PR 03/14/1960<
! •
` l��,antos oP tha Fric�ley �iaQreetion C mmiariaa ��aroh 14. 1965�
�empors 8 sr smnL: sAeridaa, �eltoa� �e.� Berg�r
OtA�ers,t poA1IA� �ilmoA
,�orovel oP �tinuLosc The minutes were approred as raad.
♦onasa From Juaior and Senior Dano�at �hsaka � 181. 183� 178, 171
for e LoLol o� ifd�.00 �aoh. Totel i�•00
;e�ior and J�ior Dances: B. Nilaon mado a reporL on the dances.
$ooard Weahine: Ho record machiae hea bsen purchased. 45's oP
the type we wanted are not being sold. Dayton�s hns a 4•speed ,
unit ��A8.50. A motion was made, 'econ6ed and oerried to
authorizs p►u�ohase of the Voice oP 3[usic player ��42.50.
Che�Deroneas The PTA meetiag got 25 couples Por aheperones. we
now have a nsw set oP chaperoaes. It is working well with no
r� �ball Proarem: �[r. +�onlin apoke about the progrem and presented
a sehedule oP even�8. The program is to have a regiatration form
includiug a stetement saying Lhet Lhe City ia not responsible Por
injuries to boys in the program.
WarmiAa Houeg at 3[qqre Lakas �ir. Don11n rsporLed poor attendance at
Lhe sketin� area and said that the house is ttow cloesd. He s�id Lhe �
attendance might improre iP ereas for hoakey ead apeed akating were
sat up.
S�m�sr Reo,�gatian F aram: A l�tter came Prom Snburben Aecreatlon
Association inviting the Commisalon to perticipate in its suamer prw
gram. B. �ilson talked to Diak uiilson and indiaated we would like
aome ssrvicea: S.R.A. is going to cherge S0� Por arta end oretts:
B. YVilaon suggested chsrging the ehildren �1.00 for a program regis-
� tration fee (to inolude the 50� for S.R.A.) to help pey for estrea.
.�- ,- -----
A motion was ctede� aeco�ded and carried that ths segistratfon !a•
for tbe 1960 sum�sr program be y1.00 per child. B. Wilaon said that
S.R.A. Yurniabed E eTts end arePLs, 1 archery and 1 speaial eventa
person last year and that Lhis was very helpPul.
�.immi� Pro2ramt rhe City is hiring two liY'eguards. lir. Donlin re-
ported on this and said that the guarda will heve iW.S.I. certificaLea
IF he requeats it and �hat they might then b� used in the Recrestion
PhilnaOD2Lv of H��reations Dlee Paels we should invite aomeone to help
ua discoes Lhis. Tt►e group disaussed what the aommission might to to
help family integration. A parept dance wes mentioned. B. Wilson
aaggested thr�t the last dance of the yeer might be on that order.
Diek Uonlin egreed to find soo� one at tha University in Recreation or
someone versed in community recreetion to telk eitd tne group.
./'� '
F�eation oP OPPiasra: y motion wae mada� seconded and aerried to
aontinue Ritd Ray 5heridan as Chairmen and Dorothy Berger as Secretary
of the Commission for 1960.
assienmentsa �. wilson to purchsse the reeord playsr. vick �onlin to
investigete e speaker. D. Serger to aend trie School Board a copy of
the 1959 report on Com�nission activitiea. Also an edditional copy of
the �ninutes to/mede by the secretery.
�t �+�eettnx s April 4
Ad3ourr�ent: 10:00 p.m.
_.�.,,,_.�",'`�. ��w+i 4' . :::Cs=_ . ...... ,....
i I 3, �3
��,� J:;�a�aa�rc� �s��s�,sstiirlG A�oirrr xECx�►�rxc�ia �c�as:r� .��.� i,�r��.;;::Y,-= ,--_
Th� village Council of Fridley �30 ordain as ir.0�1�7rJ57
�ection l. 1'he EstablisYune:nt and Compo;.iti�n �f �s��rc' , �'r;.=::-�:
is hereby created a recrea�.ior. laa:�:d f�r rhe. co:wao,.�i;�
r�f :'ri.�3Jeey, pu: suant to the authority ,iven Ly Cha;:��:r. �3 s. La4, ;;, : ,�`,
�a :s.:r crk°icTa tYie power of the village and 4�1xe uCttdO�. Y.DJaY'CI ::o � ;�.cz
AEXLY}t� a:: recreation may ba C�@�.0�(dt2C� t0 5UC12 2. aJr3Y.°t±,. 'i��E". +::i'i:C.' .� '._..,
e:a�as;��� o� seven mombers, ca�n�osed as follcws: �tT:c� xytayo� �;..s . ,.. .
