PR 11/16/1959....
Minutes of the Fridley Recreation Commission- Nov. 16, 1959
1[embers �resent: Nee, Melton, Blilearek, Berger
Ot ers: ick Donlan
Approval of minutes: The minutes were approved as read..
Bi11s: The �ollowing bill was approved:
Custodial Sei�vices at Parkview School
Por the �,:°BbAl],_ B@AA Feed Aug , 22, 1959 =11.�8
Old Business; Letters to the Coxches. The secretary is to check with
Sheridan and Pind out whether or not thank you nates have been sent to
the baseball eoaches.
The Baset,�l� Pro�ram:
Buda�t: In prepariag tk�e baset�all budget for 1960, it is the intention
oP the Commiss3.on that city money be provided to cover the basic eosts
including administration and basic equipment to assure that the program provided. Other costs such as umpire fees, trophies, dinners,
jersies and insurance are to be placed on a pay-as-you-go basis. 2he
ps�rticipants in the program are t^ �a *esponai�±le ?Q• these "eatr��,y,,,,,.,..�,;,.
9dministration: A motion was made to oPfer �r. Dick Donlan ¢500,�for the
full year o£ 1960 to administer the program as Baseba].1 Co�issioner.
Mr. Donlan's list of duties is attached in a copy of the contrsct. Payment
of money is to be made during �� June, .7uly and August of 1960 by
means of the regular city payroll procedure. Tjae motion was seconded and
approved. No�; set number oP hours was prescribed for the job. It is under-
stood that Mr. Donlan will do most oP his work during the winter and
spring but will be paid during the summer. A copy of Mr. Donlan�s duties�
his pay and agreement as to time of payment sre to be sent to him in the
form of a contract by the secretary.
Dance Pro�rams:
The Senior Dance group is in need of �i neir record player. The purchase
was discussed by the comwission. If possible the group should purchase
it out oP Punds. If it is �t possible Per t.ho �anoe �raup to purchase
the machine out of available funds, it might be purchased out oP 9-39
(�[iscellaneous) Punds. Bill Nee �greed to check and Pind out whether a
discount might be had.
The JUnior Dattces wsre discussed with the following results:
1. The Comrqission agreed that Junior and Senior Dances m3ght
on alternate Saturdays or alternate weeks.
2. Betty iNilson to be asked to take over the Jnnior Dsnees.
3. IP Betty Wilson agrees to take over the Junior dances she
ahead before the next meeting in December.
be held
can go
Par]cs and PlayArounds: It is the understanding of the Commission that
the City is to psy Dick Donlan to platt, build, and maintain psrks and
� any Pacilities for playgrounds. He is to work ciirectly Por tr.e city anci
is to be responsible to the park bosrd. This has nothing to do with his
�ork Por the commission ss Baseball Commisaioser.
� Assi�nments•
1. Mr. Donlan to set up a meetiug of coaches; �levelop a bndget; and write
up e set of laws for the coaches for consideration at the next meeting.
2. DB to write up a contract from agreement reached at this meeting and
mail it to Bir. Donlan before the next meeting.
DB to send a letter to l�rs. Lewis requesting Immediate bill for the
bus service this sammer.
DB to send a letter to the City A�aru+ger requestir►g thnt our aeeour�tirg
reports be made available by the lOth of esch month Por the pre-
ceding month. 2his will enable the comraission to operate mcare
DB to Call Kenny Hammer and ask about his attendbnce and wYiether or
not he wisY�es to resi�;n.
DB to write up 1959 setivities oP the RBCreation Co�mission.
Next Meatinz: December 14.
ed3ournaent: The meeting was ad�ourned r�t 10:15