PR 08/27/1963/ � / /'� � � � PARKS AND PLAYGROOBTDS SUB-CODQSITTEE Nffi�TiNCi MINUTSS - AUGUST 27B 1963 The �eting was callod to ordes by c9aairmau Thompsoa. Membere Presertt: Members Abseuts O�tte=B 1PS'es6nta Thoa�pson, Wright, Hughes, 8lchhora � ..:.� Donlin .APPRO'VAL OF S- JULY 22 3.963: A motion was made and seconfled to approve the minutes of Jlily 22, 1953. Motion carrieda Sii8LT8R BUILDI�TG - 7,O�E PARK: Ai�c� Donlin aneti with a representative of the Ackron Building and supply Cott�any, I'1r. V. C. santoosjaan and Mr. Edward Ralph, repred senta�tives of the Douglas Chapel Affilistion to fiaalize plaxr.s for the shelter building in Locke Park. The building will be clear spars atructure of ateel wiY.]a a carrugated steel roof, dimensions 4Q° x 70°, It was agreecl by Douglas Chapel to add the followiz�g extra features: glazed brick iaside the lavatoxy ($1,458000), face brick the steel columns ($599000) and a brlck firsplace ($1,200v00) a� a total cost of $14,919.00. The contract will ba aigned August 28, 1963 between the Douglas Cnapel Affiliation aad the Ackr�n Building and Supply Company. Thursday, August 29, 1963, tt�e si.te will be cleared so construction m�y begin on tbe 30th oE August. I+IZ�. Doatin will decida on the type of l�rick to be used in the building if the deciaion needs to be made before Septe�ar 16th, if not, the Committee will look at sam�les aad choose a suitable anea The cost of hookiag up to water main aeemed to be exceasive, there- fareo Cometock and Dav1s, Ync. are drawii'�g plans far a�hallaw well thst will meet sanitary apeclficatia�as for drinking watero R drain Sl.eld will also be inatalled. The approximate cost would be about $4,OOOv00. •�w;�_ � � ���� � Mro Donlin repwcted really looks fine. crnart itsstalled o I�}CP MESTING• that the Craigway area is brought to grade and Rice Creek school and playqround graded and The noxt maeting of the Parhs and Playgrounds sub-coa�uittee will be he7ld on Monday, 3ePtember 16, 1963. (City Manager's office) M . PARFCS ADTD PLAYGE20IlNDS 3UB-COi�IITTgE I�'gTING MINUPSS - AUGU3T 27, 1963 � (Continuedj � • li �1�I:4.Y There bei.bg no further bueinass, Chairman Thaoqpaon declared the meetinq aajournea, � Respectfully submi,tted: Ndardene Eict�horn secretary to the Sub-co�ittee /7 /`@ 7iro €eiv�����w 3�inttespoiia 3z, Ae�ust �7, k4b3 Mr. Edward Ralp'h, Jpreefdaat l�au�la�s +Chsp�el 423� Shara�iae �rive Rabbiaadala �2. M3maessotat Dear Mr. At�ph: ����� L�� 1��:�� ��, �y�� 'rexr�e rr. �. �a�xie:a� 1'b�i� it� ta a►cicnwePledge, an behalf ci our. Farks �ud I�laygraunci SuDcommiltee aad '�he Ci�y of �'i'ridley, yaur �uanovncemettt cpacarnin$ the actioa af the Bosrd ot Trustees of �oug1�� CP�1pe1. (�� i kaow xhat 2 cam rgea,k rovith cosifidenae tar +a31 ihe eity officlals u►8 the great �-6) xxaa,�ozity a3' ttie paopie af tho city af �ridIey. 3a �tprresaing to you our deep � sppreeia#iox� inr �hia gea�arsus g�1ft 1:t► tize city. Au ui�ted to yau sud your a,ssaciatea. both ox�tlty and Ya writiag, iL wiLt be a pxivilage £as the c3ty to honor the memory of Mr, aad Mrs. GasMius Lacka in eatabliahiag this memori$1 in lheix hemor. Whilc 1 did not havs #ha griv3le$a cf kaowing either of Lhese twu eateemed e3tisens, A+1rs. Thoanpstta ,�,i,�l havm the priviiege of knowiag Mrs. Locke sad me�isig har at yytrfous tim�s �x her efiorte with the Miaaea►pp,li,s Cdrl9couL Couac3i.. �Y it is st atll pasaihie, 'W� Ilti�B �i3 �S:VQ COAB�SUCL�OII C4Tri�'l�AtEtI y8L Lh�B �d�i iAtl st aoma tt:rxe 9a fhe futuse vnhex� it vv3.11 be dsamed moat aakirfactozy, we wi�;� hava a pui+lie dedi€atiion oi fihes p�trk sttd tiia g#cnic shelter bu#2dfag vvhich Lhe Chapsl hs�s contributed. Siaceraly youra, C+le�n �+N. TIsampeon �WTses