PR 11/27/1961^
HSLD WO�SI�SA 27. 1961.
.�� --- — -- -
�lfa me� t�s CalleB tA aacda�C bY C'hairmaa �80�►.
lM�ers Presaat:
ifem�es Absontt
City &e�seatatiw:
Chaitmiu �ovaPson. SwansGU� Stroa�9 a:1d Lid�ho�A
cauesta: A�coYr, csty Atto�ey, xrs. Barbara au�saa
7+eaqtts of WC�en Votiess, aad 1lC. Robe�t� G. Co�NiiAe.
Pas'k COa�su].tattt.
7�e Camnittee hald an iafcrmal discusai� witb the City Couacil, llr.
xohlaa, city Attoxs�r. �o�esaiag an satalisga�►t usa oi r�source ana
laad poliGy. A poliq► atat.ema�tt. ia o�tie� the entirs Paske aad Pla�y—
qrourds Caasittea c�neurred, ia as %ilows: "P�blic needa oome first=
aZl lattda abt�tiag an8 adjacent to lak�s. str�. an�/ox Mateswa,ya
shail$ ba raearvod and hsld available £or racreati�onai activitiea an8/ar
resi,dential araas. Ca�aeraial ar industrial uss oE these aress ahonld
be prohibita� euccapt ath�n it caa be shcwn as a boae£it to ths puQlic°.
PARK Cf�1�iSBIl�llmT SSRVICBSt WC. Robest d. COSwias. Pax7c Coi18u1taAt far
Coswiae aad Doell, gavs a c�prehensive reswne of �dhst ths emasu7.tiative
sarvice aad awrvsy would provide £or c�r City. An iuventory o£ pre�sent
park prop�sty, and a 8et�sti.aaz oi tbe nee8s of ths oommunity. �'he us�8 to detoraaiiw nAeds aso:
l. �hera paople liw
Z. �haro�ls£ara used
3e Potieatial and existiing rocx'eational faCilities availabla —
ie6• Svailable 18tKi
4. Ooat cUvalopa�►t apgraisal
A brodture wonld ba priatad contaluincJ iaiarnastiou aau
1. Tlie purpoae oE tbs atwdy
a. co�waity u�a].ysis (,
3. a4e 9rovPs and populatiasi
4. staadards au8 lars
5. Rreamme�dations
popuiatio�►. ralatio�► to m�trapolitan
/"1 �e coat when providing aonstruati.on service is 696 ot aost of da�velopme�►t
tthis caa ve separate from surwy aaa stuay). a susvey �+�oula taxe aboat
3— 4 moz►Yys to caq�late.
PArks iA$ PlayqsOUndB Co�nitt� Nitiutes
� Movamo��eae 27, 1961
Cotttiaue8 ..............
. 44 S__. �: �. �:�..P.s.. 1/� ;� i}�t
l�c. Donlin repo�t.�d that th� aws�r af ps�og�erty at Capital and Hughes
(we a�e usinq his propox�ty for skating rink), canbaeted him, aa8 is
posaibly aillibg to trade his propsrtiy iar sane Cit�y own�d park PraPertY
ia ti►st area. llro Doalis► will disenss thie furthar. aad rsport to tha
Cpnaittae at t3tQ n�t ac3�edulad ms�ting.
!�. Dot�l.ia oiill also v�i£y t1►s status of possibls park propsrty in
�T.B. Fridley and rrport back ta the Cauaitta�.
�ts rwxt sd�ed�l�d m�sting Mi11 be Fridap►. Jaauasy �, 1962 at 7s0o P.A.
� j 1�.r't" I.L..2,b2�
Thore b�iag AO tnrth6r bu81t�88• Chalrmait ThC1op80li �isClarYd th! mi6tiAg
^ AtsPsatguily a�aitt�d:
Nerdena 8idiha�►
s���71 to tha CaaW.ttoe