PR 01/18/1962l4YNUTSB OF FRIDLLY REGRBATZObi COB�+ITSSYON A16ETING �LD JANUARY 18, a9�a lbsting aas called to arder wlth �. Milcarek pr�sidieg. ROY.L C11i.I.e Memb�rs Pres�at: !l3lcarek, Pa�w�tli. Hughas, Pal�rmo, Bacon, Diso. �tPRdV]1L ltIgDTBSe The I�itp3tY8 ViOt� B,ppYOV6d As p�Yisflltl8. � 8 8! secsetary iras directad to xrits a lett�r ta Fridl�ry► IWAicipai 8ar►d advisiag that the Rtcreatioa Caomissi� conaid�ss tho baud a t�araty cbarge. Tbe Coamis�ioa Eaela tha baAd abould aia]ca plans to go oa a eal#-sustaiainq ba,is. Iavitt ban� roproaantative to a maetiaq oi Racreatioa Ca4nisaion aot lat.tr tttaa A,pril. llra• Palorma diacasa�d possibility of Recraatican Ca�iasioa sgonsorad city nursary scbool. She will contaat a person f�com polua�ia Heiqbts for furtAer lsiformation about tha proqrt9a thor� aAd invita hia to our /'� naxt mettlAg• llr. 8u���s iatrodncad idea of pr�paring a poliq► manuai. l►iso opeae8 discus�la�t oi �anaiott of aun@�er o£ playground�t in uas Ear awa�er prograa. Mr. Nilcarek �{ppoint�d lSr. Buqhoa aad llr. 16�ssirk to prsgare a pla,ygrouad uaaaal far con�id�ration at our Narc� ss�ti�g. Letter froa Snbasban Recr�ation Asaociatiota rw�Q and tablad foz dis- cussion at next moatinq. !!r. �uqhs� alao auqgssted the Commisaio�s shou26 cae�siar a�ppoiats�nt of aa additionsl quarter-tia�s Rscroation Director foac 1963, a�ud a full- time Dlreatar for 1964, ,�� v �,�,s�v .,� February 15, 1962 at 8:�0 P.14. ; . . ��;.:�;�:+_,�a Ther� beir�g no furfiher busiaaas, tbe ms�tir�g aWjouraed. Reap4Ctfuily aubmitteds Catidaea M. Sacon Secretary to the Commiseiou