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PR 04/20/1961
i� .�..�.�.;;:��. :..s ;rrc. QOl�lI33I0N — I►4RIL 2Ae 19610 �... _ , �ess Pre�enfi�a , . . s� . i k�- a�__.1f4_ � Milcarek, Berqer, PvN011, Suqhes, Bacoao Msasick, Dculin, 11r. TrNricke xrso Schilli�ago �.ica �"a�sick reported tseat hia assistart Eor tAs sumoer proqram i� L� a.�vin�s .inrst�aci o£ Glen Leviaa, at�d miautoa so c3►anqede He also s�p��:�:; ��i5 d�ficit in basketbsll tournamant faes instsad of the esti���a� �5 p $i0e s .:+ �`<. u���t�.xsg date chauged to 3rd Thursday instead of Zn,d Thursday raf ���i� S� d� a ��#�i�i �� �'� Y�:� a� res� i�asation as hasoball director submi.tted by t9z° o��r `: � ^ ��c��t�a� by �� Caanisaione Donaid Berry rac�nd�d by �u ::r�:�.��..� .� sais r�s�a�de�b�v E;�ntian by 1vr. Hughes, Ssconde3 ny II�o Pa�r�'`. :� �aa� FA�'� ���� a� Lt�aebaa�..l directara Discusaion of salasyd �a..�.�.z� :�, �aoas��.�a 3�i�c� alx�ad;p �one much of tise argaaizati��ea� �anx� ara�: �azy� �.„r�+�ra $lOt3p :9.t �aas c3ecided to offer Mr. Berry the r��s��s� �.���E =u,u :��.� ��:i9 a�:ssa��.� far 19G1 baseball director'a salazy, S�.r���r�,• c:„. �f �.:� �ca ��.�3.�:� r� 3.�%��x so infarmiseg !�. Barsy. #4 ��:�.��a�z�__�f,=o�,,rmi� munici.nal band: D�. Fradricke b�ne3 �>���;.:���_ �r `�rt,�uK `�'p:�a�l. �:tad 41rae Sdfilliag p=esoat�d tha idsa oE fs��.r�inr a:�� _� v �a�szst ,3�,i.�+ :r:;�:��i and fiaaacial aupport oi recrestion e�.��;ic.,,. .,._ `<�` Y.�:��'+.�`s':� C:S'c; �e pr��snt practiciayg oI►t A1ght a t7&�;}s .'.'ss a:�' � r.,.�;. �. . x �ta��i ���c��l as3si usinq st�ma of ths High Scliool ia��s'r;�aa�.;��a ,.,¢ n=_s.�� �cs� sct,�°�� �raagl�s .i'uly 31� $300 £or dirsctor•s s�1�ry � :.. :�>?° �<s��i� ���ia� s�r r�xxt of sr�aocsl. for practiceo C ��bon �.d�.`i:� �: �k=� �s�:� s;y��. ��is°�e R�x'o Doniin suc�gestad that l9ro FY�dricie z::����P ;;. '��a.mtiti�t� 3.s62 iata�get at ote� nBXt meetissgo ��,�� ,��r�, c�r. S�retassw and Treaaur�rs 2�xe Milcare,k r.ga��la��a� 's���;z�., '=v���e�n �:.�.F�€��ax�re aauP will contact Mrso Pslerrmo �c.i ts� ts�s�.:�a:�:��< ?�,?�� �sv ��4 �_�B�lclsa Snuusar prcagram — outline gxe����a� gea e;;�� �;:.�sa.� � :��os��� i�� :�::�o ��coxe f�z Wr, @�s�ick to offer t4reo �z4ekkr�gr 4,:�s ��€� � s���cYs ����-` �w�wi�ling and acrobatics for six hours in su� ! ga���.� �a� � vCC3r�`Nm BtieV'O O O 6 • O �-��:.�� P���� m�za.t 4u8 .'f�s �i�Bt $�too8 ea'B F��f�i�,aa�� �e��;:�:���;;�'�, �� � �����c�3� €�3.1E ��r �'1z�s�sc �urc�ase orfl�r foz $15 de����� i;:� �;��.�`�,�a,,3 °.�,�.�. ���a��a� e �:rs��aaxUs �:��k =;�331 ($a0.(aAj 46/10/61 acCepLad is� �a�.dl� ..�'u�:;�� �a�� ��.�aa �� ffi�aaalci B�xry to Reeroatioa Coa�issi.ono i��� ��,�oa�::�a�et� a� 1S:Z� P.lI. w��� �;�9!