PR 09/18/1963n i.EG�E�,.Ta�3 GW�II�C"lSSION MEPsTING MINIiTES - SEP'E13t�EB 2$, 1963 7:h� aneetLng was celled to oxdex at 7s00 P.Pi. aE the City Fiall with Mre Huglxes pres id i.n� , 21�bers �resentc Hugfies, Mrao Nelson, Mrs. Bacon, Aoweli, t,tittphy, Graeff Others Ptesent: Harry Measick, Am Meyera MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 15 1963 I�IISETINGs Motion by Mxeo Bacon, serxaded by Graeff, that the minutea be appraved, MYN[3TES OF TE� SPECIAL Y7SETING OF AUGiTST 29 1463: M�tion by Mze, Bacan, seconded by Mra, Nelson, ta spprove the mimrtea as eorsectedl> TR&ASURER°S REPUBT° A suu�ary of the Finsacial ataading of the Funds of the Comooisaion ae of Auguat 29, 1963 ia iu Treasu.r�r°s File, DOP1 IfSYBB B S EEPORT • Beacfi O�cdinauce - Motion by GraeEf, seconded by Mra, Bam n, that the Recreati�n ,^ Co�iesion apprwed marked up Beach Oxdinance dated 9-18-63 be preaented by Ben Wmlk� ta ehe Fxidley City Counai! for thefr considesatiass aud adoption as a�ity Ordisas:�e� Beacli Lif� Guarda - Requiremi:nc is Chat they be Watez Sa£ety Inatructoxse I�sxe efficient uae of �he Lffe Guasds was discuased, including ataggering @f their stabeing tiwea, and guasaateed woak weeko Sase salary is naw $1,75 per hour, SaAaries witl be discussed in Octobes meetin$o Beach Diagsam � Wi11 flave repast on Suggeated Diagram of Beaah for October meetia;, HARRY MESSICR BBPORTs Informat3on on Columbia Heighta Attc3.e�ic Paogrmm: (1) Had a Daytime program ia 1963 (2j Their Aest< Racreation Disactax makes rounds of the Yarks, (3� Boya n�es are recorded and tiie boye sre assigned to tesma at spseified Bali Parks aad 8ecreation Areas., {47 Use 18 man teams kith a ragulaa sahedulee (5j Hire hoye as umpirea at $2000 par game, (G) No coacheao (7) Fssrnish � shirte for eactt boyo Hughtic requested Harry Messick to make a proposal oa the Baeebe2l Pzagsam fo� 19��a�. Crnniizg Events o Septemhea 27, 1963 � Fisat Bance aC Hayes School far 7Lh and 8th gradee, ?�'.0 � Poki, to 9;30 P,Mo r 254 per persana Mntf�n by Graaff, aec�ded by Dunphy, that Herry Mesaick hise Daace Supezviec�r at $15�00 ger Danae for Program through Spri.ng �f Z96ko Oatove� I2, 1963 � Punt, PAas & Kick Conteat fas 8, 4, 10, & 11 yeax txs;�a� Na c�s� to Clx� buys �� � � 2;30 YoMo c,�-:a,��.7'�Gtl? "P��scLi.Sii3ON TSts"IIT1NG I�PIUTES � S�Tffi�1BER 13, Y9S3 (Cautiuued) � Poor�bal7. CAinic by High School Coachea � 2e30 to 3s30 PoMo � RO'�3"a�RT IiUGHES &.II.PORT F&dd3 PARKS AND PLAYGBOUNDS SUB-COt4ff1R7;E> Loake Park Shelter � Ta be 40 X 70 Eeat. Bricic faced vith concsetn floorp w3tla reaesoomse Tiae foatings are in and the walls etasting, Plants �nd Sh�,aba in the Park � To be name tagged like an arboretume Area around Rtce �zeek Sch�i hes been gradede Wyman Smith hae draFm up agreea�eseP,: betvaeen Par.kn, School Board aad City concerning playga�ound equtpmeat and naeg�„ Chus� Island � Detaila of access being worked out with School Board and CiY,y, Ice Skating Rinks m 10 acree to be prwidad, 6 maxming housase �opy of their pzapoaed 1964 Sudget in our File, ROII�tT F�[JGHES I.t?TTSB: Copg• nf letter t.n �ity Manager Barl Wagaer requeating additional funda to coat%nue ou�: E'Tagzflm to �nd of 1963 ia in our filee SU73°COAiMITTF.� BEPORT� /'� MoCian by Dunphy� asconded by Powell eo accapt the Seport aad taka action cro same, Copy is in ou�► fileo Action a� fol2owa: (1) Set ug actual dollas limit �n unepproved puxchasee� r5ntion by Dunphy, aeconded by Gzae£f, thaC �pendituxea in exeeea af $25e00 be unappraved ezcpeaditurea< Motion pasaed, (2} 8atublish pracedur� for making purchaesae Mation by Dunphy, seconded by Mrao Baeon ChaC $ecreation Direetor ix �+uth�xized to delegate puschases of under $25.00 wlth him aseumi� t(se respesnaibility, f4ntion paseed. Motion by Powei.l, aeconded by Gxaeff, that purchaaes of wns $25�00 be appa�wed by a�ajority of Co�asaion in eaeaion, or if not in aeasion, rban eaitt� thQ apprava! of the Trcasurer or Chairman, Piotion passed, (3) EaCablieh maana o£ carry3ng sontisruing Ymentory oE Psoperyy, Motian by Dunphy, eeconded by Graaff Yhat the differeuce betweea expendabl� snd nen�exgendable iCems ise Expendable items - lesa than 1 year life, T�naexpendable iteme � more th,au 1 year life. (4) Make Piryeical Imrentory of present property, Iaventory time set fesr 5 l�,�_+„ Satnxday, Septembex 21, 1963 at City Hall � Dieeussi,an t:hax RecsaaCi� Aixector make a pxnsentation for a rovai af those ier�ms neceasarq for fvtuse operation of We programs pp �rchas� oz COMM7:SSION L[�LOYEE SAYaRrxS � Sub�com�ufrrea a�f P�w�11 and Dunphy was appointed to preaeni a psocadure to Seh�dulr� i"� �EGiU:ATiON �OMMISSYOP7 MESTING MINUTT;g � ggpTg�ggg ig� 1963 (Cantinued� and �onCr�1 Pexsonael ia L°t!e Recreation Co�ieaioaa NEW BU- S.�INggg: MoCian by Mxso P,acon, aeconded by A►nphy, that a couaxini,cation be aent h� the Secaetaxy go e�ch ffi{sai,ster of Che Churches af Fridley zequeating a liat oE Ch� nam�s aad addseeses of people ia theix congsegation who sre over 65 and wiio would he �ntexested in a Golden Age Clubo Motiou pasaed with a"aay" by Graeffo I�IIiX"' MBL+TING OP TfiL CpI�iISSYON° Tha next meeting of the Commisaion will be on October 17, 1963 at �ity 13a11 at 7s0A P,Mo AILTUURNMF.NT ° Ti�a;e being na £urther buainese, the meeting adjaurned at 12 midnighta &espectEully submittede Exneet Po Powell ^ Sec�eetcary eo ttae �ommiesion /'