PR 02/11/1963�\ -�� ,, ,.�lt'r�. T►.�� i. i�.��3� � �a. r . ,: X� c��wears Prese�rta �hompson, swanson, Wr3ghto N'�esa Abs�nta Niilcarek, Sici�2�osxa C�ars Pres�nt: RiCtte7Cd Do1'�lino V. Nagel, City Managar Wagxaexa Mayor Wae, City Snc�ineer Braun, Les Nosd3no �ob 8ughes. . .. � ' ,, _!- !��t!� , `. _: ' � �!���. . t�ianutos of the psevlous meeting were appravac� as preseated, �Yaairmax► �i'ho�son has roparted that tY►e cwanittee°s oppos3tion to �the R� . S o S. S.D . riu�nityg the int.s�captar s�a�r 1 ine through the Rite Creek pox�tion of the Loc]ce Pask propertye This waa discuf+sed w3tt► tYae P2areming Caamaissian which vaC�d 4 to O with 1 abatain3ag to sup7Por� �.h� Parks aad Pl�ygrounds sub-caa�►ittc�. Z'he abjection has h�en pass�d on �o the City Council. Z'he main opposition to the plan is �2xaa fact that it will d�atroy the na�ural stata of the terrain and ^ poass:lbly altmr the flow of Rice Creeke Ait� a letigfihy discussiono ssvesal questiw�s wese pos�o (1) t�hat ia the tsequextce of oparations� ( 2� What arrax3gements are baing made for permanent c�ase�oenfi < i 3) Ys?ha�, do tbey expe�et in �he way o£ aonstxuction easm�tst ans� da�age se�al.�ing, (4) Haa caaa we be assured the pxoperty wial be put back an � natural at� satis£actory cotadifiaon. (5) Do tts�y plan to take �A�. precaution necessary �co avoid char�giny �h� chaauiel flav ixa the E p3.aces they c�oss or c3xcavate aear the creek banks, (6) Do �they plaaa to relocat�a the cxBelc ia aay way, perma,aen� or �araaye (7j WBaat would be the eost difFe�ential i� the sewex line were run fur�hc3r na�2a along the railroad property on the nosth side of i:he parke �ktai.rmaa 2'hompscn read a letter fran our Pask Conaul+tanta ASr, Wo G�an 'k°8��2�C@a �acpsessin�g his concera ovar this co�aoveray anc� his r�co�as�� a�.'scsaa agains�t tihe eewer iine runr►ing taucough 9:he proposed asea� �aarman 7.'haw�,asan repar�ed that tlsa ne` cos�t og the 1040 copi�s of •t3aa Park Brochure put out by ths Parks and Plsygxound� Snb-co�.itice� o� �3ae City o£ Fridley was $425.25a CopYss have b�s 8ists3buted �ea �e���ssl groqpa ir► the City. 2`h� 'X.i�l.CeA. wat►ts to use the Locke Perk proper�y, 5 d�s par weelc ^ �rcxn �aie 24 ta Auguat 16, 1963. Y.MoC,Ao to d►�ek with i�o �osi1lsa ���,agive tco areas to 1� used. r� �.ctter £rom tihe Anoka Couaty A�itor was read asotifying the sub- �c�itt�e that iP the Nlooa�e Laks Saac1► were aperated as a pvblic b�acha �•,,�e coYnrafy will appropriat� $1.500e04 £ar t.iie season �o�rard expens��a �•�sr�aal c�va�stiaras wese rtaisede t�re Donlin to it�vest�.gate furtYs� and /1 � r� ... �...� -_-._. � _ ,. �_ _ .a., ..--- - .._..�.. �_u � . x.n.�. _�- . . ... �-.s . � . : r � �r��a�� Axx��e3'� � _ _ .. .� .-, s. .�.�e..�� a`�'���' �am00000 c�anc'� r.ep�x'� bar.7s 'EO t1i@ $ub-coimnit:t.@Q at tYl@ Maretl Inee'tix�go �a�m�v .�s�l�x �e ShafEer has giv�n the City the £ollaainq appraisa].a 7 acr�s @ ,�go2�0o00 per aexe less SOS6 fon the condition of alevation fcs a sa� app�aisal figure oE $4,200.00. Mr< Walquist apprais�l i.t fox NQSoP„ a� $28,OOOvAO, but NoS.Pe has offered i't to the City far $100000000� .� sao`ion was pasaed to recaapa�exad to S:he City Council �o proceed wif�a n�gc'ciafiiaa�s to pwrchase thia propericy afi the laaaest pos�ible fi�ax�w� + #. s C ! i _i.1 •��. • y. : •� Y. � i� �!f' � i�S.. Pxoposed plans for %�x'e Aonlin to have ��:�ng i�rs l�art9to a beach house at l�doore Lake were discussedo alternate plans aaxl cost fic�res a� t�e r�gu�.ar . .. i� � 4��SL� ' ..i_1 _ •.4 .,t� y��. - . � . . yl.. z:� 1�. ' .. Ht -, / . . • ' . ; !i _ a+t� a%aonl3n to aon�act A€�: m�7a].lac�s regardi,ng deveJLopment ,plans gor �lr.s: �oals� P�opesty and sugg8ations fur the 14oS.Po Islando �' -• .7S ' .Y= : i_i.�. !� � :. . ' ,'� �1� . A�esatative date o£ Jwne 9e 1463 was se� far the Locic� 8s�tate Park a3ed�,�ation. �Yre committee £eel� �Ytat 4his should b� a cw�nnan;ity �zc�ratt� wi4h civic organizatiara8 og f� City pa�ticipati� i.aa �ttiA plata�aing o SS�C9CAL .TDSA}T �TING WITfi RECREATI0�1 t�tIS3Y(�7s �°h�se will be a special meetia�g oP tlie Sub-committee ,joix�l.y wiY.ka ��IIaQ Rec�eatton Casn9.sslon on Monday, Febxuary 18, 1963. 1+��?' R�6Ui.AR, �T?*? a z z'h� sieoct regular m�et3ng wi11 be on March 15, 1963 at 8s00 P¢,k8„ a'� �a�: C3t,� 8a11. f.w:iD��: �:r� �:acw .�, �t r.V� B¢g�itu3 in April the 3ub-COmritt.ee wiTl m�et �iYte 3rd NYonda� of �a�a mosa�. . �.. a-:rS.�:y4'_��P. ThB�� b0� l]O $tix"�L@I b1i3311888� Q181i�TiIk7E! T�1O�80Yi d6Cl.dx'@d �b� EC�'@tSZ1�J ?ia„p OLS210� e RBSU��E2g�.Y SL71J7I1�Z'.1'.�2 s�OlE%1 �10 S�Jd819QIIa �C`�?Yl� .5+�$�L,'l3�$5