PR 06/26/1961r a� '>I;i.i;: IIF:��'r"±id(s 0'_ ��t?: 'Iit'�i:i i1JD i'Lt�XC:it(.'JliIli �'C)iC�ii":�.z; •- JUI'1� �:c'�� 1)�:� , � PzeN'�:ibe.�� F�^asent; p33'l.�t�a3s iho:np9on, S�,teY380n� Stt�oxag, iiil�ax'eko EiC1�o�»� ���",t�r H.e�Tx°esent,�t.ive, t:bnlino i'ika �inute� of tho �-�y 22, 19Gi meeting, ans the Juae 108 1�G1 meet�n�; wero a;��:a�ru �u �_� �nx^t^cct.xl� G� � �,�5 S a T.toc�re i��,kc�a i"he Uaw� r�stem Y,as been installed st tdxo ��acTx„ 'i'h�, ��?: �,*�,�, �.a near],�r eampleted; clooks are infl as are the ronsso Ghic;;sen br.��°� +asa't <;.,y �.asstal].ec undcia� the daoka, ir► Lhe ttater 9 as a safet,�* zseasur. �a, ar�ci _^ L� f. r, :r� st„-? wilY. bc� on duty ia that area. 19zo �r�tiee dl.eaussed t�actQnaive]yy tl� px•oblera oF the '�oati.n� :�oE,s u•� �.:s^ Liteo tire Donlin repo��.al that dzu°in� ttio p�evi.ous week I�, t;�c 1.�:�a guaucis; and the Paid emploY'�ee 8Pe�►t mar�y hours, towing and pueh.ing i;ne a�a�s f�om �.i�� swsnmtng areae n c�ag].sne sroula be tlzo most prac�:tcal taa;s* of c1e:�r�.n,�- ou� these bogs oS cattails that aro be�Lz� looa�ed by �the ht�hm� lctf�l nS' Ta��v�,�^ in th� lakoo PiotSaat by 1iTe Sxax�3ot1 tltat 1dr, Donlin x'equeBi "�he i�ursr:.l fo� yunds ta �lear the axroa fraa� the 8tri�ing beaah, on the sauth :.horr, of �.tu: lake9 to the point �t old Centrat and Higl�r�y ,�65o Is°;, Donlin wiil abtz� aoat ea �^toe oP � drrxgline, aztd the Corsyi.ttee fel� �he project shou3.c� n�t �ceeed �1,OOOo00o Sec�ondecto isssede The mat2r3..s7. �7sai°ed could be used �s ,,.� ttie neaes�ax^,� iill for that area, :la.vc�ound_t�rl^ess; A mu7.ti-put�aose court, 7p° x?OOe has been :.n�iai�.�:t in Loguxt PaPka iix°e Don11n reported that he stttiCipatecl the pas^k ta bs com:_ nictc�c b�J the er_�? os Ju],;;�o ",to.rk nrdc3rs for watet° laterals for the Ca�mm�s, Logan and 7t'� atreet ;��k� have b�s leto The work ahou].d be am�leted soon, so sc�� �?li d:i;a+v,n�, csan be lnatalled. �, ,7onlin Su�tted to tho Canmd.Ltoc-, y nlan� t'oi° 3 1�7 e.� 12 � b�� d3.n�, tii).00;�: 81'.ilLCt.11TA W'i'�l S pitr�l9C1 3°001:o Z�SC th71.�.C1�.I1�; WOLL�.t� CATiL1111 �}C?,y'�3��..1`�,a ��:�".z,_°�> toilet faeilitias� plus at,orage roarao i'he ,�lans h:�vo be��n d�wrY �aitib clesir,, fox° i"uturo �e�ioa. After atuc�rixt� the .nXansyt�c� �ou��.ttc�� a;�^a�� ��h3a buildiug shoulc? be built a Pew feet largar tn aaocrr�cic%ato ;aorr: tjati.let, xa�i1.:+::-�,:�.. Alan, reoaa�eaded oonatruction tb of t'in ��v to a:Liorr tho bui.ldi.i�f, ,r, ru. faood uith ba�l.alc at n 13tex� date SS c�,osirecl. I•ra Donlin statacl t�hat ra^:g� �r_=L estir�ates that he has obGt�inod faa� this buildSnE, in�].uclix� thn edd�.Ki S'aeia�e.. uo�.�1c? be abaut $39000.00e I7o heat or eleatriatt,�� .rc,uld be 3nriu�e:1� �Spac� a.-u: sketoh attnnhe[I tp $pp�iye a�ltlutoa) . ibtion b',� i•iz°o S�ranean that i1t�o dbrtlitt �1Emi.L theee pL�1� to tYse l:oun�ri:l ft�� t}161L' 8yr�'�2`OV�y ui�h the COtlI¢1t.tEO 1'6000�BkK73?