PR 04/04/1963P� � � "s*et`R�il`�ES Oi' R�:'%'�ivf� i3� '.4'5�;; .k�ZAAa,u:'.`Y' F;:?a.:::�'�i;A'�'�'CN G:,�"e+�'�%�S�:�s.:id � e"iPR'"aY.; �E .�.��:�, �ic� m�t�xxg wart ca].l.�ci ta arder ��. 8s00 ixe Ci�y Iiat3 wi� �„ �4i,7.+�$s�:� FDi '^'C.,.S���,Sl� a �.�ess p�esent. ASi7.carek, lgraa Bacan�. DiusPt►Y� Paw�ell. �ughes �a�3+�s Pr�ser�a 8arry I�ssick, Raaxixsa Sooa►ea Lesife Noxdin 1'�1.�3V1S�S OC 1SAL� 4opd\V<lb\Y L��A �'JSJ A';l'J6idAl4V� ��ri�:ioYa bY Du�phYe secaa�decl by Hughes to appsove the raiatute� oE �:3e �'�k4.e uasy 21 � 1963 maetiag o Motiaxa c�cs 3.ed o � � _4 :. � , .1. ` � �G. :���&nditu,x'8s axui enCUmbranCesE Tota1 1963 Budq�t $10a690o00 Expendifittres fox� Jan� & Feb, 586.00 ReCeipta fos Jana & Feb� 275o0Q c",,a:�?'� �USItIESSs ;'�i.., Rich�rcl Sc�i.].1ing�c is naiw I�sttsaace RepresenY.a�ive �o� th� �:=;i:.,;r c�:� c°:�;.d3�y seplaciag Robest G. Pearsr.n„ AYre Nage3., ae�ser o� �Yee .i.�����,��e ;ry,ca�°i�wcy Coarenit��e„ states aia inven�.ozy of nanex�a�a�3.� i�.:�ma :�=a,a�:d '�a� ��..c:gared for him to uss .i�s t�3.s .pzesea�.ation �o �e Insu��xa� �or�r�aga :e�sf:acul 2i� Aur�pY�Yo SeCOSldetl by t�'se �aCOnv Sequest �a 9.x�g 8asrg� Mes....� 3 �s ?��,:�<:lne Boosne nea7se an inventory of nonexpendabl�s �.tema im �ead3n�s.� }:ra�. :�sa�: next. meeting e a'C�°.SERY SC�iOQI,s �.�: �, Baaors xeparted that Nua�a�y �dk►oals ar� present].y �.xa r�e�s�.r�n ��. �•w.:; aemea: Lu4iaoran and St a Ph i3 �,.i�Q� Lu�hesan Churrlles on :�eekeiay ra:.,�: rs�zc; �, ��i�:Dr� ���AGia� oF h*Qa�� Vlrl's„�s� ��::s. x�pox^� of Alrs. Paui New+man ssu�maarix3ng ihe oral seport mad� a: ��;��t;iro;t of Fnbstaary 2ie 1963 was r�esived arzd filedo �Q:.�: :_ �'7Af�Y OF 1�R(3Pf}SEA �'Ri23IrEX CHAIet s �:;.'. rYass deliv+�red cmpies of Syl�aus �ic3a taave ba�s e3saw�a Fa� to ';k: n��� � wv �ne �'ridiey C�oix. A4r�t�n bY 73�nphYa secaxied by @irao Sac�s> �:�a ��,:�.2 a=��- %e��Ya�r at�i'ou un�il next r��irbge t s.��� 3.Pi"t's BOQ�DTE kBPORT s � �'`�'d3'['ES 43F' �T%NG t3�' � FRLDi�El F��AT�i�'iV �t�t'��SSYL?Pi � ?