
Dear Parente:
We would like to take this opnortunity to give you some intereating
highlights o£ the firet fovr weeka of our six weeks� program.
We have a record dnrollment of 676 youagatera of Fridley enjoying
the different activitida included iu the prcgram,
The firet week indluded many fruatrationa for both boye and girle
and the recreatioa leaders, ,Attendance was etupendoue. This brought
about a change in the bue achedule so tha youngatera covld get more
individua], attention in the arte and crafts and a+xfmming.
The tournamenta have been croquet, badminton, horeeehoe and archery.
The w3nnar�s of the horseehoe tourney weret trophy, Gary Blometer;
2nd place, Pat Prentz; 3rd place, Allan Kirkidee; and 4th place, Ron
Girard. Theae people will participata in the 8ed Feather Horeeshoe
Touraey at 8ecker �'ark in Crystal, P�ionda,y, July 20th,
The winaere of �he archery tournament weret Gir1e� Divieion —
/'� tropby, Judy Pentz; �nd place, Doana Histadeau; 3rd place, Jane Goreki;
and 4th place, Cblleen Casey and Terry I,ent, Bays� Division — trophy,
A11en %irkidee; 2nd plaoe, Jaek Zinz and Bob Niitchell; 3rd place, David
ICirkidee; and 4th pl�ce, Detmie Scribner, These people will participate
in tfle,Red EeatheP A3�bhery Tovrney to be held at Brooklyn Center, July
27th;at 6:30 P,ii:
7k�� turtle racea will be held at Hayes School oa Friday moraing,
July 24t�. The winn6re of this tourneq will participate in the 8ed
Feather Aqu�tienai,el Turtle Derby to be held at Thomae Eeach oa Lake
Calhoun bn Saturday,;Ju1y 25th'.
All parents are invited tb eupport the youngstera of Fridley in
these evente.
There has been so much interest in the weekly spec�.al events which
take place every Friday afternoon. They have included a pet day where
ma�y cute and etrange peta were paxaded. Hobo Day wae very popular and
the playgPpnxid at Hayes School wae loaded with hoboee and their black
faces and shaggy clothes. Wheel Day brought many beautifully decorated
bikee, trikes, wagona, aud even floata on skstea. Cowboy and Indian
Day brought many cowgirla and boye ae well as Indian chiefe and aquawa
to the playground, A highlight for thia event wae a vieit by the North—
land Dairy Poniea which gave rides to all little Indiane and Cawboye.
^ On Friday, July 24th, the epecial event wfll be an ice akating party
to be held at the new Ice Center on Wayzata Blvd, There is a charge of
� 60¢ for Chie eveat to cover the expanee of the youngeters to get iabo
the Center and their bus fare down and baclt.
The laet special event will ba a Program Picnic to be held Friday,
Julq 31et, at 12:30, All parents are invited to come to thie epeoial
event which cloeee the aummer recreation program.
The evrlmming clsases have been making escellent progreee under the
tutelege oY Patti Welle and ieighton Hohn with good beach help supportiug
them aafl guarding the beach and free water pley area.
Arts end cxaftie projects have held trenendoue intereet for a11 the
boye ead girle. 2hua far these grojects hav9 included bead bracelete,
plastic bracelets and lanyarda, popetick jewelry boaee; moeaic tiling,
copper emboesing, hammered alnmi mim, pot holder�, oandles and cshdle
etiak holdere, and ehell jewelry. The Holly House at the Fridley Holly
Shopping Center hae been kind to donate a window to dieplay theee pro—
jecte every weekend throughout the program.
We, the recreation leadere of Fridley, would like to meet ell
parente at our Program Ficnic, Frid�y, July 31et,a� 12a30;
— Z ..
Betty Wilson
Recreation Director
t�p�GPU�.:ii :;:;i;t.�:"i'iCii b lill�}'.:i � lybc�
Direotaar of RtecreHti�n
e,uum�ner ::eareatiun
2�lay�round Leacilera � k 500
4 ::ssietants :� wl �n Yir.
.ioY:mol fieore�tion
p�gle h��ietr�nt
�dult 7 rc�;ram
_>uqnl ies
ti iOW. GO
200.0 0
�1 I