� B 8=".,� l8. �561 —�ttdgst li�stiag, ;i�;���e.'£-t�1E;.�' �.?�?�3�t�s � 4'�3Y��G:� b'e"ta ���L��3Y9 � �a.:;�s���.r`'��� '��.1 �38 C.°�'.+.T3�$8iO$� �\ �� � n ! :L8'►H' '1• ;fc `tM•.^ �.��; `rb" .i' .n.+w.w�. ..,_ , A 6 Ba �.r o �e �a �a Go Direetos of R�pc�ation Plmygs+�nnd Uad�t Asaistants (4a)� $t165 !ar 6 vr�ka �p�� ���Yi� �'Y��L Wat4r SaZ�ty � S�at3� Dir�a�lQT Assi�stiat►t �al fa� S�r PlayQronnd aad 3vlsi�q pso�aw $�.3�Ci�i3fl 5.±�519.,c��` D� n �ti ��giq� oQ�qn iJVOVO 3i�a �p� �.6_..�=�-� at c-.� ,��, y..yrrJOVV Le �iiiiWii %r MVi��i�a: �t� !ox r�ni�adoz o# yearm JVVOVbL io 8amsba�l Cawisaiaasr Jo Bawball �qol.p�nt aAd sqpPlis� aa8 Repair Total !ar Ba�ball 54DQ e0J 759�00 _ :!.350.C3 X. �lsitair� i�soqsall� �:�r��e�ss Lo D�mic�,p�i Haad 1,008a041 Mo Misa�llap�ou� Sqpplies. Zalp atfd conti.nqaaCies �Sg,6p ��., ,.,, ._ City A�mCwti0el lvld saltool So1NPd �1fM Dat�c�s s�a�tar s • Sl�.00 �aior Ts • S1o.00 S�r E�o1le�wt �s it�alu�diag Bns Fares . � � .. $9, 725 m(DQ 6.39S.OQ � s �.�� <Do ao°oo 1� m 00 i.000.00 $9a725.00 , ....�. � Parks aad Pl��round Commit4se i�Sembers pzeasnb: Don Fontaine ^ Clyde Stxrong Mardene Eichora n _i � �� Joha Svaneon Richard Donlia 1�Hseting apened by Cheirnaa Fontai� z9&o - T5i bnaget aisonssea SalaMos and wages Director $2$00 Life Guaxds 2000 Part time labor ly00d : •� •� Aprfl 29, 1960 Part time labor to include extra t�lp Yor aummer ball parke� swimming beach, akating rinks, vazming house caretaker, clean up aad development of nev park iacili2ies, park moving� watering� fertilization� weed control, etic. Utilities Waber h250.00 Lights (Skating Rinks) 100.00 Heat 50.0� (Gas for harming House} Ma3ntaaence and Repair of Equipment " oF other Improvemonts Other Contrectusl Servicea Fer�il3zer ?300.00 Weed Con�roY $600.00 �� •� 100,00 2�e� 90G.00 �aintanence and Repais of other Inprovements (Cla,y� sod� skating rinks, seed) (y000,00 Plo,y groeada - Hoose Zake 7th and 67ih Hain and 1�8�h Genaral Suppliea 300.00 Fenta _ .. Insurance and Bonda 100.00 iPleasm ref�r to City Attorney) Land _ _ Building and Sir�actuxc3s 9�.00 (°ack ctops, fire olaces, picnic tsbles, insnlate xan+ring hou�e, toilet ±'aci.lites at Fridley com*�ons) Other Tmorove�nents 1000.Q0 (xator line, sprinklittg vyatenj ?umiiure and T'qnipment 1000.00� (riciic Zightss saing setsy sand boxes) ,. ^ x'arks azd Fla;�groueid Co�vnitte2 �.pri3 29� 29�0 "IIg@ 2a � T'.achiner,7 aud /►uto Eouip*netrt 2000.00 Pick-up truck - Blado for Trac�or (if trucic purchased in I960, cut budget to tr1000.00) �'27a . T±rs. �ichorn moved that the above budget be submitted to the city manager aa the proposed bndget fo* 1961. Second by Stron�. "Totion