PR 04/19/1962/�'1 n �. � - � - - .. DQ3BTINCi - APRIL 19, 1963 �e sastinq viaa cailed to arder at S•05 P.M. at t]w Pals7cmo risids:tc� with b�: !li�wrek p��sidl�g. M�b�s 8tee.nt': otha�s Pre�e�: )li.l.carek, �a�, Pcwil, Palesaw• �Y. Sacon. N�lwn ltessick. Berry ��UP -- •' .�i,lb7 ..ICi: /` I Th� mirn�tes of fi]is Karcb 15�. 396Z m�eting asre appacov�d as pressat,�d s� read. O�,D BUSID'�ss: Don Solum has b�sa hised to assi,st Mesoick raith danoe grogram fo�r resai:W�r o£ ad►ool yaar. Disanssi.o� of 8aaoe prograia - Superiatead�nt 8ansa� has qtueti,onad Sa ooaveaesatioa vrith Messick, the adv3sability oi oo�tiauia9 Dr��• �Y �8estea a poll o£ parents of parti:- cipatiag Jr. Higls studos�ts ]ae tak�a to � their seatissnts sygardix�q JY. Sigb �aacos. No aati.on taken. Dances.vriii conti.aus ss plaa�sd. Mo 1asYxuctioa Mil.l i�s o�i`ared this aprinq. �i. Dacisi.on meAe � to siga an ��gr�ss�t aith sRA v/her�by w rronid b�cow� a masob�r of SRA o�ith xsp��stati� on Boa�td o£ Directars. Coessi8+3ion ftels lhesA are no advantages to be gal.twd. Secretaty 8lrected to tarite a lettet �0 91t1► thaNtiag theea far their sezvices to u8. ,. � �_i • . .; : i �.�.i_ i= '�StiM. Mra. Pal�acmo r�po�tad that �4te has been unable to m�t witl� Fridiey Miaiaterial Association, becauss #he aaaocia�Ci.ava has not had a�ting. She wi31 still try to maet witb theYV - res usitg churc� spacs far City nure�y sc�hools, and svbmit budget �or 1�63 st Itay meeting. Mr. Pcwsll rapc�aC�ed that l�s. Pa].ermo wishes tio bs replaced on Raaeation Commi.saioa. Mrs: valagie gelson is the nebr appointee by tTae sd►ool 8�. NSW BOSIt�fS3&s ^ D�SSICK' S RBPO�tT:_ !►dnit alea's bask�tball team �itl7C� S�ate RsetAatl.bn TournaIDSnt. Softbaii lemgue aill be orsjauia�d �Eo� aduit aeu tltis su�er, giaM pitds ball a1I1 bs played. Au�i.cipatas 8 ar� 10 tea�s. ._.. _ Fridlsy Rscreatioa Cwnisaion Miautea April 19, 1962 (aoatimied) ^ Poliay mstwal gos playgs�oaad p�rsonnei presamt�d %z c�nsideratioa. �nsg �t,.�e w�. � a�aa..a � �s �r �.ts�. ho�.,�i..s.s�so*m a�y�provyed p�ur��a�s�e�o�y£ thres jLec�7�osts fa� uee l�r alaYStr� �w.�WiiWi ��Wi ~Li�� aa�Yi�av�� �i Y�:n• ,.��.�]�_ ii:���:i M�aEing oi ooacbea and tvMpires aet i� firat w�7� ia Hay. R�giatration far bms�ball pragr�n is Aparii 28. PnrC!►aee and re�air o£ oqntpdsnt vrili uae sa►tire aliocatoa a�ount of aaney ia budget. Bxpset 6 c� 8 nidget �a�a. inti abart 20 peeM�s bsa�s. _:a�_�_ � � • " • ' w Ci' Alr. Po�tl aamia�ted aEr. Mitcasek far c3►airman - sec�t�e� by i�. l�ee. 8lectsd by aoci�ation. . b�s. Bavoss aanitiated lQr. 8cnt�1Z far aearetary - aeconded by Mr. �ae. 81ecGod by acclamation. ^ Mr. Milcarek rill co�tact D6c. Hu�a - res acaepting og£ice oE treasurar. Actiosi ds%rz�ad uatil Mad► rae�tis�g. �7t'P i�BTI1QCis Ths next m�e�tinq vill bs oa� Ma�► 17, 1962 at 8:00 P.lt. Budg�t wiil be PaceBarad at May �astiteg. ADJOtiR�': 1'haxe beitig no further buainess, the assting ad�ourn�8 at 10:30 P.M. Raspsctfully aub�itted: rr.r,�. .�. ... n