PR 08/15/1963n
MINU'1'�S - AUGUST 15 a 1963
Th� meseting waa called to arder at 7s00 P.24. at home ot Airse Valerie
Nelson with l�e Hughes p�realdinge
�Rbel'8 PrABErits Hilghl8� l�ISe D191S011e 1�1L'8. BSCOII• POr+►ella Dt12;phj'e
others Presents 8arry t9essick, Dois Meyers
PiINUTES OF TH8 JULY 22j„ 1963 b�ET,�iG:
Motion by Mrs. Bacon, s�onded by Mrs. Nelson, to acempt the corr+�ct�d
minuteso Carried tu�aaiinously.
Hughes xoad the Jtuie report fram� City of Fridley. Motion by Du�pYxyo
s�conded by Mrao Bacon tt►a� Hughes aAd Hariy Messick arYange a zmaetixsg
witla ttie City Bookkaeping Departm�axit to resnlve the Re�port of Saspencii-
�vres ar►d Encumbrances.
Appointmant of Mrse Gearge Bacon as Trsasurer of tl�e Recreation Co�sis�
sion w�s accopted by her.
: � : •C EtVi� K� i
R"he sc�hedul� of Charg�s for ballfieild with lights was forward�d to
tho Parks and Pla4ygrounds Sub-committBe.
Caanuunication fran S.R.Ae stating thay had provided Puppst Show and
Crafics with 2 girls providing 72 ieours of tia� for Crafta ins4.a�:ction�.
Mot3oss by DunphYs ��� bY MrB. Nolsoa� that Bob Hughes COm�l�t�
and sand iza the Informatian Foaccs reqwstad by SoReAo
Staggests that definitety a dayt�me program for the boy's basaeb�.l
gar�A b� arranged next yearo Advocates that adults not be usod for
�e CoachimJ progsama
BF� Ft�$D AT 1PARKV,�W SCHOOL t�t ALbGIIS'� 3, 1963s
� Haaxdled by Alessick, l�Jr o& 1�'s o 81mer Olson. and mothess of baya m P,11
heYped to make t2►e affair a successe 212 ia at�eadance includl.aag 160
boys., 6 PeMo to 7s45 P.M. Reveaiue saas $140.00 whlch cwezed Yl�e
expensesa Trophies were awarded and bats and balJ.s given as pr3.zcsso
C�+@iISSION AgINi77'�S — AUGUST ].5a 1963 (CoAti.asued)
' _�so�
-! __._=�.s� _�Y. �,
Du@ t0 p8111tii1CJ bO�Kf dOD! at SAye6 SChOOls th6 equlpmBAt IS TfdY! stioSOd
in Liquor Store and FYldley City Hallo Wes Schurr 1@aving ous �smpivy
since he is moving to Deaver this weake All equipment he had is s�ored
in City Hallo
�1s :: . - __s.�=±_s __ ��3
Film Shop in Holly ctentmc photographed all the 15 tesms aad maelo px3x►'ts
far eacb boy on the teame Par�ts o� tt�e boys were to ewne in taie
atora and pick u,p the printao
�`i �U_ ]�i. •' 7s�_s�=_'ji����i���iyi`4��
Stm� Recreatlon Plogram w8s Caa�,leied oai Ju].y 18s 1963a Six t,r�lta
tims �.s just fine as the children•s interest continues for tha f,a11
tim�a and attendaace is excellento
�,:.;__ " •�r��
F3igh schooi boys vrork out real w�1.1 as Playground instructors� TYaey
are to be given apecific instructions to have all boys pl�y, axad to
have the gamos played according to the spmcificatioaas of the B�.sebmll
Cwwnissionar and the R�creation Dirsctoar. Tsansportatioai to t'!�e qaanss
will be woxked out when the games are scheduled for afternoon �lay�
� ���i_- • � H. . � . Y_ M . � . .
lo Baaeball Cwu�oissioner
To be available thsough the day. He will organiz� and have
all boys playo 8avs b�en 15 Pe�tee and 6 Junior Teamsa 23.
Teams iaa all.
2o Recreation Program Aanouxacemetats at►d P�sonn�l procur��ss�t�
w111 b9 made thrOUgh SCOUt TrOOpsa PaT,Aoa LsagLte O£ Wcu�l
Voters, atco Current needs £or Recraa�ion Co�nnisaion ��
Boat for Moate Lake, Waterwheal and slide for �tho Bescia�
�{ a�a. c..l i� c i.:�
n Hex secoaa�ndations aad synopsis of our 1963 �oployees is ixs oux �z.2rs�o
..�. y�- �. .,.
