PR 11/16/1962� �.Y,Ni)T8S OF P�BTIDTG OF THE FRIDL+EX �E�AT88P,i C0�9ISSION �° Y+1����
15, 19620
�e i��i� W� Ciali� `.� �.�� a{r �io� i sCio ai. `iJ.�� Fiiaii `J��feb� l'u. c
�l�.lcarek presidit�g o
�e�mbers Psasent:
04hexs Pr�s�ttz
MllCatek, bizs. BaCOI1e M:'so NelSOi30 Pcri�lle :de6
Harry Mesaick. Maxiase Clough Boons.
ti., .- . y._::. ,,,._ ��
Alotion by Alrs. Bacon, second�d by Hraa Nelson, to approve the mia►u��s
o� th� Octabe�e 18, 1962 mmeting. tiotion catri�do
i�sso Nelson r�ports khat thw City Traasurer°s Offic� zeposts tlaat �h�
Ccatmnission ¢uads are $699066 in oveadraftm Certain fees and xecei�sis
^ ase atill to be paid into the Co�nisaion Fund wh3cY► will zeduce �tae
oeerdsaft by approximatoly one-halfo City ASaaager wagner states �aak
sertain rsserve moniea in the Ci�y �udget will �take care of aaiy r�i.���
�verdraito however, he suggests itiaat th� R�creat�.on Cormn3.sailoaa ma74� a
communication to tt►e Fridl�y Ci.ty Couz►cil requestimg that �h�y a��.�a��
ria�e a sum oE ;�00.00 addit.ion to thm 1962 budget �o sa�is£y tlxx� ����
�ncumbered balance overdrafts and psy r�aining biiiso
�Sotioie by Mrs< Sacon tYxat such a a�unication Y�es made. S�conded 3�,�
�lzsa Nelsono Atotion carriede
F♦• s � �n- n'�Y M-�e � N
A s�ate�oent from Fk�.e School Boaxd xegarding chargea ta th� Recs�at.L�
�aa�tission for School use is sequesiced.
=� " �' >
�3sso Aiascin� Boone has been hired as Dance Directar. Her sa].axy w�.�.l �
$z00o00 fos 13 progra� (approximat�ly $15.00 per program3 ruaaxiinc� fr�
iYC>v�b� 168 1962 thxou�gh l�tayo 1963e 2`his w311 inelude Activitie��,
maetings organized with the stud�ntss buyia�g all material and �.gce$'�d1.r�
�o pubYicity. If the Senior 8iqh Prograa of approxi�aat�ly 6 prog:ca�¢�
ecsntinue ona $100a00 will be paid, ma]cing a total. salary oE $30��,�Un
L'Nib�DYi ��80 ���10 SeriWNKY � L'Y.6e P�180i� rv=..�s1.� lYO ♦'i6$Sli'.�A�
�o psepaxe a jab descriptioas and aalarY Paid for t&e Dance Dir�c�tx::
positicm �y i�cs. Maxino Booneo
��idiey R�crea�3on Co�mnission Minu�e� p Nov�s�a: 46, 2�&20
� Pa�e Twavoa4
:�: � Pqessick r�parts a break-in a� Hayes School w3�b. �h� loss o� � _�/�
��eation Cotttaisston 8quipm�nt ineluding, a A���s'�'O"`v
�a�lifier. � A report &as been �il�d wi�h the Fridle,y Po3. ��s
�aar�a�, p3r, l4eseick wlll submit a r�pos't to thQ TnSUxanCe Com�s�n�'
�ak►ieh i.nsures th� City Prope�rty o
�ativity Schedul� is wark�d out for the Junior aztd �iqh Si,ucl�n��
�or balanae of Hovember and S•he monich o£ Dec�nb�zo C�srisY.mas Daxace to
b� hela on nocember alsto
p ,• «;
i40 boys participated< 5 winner� i+►�re aslected who seceived footba7.A
jozaeys as prizaso 2'he 5 wizu��s wexe a� Alet Stadiwa, Saturdayo Nov�e€�x
10Q 1962 wh�a all participatad and piaced L-n the fSrst £iv� place�d
First Psi�e (Viking Jacket v�ith leather slec�ves) for 8 year old was ca�saa
iay nennis pet�rsoaa. secona rrsze (�'ootbaZl he].metD �a�s 7 year paa.,
�i`hi=d and Fowcth Prizes (Footb811), aAd Fi£th Pgize (A Pezusanic} o �,
B��$sick wrote uSp a complete atory o£ �t►e coa�t�st fos Fridley News o
^ 2fi�,r di.d saot publisll it this weeka
''- :,�--- ' .� � ��s_y
2�rsz�ounca+u�nt rrill be a�ad� n�xt wask �t►at fh� Baskett�a7.l Program vaats„71
�tart DoCeaiber lsto
• � •.e+•,
Z'his Program wi11 b� on Satusdays a� the Juniox Hig1b and setnior I3�ffks
�iailcs, for 4th, Sth and 6th gxades orgs:►lzation to b�gin in ��:c�s'�� �
Th� Sigh Schaol will fuxnisls jerseys axad pucksm �he boys are to �aav�
their ca,m skates aatd stick8.. �tte 8chool coaches will assi8�:,
Kaye N�ause ha.s indicat�cl �hat she v�ill giv� figuse skatin5 Z��s�ass�
on saturcl�y moraiags through January and February atc Fridiey Ca�saas�,
R�tstrat��n Fee will be $2v00 for 4:tte two monthse th16 man+�y to s�� >ss
Kage Newhousa with a$5s00 paar hont guarantee for the 8 week geacicG::,
: • -: l. ` 1,11 M.f:E ' ' • ii��
Th�se two activities in the-Adult 8ducation Pra,�ram vaese canceli�d o�a�
ciu� to m3asimal swqisirsationo
,� Fsldley Recreation Co�maissiazi Minutsa -�TOVC3mb�77C 26a 19620
p�� �ii±t�ooee
I,',►aY i:��
�he next meetiag of ths Ca�lsaion wi11 be on D�cembes 13, 1962 a�
8s00 PoA4< at City Hall.
`�.1. e_�' _� R�:�ta�1Y �
T&aere being no Lvrth�r busineas, the mesting adjourned at 9a50 P�1+�o
Respectfully svb�itteda
�rnest P e Paaell
Secsetary to tho Co�mission