PR 08/28/1961^
rszNU��s u�� �:�c� rr�m�rc� �� 7� i�.�cs au,w �x��e�co�,vr� ��,..�r��: �
A11GtJ8T 28, 1961 e
M�mt�ers PreseaCs R'lsau�son, Strottg, Milcarak. 81c�harn
City Repre�entativo� Donlis►
; � • ; vE�_ • � .�+:i�tv =
Ths minutes of th�, .71i1y ?A. 1961 iaes�i�vg were �pgroved as earrected,
. � : � _ ���; :
i.an8 Aaa�iait3on -!�o Donliu resd a lettsr to th4 Caa�itt�e aonarniu9
tha propoe� pa_k proporty in Rivervisw 8aiqhtae �►esa lots have Y�sen
recl�taqqod, at�3 locr�ted in NoWe Fridlsy (sea attac'hed letter to soc-
retasy'a minu•j,ee) .
In NoBo Pri�lay• 1Crq Donlin pointe8 outs there arB 9� acres under
eonsidetat3� 1`ot aaQai8ltiau fax gatk putposaso 1'hi.e w111 be dis-
cuesmd fuz�hQr at a iixture magtiage
�ozthes'� States Paoer ia tta► w1113Ag to dispose og 15 aCres of proprrty
lxatad ad�acsnt to the Locke eatate< Tha covenant atatas that thia
propert! 3� �oaied !i-2 or hoavy it�itustrial o�'he park Ca�aitt.e rsc-
o�aen8a �►ai; t3ais laad bs razoned, i£ aiscessary, ao iti is usable for
park piarpos�. Glen Tho�apson will contact braLh DEre tpaqner. and Mro
Seqnai, (Cl;airraan-Plannlnug Coiani.ssion), regarding ther necassary rr
�oninq of '9:t►� property o Milcarek moved that ttie Park Coamittee racm
a�ner,d to ehe Caunoil that it Proceed to negotiate with Nosthern Statas
pawar. L•or ilisee 15 aaeso Seaoudedo Bassad unanlmc�usly.
��, Pia�rp�,� Mre Donlia msde Yhe foilowing r�port. Tbe 9th
atreet Pari; :a eo�letod for t2�is year e Sasketball etandarde have
bNa gut up sad the r.mainiag areas that ware'uasodded, are noFr
saedad. Trris playqrouad has been ufse�cl almost aanatat►tly sincm ti�s
ball 8iama.yd aad ecnrts hava been instmlleda Logan Park has b�n
ueed by n+a�► residents in tt�at arsa. It is caaqple�ed naa, witl� the
�cceptio.1 of curbs that ara beltig installsd by tl�e City. Dboora Lako
is' nll •.�iatared 11n� -
Siqas £os th�s� as9a parlce ware diaeussad. and Nr. Donlit� will get
.at1�.�ates on diEgerent types to preaent to the Cammitteo for d�3eioao
j'1 A l,�ttes wa& read from thQ Fridliy i,oagua of Woman Voterg inviCiaeg tho
Con�mittae �o particl,pate in the public mestiag. Saj,►tem�er 14lh, on
Recreatian aad Parlss ax�d PZaY9ro�dao Mz'o �°�S� �+ill preseut the
Ninu�es of tb� Parks aad Piaygrounde Cwnqitfiee - Aygust 28. 1961
^ PaQa 2......
aativity og ttw Caaoitteo in the past axtid pr�asati, l�, Donlin aill
profsct thouyhts of iuturs davelop�a►t.
Proietaionai Consultazit - Bi.cS�harn movsd that tho easviost of a
professionai park plannar b• abiaitad. S�ro�B�d. Carsied uaan;moa�ly,
� •.:. ��• ,�.,. v
1'hero b�izrg no inrtttor buei�s�, Q►airissn �taapeoaa d��d ttw
maetinq adjours►od.
Rospectia].ly st�aatttad:
Mardau� 81d�bo�si
�stasy to tha Coranittae�
The South Seven Hundred (7�� feet af the Southwest Quarter (SW4)
of the Southare st Quarter (SW4), lying West of State Highway No. 65,
in Section Twelve (12), Tcn�rnship Thirty (30) North, Range 75�aenty—
four (2L�) West, except parts taken for channel change purposes; ar�
except the part described as follrnrs:
C�encir� at the Northeast corner of the South Seaen Hundred (700)
feet of the Southw�est Quarter (SW�) of the Southwest Quaxter (SW,�—�)
lying West of State Hi.ghway No. 65; thence South along the West
right of way line af State Highway No. 65, a distance of T'hree
Hundred Fifty (350) feet; thence West a1u right angles, a distance
of Three Hundred FiPty (350) feet; thence North at right angles
Three $undred FiSty (350) feet, thence East along the North property
line to the point of beginning.
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