Th� Mo�re Lake Beach Program was a wisa choiceo Raai (2) 3 wee]» pxo�an�v
and {lj 2 weeko wTOUld favor e�andls►g io (3) 3 ww�ek progxams�
C01�4ISSY0[d MiNtTF�S - AUGUST 15, 3.9b3 (Con�iaaued�
ti'tte mothera bringing tlie children to the Beach proved a good tkaz,n� o
Muc1a svainoming instruction was providedo 6 through 12 year olds #�a
Red pcoss Programo 650 es�solled 1n this group, In Yiae a£temoons,
th� ,Tro ax►d Sre Ltfe Saving Progra� w�e provided f� the 55 enrcllsd
for �15 minute pexioda, Averaged 10 per class p� houzo 75% qua3.i.£i�do
Four Instructars were used who were certified by Red Cross as taator
Safety Zttstructarse Suggest that 5 be used next yoaro Suggest setx�-
uling A.Mo and p,M, Next year. suggest providing awimmitig inst�ucti�n
for tiothers and Fatliers who come witY► ths dsildren for moraia�g cl.a�ac�s o
d2alce a clnarg� far the Adu]Lt Pra,;zamo T.Ve Caaearamax► ftom WCC0�9'�7 took
film oi last day of swimmar proqrama Secr�tary has filaa,
Th�e was a difficuity �£arciuq the ruling reqarding Beac.ii Sti�kers
on autosm A High Sdttool boy was paid $1.25 per hour to watch tia� gat�
and sell sticksrs to stickerless carso
l�icion by Dunp2�y, secondad by Powell. to investigate possibllitX n£
deputizing the Beadh Directoxe
^ Will wxite up a fact sheet sugqestiag it�sav�ts to Moar� Lak� ��acz�s�
oas� inGident as follavs during 4:he B�ac:h Programa
A 1Kotherceme to flte Beach in a car with �our clxildreno ages �
montlas, TJ�' , 434e ��1 Yearse 5he left the 6 marith baby iai i:he aar,
brough�t the other 3 children �o �ctt� watero 7:n a short t3rmag sixP 3.�fc
the 3 children at tlsa water°s edge so ahe couid check the 6 monfila iza
tY►e caro Retwrniny to the wate¢�. she fouxed the 2'� missi,a�g, �.i�e
Guards cleased the Beach and phoned the Rescue Squad, measiwhil� one
csf fihe Gusrds foured the 2� in Pace dos�ma Life Guard Tc2a ;:iataso�
gave nmouth �to mouth rosuscitatioxi Por approxisoately four minutes g
v3aaen she sesponded with natural breathiaag< 5be was taken �o No�th
��ial Hospital, theas trarisf�ed to Sta Barnabaso 5he was ��iaed�
uled $o b� z'eleils@d tOday' a AuguBt 15 a 1963 0
� y;�' ' "-i •� �u � • ;
CopAes of lettars in ouX £ile as follo�v�sa
i.�tttor of appreciation to Ri�hard Donliati
Let�r �Co Dwslin requestizig 2 additional diamonds at Co�+on�
i,etter to Earl Waqnex reques�i.xig Beadh Cancess3rm Stare�3 f� ���6�`�
': .�, ,y,l' ��. . •' �.1. .�'.Y�Y.. � •� �
7a11 m�mb�rs are to examine tYae co,py of the Wayzais Ordiaarace anc�
prepar� for discussion as it will apply to Fridleya The next s:�tin�
of th� Co1�is83an will be S6ptem0b6r 19s 1963 at 7 oeCloCSc P,Fim
za�����aor� c�t�.ts��a� rz��a9�a m<��us� gso �.�6� (co��anu.��
, � . . .. ,.
_ _ _,.:: �_ �
�tter� being no further businesso tt�� meetiny adjourned an uwta��a b�
2�rsd Bacon at 10a15 Pv![o
�esp�fully submittads
�saaest P m Pa+rell
secretary to the Ca�nission
.. -
,� r .
4�3� Shoreline Drive
Robbinsdale, Minn.
Au�. i9th, 1963
� Fridley Park Board
@�o Mr. Qlen Thompson
71?0 River View Terrace
Fridley, Minn.
