PR 10/22/1962�� �-. � I^:' �Ri '•.-.1� �•.•'!.'1�. t� •��.•p. °M1P. IqBt.$.�J We18 CE,1�.6d t0 Otf1@.l' b� Q9a2.iA18Sd '�lOI9p30$Se MB�bP.YB PYBS@Il$S M�EiS A�JS@tlti others Presenta 1�fOIDj�SOAo StY'OIa�Ja M�.ZCdiP.�S SWaYiSOIIA 8�C11hOYA Park Director Dick Don13n, A3. NlessiCk, Tom Rushso�d APPROVAL OF MINUTESa The minutes o£ septe�ober 17, 1962 w�te accepted as ma3.lede F�!��a�,!� t�Sr, Thompson qave a raport on the property known as NortY►ezn S�at�s Paaer islaad located just nortla oa Highwag #100 on �he P3is�issippi R:��ero Mr, �hoaapson has reported that NoSeP. will eitizer se41 ar leasse sa�.ci island - pr3ce estimaLed at $3,SOO.00m this sit� is pianneci for a fu#�a�� MaY'ina. B Ts ThB park budget was diacussed at great lengCho �� Svlvaa Hi2las- �ark has b�xa started and shoul.d be brough�. �o qrade :a�� next weeka Work will start on the park a� 2nd Street NozY�a oE Alississ�.� ppi Stxaet. It Will be brought to grade and will possibly laave a sh.�°��.izsg iiiike Coaamonaz - Tennis Courts will be done shor'�Iyo Four havre �n c�ns�a°uct�r� and the futuse will indicat� possibly eighto A9ro Donli� f�ls foasx $�:5,3.1 be su£fici�nt at this time. Posts ¢or nets are Yhe only ttsirig 1�f� �a campleteo PeaRi� CJVA �i s P�m Russell Tall and Staaley Aiagcitant had been hixed to prepare �3ae ,pa�k surveyo �h� total cost of surv�y up �ill naw 1s $900000 �., �a�:��ra has a few ct�aages to make and �aill present survey ixi its final. prao�� APPR�ISAI,S a Carlson's Su�nit Ftaaor. Block 1, Lots 3, 4a and 5. Motian a�acoau3�� a�1 carriedm Rivervi�,r Seights - Blocks 32 thravgh 37, estimated price a¢ $350a00 �r lot. NBotion seconded aad carriedo EARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS Si�-CO�t '� A4iNUT'ES -�P�$R 22, 1962 ^ (Continued) PBTZTYOPTSz l�e Al ALessick - 970 pandora Northeast and Mre Tom Rusls�ord - 971 Pandora Nosth�ast have coan� foswa�d s�ritls a petition on pro�x�y in- diCBted on map, and also petf�icua �ncloaerle �T Y�F3TYFiG: The next meeting of the Parks and P].aggrounds Sub-comm3tte:e wili be on 2dovm�� 26, 1962 at Cii.y Hall at 8 o'clock P,�'i. ADJOiJRL1E�i4T: Z'here beiag no further business, Chairmaa� 7Ck►�son dacis.r�i �Yae meeti�g adjouraede Respactfully submit��i: � Bill Asilcasek Acting Sscrefiasy to the Sub-ca�nittee �