ti��� Villac�e Councll: a mesuber of the park i�oaa:c� an� a n.s�r��r c,��: ��i.;.
s;..h�ol bo�rd �� :.nok3 County District 23, az.l �: �n a:c�Sax� ���a�;-�a���:.a.:,a:
�r.r� four c:itizen mefabors, t4T0 of whow shall be ar»oi��c.=.f3 ,w�> t1�ry �:,.:'.� ;, s
Cau»ci1, and Cwo by the school bosrd. Of the citizen� a���_�rsa�•c'�, r_-s-:�:
a�,pointecl by the Council and one appointed by the sc33ao1 ;a�.�: r?� =ar�a1?
serve for i.he term enc]ix►g Decerober 31, 1954, and the o�eiar tcsc si�a,�.'. ;..,
appci�t�d ;:or a term en�3ing December 21. 1956. Therea�ter �ac ra�b.�=sn
znerai3cxs shall be appointed for terms oL- two yearso sc'r.h ariy.j.zaam �,r.a;
anct s�,ccessive appoi.nteea ehall serve until their successors are apg-
einteci ano qualified.o Citizen members sha11 hol� no o�C.17er �ublic o�= _c:e.
except that o= notary public�
,�.,� A vacancy ahall be L-illed for tS►e une�pire�t po*°�.ior.. �'_
' tti� term e�y the appropriate appointing bocly. Members or the boarc: ;=M,a3.1
serve withnut compensation and shall not be personally inter�°.stsr? i.�a c<.�;�
cont.x�acts of tl�e boatd. They shall at the bec�ix�ning of eaak� Siwcz�l y��s.:�
s�lect a chalrman asid a 6ecretary from their o�m: numb�r witY► d+kt.ierr ar,
addition to board memUerahip f�lied by these titles. A e�a.7ori�.y ;;h.�11
constitut� a quorum for the transactian oi business.
Section 2. General Pwrera. R'he rscreation board shali Ysave pawe�
to opnrate a program of public recreation an�3 plaY-
9rouncis as joint agent of the villaga ancl school distrl�t,. T� =n,l p�.-�
of the public recrsation program of the ca�mmun3ty is adminiate-:�c; Wi��et--
ly by any public or privste aqency other than tha board, th� hoaxd s;-e�:11
�ave pawor to ma:�e aooNerative agreemoni with any such puaslic uz p�riva�.e
acJ�ncy for thr+ purpose oi• coordinating all the ackivities ar.d faci::..t-i�s
includecl in sucli public recreation program. Thm prcx�ram dircc+.l✓ u.s?.�as -
isiexed by the board mx�y make uae of public property assignes3 t�, or �{:
pri��ate property leased or o�eY►erwiae made avai.laY�le far, gublic �ccrz-
a�ian use, The Village Council shall determine •rhat land is to �e ac-
qafred by it for recreatioaal purpose3, wkzat land ic stsalY be pex�ni+.:cs.
to use in carryiag on its =ecreational pxog.ratts, and �i>aa� bui��s car
other ���reaat+urit 3tructuses ar¢ to be ror�structec� apon �ucYa Zanda Ti:.�
school district shall make aimilar deciaions �rith res�ect to it� larac�,
axaci the construction of buildings ar other pezYnaner�t stcruet�ares u�>a:� 5�:.
2'he board shall adViBe the Villaqg Council and t2x� achool board upusi
such matters and shall operate facilitie3 made avaSlable to it ior re�
creatioael purpoaest but it shal! have no authority to acquize 1�-u:c3 ira
(3.'}�f�.::�. A
^ i t.; a�trn rs�:4rae ox without the Consent of the goverrunantisl unii: i:r, v�tao�e
rz;z;^w: such land is to be acqul�rad, arx] it shall havQ no autli�z3.i:k +wr,
const�uct buildinytt or othez p�errnanent structures upo�s any t a�ca iritr�,..
o�a� e;iaQ con�ent of the a,mers af au��h _ and� ar►d in no s�vent :s�a;tz ^iar�:�
�it� 2� irags or 8tsuctuz'ea Y�a CoastruCted by the E�pasu us;va� �rr i�;�;a� wI~�
anane:a ianr.
