PR 11/26/1962,-. � ��v�.s�a ��.-xs���� REGULAR 1�ETING OF THS PARKS ADII% PLA%GROUl�?DS Si7��CO�TTE.E; - ATOVF;P�3�'�. 26, 19620 �.�� All mmobers present with the exception of Al�o stronga Other.$ pr.as�t.i Mr.a Donlin �'he meeting was called to ozder by Mro Thompsono APPROWAL OF MINi7TESz Atinutes of the october 22, 1962 �et�ug were approv� as corrected4 PARK SURVEY RBPORTs Y�r, Tho�son, Ancm Donlin and Mra Russ Tall mst and prepared the firaal draft of the survey which was psesented to the Snb-ewaaiitt� o A4emta�z s og this Sub-comaittee have rec�ivad many questions from vaslous resiasxc�s about the parks aad playgrounds in the Citge also the favoxabl� vote axs �lae bond issue irnd��at�s tlse i.ntere�fc of resicients in the pask sys��r,,; 2'tes survey would be an excellarnt opporturaity for the Council and Swb- coirmittse to somamaxsicate favarably wi�h th� entise cosmuun3tys A9otia� by Sichhosn that the Sub-comaoittee recoimaend that the park survcy be published aatd distributed to all recaxdsd residents of the Cityo Seconded m Motioa� carsi.ad o A�r, Thoaa��on has receivad an esti�ate be about $300v00 to $350.00 for 1,000 16 paqeso sixK,�le spaCed, dupliCdtsd l�y • - yyr . r «• . cos'� of survey publicatiors to copies in a stapled bindes o� multi-lith processo l�r, Doniin reported tha� he has received nofiification that i:he follc�irsg appraisals will be made on the followf.a� property: Lotis 3, �, �xad 5E Slock 1, Carlsou's Swmait Manoro Nas'Eh. lPresentlg this property is ic� a trust to state o£ Micutiesota), Riv�svi�v �eigh�se Lots 32 to 36o Y9rss Thompson iaidicatas thst she is wi.11ing to sell. l�adavlands 2n� Ad�31�.�na�u Outlot #2. and Lot 8 i.x� seaond Re+vis�. Auditor'a Subd3vSsion Noo 2i„ Alao, appraisal urill be made on the Flanery Homesiteo �he resui.ts ss� th� appzaisals will be studiad and rec�ndations made at aeext �*�.�gm I�aCion by P4ze t411carek that the Sub-caarnittee reco�aend that th� P�aaxson ^ Property be legally acquired caithout any extenuating agseera�nts wi�ix the awner, selative to any other requests in the neiqhborhood> Sec�►d�dA Motion carried. Alotio� by S�anson that the Sub-ca�amittee secom�end to t1�e Councll �t�eat i�mediate steps be �aken to aonsummate acquisition of tho Lock� Prs>perty before JaY►usry le 1963a SeCOndado lSotion carx'iedo Pt'�tKS AND PI.AYGROUPIDS SU�-COF�3�TT�E 8�£4'T%NG M�JUTES m 130VE3��R 26, 19fi2 "'� (Con�inu�d) .:j; .. —'�;5;i�"7��F;i��.CH7 Plans are dzawn fas playgcound area at S�cond atid Fsain Str�etaa A11 piasts will be psesented to the Su}rcos�aittee before aay woak begins� ssported !it'a Donli�so r ,; -. .� The a�ext meeti�g of the Parks and Plaggrounds Sub-coaeaitt�e wi11 be on ,lanusry 7, 1962 at 8s00 PeBYa at City Hallo A�pecial J'oint Mfeeting wi1� be held with the Recreation C�ssion in Februaryo , �. . • .�:�: ,.g Z'itere k�eing n0 furtl�r buSin�sS�, Chai�sa�► Thompson deClaxed th� �eting �jourx�a, � R�sgect£ully su7�mit�r Plarden� 8ic�arn S�cretary to th� Sub-eanmit�ee n