Pt+seent: 61enn Thompaon, Chairmatt� William Miloarek' Clyde SLrong and $ichard
Donlin, Park Direotor
IlbsenEt John 9Natiam and Mardeae Eichho2a
Speoial meeting xas oatled to conei.dsr oertain mattRra� paior to the Planning
Cosnisaim Maeting snd to make rooa�eadatiaaia thereto.
1. The Park Caimd.ttee review�ed tha miantes of Lhe Joiat P7.ats aad the 8ub-Divi-
aia�e artd SLteete and 9ub.Gaadnitteea mestiag oY Aprii 9, 1962. Mr.
Dar� repoa�Eed oas tLe dtaaueeian of said meetiag caooerataB P���b' �
sso+u�ing oertain aoreago iar park purpoeee in the ar� bounded by Central
Av�ue on tha Weat� Oaborae Road aai the NorGh, 9rthur 3tseet on tha Sast atd
7ying aorth a�Y 75th Avenue N.T3. in t�e N.W.� of the F.E.} of 3eatiaaz 120
Zt vae also repox�ied that Hr. BroMa� City &ngisseer and Mr. Ilonlin� Park Direotor
had cheaked thie area to determine, topograpby� abutting pa�operty aad
utLtitias alreac�y inata7.led to aerva this area. It xas further notsd that present
P�oPer'EY amsre� f�idso and L+�ickeon, ia t2�is area� vere in favor af the Citar
��oP�+B a paric a1Le in t2iia north east eectim oi Frittiey.
A motiaa l�pr C]yds Strang to rsaom�snd to t�he Plarming G�an and the City
Co�u�a12 to �s+ed taB° sPP�'�a'�ZY 9.i acrea (aee the atLaahed map oi araa)
ot this p�operLy and t1�aL negotiation far� puxshsae be inl.ti.atod at the eax'liest
/'� P��ble mOmeAt. liot,l.aas ee6onded by W31138� Mi.lCarek-�Oarrisd tm8riitsOUSlye
2e ?J�tE 7+11� HBACHi Follo�ing up ott the dieCUasion of the IiNting o�Y April 2
re—Tsiive'� o�m�o, veme:tt � ar3mning faailitiea at the eits' Mr. Datilia rapax�ted
that Dx�ag Line Opesatims ehou].d be under�alaen ss eoa�a aa poeaib]s and asnd
truaked in to enlarge the beaah srs8o
MoEion bq Miloarok aad aecoaded by St.roa� --That the Yark Comm.ttee recamoend
to the Citq Coumil to advertise ior bide for a].eaniag np Lhs eontdi east ehox�a
�i^° Oi MOOTB 7+ek8o It N8a �Lt�"�7B! TBCO�BIIded �h8t th8 VDTk b8 let OIi 8A
hou�].y baais - bid in osd� to alear ae many Iitiesr Peet o! eha¢�a litse as po�ible
and sti].1 stqy xithln the li�ts aP allacated Yue�da !or beach i�rovement
pia'poeee. MotLan oarrisd.
3. WEID COM1R�s Motion by Strong and eeconded by I�ilaarek thst the Park Co�mnittee
reeaawsa '�st tt� City advertiae far bida Yor veed apraying� Algae siui Sub-
�'B� a4uatic � ooatrol aat the Sast and West sides aY Moore 7skl.
Ztot�.aau oar�ciedo
HssLing adjourAed st I0s30
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r.s i;n- : r,
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