PR 05/28/1962�
Dle�era Preaonti All
Others Psesant: Diak Donlin, iZ resident� oE S.ivo Frldiwy
Chaism�aa t3. W. Thou�eo� openod the masting at 8s10 P.M.
t������_: •' ,�,t�.4=.
M�otion to aca�pt miautes o£ the April 30, 1962 msetiny as mzil�d.
Secondedo M�lon carried.
i.ij,� �Y'� • � !i��. �-.i i 1.i s .1i �i��ii_'�
iit. Donlin raported as� "Aeviaw o£ 8ummer Wark Program". (1) Fridlay
Coa�ons ! apecifiaations rasdy for teanis courts, aoon as to gst bida.
Glen Wallace has �arked arith l�. Danlin aa► co�aona. Sksting rink
holds water - moust drain into storm sewar. Thrae bsak staps to be
oreatod. atartit�g 6/4/62. (2) sodding to bsgin ae soo� as poseibl�
on coam�s and 48th & llaia. (3) Five aigna hav� been made for park
� identifiaation.
• y: , �. .'c_ �,
At this poinfi. tha Chairman callad iaz the diacusaion on ths park arsa
kttown aa 48th aad btain. A doiegatiou frao this area met wiYh th.
Sub-aoauaittse. lCr. Donlia explsinod ouz prossnt plaws to the grou�po
Ttie area wi�l be graded level and soddad thia y�ar. The intarestad
paronta sx,�lained thair Eaolings regarditg tho lack of plqyground
faailitiea in that aras. soana paranta voiced ths opiaion that sil
aga boys shouid have nfarby neighbarhood faaiiities and not ba ex-
pected to uao the E'ridley Caomons. Othar parer►ts pra8�nt adviaed
that thay felt aeig2�borhood pl�y asaas wora e�rassly for tha children,
aqas 8-14 yeara o T'he Bub-co�nai.ttae will contit►ue to atul�► � r►eeda
oi additional pla� and park area needed in that populous area of
Fridley. Aftar tha deleq�tion lsft, l0�. Swaaeon movsd thst Lote 29
a�d 30. Bioak 4, bs iiavestiqated ragarding tho practibility o£ aoq-
uiring 80 %o� wido lots to help alleviate the pt�yaical epace �ab-
l�a of thia area. Savorided. Motiaa carriad. Mr. Donlin voiil repart
on this at the next maetiag.
'�t �� � ;�
� At this datA, th� Sub-aommitt�s haa s►ot beon advised by the City
Council on tha prosant atatus of this,prope�rty. llro Thompsontdll
attemn�t to abtaia the cursant determinatia�n by the Council an thla
park aras, and sepoxt back to the 8ub-catnoittae.
pags Y�IO
� Farks atid P1aY9rouad Sub-aaamoittae m�etiug a�inutoa (continuo�i)
May 28. 1962
�. � •-'�>-- ,'_
11r. Donlin advi�i th� S��eoamittee t]ut Park Conatruatio� aill
gft the biS 1aGr n000e8tlty 8raglias work at Hoaro Laka. PaLk
Coa►struction wiil eatl cla4Y fill. 10 yd. load foz $3.75 par Ioad,
about $2.000.00 oE fiil would add great 1uQrov�t to the total
b�� asoa.
T'he Sub-ewmaittae hae not besn advia«i by thQ City Attorney aboub
tho nwcessary osdinatices v�lhiaY► would cover t�w atickaua £ar lbart
I+ake Beac9'► paYSOnao Mre Thampson will £oliow up on thie, aad
repart back to ths Svb-co�toittae, �lotion by strong to i.ncrease tha
aalaty of tho Boaeh Diroctor, Jlr. Iiay�rs, from $1,000.00 for thres
nantha, to $1.Z00.00 £or sama langth oi timo to ca�eate far ths
ca�leto aqpexvisiaas ha wili assume for t2is atiakar progra�a at tha
b��. Secamd�do lto�io� aarried.
' � MM !�� ; �5., - 4�
Z'he S�-aanroittaa discusasd �ct�naivt7,y, the currant and projoated
�'1 :weds for park araas in Fridlry, including aost estimaLes oi ttNSs
necasaary park sitea. Mr. bt,ranaon mavad that tho Svb-eo�aa►ittes
recammend to the Crnuicil, tha sale og a miaimum of $200,000.00 og
baaida for thQ aoqu;eifiion and dsvelopiaant o£ Eutur• park property,
Seaonciad, Motioai aarriad.
Motiaa► by ltrao Bicfihom � th� sub-ca�uittes's roqu�st, that the
Caa�Aail 8pecify withia the next 30 days. tOh�t thY proper tims toz
vota on those baaids should oecur> S�cosidad. Dtotion carried.
Sspacially cotiside�ri�ng tho proc�dur�e em�loyed to g�! arida ca�unity
a�aoptanco of thia proposal.
t;. _� _ �t
Tho Sub-aoaanittYY studied th� �pr$ieals 6ubmitted to the Council�
s�gardia�g tha ProP�'t]t undar cwnsi�cieration for park purposea in tha
N.Bo 8ridlQy araso The sifb-coa�ittee mnkoa fihe following recomu�nd-
ation to the Ccr�uicii: Aaquira Lats 5, 6, and 7 is� Auditor'a Sub-
division #129. It vras auggastad that Sub-coaQnitt.� me�aber, Ilr,
Donlin, raps�eant ths sub-aaaaoitt.ea at ths negotiatiar� sesaioneo
ltro T'haaq�son hae agaixi mat informal3y with Dt.S.P. ofgicials. and
roparts that thsy sr�a r�ptive to sa111ng the 7 acr�a of prap�rt,y
o� tY►a ialand,(#Lot S) aith a 99 ysat laaso. Will be disousssd
fttrther ia .7Uae.
� Paga Three
Parks at�d Pl�qraun8o Sub�ao�nittM maet3sg mistut�s (ooatitu»d)
M�► 28. 1962
i. r:
8uucthos diaaussiou o£ budg�t tabied uatil next m�tis�g.
�� . : t�,� .1��,�.,_
Tt t�ras brought to the ittontion of ths S�rcoauaitt�e. oaa�laitsts
og rosidente �urrouading tt►o 7th strost park. r�gardinq tho uss
o# playgsound by maa's eoftball toama. �TOt onty aro ettildsea unabls
Y.o up th� ball diamond, oa� 8tmdays aad othes dqys, bufi thaaro haa
baan boar driaki=q atui othQr objectionabls behavioz�o �fr. Daalisa
e�prosa�d tha opiuion that as aoon as tha �hrea diamo�ds aro xeady
at tha Co�oone. th�ea L�aaw will practice thersa
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1'ha naxt mwtityg of the Sub-�caaoittae will bs he18 on .7uae ?S, 1962
at 8200 PeM.
� e r ��� � .,:,,Y�
Th�s� baing uo f.vrth�r busitlee�� ChaismaYi Thocqpaoo e9eclat�d th�
m.otingr aa�ournea at s1:3o P.xo
Resgeetfully sulzqittsds
!lard�Ae 81C9�itwCU,
soarstary to tha sqb-cro�o�oitteo.
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