carried. �tr. Donlin vill cheek on availabili�y and prices of a rotary mc�mer for the city tractor. Donlin to go et�ad and make purchase of either riding type posaer mosrer or the rotaxy Sor the tractor� xhich- eeer is most Peasable. There xas no further informstion avai2able on the purchaee of the tiark pmperty in ihe Ric� Creek axea. 1Sext meet3ng called Por 7:3Q in the city manager�s office on Frid�y� May 20th� /'� , Fieeting adjouxned, Respectfullq submitteds John A. 5wnnsoa Acting Secretarq � %� � Jaauary 16, 1961 Mr. Sarl P. Wagner City Manager, Gity of Fridley Sub�ect: Park Depoaite on Ner+ Subdivisiona Dear Mr, Wagner: The subdivisioas listed below have beea apprwad in eit6er their Pinal form or their prelioinary foxm by the City. These eubdivisiona did not provide lend for pssk purpoeee aad as yet have oade no depo�its of nonay for park purposea, I would like to have sa�e direction as to ehe asount oi aoney ws •hould try to colleet for park on tLese eubdivisionsa The amouat 1lated undes park depooits below was baced oa an ee[l�ated salliog prica of $1,OOOe00 per acre of zaw land. Tha toial acrea�s of tha plat wai dotesvined sad five per cent of ehia �ount multiplied by $1.000.00 per acre. If ehis is eatiafactosy w� alaall bill t6e subdivider. The plats of Carl Patareon, Wileon Plae, Sheridan Acrer, and Chaaney � Plat are sose�dut in the nature of iot eplles r�tha: t6an full aesle plata and thcxe may be oaae question ao to whethas or not a part de- posit should be required. n . � ., Subdivieion Dahlberg'a Greg Bourdeaux Parkview Oaks, lst Add. Ar[ Veit Plat Garten Plat Iohneon'a River I.ane Tufford Beplat Gelb'a Add, Srco Replat, qud,Sub.#21 Mnrian ilills, 2nd Add. Naroted 6 Ob�rg Isene Heary Plat Ray Sheridan plat Carl Peteraon Plat Wilson'e Plat Cheaney Flat Park Deporit $330.57 6b5.00 950.00 195.00 163.02 l64.32 120.95 56.13 158,00 457.2T 106075 80.55 89.00 55.10 58<85 62.50 3,714°O1 Yours very truly, ..v.,..a,� tfarvla�1 d' Fiiunce Director ,. a« . ,� , �.,� ���. '�' �__ , ''. _`, _ . . _ _ . �'�. ��`�<�;- Z>� A��i� ��,�scal 84g��a• ���..� � -. �'_—'�,��3 ,� E'1'� F¢t� �E�� �� z,��:� �v_��;;:�:r �����d�od Chat �smg� o� ��-r,::� �� �m: ,� � «: aa? �. � .- °" . °��' sa�� �v y,w': ��,fl� p$me�tivee P� ���a�g ��� m �es��,;;; z_�, _ .;_, „ K:9 ' �v� �� � :�:,��� aa� Dr$�1a� 4Fs�s ¢� C�� ������ e�4,, �� ��;�s ���W ; � r�� , ,� � c��d�� �`�a 2,�� �a g�mak �c�tSo�eo b�. �Eae�°�� ���b,.� ��Y�=� K *_.r. �'� �.� , t_= _ , ��'o^.?s'2'a 'eS°zi�.ai "'u�i�8 � � i66g1GSC O� a63� ES��i��:+$e �`r;i.'�.a.`�.; �+.3��; �n a...�`� '_-f e . i;°, �� ���€;�`�� 5�se��$ ¢haa aplgt r,�los�4� �e �€s:�i3 ���a xe� � �„ � ��� c �e .,,., , �� �z;�3�����1� d�oeussa� on m�a a�a'9.fi�� ���x�v �� c�«d°n �. ��:� a_r3, �,. „ ._ _ '�� �v�as�a�9 �o n pss� da�a8� fl� �ce* ����? �m�� €�az�� � ��;.