PR 06/10/1963�
. .��p,� ..�J� a` �,nu. • rr. �•-.�. � � uMr �.,_t. �a� c , ►n �
J: 1
The moeting was cailod to oxde�c at the City 8a11 at S:OO Pol4m by �h�
M+aaoberrs Pr�senta '1'hoe�son. 3waassan. Wright, Sic�hora
Others PSeaents Mre Da�n7.ili
i":i.�l i •' �r•1.Y4� - s'i_:. �
'1'hm minliY.eB Qf. !h@ May 20� 1963 m�tiag Ware 8pplOVad s18 aIDe�nded.
Mation by Swaasoa, with regard to the propoaal oE tl�e RaGSeation Comnisaiaa►
to dra£t a proposed ordinance ao�iaisig t.7�e two cxmm3,ttges. ths farks and
Playgrouads sub-cxi�nittee ma]ce�s fi.he iollawing suggestiomsa
� ReeaJnizing ths xecreational Progress � has bee�. made in Fridley
arni ths i�qpoxtauce of contlx►uSnc3 and e�aadiag coo�8iawtion anc3
eooperat4ou befisv�en the �two caam�itte�sa we neve�theless %el tha� in
tha am�c� £�aw yeara at least, th� is too aaxch planaing and develop�-
meaat wox7c Eor ane voluntee�c commiict�e to acccr�eaplS,Bh. vi� propose
that the coa�nittees remaixi as constituY.ed,
As aYa al.teenate �oeane of pravid�mg f.t►e iategration that la needed,
we propos�a
1 a 4'hat the two co�mai.tteae hold j oiat me�tin9 s quarterl,Y in the
n�i fiscal year tco consid�er aress of reapo�sibillty of eadi,
2> �I;"aa� t�aa �cao coimai�t�aa eoasidex budget xevisl�ona in Ehe lic,�ht
oi tcia� respons33ailities of tlae two grov4Ps. buk malntaiat separate
,� 3 o That the individual serving on both eoammitt�s repaart to eac'h
com�aitt.e� oaa tt►� activiti�s of tta0 othex. faxmally, and at eac3i
� o
4 o That the two caaamittees ma7s�e a staitdard practl.c� of sea�ding a3.5
miiiutea of ineetinge to eac� me�er of the ofihsr co�mmlttee.
• � e x •��.� - : � .
t'=�� !i..� �44,r. �li�'ri• 'r_ i�.ii k! rs�_4 :i: -
A[otion by Ws;gg►t tha� tha Patciss attd Playga�ounda . Sub-co�tittee look to
occasional maetiags or sass3ons wi�kh aeigi�bo�ing syburbsa paxk co�nittaas
�. � �ry �. N.�. �..{i.fs.. ' C �! ' ' RIS �-1:4; � �� ' lbf,: � ��
� ' a.
wi�h the pur�posa oE studY�9 Px'esent a�ad �uture cwa�oa prablmrts r�lative
ta paxk azMd playgrous�d f$ciliti�e and ne6�deo 88conde�3, M,otiara carsi�d.
Defi.nite plang �os +as��abli�ti�g meeti:igs are tabled uatil 3ulye Suburbs
ta7b� 3ncluded age Coltu�sia Heights, Coaai Rapids, 8lsiue, Spriag Lakws Park,
� aEld latew 8siqhtOno '
� : � ���L!_ s, s!� '
�a svran�an can�ac�ed l�o i,ao�aaxa Ju�ter regarding out3at #8. ASeadawlands,
ansl s�port�d �hat the la,nd is £ar� sale, aitbes a11 of O�tlot #�8 (8.6 acra�)
or part o£ itq 8cwavera the cawnata feel the appraisa7, was too lav, attd
�u�d r�ui.xm aaaa�#.ite� appra�.sal o� sa�.s� ,��o�ex�*, A�oPagra4phY �P �
a�cial �hoto w3.Z.1 � mai2ed to 1�4re Tho�qpsono DTO actioa� taksn on this
ps�aper�y as vae do aot have the +tit1� on Outlot #l, from 8ro�ssoxr�Sxickso¢s
II'� �3.'L.$ 1:�Ab�o
_ _------�,
HcsS:ian by Lic�hezCrt '�,ha� the �r� r�,xe �� sPx�•a ga� w�eea �o„troi as it
�a� 3n I962, s�andeclo �ion earriedo
�'. ��'' �". � '. 4' , �
Y�tS'L'�On 7'!IT �gig28� �.}18'f. TaOCkO �8t'.8.'Y.@� SYbC� $1'� 3".@$1 @$t.8'�:@ 8U1�8�Qu@21�'.�%
pua:c3�aae� conticxuoua tio Y1iis pxcsperty ba named Locke Parko Ssconded.
ddai:ion carslmd,
Hours �aac us� ok Lacice Parka �.Os00 A.Aim fio 9a30 P,At, (except far pre-
arxazsg�d and sc��duJ.ed pi�n3cs is� the areaj .
Airo �osalin is smquested '�o havs a dura3sl� �ign 8rafted a�nd placed a� th�s
pr�seni. entzance of tlas Locke Pr�tyo
l�iasa by Swanr�can 41.iat �ha Paxks aaad Playgrrnuxde Si�-cam�nit�kas's recaau-
a�adai.�ox o£ f�e plaras fox � gh�l�er build3ncJ be Laresessted to the
Pl�in,g Co�misalon at �heir ne�st xeguiax� m,a�ting io� �hsiz app�coval<
� Se�cOaaded, tq2st3c�t caxx'i�„
SBP��er 8, Y963 w317. b� tt►e foraoal dedication o� Loqce paxx,
�e 2ist tha �Taya�es will have c9.ean up day at Locke patck, and will
assembl� aad palnt about thi,rty ,p3cnic tabxes far tlse axea,
F9re Donl3n repox�ed �:hat tlae park was aprayed far ca=�kessvo�raos �ast we�l�e
Mr, IIonlin zepnrted abou�t ons-half of the park is brougYtt to grade and
eaktuaevex tYte we�ttaer elears, �ennia courts aad bsll diamoa►d wiii be
- _ .� _.
^ . PARK3 AND PLAS't3ROUNDB �-CQi@tITTBE l�ETiNC3 Mi�IPPES - J[�S 10. 1963
Coaitinned, , . . .
M�re Donl3sa g�orts that paya�ent has no�t b�en made to DT.S.P+.
----n r�=___.
S�get gigurss were studied and recomauac►datioas made far �ba 1964 bu8g�t.
rir. Swaaaar► aw�vad 4hat the budget firgwces be preses► to D�a wasaer,
C�.�y t�zarmagar. S��ndede A2otiazz aaxxi�ci,
3itE YGNA�IJ�:
Th� Parks and Pla,yqsouruis 8ub-ca�enit��e aacepis thm resignsfiion of Mr.
t�[ilcarek wi�h r�sgrst and s3n��re apps�cistion for his serviees to the
�"� 1�U.;XT k�ETIidi6s
'�tee Ca�mit�eos wi].7. us�et July 8, 1963 afi� Sa00 PoM. at Cit-y 8allo
� , . � :� : ,,,. .
T'hes6 b6i� 32o furtlssE' Iousi.=i6a8o Cha�naa ThompsOrl deClas'�d tlie tseeti�g
ari�ousucd at 1,Z:20 P.M,
Respect�ully at�hmi���da
�'ds� ��.�Sasa�
S�c:xe'tary to i.i� 3tab-CO�ai�tt90