PR 09/21/1961�;' � ^ ^ MINill88 OF TF� FRIDI.SY RBCREATION CO!!lISSIO�T lIBBTIIQa - SSPTSIB�R 21, 1961. �a maetitr� .t+ae aallod to order ait� !tr o 8ug�ea psosl�dl.ag. „ ,z�� !leabets Psps�aite O!l��s I!sts�iats ' 'J; �. : •:" , ��,Nr4�..-. 8n9bea. Pc�7.1, $erg�r• Baooa� !l�seick, Rav,. asoe bavis. T!u siautee were read aud �ppzoved aa co�reatodo ; �.. � _ , - R�v, Oeo Davia w4s izttsodU�aeeq. He aPP�'ared beiarY tbe Caq�oiQSioq to advise that ttw Pridl�y Mett►odist Cbureb piane to aponsar s youth oentsr ix� thoir buildiag on 141geiesippi SYSeet. �is vill b� aali.d a Taen Caate�a an8 wili be held every FriBig► eveait�g and a111 o�l�r vasiauo i.�800r aposts aeCivitias, dancinq, aad raFs�aism�ntao Rove Dav� wat�ed Lo ]aiw i£ this orould coaAiat vrith piaas tho oou�atesion has far tiw te�s-agers, A aha�t discuasl.aai folioarde - «� •�> TonCh iootbatl mil.l be played at 81�t Sd�ool fi�ld aed Ftidley Co�moa�s aai Sut�ys 8t 1a30 P.M. B1V6 teatos are orqaai�edo Bzi,dqe inatruction wiil be sponsorod with cooperatioa of aduit e8uaation program. Starage o£ supplios £os recreatiar► atrd bassball w111 be ia 8�y►as Sc�ool az�►�x bssement aad attic. R�coaomandatiar,► that cartifiaate4 of qppz�aiatiaal �e aMard�d far esrvice to City hy au�ciliary recreatioa parsa�nael. Coasnisaion d3x�eCsd Messick io arraag� ior samse Danas S�pt�eac 16 - 120 pressat. $10.00 due ibsareation Coanniaaioa for tttis dance, Diaausaed noile�all for +ln�oea. vPill try agai� to arganise sana teams. Motion by Berger - s�conded by Pare�,l to pay bill £as band musie> Motion casried. ' S�crretary iastruated to writo a lstter of a�ppsaciation to !�a C toc �xcelleac� of bus aervics during summaz recr�atioa progras. A Lstter of appreciation fraw Basbara Hug'bes of Lsagua oE Women Votera !os lOce ltassiak's �ilent roport on activitisa og tlw Rocreatiots c�oaraiasion, � Dlo r�port by Serry. 8ilis on b�aa t�d not ali ino 1'h. weti�p a8journed st 9s10 P.lt. D1ext aqetiwg � Octab�r 19. 1961, Ss00 P.M. at Cit,y Hsll. A�sp�Ctfully submtitted: f�uda�sa M. Saaon eaorotasy tA 1fia Cao�ittes /'� r