#2aR,�a, ��, � 9F,a> .. ��+�+�d{A�0000009 :�a::as of Gy�anastics S�dsi2�itions by Di.strict �14 sc�sools: A}�x31 9 � Parkva�w School Aaprii 16 » �ayes sdixool F►pril 26 -- R3ce Cr�m]c srhool Caa�leted - Rivaxwood SChool � Fi%c3i IsidiTI8 - FRIDAY, t�3ARe°ti 8 1963 - TYTLSD "Ftd �ats r.na�a��, e� � �ae �tudeats in a*tendax►ee wasre bos�d - som� arose and pefgo �,��;5� 5. �.963 - JR_ 8sc�i DA�tC.�: �:��+sesentatives �ro�► League ax Flaaen Voters plan to at�end •�o �o••-k �sn why samoe of the �ers vot.ed agalr►�t auc2i. dsaces 3as Y,�s�?�s ax;� ��.s:�� � ;'�P�,�L 19. 1963 - S�P HOP: �:Iop lxop with a aixscJincJ grov,p, "2"3�a� Beac]zcamb�ss" ia sc3aadul.� :��,° Y��:il 19, 1963. r?� 4.i., � ,. �. 1' ' 11:� !.i.4 !�: :��e�s up dance wl�tii boys to vaaar v,�hl.te shizt aasd tiem G1ris w��� a'�$3Cj d�8'e$86$s '!�l@BB 0N0ii4'.ii Wi�.1. �'Y�1Pi M1j.$'�'.$t� dI1C1 $ji�".�5� EiG'G�,'t7.i'��-�'L�o ���:?ine �oone will wogk with Sasr,► Mesaick on the regular Saa� �°ee,����. xaZ�E;ItX A�SSYCK RFPORTs :�r;an.ex' Pronsaut� Diolldayc ,�u11e 17 to Fxid3Yo Jiill' �as�iealiy iar 6 y�ar tco 22 y*exaz Age Groups. Mz. �� s.ist of auppl3as and expen�es £or tb.e �rog�camo i:r'�,tiott kee will. be $3,00 gs�,x p9nBO�t1 o3c $6000 f� �US F�It STJtII�R PROGRAMs 2b e ao ac�i.vi.�� : Jla�;p f: , l�Sa�sick Ynas pr��s�:.��;K3 Su�� Pw ogs �n> : �. e>�Fd<�.s:.-. fami3,y , ���entsallzatiar� of ttt�►m pgogxam s].im5nates the ne�d of daxW� �ra.; ,:�r.Is :.:„�: 3uses wi]ll be used only for Specis7. .ACtivifiisa suc2t asa � Zoo -- Caaiw PaYk Tee Skattng - Golden Va11ey F'ord Plant j _ Capitol Build3ng ) �lay be combinec3 ixi ona d�sr �i� `�:��s�^ta3g I�a]ce PaYk Bt� C� has ontered a ccu�eti�ive ia3� �a� :`:�as�.�...a:�,;r-v� T5"�';.�3iPS�S f2F P�;T� UF ��)Js:�-"Y' tia.°�',C�Ta`i`IGIi C:'�G"i+r:�.�SSTOI�a � t1PFd�s, �:�� �.�iS�'�.: � ��,.,� .�,��.,,a..e.,,,.a.,.�,.,,,�....m.�.e.e.o.����,��_ffi.,�..�_�a�_.-.,s,, .s=,:: :2�;�.I3t2@C� e c � o .� , a ?:�ti.� �xaasportatian at $i5o00/t��i, se,cr�ary was instsuc'c�d to ta��.;a� .z �.�tter to Fr3.d1By Bu� S�v�.ce sta�Arrq flae quoted pxie� fo� •�irs� �g�°z.r�3 ��,��:.iv�tias tr�ps amd ask �ar c�uo�e on such tripso :._. �:ioaa by Mrae Ba,coai, secoaadad by Pc7we]LI, that �Yte Dece.��a.i�z�;�: �.ca�. w: ag7C�m as oui:lAned by ilarxy A4e�ss3ek 1oe �1ed ou� ti�as Year. �cr.,x�r e>;° ==:F �s3�lc°S x�gor� 1s £11ed 9.r► 8�iro MeBAla]c`s fi.1.