PR 05/17/1962�'1
Th� m�atinQ waa called Lo order at 8:10 P.R> at City Hall. with
ltr. Milaarek presid!la��sg.
�ers Preset►t: lliloarak, N�, Panll, N�rso Dtsl��. Dunpl�y.
Mrs. Baaon. iiughes
Othora Proe�nt: 1Msaick, B�ssy
�t - . •;_ ,,�
Tha minutas of the Agrii 19, 1962 ua�tiibg w�rs approvod aa p��sento8
and read.
. � _ �..�:-
l4ra. Bacwa raportsd that st►o had att�nded th� Fridi�y l�liiuisterial
Asaxiatiori maeting for Nsso Palsrwo. aad discuesad the Nursary
s�ool proposition. T'h� Asaoaistion mwqbera statod tbat thry aro
reluctant to open theis c3�urch Eacilities Ear a camamunity affsir
of thie natura. 1'hey Eeol ti�at iadividuai c3turahsa woula rathear
instituta tt►sir awn program oi this type. A of appreriation
%r ti�a conaideratioun of i•his �nat�er waa aant to Roverend Stone as
repres�r►tativa of tbe Fridley Ml:nisterial Assoaiation.
8ob H�g2►ae aoaeptad tlw post a;s Tzeaaursr of ths Fridl�y Roaraation
YS.�..s.� 1;_:; :. _ i•ti
Sill from� Indepandent Sc+hool Board No. 14 £or ivae of Junior High
Sd�ool gym far Saaketball Program -$265,OOo This bill to bs paid
fsan budqet funda.
A lotter was mail.ea »1► tlw secretssy to s.a.a. thanxinq tttem fcr
ca�siderstion of the Commiasion as a mea�ie� of tha Asaoaiation. but
that the Commisaion chooaes to conti.aue ita pr�s�nt status as a
�non-marobYr. Copy was accopt�d.
• • � ��,.t1�.
^ Policy Marlual of tt►a Commissiwa aa prseoutad by Harry Noseick was
accapt.d. D�. INssick will obtniu t►ard baak covaza and mimsograp3s
a Cartoon fly lea£.
Fridley Rwc�oation Cwania�ion Mir►utss (cautiaued)
� • .• �.vv. �+�.N
ittdependant 8dtool Soard ot Distriat I�o. 14 ayppolntW lfrst. Valarl.�
N�lson ior i.rdt�isiite tssm on 8ridley &�aroation Caasaiaaioai.
N�I SUSI�18s8 e
��I�' �3 RBP�OItTs
slow pit� So�tbali Teama r4a�y to etart glaying an Tasedetiy. May 32.
Junior Danoas � Attsndattce axoYllait
Sa� DaacQa � Att�ae droppai to sero. The last daacw Mas
Don 8olum haa aeaiat.od ilaasick Mith daacas thia lasti c�ath.
I�sn Levino has giw�n Meseick notiae that 2w will not bq availabie as
Pla�yground Direatio� this aummar due to his aca�ptaaaa of anothsr
position. !�. lleesiak wili cwntaat Maxitte Clou�t► ae posaibility as
Plqyqro�ad Directas. Hs plass to bire a hi�h sc4iool boy as yo�i�g
l�ader gor small Boy Bae�ball Loague.
^ T'ho iwduar Hroqram to run £ramo Juae 18 to �y 27, 1962. it�qistration
iwgit►s Saturday, D1a,y 26, 1962o Yasr 1961 - Suawar enrol].m�►t was
340o Satimats fa� this year - 400.
Umpiroa - Saaa difiicaibios wiLb c�stain fathors preaatt ati t�ha Samea.
R�e boys thaasolvea gl�y ball just as a gamee Soana o£ tbe ialfiera -
it is win, ar s18�.
Suete fas Sasebali C13aic at l�letropoliLan Stsdium, Saturda,y. �7tttse 2,
A�quira 3 to 4.
Budqst qoqs iato egfoat Jaauasy 1. 1963
!lotioa by iiu�has, eocoa�de8 by Paweli, to raiae 8arry Mseaiak's salary
iram ¢2,300.00 1:0 $2.600.00 por yaar.
Moticai by Poweli, ssoand�d by Duaphy, tio raiae salary of Basebali
Comaisslones f,ran $600.00 to ¢750.00 per yoar.
^ 7�aro will bo 12 P�e�4oa sad 6 Midq�rt Teams !.n Su�miar of 1962. 8atimste
14 ParWN Taame ia 1963.
Frldiy► R�r�atiou Caminissioa Mittutes (continuod)
! :t_Y
:�_ i� Y �i.'.. �. . '
A. Dir�atas oP Ramnatiou
B. Pl�,yqzouad Laadot
Ce Aasiatattt+at (6) � $180.00
D. Btts 'PrauiBportatlotl
8 e Squi,pm�nti
F, Danas liupervie►�
(2) sv�visara far projseted
� Playqround 8�anaion atld
Bark Program
Gl. Basaball Cam�isaione� .
S. 8qttip�wttt
Io Adult Psoqram
Jo 1liscellaaeot3a 8uppliss� 8elp
aud t�ontls�gencies
: �1�q�7.4:.' c...,-
Baskatball and SOgtball
C1ty R�arYatilOA 8und
sdtool SoarB Fuad '
s�aia� (6) @ $10.00
Jttala� (18) � $10000
Svmmar 8nrO11m4nt Fe�a, laaludSng
Bus FareB
�r�:4 ,�..�:.Y M ��,:;t
� 2,600•00
i► �Q-�QG G o ° e-e
6,150.00�soo- �
, ��
�y � � �
� n�st m� of !Sw Cotuaission qill bs � J1uie $, 1963 at 8:00
P.M. at City 8a11.
Th�e being no furthar busir►eaa. tite msatisg adjournecl at 10s30 P.S.
R�aB�ettu].ly sttbanit�d:
8rnast P. Powoll
S�cr�taiy to We Cqvoissiott