PR 09/14/1959.,,
� �1AUtea oP the Fridlav Rs�eatiQn ommisa,�o}� �,�Dt.,�y4. 1fl8�
�rs e�iwsente ltaltott� Nee, Shs¢�idan, 3ti],carek� Berger
Others� Betty �"lilson
ODD1'Qv�j,, oP��yutes2 The minntss were ��proved as read.
�s Tt�e following billa were approved�
L. S. �oneldson �1.81 for Ribbon
fisgera Gredit of �2.�E1
t A draPt wes presented.
ridsn is to preeent ti e request or arpropriation to the �ouneil.
A total of �4700 to be requsstoci Pxom Cow�cil. Z650 wi],7, be added to
��s,,,�..���...,,�.�-.��i�e.. ���.4..�,
9 0 � t The commission agreed to request
S . aay a8u . appas at the achool and ask Yor �ook�r aNao�
(8�high by 3� square minimw4j. Com�nission agreed to request the aity
to guild the locker. Space in Lhe City Hall for s�r recreation aad
i�eaebelt equlpment ia also to be requesrsd of Dir. Maddy.
e• ,�� ?�� � Dstre Vegar ia to take the lhursday night boys
1 i Sc oo progra� (T•►� p.m.) sad ttx� Saturday morttiag S•1]. am grad•s
� 3•9. Betty Wil.son is to tr�ice girls on the same days �nd timee but on
altsrnata weelcs.
�Q,�,}� B. �ilson reporLs Lhat m new roster oP chapero�es ia bei�;
a• up. is to asg the PTp tor help on Thursday.
Sahedule of. Teen AeLivitiesf
9/�9 Baad and Danae; lQ/3 Iee Skatiag; 10/17 Sadie Ha�kins daras.
1Q/31 Halloweea dauae� 31/14 Baakwards da�os 1,1/E8 Slop Hop;
18/1� Dreas t�p Ds�e
�ciult Proarea: iie�ke�baU. is to start Por adults in November. Thia
$nould be discussed at the next neeting. Civia organizations, ahureh
groups� Fri�ley lterr should be notiPied oP this. B. lwilson is to eheek
on school use For adults.
or Re s j'he Junior commission wants ninth grade
yovngatera at the enior ces. Ths Senior aommtesion agread to in-
viting 6he 4th graae Lo the neat darr�es arw to the Ice 5katino hop.
DB to invite Bill 3�Qorin� Fuxi Dfck '�onlan to the nex� �ueeting. They
should be askad to prepare �,�ana Por n•xt yesr. Ia8 to ca].1 9ieddy alwut
� lockea� at City Hal7. and at :;ahoW.. also about notaDook.
iC. He�prar to ch�ak xith +firs. ioxis about tba bus oill aud iee skating
S. �hsritlan tv have 19tt�rs o€ thanica a�nt �o the coac�ea.
B. »ilaon to da1N oi ��lrming a�ivlt pxbgre,� to DiB. DB to writ� up
a Porin and sena it an6 list oP na�s anci addrtsssa of ar�anization�
f�p BS�,i 2il� NY30 will peve the�a aent out.
OQ141ITt1ID�nt2 10 j►•�•
��tin��s �ctober 18.
i 4 ,�,e�" s9
DrePt oP a la$ter to the City Cotmcil
� . ., .� � .� . •,•
�a r _ , _ ._
The Rsoreetion Ga�►iasiott af Fridley Rould like to rsqu�st
the folloaring budgaL for 1960.
Director of Reoreation
Tvro playgrow�d leader�
O�S00. sach.
Four essistants � #l.
per hour
Bus to and Prom plsy
Dtele ar�sistant
�•. �•
. • �T�
�.• ..
�•• •.
.�� r�
School 8eoreation
pdt7lt PTOgTB�
This ra�resents an inerease ovQ the emount requested lest
year. However, becanse of the ittcreaeed interest tn the summer program
end the rapidly Snareasing DopulaLion oP Fridley, it is tbe opinion
oP this commiasion that the ezpanded budget is necessary.
Fridley Reareation Com�uiamion.
Attach a oopy of the 1�'ridipr Sn�ar Plsyground Program write up.
� �so � � .���