:;ection .ia 5peCifAC Fowers. In ordes: to carry ora t2�F_> ra^k�`;;:i�,;a
�ro<Ii��a prav ided herein, the baazd shall havea pc��er v�,.
��4 Adopt ru2o� Eor its meeti.rigs 3zaG t2:e: �c�.r,sas�i;i�r� �a
its busfn�as and rules governi�g �-a?e a�� k�y th�; �u:�:;la,c
o£ the recreation facilities undey- i�:s cur.�..:<az;
(bj E�nploy and fix the caanpensation ot• a superir��.es�+�,�n� cr
supervisu� of reereation, fnstruetr�r�, leaex�rse u�7a�sini...-�
trative guarQiana, and custodial �exsar�ae� , ��na, �cn c:arrrl:
tlie wc,r;aaen'e campensatton i,nsuranc�: �unci pxovidr� Ec�:�
surety bon8s for any euch oificex� and emg>3c;�ea a Fro-
vided all oi-Licers anci employees aha13. ba s�2e;;'r,€�3 on a
baals o£ mezit and fitness� ana instacuctvrs anc dar::cficxs
ehall be a,ppoint�d iri ecunpli�nnre with L-h� minunuri quali-
flcstfone satab118hed by the M1nne&ata De�attnienfi c.7.L
S�ucatloa►r ma]ce purchaess of materials, suppii�s; c�uig-
ment, and servitoa, but auch purchaaes af othar tlxan
versona2 servi..°es shail be aaopetitive anu in orue; :� ln--
volving more than Five Hundxed Dollars ($50p,0p} sha21 b�
selectod aftar nublic advattising and cp�ning a;: �,n•��tt�n
i�) Make contraCta for completion wikhin a c+�:�r��nt �iscal
(d) Lease real or poxsonal property for r;�1ic reere�t:iaxza2.
u�e for perioda not lonqer than one year;
(�? AccepL giita
sectio� 2.
oP real and paraonal property ;:or pu}ai;.��
purposes. subject to the provis.iar,� o�
(f) Maintain atnd care for public property whxcli bt has aa-
quircid or hae i►ad asaiqned to 2.t fot ;��ublic recreaticna3
puxpoeas ilteludi�g the carrying of any ins:irar:ce craverag<.
it deems neceaearyi
�_ (g) Perform w2tatover other acts are reascnaL,le ane7 r,ecessary
and propas to carry ori a recreationai prcx;r,am uraciex tlxis
ssetxon 4� Preparation of Proqram, The board shsli cach ya�x
� �;.�t �:F _
^ Prinr ta �eptembex 1, prepare a comsprehenaive pzog:�, fur U�ia1;c
rec::r•attan activities ior tl►e ensuing yeaz�, w1.Ch rc�a�>_nrI�i; :aa.rr{�-
yior� a`r. re�poneibility aa botwoen pzivate .�getYCic��, or.h�:r ,�u:x>l_a.c
%pr;::s�aTi�a acYmini�totlnry xoCreation activiti�s Uirc;ct:ty, anu tite
l,oazc at:;e2f� 'Ptt�a Board`s avn prograxt ehaii b� c;es<x:s i1?ra a.n k�.as•a:s,
oi actfv�.ti'�s. ?93e budqQt of flnances sna11 be sza�>^tanti�s.11*� Iia)�
azx� and ; iiall st:aa:
A. �stimated reveaues, divicied as follcxr:�; {1) caa�tz•�.bur.ic�kg
fzom Viltaqe Councll; (2) contxil�ution f_'�:a;n �ckaoc�l .':>>:,a•r.c�a
(3) contributiOn from Z�ar1: board (or ot8:�r puia) ic 35ocy
havinc� pawer to lc�vy taxes Por rocraati.o��a1 ,��as:�ases� - 4�"�j
confiributioas £uc,m private sources; (a) eax�na.n�s €rom �e`i-
misaione and oYhor Chargea made for us� �= £�ciii�i.tis? �G�
miacellaneous revenuesi and
B. Estimated expez�diturea, dlvided as £ollaws: �1� adr.'.is�is�a-
iive payzoll� (2) instructional arx'1 supex•:�i�ory payr��.b; �3k
auatadial payroll� (4) eupplioss ,5) pzintinge �6B po�rcac��;
expre�s, Er.eiqht, utility chargoa; �'7) rePairs� {8) �:r�nt.s;
(9} eqniproentt (10) real estato axsd isuprovenents; rll,� m2:.-
cellaneoua e�enditures.
