PR 01/14/1963^\ � .. � �-'i� ,�H' • l/►' r!. e _ .Y .M. r� .{. � y Aim�be�s Presenta Me��rs Abseasts Others PraBenta ;_' ai �� .S. , � ��+?.L �Y_ 2"hc�son, Strong, Eichhorn Milcns@k, ^�W�x3BO1� ,.. �►• m�r.� o� �� s�ove�or a6, 1962 �ts� were �provoa �,�i�a. �_; 1� �� Mr„ Thuopaon rdsd a report frams Russ Ta11B who is ass�mbling the surv�.�• #2aat a 7" X 10"d 20 ppo bookle� can be pxiaxted bY sanuaxy 250 196x� T'he co�nitY.eo agreed that 1.000 copi�s w111 be prin9•.�ci, d..i..sstri�utec: 'tt�rouSh arganizati�as in thea Cityo An atticle i.n the Friiil�y Fd�ws will no�ify a11 rasic'i�ts about tYte published survey ax�d that arxyoxz� �ilto dss�res m copy c� do �o by calling tt�se C1ty Hall. -.!.`��- ' 4��. � .i , C_: • x: T21� coa�aniY.'teel i:eCeiV�ci 8 1�'tt.@i £ioa4 �]l� NoSa ie83�Coiio Ss�lYeSt.Ssig the uae oE tha Lo�]ts psop�rLy, as f2eey have previousl,y, �ar th��ir �Y ��+71ai1s 24 �o August 16, l963. Piotion to a11aw �he Y.MaC�Ao Co use the� aroam Provided �hey op�rate in the area the coaamitt.� desigtra�os. aa cae wf.i1 be wa�rking i�ra certa8a ar�aa in tho park> second�l. Mation csrried, _i.Y�r ::_' �'�� i_. '_; .. i.�l� " �s� .�: . � �;., i �. 4�. �. �.. i.n.� . •:. 1J.S.P. Uwned Ialands Mr. Tho�pson n�t wi�th N.S,Pa of�i�iaZs and lears�a4 il�eir appraiaa]. of the isaand is $28g000v00a Fa 27m Shaff� t�ill be ae7ced to �ake an app,raisal fos �he Cityo Carisan ° s Suraai�_,�1anor: Plymouth Ac�ditian, BTock 18 i,ots 3 tl �k a anii 5 m tha cwarmiti:se's rmcomuexulation is to ac+q�aixe tbese tYarcee 3.atsa eitl��rs �'�u4b p���e or trade of city-a•med Lot 30 in Slock �, at what�� is mast favaxable tarma to Yhe Citye S�conded, i�otian ca�riesio River�i�r iisicihta: I�otion tha� the City negotiate for th� purclaas�� Of Lots 32, 33, 34, 3�5, 36o at�d 37 it► R1Vasvl�v Heights faY ne�cled '^ P1aY4roaatsd areao ( F.No 5haf£er a,pprsisal o£ th3s proporty is fiA�j� ^ Parlca aad P1aXg�4utxis Sub-ec�marn,i�fi�e Mlnutes Jamiaty 14a 1963 Page '1'wv.,e.a, Flaxiarv gcanesite: A£t.� coneic3erable 8lacussion r�gar�i3sig this ProP�'�Ye it ��as d�cidad tha� 1�. Jaius Fiaaery be caaLact� so ail the coaaat,ttem caa look at fihe F2anary itome to det�in� if it n�ems a feasible irivea� for tlae Citye �d�.8t�d GS=d�te: ApPraisals b�r i�'o Sh3fE� of Auditoz°s Sulxlivisioss No. 21. Lot 8, aad putlot No. 2 are £iled. 2Rxis azea wag diseusaedo aad befare any d�Ci�siola is :aad9 on acqul.acing iurther ProPertY in ttaio ar�a, 1°i�'. Don11a will bring a goeaib�,e park devolopman� s7c�tc� og outlot Noo l, Whie:h is 5.9 acrea. Skat�_ ws have thisteea► operatiny riailss ixa Frtdlay thi� ye�a 1�. Donlin repoorts they are 3.r� good condltion. WazzaEx�g bouses wiL1 b� open at all sc�tedu2ed �timos ut►].ess eatrcrerp�ely rold, �„�,each St,ickerss, New besch stick�� wi11 be o�rdere@ kar 1963 seaaoxan L+�2CI' !�`E�G� n �tte aext re9ular snoet9.ng of tha Suh-coumuittee wi 11 b� on Februarl+ 4, 19G3 at f3a00 at the City Ha11. A joiixt s�tiag caill,l be he1c1 wi�ta t� RecYastiwa Coammi.ssian latex in Fe'bryarye ` ' • 1�_x::.1zY._ T'h�re betng no ftttti�er bu�sSness, the mae�ing adjaurned, Respect£ully sttbmit�.�ds Mardene Sicl�hozn serx�tary to ths sub-cooaroitY.�e �