Dear Sir;
Nt our last re�ular meeting held Au�. 14, 1963, the Trustees
of the Douolas Chapel Affiliation nassed thP followin�3 re-
solution, in view of the fact that the city of Fridley are
�oina to name this Park in honor oP Mr, & 94rs Locke it was
therefor resolved that the Trustees of the Dou�las Chapel
in honor of BQr. &�rs. Locke vrork in this area would pay
for the shelter in the Park, cost of szime to be �11,525 as
per estimate, with an additional �2000,00 to be added later
for further improvement. The location, sppervision snd upkeep
oP the buildin� will be left up to your Park Board.
It is our hope it will servP r�s a very useful purpoae
not only to the peo�le oP Fridley but to all the people
whether they live in the area or not for many years to
Yours Truly,
� �%�.�..�,Q
Pres. Dou$las Chapel A 1.
To tke Mayor and the City Council:
7170 Riverview Terrace N.E.
Minneapolis 32, Minnesota
August 22, 1963
Pursuant to the authority grarted the Chairman of the Parks and
Playground Su�-Committee to foilow through with the of£icials of
the``Douglas Chapel concerning a grant €rom that body to Lhe City
of`"Fridley for faciliCizs on t6e Loeke Park, I have the follo�7ing
repbrt Co make:
I met several times inEormally with Mr. Pahe G. Santoorjtan
concerning tlae proposal with the Dougias Chapel making a sub-
'stantial grant to the CiEy of Fridley. I sappliad Mr. Santootjian
`wi"th sketches of tfle proposed shelter Suilding. We gave them
'information concerning the estimated costs. We informed them
¢hat ehese were not legal bids. We discussed with them the pro-
'gosal 4f creating a fireplace in Che shel�er building. We gave
'then'an architect's sketch of how the fireplace might appear.
All'this information was transmitted to tham prior to the meet-
ing of their Boarti of Trur,te�s on August 14. We aubmitted a
"letter of invitatior, for kheu� to participate in the financing
of the cost of this stxuctuxe. On the date oE August 19, Mr.
Edward Ralph, Preaident of the Douglas Ghapel, nofiified me 3n
wr3ting, announcing that their Board of Tr*sstees had voted ta
pay Eor the estimated cost of the shelter $1i,525.Q0. They is-
dicated ehey would further canCribute a sum of $2,OOU.00'for
later improvementa. Thia later improvement is approsimately
a� amount equal to the constraction of a fireplace and,to pay
`toward the cnst o£ either (a) faci�ng the steel supporting beama
zai'th either brick or tile, or, (b) contributing towards the eost
o£ the fireplace, or the employment of an amount of wksat ciight_
be'1'eEt over after the acqui.ition of the materials to be used
at the dlacretion of the City in further improve�ent.
In view of the fact that the Parks and Playground Snb-Committe�.
had set a timetable of trying to get this installation completed
yet th3s sum�er, or early fa11, we would like to recommend to the
'Gounci'l appropriate aath�rization ta develop a well at the site
with prop2r specifications to insure Che park with adequate waCer
supplies in the future and ko provide water for the construction
'purposes yet this summer anJ fall.
We would like to recommend to the Council that we accept this
oEfer in a manner that will enable us to groceed with a minimua
time required (eliminat� the necessity of pnblic bidding for this
cohstruction -as practicable), and to authorize proper bod3es
� and%or officials to procae� with the development with a minimum
` of `delay.
To the Mayos an3
Angust 22, 1963
p8a� t�0
the CiCy Co�ncil
This is addressed direatly ta the Council in viaw o£ the fact
tBag Mr. �agner is ouC �f thd city.
This is the iissi cou��31 �eeting a£ter our official receipt �f
notificatior. oi the gift to tha eity ar.d with thQ discussion that
has ta&ar �lace 3uring the past sev=ral mcnt�s and i�e hopes on
the,parC oi t�e Parks and Playground &ub-Com�ittee that Che ini-
tia2 wor� mi�ht be accompliahe� yat witrin this calendar year.
On behal£ of our Parksand P1�ygsound Sub-Gommittee, and I tsust
wiCh thaC Eg oux Planning Co�mission, I reco�mend that you, Che
"C��ncil, accept thie gTan2 fro� the Dauglas Ghapel group,
RespectfLliy Submitted,
�i10A1L �. Th�SRp �r .
Ci�air�an, Parks and Playground Sub-Committee
Ci,ty �f Fridley