PR 10/05/1963PLttaU'TBS OF � SPFC7�I. MEESL�sG OT�' THE R$YDi.3Y R�CREATION COkP4ISSi0N � 0�2'OBffit �, 1.9(i� /'1 The �eeting was ealled ta osder at 2:00 P�M, at the home af Mrao Nelson wiei�idrU Huglies presidingo M�bera Preuente Hughae, Pawell, Mrao Bacon, Mre, Neleoa, GraeEf SBNEST PUW�iLY, p,8ppgr; Aach+ Rmnriak of Explorera Post �23 made a requeat to Diatrict �14 School Board �o�. uee of Hayes Schooi Gym fos a Daace on Oetcober 19, or 26,at 7 PoM. to 11 P,M� The School Board coneidere this Activity campeCitive with the dsnce pmgxam of �-.a H�c�eariono A policq wae adopted by the School Board that dances ia the school iwiidi.ngs wi21 be spoasored by the School as a achool activity or the Reereatiem CaQafsaioaa Therefore, the &spiorer Post request was referred to the Recreatinn �niesioa for their conaideration as apansaring, I�TTON BY BH�REATYON C�4IISSIONo Motfon by Graeff, seconded bp Mrse Bacon, that the Recreation Ca�isaion appsecia,��s the consid,eraeion siven th� by the Sciwol Baard in Chia matter, and while they g:aue a d�fimmite iatereat iu a11 ccs�unity activitiea, they feel that they cannot accep4 responaibility for activitiea outside of tht�x awn program, Mr, Powell Co aotify Afso Rumric& af the deciaiaao � NSR�� Th�s next meeting of the Cammtaafoa .ase aet for Tuesday, Ocr.ober 8, 1963, 7e30 Pot1, ae exey a$izo nnJOVxtu�tax: These bsing ao further isusineea, the mee�ting was ad,journedo Respeetfully aubmit[ede 8rnest P, Pow�ll Secxetaxy to the �oa�iasion NOTB� tdotification was given by Mra, Bacon �hat the October 8, 1963 meeti.ag c�,ili. be held at hes hanQ at 7e30 P,M, � � I<aG%x ;it',I��d;i. ���`lit;�, �itS0:N1ii S�atV�;C;ES IIt�� cieuN`a:n7:r y �;n � ; � . . � t�, aC.O � �?!l �0`,: � 1: � azin-yFE�S �y8i (..1:�,..s.., .(ti� w ;T,�.d. _-f�� �-� , : . •f .. . t . . � To� .,.��?�:'�at .a, ,u . �:'r, r��`.:i�. �z , _ . _m �r a: =e c _ � :abs:`•.;tna�:� �+�r;;'r .._ ''� : .". o _ &dt� ��s � �i,E;) rs �.y" . � J£C i,i.� ( iJ♦)3C�:Y7f-�.�ti67�8 (�2,� :Jli � �:�t ','j,'! ��l"l:f> 'L } sa�, � � . _,� ._ 7?�� �t� 1 .. �.� . � z:�i;.� �:hcn°_=� Ui?ceC�o� �1 :-� ;� 1 ' �'� y< �11di:k,l1.C��4.?'F.5 a r � ._ � s�;<.ri �YCJ:e s: 4 4�.�:i (,.ia �_$1.�3?.,,: � C'2=i'�S��Pk? � BiiDG�rB�A _'�r3?•' �9�3 c ^ rrnn nn ByYQ�o�� S�oO� ip000e�� 5�1�O,j,00 �1i3�930,�00 $ 3,600000 34600�Ov^ BH�U']L�SZ'� $�Qt,jl?Sl'�D *.�`i.e`„^..: i�fai.iL 79(*f� ..��. ��ld �o a .._ � d Liwrt, ��t, r 3.; L`e�7 Ontl 4 JV,:I�il .�.y atSU � UU �.���.�Qo�Q z�000 00 a., %i}: L, 04 .�.,x.2al.^:�;CQ a" 30�a <. OU S �3,6�,:_OQ 6C;t,°., (>U �"�V.'.`�J, r)4 ?,L�3i�, i't0 c,� r:t� , ., ��. , � 3ir0�OC i.r:; �_, �y �Gii,; .�JQ ,�;:. .:v Sx 41 :C �._ ?:7�;:'• ..=_?