PR 10/23/1961MIpSTl88 OF A RS(i(TLi�it 1lB8TID10 OF TSS PARXF AND Pi+P►YQi�D1n8 CQMMITTBS
�LD OCTpigR 23, 1961.
lMnb�cs Prssenta Chairmau ThomPeon. Milcarek. StroAg and Sie�hosn
�er AbsiAt: Slvaaeon
CiLy R�presa�tstive: Donlis►
Tha me�tiaf4 was callod to atder b7t c�airmau 2t►aapson.
The miautes of the Sept�mber 23. 1961 were approvad aa mailad.
._ _ � : 1_ _�._� r��
STRBST VA�TI�Lt �s Planain9 �issiwa £ozwatded to his co��e.
the requeat fro�n a rosidQat to vacsts Rivervierr Tarsa�os Eron Broad to
�g� yv�y �i.g. lfotion by Mr. Strorrg t1�at th� Parka arri Piayqrauxls racom�� to tl�s City Co�ncil that the riqht-o£-+Pay bs
ratainod for possibia £utura park devslopmsata Seeonded. Carri�l•
�✓1 r.u*m �m_U2giTZ0�: Sid�horn movad that Mr. Do�1u► be au�ho�i��d to have
: --
an epprai,sai, m�de of Lot 6, Auditox's Sttbdivisioa�� _��
T-30, R-24, aaa obtain la�Jal d�aription of pzopastY
aad H�s, east of Broad. Secosri�i• Carried� Tbo t�ittas aill
stu�Y tt►1s mattor t° aae v�hetb�r it ia psacticable to ltavs bon8e Lo
�ovor botl► NSP propertY and afare�tionad propert7!•
� e o nonmtt�mv �� CR882C ARSAt !!t• ThO10(�BOU Wlll ChYCk oII C11:reAt
nogotiatioaaa os► tbis Pr�P�tiY �+� the City an�i D1.S.P.
��B PROB&RT1L: Ti►Q Caamittes haa reooivad aumer�s Saqyiries fraa
aonprae8 rssid�►ts raqardia9 th� current statua of thia proparty. and
g�t.ations w�yf. se�91Y. no action is boincJ takea to aa4►tiro this area.
The ParkB and Pla,lf9ro�s Cc�oitt� tecom�auds Lo t]a�g =�CotutCi�r�.s.
it do all that ia psoPitioua to abtain tbls PYOP�t7t
�[LTT�i�Lg($t 1tr. Dcnlia raporta that skatiag rinka wili b� located
at: (li 48tb aad Mait►. l�) �P1ta1 aad Hn$has. (3) Saat Moore La]oa.
(4} Sylvaa 8111s. (5) !lark 8. Jottes area (on sC�hooi psoperty). l6�
Talmaase w�,g► or Rsvarwooa saiool. (7l S�uio aaa aroaa streeta. (s) wooa-
etost S�wol. (9i Sayoa St�►ool. (10) Kiasissippi and Old Cet►tral. (11)
Comapions ar W. 1looxe Laka o
Gradiag will bs doa� o� th� Camwns• this will inc].uds levallag ;
oE th� hill, aad a lwsl area of 400 fNt r►i�da aad 600 fwt iwrg will
havs ciay, black 81rt aad b� sosd�d.
parks and Playgs'ouAds Colonittee w�wt� o�rot,�r as. 1961
- 2 -
Raquost fram� resid�ttts east o£ Moare Laks. that tha area along thA lak�
b� i�rusbed out. Mr. Donlia vi111 C9�eck aad see wgtat Caa bs dons be£oro
aiat� o
7'!te Cammittea has taken �da advisemsnt, the sugqeation oE llr. 8. Wolke,
that tha sasll parcels of proporty. (in tha 48th aad Main ares) be
blaaktopped. an8 a amall 3 foat Peace instsllad arouad ttte blacktopping,
to be ns�d as a tricycle•ridi�g ares.
gARK C�iSULTANT: llr. Doatia is suthozi.se8 to t�ritact th6 park Coclsultinq
iirm aad baw theia bagin a preliminary survay oi parks and playqrouads
la Fsi8lay.
c0�tR88P�s A latt.or �eoeived froao the baagtta o£ Women Voters oE
Fsidlay• thiriking tha CO�aaltte6s sSpYCially lfCe '1Rtoaq�BOII aTld !�. DOI►11A
for thsis patt in ths ptil�liC msetitlg ia Septm�x.
DSXT l�BTI�iG: Tho z►ext maeting will 'be �Tovera�er Z7, 1961 at 8 o'alock.
T�„ There b�iag ao furthas business. tt�e C'bairman d�elarad
th. m.etsr,g aajcusz►ea.
Resp�ctEul].y submitted:
M�rdena Sic�o�a
S�cr�Eary tA the Caomitt