PR 02/15/1962r'1
�ax�s �F r��Tarrc o� z� a�annsx �c�,Taox ca�sxssxonr -�axon�Y
15, 1968.
2'he raestiaq qas calle8 to ordsr afi t3�e hows og Ifrs. 8alasmo, Mitb
Nr. ltilaarak praeidiag.
M�irs Prasetit:
Othess Proaenle
MilCarek, Dtes, PGVSll, Paleraw, Saoo�t
1Mse1Ck. !�'. Retipor, 1Q:. Raao
�t�:i��4`. •'" !;.?l1' ;� '�+_Y !i.�
T!w miautes oE the Jaauary 18, 1961 ms�tiag wer4 qgproved as
•1 . • i,i�
Dlr. MilcarWt talkad witA 1Br. Waqasr about band aponaoca�ip. Mr.
Waqs�er a�vis� thst he haa svqgost.�d to rag�ressutatiws o� t�►e City
band thst t.h�y preeent thelr a�an budget Po�c 1963 to tba City Counailo
Ha�r►d r•prasentatives will meet aith tba Rocr�rstion CO�iealon ia
Marc•h e
Mr. 1�gRes aad ilr. lfaasiak plat� to stast pra�aration o£ ifie poliaa►
maaual bsEaro ilardh moatiag.
ltrs. Pa7,ermo rapozt.ed on the iavestiqation segarflinq t1u poeaibiliiy
oE starltiag a rocroation coaamissiozre�onsared cit�y m�r�ery sdtaoi.
R9►a Cummission asked 1lrs. Palermo to Eormalisar lhis ia%raAatiost �or
prae�tatYox► to tha Fzidl.y Alinistsrisl Assoaiatiou, vith the i8sa
og renting �wzch apaae for rursary a�oola. ghe vill aiso p�re�ars
a tAStitativ� budgst gar sama far 1963.
:�;i.' : � - i;�r - -
Nxe R�r, 8�o�autiva Diseatoac og Snburban Rec�eatlo�A As�ociatioit,
and bie aasistant Nr. Rano aP80ar�9 bsgore cavmniasl.o� to urgs us to
joia S.R.,A., and qppoSat a d6laqat� to thair board. At preseat,
Fridl�► roaoiw8 �rom Unit.od 8w�d through S.R.A.. $745 warth oi aervia�a
accaxditg to S.R.A booka. It is 6ivldod Li►use $150 £at seuiar
citi.a4na. $g00 for aummor pzoq�mn, $50 #ar s�plies. $ZO for soaial
�eeurity. aa8 $25 gar 9re�wP iaetucaat�.. Aatiou tablad uatil March
,rt: : wl� :i' �:i
r'1 B��Y and wr�►tling clinics �ez� he1Q - tha latter v�ry suva�aas�u].ly.
Adult mea'e baakothail progxamt (abont 75 mqn partiaipats) vriii iaet
'boo mo�'e VfM1c8. A Y.�am will go tA tht S�itA Tou=Yle�fTtt. Das1C68 ai!
RQCreation Coma►issiou 141autss F�ruary 15, 1962
Page 'Ps�o.a,..<.
going woli - 400d attoxedanaa. A ae�v rocar8 piayer has beeii pur-
chasod by youth with their own funda. Oae old r�d pl�►er aiil
be asnt to 8loctsical �!►op at Hi�h sd�ooi far ropaiz by students.
Opinioa of Commission sequastQd rogsrdisry dancs instsvction £ar
youth bafase each dance at SOC par porson. Co�nisaiaat falt idas
was good. but iastsuctors s�o�uld bs offered a glxad aum rather than
on per capita basi.$. Saaketball program is costiug about $500.
Next yoar plat► to cut back � oi games or assess tsams gzeater
Motion by Palermo• secosxlad by Powsll to suthariza lles8lck to hire
assistant gar $150 �o halp w3th dan�s for remaiader of ac�hool year.
lbtia¢i carried. ThiB assistant will be i:►vitefl to our ltarc�h a�estiAg.
�i:�.Y y!f+r'Y �� ��-
The next mesLing will be on �lar� 15, 19b2 at 8s00 P.M, �ew Com�ai-
ssion officers will be eiaatad.
��!�i•��1� �<.��t_
There beiug no futther buainass, t�s msstiag was a�9j�rned at 11s15
Respecttvlly submittods
CandaCe ![. Bscon
s�arotary to the Commission