PR 10/19/1959r-.
Yembers rresent: Yelton, Sheridan, Nee, Mi.�careK, Berger
0 hers: Betty �itson, Bitl �[ori.n, Bob aapala
�i,nrovai oP Minutes: The minutes were a�,�,roved as read.
BaseDa�..L pro�ram: R. Sheridan indicated that it was his understanding
that the city wow.d deduct =4uu. Prom the allocment to the commission to
pay Dicx �onlan to regulate the use oP tne baseba�l diamonds and to
lay out the baseba�l �,rogram. I[r. Donian to be asned to pre�,are a
pro�,osed budget and scheduie Por the baseball yrogram. lt shouid be
his Job to reyresent the baseba�l grouy to the recreation commission«
No Pormal. action was taaen by tne Recreation Commission to appoint
YP, Donlan.
Tro A bill for �1u4.7v Rith tUe Minnesots Va�1.ey Sporting
Goo s o. or Embiems and Trophies was discussed with �9r, napals and
�r. Morin because they ran over their aliotment of #5vu. for the base-
ba�l program. Botn Mr; na�,aia and �r. Morin fee� the trophles and
embtems were essentia.�.to the boys morale. 6�,parentty they ran over
on their eapenditvres beesuse oP tast minute buying, iacx of uttderstanding
about rigid adherence to tne budget, insu£ficient communication with
the commission and doubt as to leadershiy of tne baseba�i grouy.
H. Sharidsn agreed to taxe the biit to the City Counc u to request
_� additional Punds.
ud et: Reereation Commission Budget is #4uuu. �ineluding tne #4��.
for wse ior the baseba.�i cowm�ss�ouer. �u �dditiona.L #�:5uu from the
School Board is to be added to our budget. The Commission had re-
quested �47uu Prom the Couneit originaily.
Schoo� Board AnnroUriation: A motion was made, seconded and carried
to notiYy the school board that a the commiss�on agrees to request
tne #15u� aypro�,riation on danuary 1. The commission agrees to send
the sehool board a budget indicating how the appropriation wi�l be s�,ent.
Odw.ti rro�ram: The commission agreed to hoid up woro on this �,art of
the �,rogram pending solution ofthe money grob�em. The fee�ing of tne
goup was that further expansion oP the recreation program might have
to wait untit the new year.
ResuEointment: D. Berger requested a reagpointment from the �ouncil
to the commission �P this ls possiole.
Assi�nments: DB to ca�l Mrs. Lewis regarding the Bus Bill from t he
summer program.
DB to ca�l �linnesota Va��e y S�roting Goods and notlPy
tnem that the bil.t. wi.ul_be �,sid shortly.
,�-� Ad�otarneelent: The meeting was sd�ourned at 6;3u p.m.
NeSt MeetlnR: Bov. y„ ly4y�
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Fontaine, bt�ranson, Stronga Milcarek and van Dano
�d�►• �1311 8I1C1 ��.wODw
she msetiag was called to atder at 7:45 a`cloc]c P.M. Asea°s vrere dis�
enaiaed fa� ekatiag zinks. l�.x. Fonta3ne sugges4ed fiYia�c Fridley Commons
be flooded f� a central area, o�her iocations named were Cap3L-al.&
�ss 48th and Main, Moore Lake and 3ylvan Ha1Zs, Dover Stseet, R�lce
Cseek Terrace Park, Ceni:xal and Miss3ssippi, and a site yet to be.
seleeted oa pziv8f,� psapesty in the NS ecarnex of Fr3dley,
It was noted by the City Manager that che Park Budge� for 1959 oras
u�at]y �chavsted4
ITex� itean of considesation taas tdse deve2.opmen� of property on Main
,� gLreet leas@d froaa Midland Cooperatives, l�o Donlin Presea�ed a
_,. 8avelop�ent plan wbich cal2ed £os waxk Y.o be doae �iais Eall as follaws:
(�eaditng and Leveling,
P18einy oi Clay oves en�ire area,
Placiag of biack dirt over end L•ieid azea,
SoBdiag o€ end field area an8 seediag of
out f3eld ara8,
Tho Patks and Pla�►gtouIIds CO�mi.ttee YeCa� 'h1�st the progsact 8s out-
lined be acc�aoplished ia so far ae po�aible dependinr3 upon weather
�o�ditic�s e _
'lbs qene�ral diacussion folla�¢,�ed abovt the acquisition of isua it► Fridley
iar �tt.use park dsvelo�maent. It was decided tiaat if the $150,000 boud
l�saa Passes that part oi this money cot�7.8 attd ehould sight£vlly be used
1a� planning pvspoees to dstermiae vdh3ch area would be most desirable
iac ptfrc9�ase iar patk purpo�s.
1�. Prancie van Dan aas sequeated to prepassa�n atticle fo� publlcaLion
ia tbe l�ridley Sews emphasiaing the impr�rea�rts to the car�unity of
!�e progoe�I ba�td iesue. Mr. Van Dasi agraed he would do so, (Note -
s�e i88tu oE OCtOi�s 22e £TODt psqe.) �
i , ..
Ii�etiag aclj�rtt.a loalo o'cioex roxo,
DTexE me�etiag at�teduled fo� November 23, 1959.