PR 07/16/1963,�
Z'!ie ms�stitbg was called to ardfl�r at 7:00 P eM. a� City Sal7. ��ith
Mr. Sughes,presiding.
Mea�ez8 PY@Semt: Hucjhes, Mr8• Ne18on, !Rz'Ss BaCOn• Pawell
Others Present: Barry Massick. Maxiae Boone
2�[1TES OF T� Jill� 13, 1963 1�Ss'STIZIG:
Motion by Mre. �elsc�►, secoa�ded by Mrs. Bacou �o accep� the
carrected minutes. Cazrled w�aniawusly.
�.s3�° s �no�r:
Repor� not received £�a� the City for �this mars�3ae Agpoi��t; ca�
a Ca�rnniss3on Treasurer was he13 oves until ae� meetiny.
BQ� HU�S t
Has not had conference witb Wyman smith oas the City of F�idley�
^ Llability aasuraac� cover�ge f,� Recreation Ccursmissioai a�tini«
ties a Ia conversati�s saii:h City Y�lanaqex, 8ar1 wtagnar, ttae sug-
gestion was made thst a list of specific it� or questivns be
drawn up for ca�sultation with i:he City Tasut�ce Repres�ntativ�m
N�a t+tagnes £elt the City Insurance would reli��e tlze Coamsissior�
o£ ax►y iSability.
Aughes lefiter of 6-14-63 to Chairman Glana 7Chom�s� of Parks
aad Playgrouads Sub-Cos�att�eae, with esrbou aqpy to Dic7c ff�oali.�,
is in our file.
Their meeting was Eancelled last weeko
Bob Hughes has beeis appoiatod Representative i�am� the Pa�� a��
Playgrounds Sub-COm�ntttea to the Recreafiiau Cos�aissia�►.
Frid�ey City Council has appoinxed !dr> Whitney Grae£f, 1�
Paaarama Avenue, Frid3.ey 21, as the C3�Cy Coune} 1 Rspresea�tati��
to the Ftecreation Co�issioai.
n �"he R�reation Co�ni�siau I964 S�get wi11 1� �,ncl� isx �he
overall City Budget v�ten �ei►t�ed to City' t�cil A�st.
Dtscusai�n by the GouaCil ma,y go through Sept�r.�ar. The9 City
k�i3G::c''.'t2'%a432i v'::::�ai:3.SS:�.0a�1, xR2.fYllf.6�'3
T?ti1Q'C L
�����:•c �s r�.U��d by �e Ci�y �4a�s:ice?� �a be 2u�x����si �a°r c3e��:c�::3e�
:i0 e
�tr�-��,,,,��� a� �ror�z� vo�r�es:
���:� ox �o"ta�e �l� 19&3 :,.� ��.3.� z�r3:i'�a answc-� oi; �c�> �z�E�,ea ssa�r�d
��iax2s i8 0 3.:�6� o
,., ��. ,
.�;� _ :_.. . _. _. _ . ..
�3seazasion of p2a�ae�d �.a�ke Pa:.~k Dav �a� £ca�: :�c�r5, 2��0 .�a�e�:,�
sug���ts �s�t a day ea.¢� � fqs g3.�: �.r� 3ac �oias3.c��ed,
;� . �� t�ss�c�e ta�z�s
`712E l�G"G°1&�Tt� �53�.},`�y �5�., `sa'�5�1e7.�,.�?i0 �7'�'��^c u'�.n �c'3,Y:�. !.'`;?�� Eti':ti ?z�,:'�;�,,�+'.
