PR 02/08/1960.� _ _
1�j,n� ..a of .h FTid� �Re�r .s .ion •ommission- February 8� 1960
,� 1� mh-rs Pr-c-nt: �elton, �ilcarek, �'slermo, Berger
J -h -rc: Donlin
�pnrove� of ilUin� _c: The minutes from "anuary 12, 1960 were approved
as read.
�,Q.�� �n the Recreation Fund Budget Form Category 471-6-39 is to be
cslled Dance �'rogram.
Saseball �'ro�sm: �r. Donlin reports that the �+innesota Valley Co.
quoted about $150. less Por total amount of equipment than the list
price. We cannot get an arts and crafts discount with this company.
Pyh�t�ttr: �r. Donlin vuould like to put publi M ty in the News and
Tab to get coaches and would also like to ma}ze weekly reports to the
papers on the baseball pr�ram.
InsLrance: �r. lionlin reported that parents in Columbia Heights sign
. s release when their children participate in the community program.
The Secreation Commission made no decision on this. �r. Donlin wants
to check into the matter. �tt
Ree 4.ra.�on: �r, Donlin would like to have a general registration
for the baseball program. �e would also like to have parents come to
a meeting at the beginning of the season.
�qinter yro�ram: The Warming House was locked until the City provided
supervision, it is open Sund�y through Friday from 1- 5 p.m.,
Saturday from 9-12 a.m, and 1- 5 p.m. jt is open now with supervision.
�g: The Commission authorized Betty Wilson to buy a new 45 record
player for the dances.
�a5g Ae�ort to thP Council: p draft was presented to the Commission.
n Amendments and corrections were made.
�tra_ �Lra� Yro�ram: The possibility that this program msy be duplicated
by the School intra-mural program was mentioned by �r. Donlin and
discussed by the group.
Planntng: The adult program should be planned as soon as possible
so that the commission can forward it to the Council in advance of
Next .tn : Yarch 14.
�d,iotrnm.n.: The meeting was adjourned at 9s15 p.m,