PR 11/30/1959�
PARK3 �1DiD PLAYC�I20ITNDS CONE+I��TES i+fEETII�iG � Nl3V�ER 3��L-h, 3959
!leeting was called ,to order ati 7:�b5 o°clack P.t4.
�ers Present-
oth�ra Prg,�:
Fazr�a3ne, stron9. i�care7sm swanson aa8 van Dana
Danliai f Representixig ci�y)
Mt. Danlia subm3iterl a iis� o£ ice pands �hac �ave Ycad i3s,e €3�s4:
ccating o£ ice applied on '�:inem « i:hey are as fo31ae3s: sy3.vari Ha,7,ls,
Capitol aad Fiughes, �7th aa�d t�ain, Lagan Park, Hugo and Gle�coea
Aress i�ha� wi11 be £].00ded are Ra.ce Cree]c, Cen�ral and Miss�ssipp3
Stree� and possibly C.esi�a3 Ccmmtons aad aiso an area on M_oore La3se
atill be ma3as�sisi�da as �itese axe compZ��ced �ey cviil be lis�ed in �he
taoo c�ty netaspapesBo
The S9a�aeaa°s C].e�b has con�acred A6r, DonZairi expressing icYseir destise Lo
doaa� a warming house (Bu� �Ype) , Th� �ee3�.ng of tYse Commat�ee
is tZ�at wi�itoa.t a�t suPerv3�ione '�.a.s bu3].d3ag wil3. be useiess.
M4P+i.on by v�ts Dar! �his psob}eu� be L•ab2.e8 �o a Zai:er ciaice, I�ion
s� by stxong, bioi»ion caaried;
7'he new c3tY' budgc� for secreatian -- mux�3cipai parks was dir,cu���d at
9seat l�ength. Cade numbers weze broken down �o s2aam arheze so�ao o� the
%tux7s mese bei.ixg spenr: 3n� cdl�syo Mr. �Sa w312 hold the +ti#].e of City
Park Directos at a sa1a� of $2v00A.00 a y�, Cezta9.a ex,pe�ases erere
�l�scussed sueh as a sma11 fisuck or jeep to be used by Park Dizecscae far
hmul.iUg o:� equip�e,nt �o and f��t Patk 3seas.
lbt9An v�a raade l�i► 8evauso�s tkat Bark C�issioa resolve a�zd rec�ed
to !he Planaisbg Cartmm�S.ssion �tta� �2te C�ty �ake allowanc�s os e�ituree
la�r fttef�s to be ueed iA �2te fu�ure develo� of area ea� aad aoulh
o� Moaace Latce alaug Cessfi�'sl AveAUe wtsi.le construc�ioa Ys beittq dosre in
tbe ge�al area a� while fi12 1� available to �he City at s reseanablm
p�i�. Motian was secon�sd by S�.ro�g, ilotiox� carzied,
1lOtioat hy vaD Dsti ttiat Nt'. Das�2iu cozs�ac� tha City At�Bitos aind get a fu11
reBo�� oa w�at itimds are leL�L in the pas'k cam�tssiaa funllo Olotia� aeconded
by �oaaa�, f4otSaas carried.
� Mr. �aiae �ppoiated iKs. Des�.3a asW nax► Dan �o haadle all pnb�icitY
Eoar Pas7c Comnittee ated wzite repasts or► to3tat Ccnfm3.s:ioa i� do3ng, T7aese
repasts to �PP� ia botl� aewspaQers wc�eklyo
� Pmge 2- Pdtk and P18yc¢ourids
paat�aine alp8oiatsd D�a Dot'slin to contact bofih city sad st,ate pyrChasinq
llgattt4 faoe a poestble c�nqe to buy usad grass egui,gmeu�.
1�'. eMaasost rtiil si8o �k aith 1lro Donlin ia aubmittiag p,ricea £br
at�v equlpwe�t f'o�r eatting of hrceds and lac,rrrs.
8Lro�g aeoved that �ing be adjourned at Z0:00 P.1K, Mot3csi
aassiad. : .
� m�eeting og the Ccmanittee is scheduled for Deceml�er 284h, 19590
Hespect£u11Y subm,itted:
21r. llilcarek,