�u�a�c� Compaa�v% was �� a�ad. �as �:E��c:�3.�� o�a .3t?.�� r c 1�6�.0
�e'c�c�:s �ca 7�o.::�ars c R�.dcgzx�.s� e.Tones e�az��teaci a.�z f•� ? e m �`�.:��
fo� �se �Tanaea LTa.�i�oas ��a.:sat. ��x� sr�n�. an�n s•; a's'aul 4�:�=�';�> �i�
�urt`.Ia� :i.xss6�m3't�.t>s� r@c�$.veda
� �1�.:� sae��.3�3Tea�cs *a�egqe is�,�q �qe.ay�d.,�ss�z �o:� �:�e s��t2 a:� •�-.3g�e Sas:�Qes
E�w�wC.Ti1'tfl � 4�m.a:� 2.f�e �..iYib..:1Me CJ��S.' Db''�Q�m� if`s�h.�.11$.v.�$ :i�$�.�..� ��'i
sfi.�w� ±sn Le�ats. pa�3���y �r�miag kr.ou� �gs ���:�asg o� .5�� :0.`7 0
a�a.�r.��na fri ia aaxe o� ic.�c� l�c;sfi Jsi �xe ¢���� �����aa� tts����;�aza
a�:�an 5�r3v�a, Ii�.�.�.a �a�3€ k��s 1�t�en g�r�ec? ��a:'sr.xag� �.� �xa�
�c�� as�d gxas �iee� socldWda A aaeea pa:�1c razx �saa� 5�ree� saea�'�x cs�:
S�i�sass3,pp:3. 3�.as �e�a°a e��ainl3.�hed and a�'A�azgec� �o� 5.i.��3.� ��.�
€��izs Arc�iesgr ��c�.].3t�.ss itaws bt�. �� ea�� �,��L-� o� �p�r.���,�,��
ii��.? �to D�.e�: 33aa3�.�.ta �cue 2*_is ef:Eo:ci:s iax an�is:i.xxzcc� z'2�ea�3axs �s�.€;�.�,� �
�3�s x��,d�r �ox� .Tcia�a i7 op6�z:i�,g is 3.�a ota� :�:41.�b i3��� P2a:�:��.�.3r ��,
�@�GL:'f C5�i1 `L?3@ C::,..'s.::t.'123L'6$^^�-*i `�9S Z�t�i��51� 'i:tA ��'L� t'�sL'S�'� �� r3�� e� d
bls�aa� c�s fi'ieo ki��'y 3�.�::si�2b°s aueaao �e� ssa��,ia�:s aYSd t�p.�„�.�aa ;t.�
a',.sc� �s�. s.i.3:l.�0 ,
`S'�3,@ ae::6.a�' �:�,s ,(S�OC:U�3ti !�GiC9�8 Bt:�»9 �"u'Gx+.E'.ii.�.'�'� a'�.` C6'3.�'-,� Ci� ��awi3o�FS,-
�al�s oS ��� 33e�c� 5��.�k.�� �a� �a�oaag�� �s y6€8t?o0s� �i: �.;z�
�x�a�{x <��� s20t3o0� a� �3a� �:t�t�r :�a;�.'+ �
�� :�e��a��.'+ P�og�aaa 1x�s g�e �a81 o R'ha s�e�c��a3.s: eau3� �:f.���;
�:�t�* ��E „*�f,a.�i,.,��.1a p3a��s��s � �:2aa�iAZPahi,i,a sa�� �s��3�.c� �a^ i:r��a.�,:,,��,
•+ ro u ih��QR.J o . .
/ +
��a•;3,� ��;� �Csse �t�3.s�ss, sec��cl isy P�sa �aea� �a� �:�a:�s=� �:�s
pus��,:��� a qs�azt���� oE Ce�.°�i�icaY.�e �� be di�s��ibtai� �s ��,�.�
s� .�:�;T� s�e�� e� �Fa� g��.'�o
Rea'eatia¢i Commissioa Minutes
� Page 3
8arry Messick hae Co�iled an intereetiag scrap book wath notes,
clippiags and phatoe o£ the Racreation Proqram of �the last two
years which will sarve as a valuable reference �dia. He also
hsa made a full picture coverage of the Hall Tsams apd of the
Caano Park Day.
«.=l.Lii 5.�. ��! �_.
Baseball Program in general has qos�e on real oreli aud will fiaish
013 FYid3ys �7tily 26e
R'he Saseball Diamattd is also used by American i,egiar► Post v�lhi�h
at times cravds our season games. Two more Di.amaasds at Coa�an�
woula be, desirable.
Move by l+�a. BSCO11a secoruisd by Paa�].1 to request two additional
Baseball Diamonds at Co�monse
8ean Feed at Parkview S4hoo1 cai August 3rd.
A quaaatity of Aegistration CarBs wlil be procured £or us� ia
� aigning up 1964 Rogistisat►te whila tYe�y are still together this
Y�' •
Sug�geated item £ar next msatiag's ageeida - Cansidar soaae dap
bail games a� recruiti,�g of people oth�c than fathera as coacc&�s
ioz' next y�ex�' a
At► Insurance claim for an injury will be p�esented to schi111nges.
7!he circumstaaoss ares D�a�k Seviaoa, 6061 + 9th 8�txoet Mo E.,
Fridiey 21, was atruck a► the sye@�roa srith a ball on evsaiag of
J�1y 15, 19&3. R�q,uirae� stitdtes.
'1.u.Q�.If. �: � �1.�1: • �I•.