�1.Ori ithltt�l t.hey h8d �Clapi6do vO00%Yf��o i 21980C10 � ��'do�,e i/emdorg: i'revinus�� thca Counittoc Ysa� diaeussExl �obile vendr>rr� at p8ik and besoll sito�• At tYni timey there itere iw lessed oi' pesmanont vends�ry at the beaah, and it vas falt that t�h� ai ;ht bc� a seiwica Lo ihe publie t.a allaa veaidorsQ IIovover, the �mobl.ea uus of the ].itte� tt�zt cs:�suaci3 the v�raaarr felt m t`eeponsibl.lit,Y regareiing tI'its, ar►d Lho bea�h psraorurel s�oaii the�a° t'�.e�.; � Pa�^ 2�0��0000�0� doin�; tu�ue0o9Se1'y Oi.6aD npo 1'h8Y9f'02`e, When tlle Cowni.ttee 2°eCOU�ended a � ysar°s lease to a peimanetrt oop0eeaiart to be apea�ated at the beaah, it was the understareding that leeeee be responeib].e Yor the litter t�hat r�sulted 1Z'oi1 thH SSle oY h18 pTO�1Ct90 Pbt3.0II 1Xy i$'e Ii31CeTelt� fi133t i�te TeCO�msesid to the Councils that no mobSle veuda¢�s be alla�ared at the beach or parl. 3ites wl.thout �the aut.h�tlars of the Gity ;iana�ero Seowuleda Pasaed, Develo�entt. The Caimnittee again disausaed the advi.s�zbdli.:ty of obtainin� the am°vicee of a parofesaional park and p]�ygirounds oonsultant to rstucly the eacict3.ng facilities in FMdley, with reooaonneadations £ar ttzture neods and deve].oFmento Mre Doel]. might be available Yor thta sarvieo. Y�ia rsatt,ear was tahled until Au�et. r��4 � l�i?���'! � There baing no flu�tt�ex� buaiae9s, the Qsairman dsoiered the meeting ad�ournado Respeatfbl]y aulffittedt I�ianlene Eichhoi'u Seoretary to the Co�itteee /'1 /'1 CS7 Op pRIDTi3 ^ � �.7l7{'l:t�► A7�s i0� i.o � �¢i4M�sotn anay 10, ig6�. Htn10E TO ALL I.�Q�g� A� ��H PlR�O�i,t It haa bwn ba+oe�4 b� a�t�otf��� �aL � it e aeed !a� a ast oY° � ���� �°���t � t��it oaa0mct vb31� 1. Daw 1Jpe 1� !a �� L�sah s� ell titess aad L�'�1' =w!� tio td �a�0oe ot' Pm'ks. z• � �'!er � } �ae ee�j� 3• L�ed� art adtilds 1Wa pod,ti�ons ao li�s ds�ig� daoa pe�i �� N a1i �tt�r�. f�as�dr a� 3ea�e ���1'��t� �dtae!'t.vs almM s+��p�,� • i rjw tdratt� s+oet, �eld !� bei a dMt �16� �oad�. 4� � 1a��yt a� 1�ai�� b wifane� m sredl� ct peiat.. ^ �ea��e� �. % �d�uu� lian te� , l��i. i,. Q1�rn +mit aala�a�s 16� Mra4 d�'!a� ataat p�riods, a�soed �3i � a,e� a�ef wM 1ie Ditw Tl�. 7� M�� L doit aw 1r 1� � a! an 1nQae�►, eatl� ¢8000 ad �t tbe NMr�qr aido 6. H� �m+� aod �► ail tYM a!a aod 33tYaat�ir� tNeb- �. i Or a w�lt bold a ye�otla� �S1L � qp� !be wb 3itllp�sd 7Lat ao�tld b� �`sl�d att ib aw a�' a��..�-.�°�' "'���QY. Z�A mt oo�neti +up li�thia� an i� 3,�paeEma o! yo� �0�.4 t3s� a� Lea� ta p�atea� ti» liN� a�' � wrLoera asip,� aaa� boe.ah, ,�aza� ��r 4oL7,ouit�g 4�s rol�es ttSll At �Nd lt��di,at�]ye / � � � • �cr,r,i �:�`.tL . �. T T1 : .�:1 "� ,rtti,x �s g :� ; �. : ;ipNORABLa �iAYOR AND CITY CUUNCII,i SU3J�CTs hS(10R� 7.AKE� BUG RF7DYAL Og THS PA&K I�PARTI�Q' THIS YAST Wh'�( HA:i HiTT WITN TH[d MINNESOTA STAt'3's CON3EtiVATION DEPAEii1�A` Y"0 STUDY THi3 C�TTAII, AND HOG SIafJATION ON MOORE IAKE AND DI:SCi1�.4 (DO�Ti'ROL AND RL�lU9AL Oi� SAl�. Tiii: CODLSu�tYAT70ii 11�iPwRTM�Q' Rc�';ir�TGTIV& 9iX3Qr8.4T8a THAT 'lFIE CA: TAIIS COU7.D BP "Rr3�V�SD BOT Tlil� IalOfIIa NAYS TO HE PI77iD ON AN AREA OBOVE THE IvAT[IRAL WATERLII�Li OF Tii� I.AlC� �1 iq? Ili �IfCH w SITIJAT7tNi AS TO 3TOi' THE NATURAL iI�AI,l1l�iii Q/ ifk�i � 'j� j�. `� T� P� �'� M� !� �7 i'B'fDQ'!5 THAT MU3T H� FIiS�D OUT A1r11D FILED WITH THN; 9TA18 O�pIQg ffiFORL NIE WOULD GO Ai�,AD :.ITH TriIS I��,K. TiiE STAT-r: I�'.;8'� WpUI,p WjgH Tp KNtp.d THE DI:.PTH OF Ti3`r; DNAGLINE odORK AiVll T:4:. i�:iC3�NT TO LJHICH iiJB �IOIA,D BAINC} $ACK THE NATUftAL 3H(BiF.LIlJE. AT THIS TIME I DO NOT FiAYB ANY PRICF i ON '1N1: CO:;T 06 T:z1S '.'RUJECT� BUi^ 6�ILI. HAYS OIV� OR TidO i.�",PI�;ATE�:, FOR YOU AT 't'1� NF�7Cf COUNCII. t•�E7tING, ��,�c.��.�Y'`t"�'. !•- -.7C,,_..�� ATOtURD llONLiN � DIR8CT0$ OF PAHKS AItiD PLAYuROUP;iDS �