PR 04/02/1962ai:LNUTES OF T� MEETII9G OF Tiii: PF�EtSCS Alai? PLAYGROIIt�S St7B-CORRMITTEB HEY,D APRYL �� 1962. � �ers Prasents AlI comaai�t� mwd�er� wesw present, John 9waneon pre�idiug, � Others P�Cearitts 1�lr. Aonlin. Mr. Don Meyers APPROVAL OF MIgUTBS: 2�ittutes oi tha previous menting vrtre approvod as written. �y:;� � a c • � r.. . !!r. Dan He�►�ra, the newly hisa8 Directar of rioare Lake Swimming seac+h ovaa intsoancxa by rsro noatsa. !!r. Lieysrs svb�setea a coatp_ rahansivt wat�rfront progsam far 1962 to tha com�mittss members in written fora�. (COpy attadaed to Sacretary'a minut�s). Mr. Meyers answor�d var3ws questions concwrning ths program. 6 years ia t]�e youngast aqa Ear a ehild attanding amiaing classee. Claseea wili be daily - Moaday thraugh Friday - far 45 minutos per clasa. There will be 3 accra8lta� instructars to teach ths Red Cross approv�8 coussos. i+tr. t�eyers salary ia $1,000.00 far the sntire thrae aaaths snmosr program. and he wiii br ia c�iwt� c3tarqe of ths baadl. or.0 susx�ss: 18r. Donlin aad Dlr. Strong atudied tl� lota in tiie Plyaiouth Additlon thafi azs a8vertissd for tax sa7.o. Tha Coaspitt.� xaoomamends to the City Max�agar t2fat a� lot - Lot 15, 81ock 3, agpraisa� valuation of $300.00 l�e aaquired by thv City Por pl.ayqrouad purpoaaa. It is a auitable aroae �,' ��.�ci;T���;s :.r: . Bonda have boan aoJ.d and the :Q.3.P. property vrill bw acquired. Locke Sstat�s The com�nittom� ha� directed tho Chairman to �+rite a lstter to tho llayor, cogiea to iha eauncil, (1) With the r•ca- �ausredabion that effort be e�sded at vlhicb ti� saar basia of aettiement b� conat�ate� witls Dauglaa Cbapel and the City of Fridl�y. {Z) Members nf th� Committae have recsivad many inquiries into the status of tt►e property and sesmtnq lack of ]cricaledqe of the current etate of netion an �Ghe aa�ae. Land Acquisltioa in N.B. Fsidleyi D�. Donlin saposted that he has ^ a3�tained ths aamea of the otris�rs of specific areas of land that w�ld be suitable far park purpos�s. Sonth of Osborae Road and boacdsriuq Old t�ntral is an �d�qetat�r location, aad abont 8-10 acras would be advlaable. 0�. nanlin has oaly c�tact�d oas of thre• possible ovaera, and will rrpart fnrtl�er at next m�eting. P8Qe 'PWQno.,..o. Park and Pl�ygrounds Minutes - April 2. 1962 �1 ��'-•!�� -�.: esac�: Additional saad will be add�d to tbe ldce and baach. Parkix�g aad q�nwral facilitiea at tha'beac� vrere discuased. it •►ae felt that the baseball diamond rvill have tio ba rawoved for additional parkix�g ares. Due to tha limited aariroming area at the b�aah, the a�lviaability o� aaintaiairyg the beac:h on s publi� fee paying basis was �Secussed. Motion by Tho�opaon, that we rec000�nd to the Couacil, a policy that a fe� be chargsd far nonm residents usi�g and parking at ihe Moore Lake Beach. Dfotion carri�d. A car etidcar would deaignate rrri8ley residents and could bs obtained at City Ha11 for 2SC to cover coet. $2.00 aouid be c�hargsd to non-raaideats f� a sesson stickor, or 254 per car pe�c aaztry at the bwac3s. Mro Don7.ia pres�►ted facts coaicsrttiaq a 40 foot ateel "Fi" shape dock, that wauld coat about $1,300.00, a:�d would last 8 to 12 ytars. Z'he nesd is apparen:t £ar adeqnats and safe dock far the area. �It waa movad u�d carried on the slla�rais� for tha dock. ^ Dragltae wo�k south �Ihares of Moa�re Lake was prassntod by llr. Donlin. Se has contacted the D�partmant of Conservation to learn about existing lawva covering zamoval of we�s, stc. fraa existing , aha�eline. No bida w•re eubmitte8, and a spscial meetitq will be called to �ppsove price of work and according to State specifi- catioae. COD�tON3 s Tennia Cairte: Bids will be let as soon as fiaai apacifications t►uvs baon ap�roved by the Exgiaearit�q Department. Mr. Donlin anS !!r. �Pallaas aill atudy Coatao:ts to determistie carract location for theas i�u accardaacs with L'uture plana as�d developmsnt. D�W SUSIDffi83s Z'ho Parks at�9 Playgrounds sub�ca�wi�.toe seco�ende a drainage �naction be 3netalled - 3ylvau Park, ao cottatxuction and devel- opmout of that arsa C�w ba b�gin. - —��!. ^ Government Lot #5. 7.0 aqres locsted in Hississippi River, north of Hiqt►+ray �100 bridge, presently in poaseseion of Unitad Pa+er and LanB Conpaay wili be nsgoti.ated upon. �Ir. t4allace r�a that the par7c aad Piqygrounds abtain thia isiand if poasibie far future p8g8 �i��nuoec. Parks and Piaygrotuads Minutes - April 2, 1962 � developm�ontt marine 1an81ng. N.S.P. will entertain motion for aale or 2sas� of this property. Mr, Th�eott will report furth er at next mwtirig. NE7CT I�ETAJ(is The naoct regular a�sating of tb� Sub-aammittea will ba hsld on bionday, i�pril 23, 196Z at 8s00 P.fi, at City Hail. �OZT�= �'here bsing no further buaineas, tbe neeting was adjouraed. Reap�otfnlly snbsitted: 1lardets� Eie�asn S�cr�tary to tlM Coeritt�s ^ r'1