Tha program has gone through fiae.
sugge�t tbat soma of ths psesent lead�s be ns�d agaia �ext y�>n
Soma have made good stvdiea in di��liae sad �raiaing of the
parta�i,pants. Save tise ratura leadars sgaeed wxt aa�sg the
sev�al Recreatianal AreasP
The Com�oas group haa bssa mestiag Sa tlte Patlroisv (�+m, w�
n shauld ryeq^u�.e'st the use o£ this girm foac aeat Year ia additiaa �to
H�y Qg sv:Ywi e
� R�rta�ion CoamaissiOri Miautes
Pags 4
Fa711 & W3tafi,er Dat�csa - a ycwng couple has i.tidieatad 3ntersst in
takiag eare of the c7aaa�a. l�/axias wil7. ad�tain �ssary in£or-
maCion and turn it ia far our camaideratioai.
Fi�_�i!.�4. �i:! X�! i. �!.� i!'�!_..�; u2 :__S.:r: ��1, rc -. •�:� • �� ��
Donlin suggest8 thAt Yhe Re�rmAtioa C�ntissian cons3der takir�g
over the beau� conceaaloai stsad beginnirig ia 1964 soasone �'he
Pop Cora Machine is a good revenue makor. Tt is at tLe atand
on a charga baais iraan titte veador. The Pop Machiaes are i�ur-
rlieiled Ailii eer. V iaed by ttle 80'rt].�s s
Mation by d�a. Nelsaa, seoonde�i by D�s. Bacon that a lett�r be
foxvoarded to Cit,�' Managox. Sarl i4agnar requestityg that the
Recreation Comtatssion be affarded au�luaive riqht to operat�
the Mocare Lake BeaCh ConCession Stsa�d.
t_�'�4. ''s�.• �__. �i��,: r i 4':1= •� ��: r' 4.4: _ r:.� '
� Sarry Messick suqgosted a �harge be s9t up £ar use of t.t►e field
and lights far gsoups rasiding �tside of Fridley City Limita.
rsotloA 'by Flrs. Nexson, secoalaea bl► Mrae Baaoas that a c.harge of
$5.00 per haar be made £or the use o£ any li�ted Eield by say
9r�P �hi.c3� is not comapa�d for Fridley sosi6ents. �he r�venu�
reoeived iB to be tura�d iuta the City of EYidley Geneasal P'aad.
Bab Saghea wiil in£arm the Parks and Pl�rounds sub-Co�nittes
oE this actiozt �akOa.
i. � N.. •i_4- - r:i�l4 i - �:: .�-1'.��� ^f, i.: ���:
Discussion that the octabsr meetiag b�s ast ap to conaidar add
determiae the 9Page S.c?ne8ule fat mll tha RecreaLit� Co�is�iaa►
e�aloyees e
L�'�G�,� • ` ��t•._!1t_�: �.�•t�,
Nfrs. �Talsoa has a faaem v�i,dh can be used by Mauiae a�d 8axx3�
Messick to rate tha Rsctsatiar► Ccaomtsel.a� aaaplayees.
jT�_�v i_i.� t.�c •' 4:i: ..� ."'si S',•`
� T'he s�ext meetiag oE the Commission wiii be heid l�
ugust 25, 2963
at 7s00 P.M. Locatia� to be anaouaved.
Re;CY@8't�.Odi CC�1�.SS3.011 M1.11ttt�8
P�@ S
F�,r��,FOtJRAIE�f.�S' •
� sisir� ttoi:e of tiasnks was mctendad to 3laxiae Boona fos saex work
�r3fi2i �ne Commi.�alasa Pxogram.
A4�tlStg adjOtE�Ciled at 9s30 P.M.