^ Such buciget shall be submittad aot lster than S��e�xa�e: 1, r;c� t.�e
:ti2l=kge Council, the achool board, snd aay other public body ;rorn
whicls contributions aro requested. Tl�e final d,cic�ionW as tc+ a�kae�n
contributiv�sa shall be reported bttck to the board, mh.ich shail �djus�
thu buc;yEt, iE necoa8ary. Th3 expenditure ai2owances, 4s finally a�ap-
.:�ov�d by the board, shall control the year's sner��:fng x�royrar.:, e:cce�t
rhat. c�xcess revenues received may be epent upon tt;e ag�prov�.l o.� :�ix
r.�ru3�ezs of Yhe bosrd. The board shall aot itaeli ievy taxe� or iaoxrma
inone.•yr and it shall not a�prove any clairoe or incur any oblig��icsns i�.�.r
y.�enc:fi.ture, unlese there !e .�nancumbered c.ash in tTn� iz�a�ury ta ti�e
credit o;: tha bosrd, with efiic'h to pay thct sae�.
Sec on 5. Financ�s of the Soard. For Yhe T�urpo�e of finaatcing
tho public recreation progra�m au�horiaer� by this
ordinance, Chere ahall be 0atablishad ia the villago accounts and
trea3ury a special iund Lo bc3 callod the Recrea�ion Pund. xnto tizis
tiuic shall be placod ti►e varioua revenue� aa enux�rated in s��tion 4
.and from it ahall bs paid claims for varioas recreation eaq�endi�tures
as enumera��d ia Section 6.. All receipts belonc1ing to thQ board ,�ha21
be d4y�o�it�ad intaCt in a banl: account to the creclit oi: �hQ iunri and no
disbursement s'hall bo aade Eran this bank account e:ccept by checT; nos
unless a voxified claim fox services assc3 co�nodit�esactually rendered
� Ur deliverod bas first beea submitted to and approved ior paysnea�t by
the bcrarci, as authentirated by signature oE the president and eier;::,
2'he accounting af hhe fur►d aad t2►e cuatody oi the cash and ths� ban7:
cltecl:irac� accounk shall ba in the hands oi the accounting ofEir_er aaad
Pac,�� 4 ,
t�,i�a txeasurer � res�tctively, of the villaqe. 2R►eae oiflc�rs si��t �
rcalce r�paxts to the bosrd at rQasor►able is�tervals as dEtermined b�
2he �oard> For purposes af budgeting, aceowntinq, and reportingb
tha fiscal year o£ the hoazd attd t2te fuad shall be from July 1., su�us
audit of ths� func]s shall be snad� anr�ually. Sueh acluit may be r:iacie
indepen�lently af or in conjunctioa with ar�y audit whiah znay be raaa�3e
o:: the funds of tla@ eillago or school diatrict. Tho board shall be
aut2torize� to establiah Cha,rges oz fees For the restricted ueF �f �.�y
gacilities or to malco apy phase of the secreation prograr� wk►olly or
partially sQlf-sustaining, Any concessions or priv�leges may be sold
after public acivertising and caapotitive bidding. Aay employe�: of
the board v,ho handle caah in the procoa� oi collcsctlon shal.l be bon-
Sectiof� G. Financial Report� 77fe board eha11 as soan as ,�osai-
ble after the end of esch fiscal year, gre�,�z�� and
'?resea�x t�a the Village Coulncil, br.7�o01 board, arui g11 other pu:>1�_� a;nea
�riva�c �articipating aqenciea, a comqorehertsive annual zepoxt oF zt2
�c�ivitle� and iinanoes,
;�eetion 7. Effectiva Date. This ordinanco sha1Z 7a�, ir effcc•>.
^ €zom anea after ite paesag� accordix�g to lxew�
Pasaed by the CQw�cil this 2r� day of November, 1953e
Pul73ishec7 T Tlxursclaya NoveYOheX 12� 1953.
Cari Haztma�n, �4ayor