°;�� `r.� ' �;�Il'�x �es, va��fiaa ¢FaSs uat£4 ths �atttfl� m�� �1�t•� 8D �i9�??� a� �Iwz� a:�€� �"�e.:��.- �;;.� s� u:�a,� �4��es 4� �aaes�iw emm be �����. �e���fl �; �s �,�.c.�n ��� � w� ��; �r��, �� � �m�� �er �3, �&�s mot3s� ��s°�a� o� �;:t = P,�, �� fl�'� ��3� � � � ���w �i�ae�e: P�t�,�; _�:'�'�"� � �'�C�;s�'�,�a�� ,'� 6� f�h'FE� sII6� g�� il,545�°Fr=; ,� �3�� �,r r �_ � �'- ` '� R� �? ��..� � ,�'�e3� ��ta�a¢s� ¢�� paa'�Il�s �ff �t�� ���� a�v �ry.u£���; � ,�' ,w .,�- L u:x�>'�w i1� 6�i .��'LS�m ��+T �1$�3 @Qff�c�'a�m s�4,'� ��b'�� � Q!�1�."c�q$a`^=�°=°`�.3.� 1. '?�.bi�.:j E�.;,' .�r a r������ ����� �� a�. e��a, �o �� � �� � ��� �.� W d:� r� . �v: � .. �: .,. ���¢�aa �� ?z�«� co �'ol��: � x a � cE��r��� be �ado IIos se�Ila�� �� �tt�� �r�� -� �i �c� E � >� ��� ' : :> � �°�:Il� a�,�e flSSb, oc 9oe epltt�o �a '��¢ ffas pnrpoau o� au�seitsasi� ��a �:���n _.��� r��� .,664su °:�.., �� �e� a$ 9a,00avoo pe: ac�, �a er�� �����s� 4r��- �.� � < :z� -� � ..; ��g �uueh �frs subd$oAded9 or $�SaAD �a� ��2 �.�'�J,�;?a�e;�R �� 'tsn�.�.o �o Y'�Sas pr�mn! aeqairoopqtr �gra ` eo ���2��* �+� ��� b� Y �� ; ;,Y� r� � ., ��� a d�3sa �ot�� tE�sas b�tt�g mo may�� ��.d ��S�mm ���«�"i� e.�fls��.aF��-�� t�a L�.��E 31 �etsss ffis �2�g as mse�� �Has s� t4� b� ;:� 8����� ��.��::�.�,�,�;��m�� E�z�� bq �1� � e�z�s Cho sm� ��.m o� e� �� ���� �:y=�� Y:"c: � �a� �i�aa � Pmmg�a'� �o �� � &��a ffip�:� � ����� �,��� 2�°y<�E:.., b�� ���, e3e� �ti� c��ad 1� o /'� �� h s'Ev.�i� S � i��`c� '�' �E�lYS pS�0:��3'°�".s� �.�a�`�n..�. �.�a, ��d ''`'1m'�c�'.ss G�� :�� o � i.� �� �T.�^'e�.y�.€t&'QC�Y��.p�,9��.a �pq��t�.y6a a9.�3�,y�:3$ 's�o ���Gq�?a •'°t3��eg,.:�`d.�� ��€"s.52�s�.� ...Pw`�''���g� �4�"i'+�b��FV&d �u>ei°bT2V..0,�/y ��Ge��pW�Y� 6SASy�� �r�Q9����.a��.,,�d �4a� i6�6�i.'LiA�p�� � �i�y�i"e `a�°n�,=+m�.i,y dp�.� ��a''%�� y�yQ� � +ww➢�6 .'�I����O °r�i aaY.L� �L�2t �� "m?7s.eSYO ak.'Y:nd�'w'iQ �a�p�y � m� W.&Jb� ��6,l�SiYA� .:..+��.5�� 6°���t1.f�,9ET 8�8ZC� i�TS� '�� �o �a��`� '6.�'.��:'c�� f'�.'��c��a�s �� �� �$�, % �Sis cc�i.�x��2�a�m �3� s���3�$��°s �€s� ���8 �� d�S� � to �ss Oc�ca�s 4, Y9�iQ ka�� �i�� �;a�� :��m����:�.�� ��sffi^� �a� ��ata�9.d. �ic�r ores��tx�g tBaR� ga���� �;� �,:�.s^� v�a��;v��� �i� a� tFa��, ��a ffiar�o asma � aes�� ��a � �n�� ���,�� ���.� �:���„ �'�n �sr� �� �3.�,Y ��r f�l$ t�a�"�, �iasm �c�� °�as .� �e����;:•����;� c:�+'��1ffi$� ��x talO i�i�e !'31e �iSml� ��� �#.€��?� �� v::�°��t;':.;;�ia ^�� �,��'q�� d���o+s�zq'i.�y 9��.tt� t'.�Ja� �`lln�ye�a��4�36ts,�� e »b�,��„;s�:���5��:3 °�t"° � �a,'.