PR 12/14/1959.%1
::.� . ..
Minutes oP the Fridlev Recreation 8:ommission December 14 ly5y
�embers rresent: Nae, lleiton, Sheridaa, Berger
Others: None
ilc� : l. A motion was made, seconded and
]Sinnesota Valley Sporting Goods
trophies. �Account 5-3��
2. A motion was � de, seconded and
Sho�,pers Citiy for 4 bassetba�ts
ay�,roned to gay $tu4.`�v to tue
Company Yor basebeil embl�s and
approved to pay =y.4u to
and 1 POOLb8.i1, t>ceount 4-52�
�o i'ur�her bus�ness was conducted ai Lhis meeLlug.
raiuer �nan ad�ourned sua an agenda wss set u� for
to be he�d ott danuary i�. as a eontl.nus�ion oY the
�hemeet�ug recessed
tne fo��ow�ng meeLing
meetiug oP ,.ee. 14.
�.�uica Lon�an shouid have a oudge� Por Lhe oaseoa�� Yrogram yre�,ared ny
�anuary iy meeti�ng. ne sho�ud a�so yre�are a iisL oP names sua addresses
oY coaehes for Hay Sneridan.
2. betty w�.�,son snou�a aeseri�e her �oo in yrerara��ou Por ner coc�„racv.
3. L, derger �s co asn ,�, riammer yo send a letter tio the Councii resigning
rom tne Commission, ne �g,.,AOy 8�tend �ueeLings.
T 4. y. nerger is e� asu ..srvin �,runse�� Por a year end-s�s�emeat.
5. D, Berger �s Lo �,re�,are a conLract for tsetty ���sou auu s.�.so ,-,o cirai c
8"4M�W111�1��1 Vl V�YI�jSS.L�iI SCYiWi4yGS .�::. 175y.
AuPI'OV81 Oi YluUt6S: iit6 ,�.:uu�e3 ul �u8 a�Eo,.II� Oi aOV@ui�E:P 1u� ���7
are LO b2 amenaeq 8S iO�...uWS: l;, Guc S6COi0u Ot1 �tic b8S8bfl11 prograa,
the second yaragrayn on �AduL.u..s�ra��ou° �s eu resa �� ,�o,...oc. Was�
u0 vllei' :.P. y.,�<, .,Ou.�flu-;'rJUU• OP COmD11S310A iUT1dS •. V�82'W1S� ,.c.6
ID./.u:.�25 We1•8 fl=,rPUVE41 8S resa, _
,�ouev �ntia..e. �he �om�ission received �2�,.�i{� from tge Frldiey leen-.Agers.
�Gtl@C�.S �1vQ pf' �CL. 3... &u1(1 r,b'1 OI trBC. �) �
�+e�r ,reetiing. .,ars. u, 1y60
3600 - 63rd AVENUE NORTHTw
CASH ❑ CHARGE p I CONTRACT•.�[] I C.O.D.......p
DEPOSRE ......................_... r---- -�
Sale� Po�son
�. i� �.�'��--.r r�.i�.c '��. �...�YV: i: �:YY1.,< r�, ti-.
:�• '1�l4'r}'J
1�it� ws aalled Lo az�der at 8:00 o°alock P.Il.
•, .. ,.�
E•-' .,
sca�ati�e. strottge Sozaason and van Datt.
DCaLlfli� P2trk Diteatas' aAd CiCy Manegc�r� 1P8gl1Or.
Loeat�eos o! Ci�l' Par7s areas were xevieaed. Discusaior� oE s3t�s
and po�alb�le Asw locations t�ith epecia7. og the �40 • lote
!�n p�wou�3 1ldditicai aac3 the probiems related to 4hese l.ots.
M�lien ZY ttan D8a thaeC R3Chard Donlin� 88sk Directar, be direc�ed
t� �ite pur$asg oi Power maarer as speci£ied and ags�ed upon
bi► tbe �c cammit�. �.on aecon8e8 by Strong, �s�s carr�.ea,
(gol.e — tbs pricss oP two mot,rers disaussed (xidiag tYAei — Qilsom
�" �$335.00i lboto 8laxoer � 2�1" .• $ ai8.00• 1
;, y ,
1�. Nagaer aas cai�,ed �p� to give the Cc�nittse aa iAea og i�a
P�itim aad paooer aaa�s'aia9 Pa�k system aa9 baadi�sueo D3aaus�ioA
siawissian o! p3,a�s !or i� g� og park Praper�Y with l�aa�d mooies.
It t►as deal,ded �!�e Ca�nit�ee wonid gmt taQsether atbd loo]c over
P�1s Pes'k eitss.
Ibtiaa by vaa Daa t]�at Dosslia ar�d Fcataine be disseCed to em! t�
aate sa� dapr a�eesagr. l►t t1�ss tsmo th. co�moi,ttee .►ui loox aame
au.tta�i� lat�d � pt�sk Ps'�Y� DI�.l.oai aovossded bl+ Btrotg. DbLian
� • �� °f � ��� � ��y� Jbatiary 16t1e, 1960 — 1s00 P.M.)
.. �
�� ��4 �ld�led £o� �y ZSt'h, 1960, 8t00 Pail, !�. Doettia
�� �.ilY tbe a�ra og the �estiaqo