�� �:;,c �iosa bY Du�►Y, seco�+ded 'b�t A�rss Bacon ttxa�. f�e o� $7, a90 gar ocr,� x�� �oll.ected oaA Regis�sa�ion Lays at �f�y F3aS.1 an �a�u�day� A�sr3:�. 2(P� �r,�i ss�urdaye April 27� 1963 £os� tlie Pee W� {Llttis Y.eague) arrs� ,��a_�z: �. a�tte (Full Siz� Diamoad) Bs��ba].lo H�s 9�17.1 i2o :'�.` ��SBAT,& C�NB+�TSSI�IERs °.� :s 5chusr has b�er► h:taed as Baseball Co¢vaissl.oaa� a� a sa1�� �c :5'.s£3m00 per year< � �:::;Y�iS �JS�'RUL"TORa ._, �tess3clt 3xas tertY.a�ieeiy coaitact�d a gixi t+Jho is �ist� of �:3 �� 3'� :�R � ,> :#.s4sie� #1� teacherj a Th� giacl ia axrivi.ng the 2amd wea;;. of r�v„::=a�� 1� °r$�: a a�soo3. in Eaesa Dl�ieo o Plax� �£s ¢o� a 5 haux da� — 9--].2 Noe�n �a?: :�� .,: .. ' t�E� a 5 days per �veek for eb.ildten — ao £�e to tlaemt. �� �rs; s� � t���� ��"> �� o�m sackete 7Che Fxiclley Pask.Bosxd wi21 daava ir�e �ac�g�s aua�s3���i. ;_�e_c��ation Cw�nissian wi11 furn,i.ah fite tsaanis ba11s� �kie " pa� ;:c,: ;• �:.;�a�: •':`�. �9.s Instructoac wi.7.1 be $3006p0 £ox tt►e above sGhedu3.e„ £som ,�'�a�; :.�x�, ,,; y3s n�E 3une tt11 tiae end of th� Su� Progsam on J'u3.�r 27, 29�+: ,, �'r:z: c�:c �d sdaec3ul� appea.samces aL �iee varlous cozsrtso ?, ., ,. . .�... _: � • � �..-,._ - ;!:>_ .4' �,�+_ . +.�.:. �;r: ;' �s L3xu1a Txuearo Ixss expxess�d in'ce�es� iat teachi�g c�3rl.s tJa�..s i�:,m ..' �aa�t9.on by cYrculating aroutid the se�veta �r�as durlsbg E�ae sus¢n�z� F�ua��: °+ °::. �. fr3,v�hour d�y bas2so -:r?.s�_ SI�AT,j�TGa �:. ^,> i�ye �7�wiiause £inis&ced her saries of F'ig�re Si�attng �I�sY.�x�c!Diras� �: i��e i:i�st cveaIc of Marcha lIA Gixis turned out #as �,s�s.si.xu�ic�,s.�.a� � ;?._' :� STrA'.[E: YaA�' B°1 JAYC`EESs ,:'°`. � �roc�xam u22 wor]ted out fi�eo- ^ bf:&P�ii'1�S rJ� 21�F�'TA7G ��' '1'.f� L'fiSi�i�' 1��'.�AA'1'�033 Ci�Y3'd�i.'SuxC�1 � E'}.P��Y, 4.;. �.�,'�h;.-'. �, ��=8�'iriL1P•6�e a o s o 0 0 0 ;:�:a� A�TsTT&iG fl8 �,� CC� SS�pki• °,�'�x� zaeast meetirs3 0� t:h� Comeni.8sion vai.ill %e Aprii 18� 19�33 �� �t�i�,;�- ,�t %�. �:-�. 8:00 P,Al, ���OURN�NT: '3.2a� meeting adjaurnec'i at :lOs3A P„rAB. ??c�s�peCtfui.Y.},i submi.t't�ads :?:�'x�� P o PO.ve1S ^ �:W :rs�tary to the Coamn3ssYon �