PR 01/12/1960�
l"irn�tes of tY� rri;�ley Heereatior. Con�issien - T�nsrv 12, 1960
This ?�eetin!� w�s er extersicn oi th� ?nePtir�s* of ;�ec�m'her 14� 1�5�
chict? ��as never far^ia-�ly �=.djourreci hecause of ur,finisY;ec3 business.
?=eTM!bers Ireser.t; '`elton, �?er�er, F� 7-ermo, Sherida.r
OtrPrs; `�ilson, Donl?n
A�nrona7. of ;'ir.utes; 3'ir.tztes � not re-d at ' fiis Me�tir�.
?3u_ d�s "'he comn�ission vrorked or a. bud.�et ar.c� a�reed on the one
att�ched. A motior. ua.s ^�de to ��,pprove tbe bud�;et by Sherida.n and
seconc�ed by Fer�?er. Tre ?notior c<-;.rried.,
Bi11s: A motion v�a.s �r.e� seconded �nd. casried to r�y the follocrin�;
�c?clen Ttr.d-io Co, for ren�i.r. of phono�r^,r,,l° �`5�50
Trroll�oocl ?'otors for Pvs Se^nice ir sn�n�Ar play�rour.� pro�r�m
Revenue: my�P Conr-�issior. 2ccerted � check fo,- `�1�.00 from tre Serior
D�nces (#16Q),
Irsur�nce: The Co*n*�ission ca,nnot unc!erstsr.d � bi7.1 for �61.50 pre-
seated bp 3?utual of Omah�. �7or.� c�ith xx�n�� a let.ter ind.iea,tirg
th�t tbe bi7.1. is for cover��e <d,ditior:?1. to � i:si ;.l,e i,:c,-� .;,,=
�., F ,. � , _ �, � �._ , .- ,.,� ; .. , �
_.. , , , .- „- �
, �. �_. �.�. .,.,:: r,� . ; �
:. � --
:�d.iourn*Zent: The bnsineas 8or l�F-� 1. :. r �.: �.;? �nd tha,t pa,rt
of tYe mePtir.,c elosed.
Gtzrreht ?�tzsiness:
�?asebell- �'r. Dor_lir rerortec' t'hat � storeroe*n has been nrovid.ed
for reer.e��tion eo,uipment c:rier desk s_r�.ce.
Da,nces: B. 'dJilsor reported that locked, spzce for epv-ipment is still
n.eed.ed a.t the scheol, It c��-s �.�rreed that F�. ;'.'ilsor Rould Y;ave the
P''." "'�''�'�`�j
Trea.sttrer of ti�e Teer. D�nces send a, check for '.�20,0C� to the City
Recre�tion Rund from Jurior-Senior dancea tris ye�r. B. ��rilsor
� -2-. Jer,ua.ry 12� 14fi0
� reporte tb�t chevperores �re rot coming a.s scheduled. It c,e.s <^greed
tha�t B. V7ilsor �nou7.d s;neak to the F.T.A. about ch�reores and ra,ss
out "promise° c�rds to the parents in a.n a,ttempt to �;et some committ-
ment 1"ror�. tYe^�,
Sumr�er F1?,y�round: Registration is to to be Jur,e 13_17. Dates of
th.e prograc� are rune 2p-July 29.
Assi�:nments: D. Dor.lir.; To �et price or tota.l of bz,seball equipmerrt.
Check or a,rts' cr�fts�]_e Frices.
T�', ?'rurse?1 ; To provi�e us e�ith a, closeout on the
1�59 bud�et.
R, Sheriflan; To ser.d thark you rotes to baseba,ll
D. _F,er�er: C�11 K. F?�mmer �.'�out Yis resignation from
the Commission,
Complete report or. 1�5� a.etivities for the
Send copy of nerr.budaet 1,o Council.
Ac..iourr.rment: r.'eetin� �.djourned ?t 10;3(` p�m,
.?���ary I4, Y4�v
�3u�,,�,�.'-t .."�^ :iecz°e::�io�a :a� �.��: ve:.r 14cA
M. tair�ct�, cf' :ec: �3�3�� w'2�t{3Q.
�i. ."lr:y,v,rc�unc� ie:::3�:� (1) :00.
�. �:�,sis;.�:n�� f43 =;l.a7t3
�e: 'r.�::r cr�A.
D. )ju:� tr�.n:��art�tin� �flt�.
}!. s.Ciilj.rl:+E.''ri$ t7�i�.
i ot«1 t�r °���:�ar F 1�y�rJUn:i
an3 :,w3�in� �'ro,ra� �44t�Q.
B. r;Qi� �,.,ai::�<-:a� �ar ;:,c; �ol
�'ro��r�� <::+urir.� w3.s;Cc:r 2t�0.
G. ��:sabali C:�.:�:._i��i,�z:�r SJO. ,
�{1 J.� '���Ril 1�1 .`i(:j„�+i.�� Mi�e+�~j��sif
s.nd repuir of equir�c�:nt.
}'eeree.� �c}�:i�t�.�=nt 5��.
Juniors .;:�uitrw�a�t 25�.
Utt�e�' GiJ.
'1`ata2 far ��saib€�11 l�l{i.
'iot�i ::x; encti t�re;; 5930.
:�iscell:n�a�s ��urplie�,
i.�1�. "=�r,*1.=i..�`nci�s �5�.
?'at,sl '" ci�60.���
C3ty :`�ecr�ation i�'und �a4�7U0.
� Crool 3aar@ �isa;; i5t�0.
�+eniara- 18 <i�:�ces
" �'1Q. per
.iuniar�- 13 d�:naes
,;1U. �er
:;wam�r Enr�1���IIt f�e$
eati�aLed at
FlL79 �8G'S e�t�:�:t4.d c�.t
ioL�l rt@Yertue � b550�
. n
^ �t� o������
6431 University Ave, N. E.
Minneapolis 21, Minneso+a
T � �..
- �� 19-� 6959
o w�,.,� x��.�. a��,a� �o.. s.: �.�,. � No.