Raspectfully st�bmi�tsd,
Es,-s�est P. Paowel.l
Sxr�tagy to the Co�mission
;,,,, PARX.S ANA PLAYGROiINDS S��0�4i'1"T68 l�ETING 1�YIiYUTB& ° JJ'�TTi.Y 22a 1�63
The Parlss and Playgrounds Sub-cammittee was convened at :�:2�
PeMm with the foilowinq members gresents
SwaYtsOn, Z'h0�ps0:1e Wilqht� Hughes� E3ChhOrA
Others Preasatz City RepresenCativa Riahard Doalin and �lary Sc�eix�e�
fxom the League of Waauen Voterao
Alr, Thompaon reposted: Douglas Chapel will cover fi2►e cost oP building
for tlie Locke Park sheltes with a fireplacso
A motion was made that preliminary work in laying water linsa in the
park so building can be completed this Fall. Motion was seeanded and
; +l . � ' g_ i'. • ' . �..t' 1
Minutes of June 10, 1963 corrected to read, :Kr. A1
� t�lrrm x,eonaacd Jugter. attaxney, regarding Outlot #8,
as repar�ed 1n the minutes, Approved as correctedo
M@S$j.C�C COIl'i?..•°�dd
not &9s m 9wansvn o
Motion by Wright, seconded by Hughee�, that the Rerxeatics.� �e�mn:ts.aioa�
receive ec�pies of oux proposed budget. Motion aarrledo
Mr, Thaanpsan reparted that the Ylanning Couanission referred to i�s
Streeta and IItilitiea Snb-camnittee the queation of vacatirsg a�a��
of CharYes Street 4:hat Barrett and Kranz aesk to deve�.op adjac�aa�: io
Chase°s Island< �ir. 2'haanpaon in consultation with Mro v.agxaer, k:as
garoposecl to the Planning Commission that access to Chase°s Isla�aa3
be along �h� north side of School District #14 proparty at 6ist anc�
tkie rivero A.ecess to island and parking wou7.d be on wes:t �idQ aa:
tt►e school pragerty o
Motion by Swanson that the Parks and Playgrounds Sub�to�itke�
secocmmenc� to the City Council ttia� we enter into a work�.ng agxa�:�i�
witta the schc�ol board to develop the psoperty south of Rice Cs�k
ScY►crol far developmeut and uae by both parties. Motion �tecand��;� arid
The Parks and Playgzounds 5ub-co�►ittes authortzes the Park Dir<�etar
/'� to proceed ta develop this property thro�acjh contact wit.�s schaol
authorities light of axisting budgeto l9r. Donlin will su1>n+3�
plans for prcaperty to Plaanisig Comnaission. At presant, th� are�.
has been brought to grade and clay addedo
�,.� iContinued)
Motion by S�,ranson to suthosize Mre Danlin to procead with finamcial
ac3resmarat thro�h the City Attorney, tn acquire awaerahlp of eig1�*_
(8) iots in Riverview Aeights oa Broa�3 street, between Z�ontcan �.nd
FYugoo A[otiwx seconded and carriade
SvSvan Park: The park is naw in use by resl8etits, The dra�nag��
basSn is warkiag well. Mr. LaVine will donate a bu�].dir�y far tiksAs
park in the Falle The building haa 4.wo partitionaB paxa�leda �:sul«t�a
dIKl VBT,Y 1168ki.1@Is :`�i'o 1:03111E1 i'6j�OZtH[lo
Seaond aaad Mains - Nortih of 65th is c.oanpletad, Backat�p, cour� c anci
all sodded.
N'i0oxe Laket 88St O£ bBaci� area Wlll b6 soddecl thle Fall, a8 tY;..,
cen4xal area is nearly cmnpleted nawe
� �'lanerv Park,� This park is partly graded, une backst.op is in arua scame
trees planted,
C�ne� A�mail shelter building is upo
�c77�,e Parks Tr�s cleaned out of droe]co �venty picnic tai�le� ::nd
six �harcoal burnera installad. Si.qn nav beiag painted,
48th and Mains This area has been r�gxac]ed and r�soddedq �iue ��
skating rink last iainter.
Craic�wav: Tt►is area will be br�uqht �o graele, no def�.nite p7.a��a ��
tt43$�, hut will presettt pl.ans at Au�ust meeting o
�clsman C9sales Jack and 3i11 instalieda plua court anc: back�t.�;F�
A11 park equipmen�. off Midland Fiestd, as the Alidland Caop Caugx�,�,y
will beg�.n ex,pansion iaa the n� few weeks�
Mra com�manicated with A�. TV�n, 8awexy about ac�u3.�iY.�.an c;j'`
^ appzoxi.�ssately 19 acrea of land located izn tha soutta S�uar�r� 03:'
_ Sac�ion IlB Towtss?nip 30, Range 24m
111►-.���5 �'���:�TtsE�
I�s��n� ba2a�►ce is $25, 771 e�1 as of e7Ltly �2, 1963, r�por�e+3 ��r :�ax o
T'he Parks and Playgrounds
a�et at 10 x AO, on July
for alaeltier building.
� f: '' i �
Sub-ewmaittee me�ers who are free w�.l]L
27. 1963 at Loeke Park to deters�it�e si�e
The next meetinq of the Sub-co�ittee is tetttatively set for A�ac�ust
14, 1963„
rt�: j•_��t'����:'�
7"he�ro beiasg no further bnainess, a wotion was made and s�orad�
tha� ths meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 1Oz15 P,�t�
Re�pa��€ully eubmitted:
Alarc�.�.ene SiCh'�aorai
�ecretary to the Sub-coummitt�e