�:'�,��� ��C�b w�ip �6'� �:i'a�ayi��ii/ y���yy��/��� � Y�f�Yii W �i♦��. Oa3&�� �'J`"���'�.'sa� �+'1�` �ii�:t:��.:i �>p��r".3 "�g�0 pY.M��� �w/�YM+ii �ii�• SaM�}�G .� �y� ��e�i.T::R� ea � `i,;'�,:1.�'�� t;U d43'�� �4 •S�I�e � � �Q � �'�� O94 0 ��9Yd3k~.�� «T':d��l ui:.s.�S�`a'm�"� ���2.� �4�fi.�o Fsaat tAa e�nd Y�mi� e�om�a 4:0 �e C�� :� ya.�a�v �;�:: ?�c� �.":.� ^,.�w� �om �e C�a?ittM iEaot tAiLB &�ope�t+i°e a� sa� 3x'�3��•m:�.�°,� `"°�,,.`�,;:�"� aaQ� � � �..��s ot ffi4 at�at�o �ri22 �li. �t �s�,� ���.�;�, �; a����, e;`�� �'iffi� 8`�o GiO� 'j�f0��s o� {ttt� FPe21"L']e ��� �:s�.�l e1��"s�'�'1�:.� $O �ri"t+ B� i �tiag t91Y� 3�'a ��f'..x&�„ � i.° � �.�:�'�3 ��i �.,*� <'�u��s.�'.�a, �a �ll.sCnAS pits�d�� m�F �ta�� �e��.�.�*o ���raa ��..�.;�.f�m �"-��s �� � Ca9atecil� 8'le�rt4an �113. 3� �5.� �Q z��f� �so� ���ama��:� �� �tan� ��'s;r€:�� ffit tliia os�Stg. Yg, lac+�e�sar, �� 3.�� �at��� �� s�;� ^ �°9.�Ess �, e��4�s�e 8as not be�� aucc+�aaa�Eeab o� t�* $�2.� a��t�,� g���; ���a ���3.+� �d no ��ata7.fi� 8�e� lbseaa obt;mi��d� Y �atg«�w^s� �a�t :�t�.v: ��.$R�.�� �e� �a�s±,�S71iCia� ��s �OUaoi7. cC�s�.dea'atci�asa ��I.a���.�r� �r� ���� �5�� �g�%��'�Ys m 1 a ��mftt �9 �pS�al oP ia.id �.F nf'OP67C�� �B �0��.'!.s"�:� 4c,�a �►�tA� �Ot i6�Ae �o "�eci�e � mit�t Oi 1�r Vot�d $150;����, �� �;c,��y ��;t.�, �,�,�sa�€> � �spe�nd to pt�rdt�aer tliii ,�S'ticwlas ��� �� �;��s��,�� � e � �' acrm� 08' �h9.� pr� ��s°�; �� ��Mr' f%311: �Cl�#io: at 9�hO 7{�$i.��' °��t�,.l��.� a �P YfiM =�q ��� ��O Vi��i 0 OJMB bYiO �'{�itlui»wF� iude cC3S� L�Q7� i�:i�1 �flft 'Ci1M Attl�' Oi' �i6 t3G��1d9� t�e:�im ��i �M ��0� �QS�/� �� 5o Follar�,aO oor�l�ias o! Itars 1, 2e aaad 3o s�io��n ���,� to lilt 000,8�taa on this px ��tYa�x t3�� ��W� mma o!le�r as 3u Zlwa 4. abovoa � � � ��ta� t3ai.s !o po�s atC�nt� boa�eaa� � �my�so � s�gg �����t�a �o P�aPc �oss�d, aoe at� aiLia�s �re �c� Acs�a� ��."s� �� � t�14r3�isa �bii la8$ ao�tth�� .a�wakia9 :'�� t3tA i�. � '� � ���g�� ':u'n.�+.s%"��.g%� �''.L� S�� �' isni �IwtR6 ���QO�QOdi4 �' ���'� �g��: i� � � � : /1 � ��x ����a�m� At th� regul�r �eting on April 16, 1962 e�rtain propoaed park pro,pericy pwcchasea we�e discussed a,s p�r 4:he m3nutes at the bottom of Paga 3, auad on Page 4, of t2�¢e agenda. 2'he spec3,a7. asseass�n� $igures are as foll�s: Presen� Estivaafied Additioa►ai Dear,ripti.on Ae�ses�ni;s Assessmants Lot 5• Aud, Subo #129 �ot 6, {Ex. ?S'x150° homaeate) Audo Subo �#129 Paxceb 900, S�s��ion 12 Ed�Cel 950s SBCt1o%t 12 Lot 15. Bi.oek 3, Plymoutta Total $ �35.91 $2.38N4>8�fq1 y20�GoeIG �3.083a33 �%.651.96 $4.735.23 -0- $7,556,01. � B072SeOO S13,930.00 $16,655000 $15.,200s00 S 2.400.00 ,�i7,600.00 �-0- $34,255.00 T`he G�.cy }tas ri0 de�18 fa� paOperty adjas�a� �O Y,ot 15s Block 30 Plymouth Addigion,