PR 10/08/1963r `
'�". < ' : �.l . �1�� �1 .��./1 � ��). J�
'�Y�s ameet9xig was callad to o�des a$ 7:30 PeM. at the hoan� of Mrse Bacoaa
witla M'c> 8ughes pstsi8ixtg.
M�9mbets Psesouts
Others P�ee+mtt
Su�ee. D�s. SaCaat. DOCS, DTelso�, Powell, DnnphYa Graef£
H81"sY l�SSiCko DOri MBy6�8
x�, . u:� �: • :�,- =�.����_ti
i�lotAoa by llrs. Saaoa. s�cd�ded 'by lirs. l�elsou to approve the miaute�
as carzaet�d,
�����_��(��4_:: . ♦ - 4;5 = i�.`! �. .. r���a'YM�a�o � : !.��1�%l�c'li
Alott,on by Dtrs. Baaon. sacaaad�d by (�raef£ that tha miautea be apprcoved
as ca�ss�etoda
:.;• �.i�.r:�- >=.�.v;
No Te�port FtOm PsrkB aad Pl�ygrOwsds 3vb-COmmittAS.
: :.i.s.. - �-'� = i•::�
P+u►t, pasa aad Kick Coa►test at Hi�t► Sdiool, OotobQt 12, 1 F.Mo Sacii
particlpssat wili r�aeive a picturi► siug. R'ho riuqe aad th� footbsll�
to be ua•d fos the contost we� da�► by tbe Fard Motar Cc�psr�r e Fonr
jerseys wi11 be psocurod fa� lat Mi$�. D�. Msssick will co�atact P9re
Besrys Pr683�At oi Fi"1Aley 8tat6 B8NC� io! doaall0� o£ fOttr foot7ma119
as 2tid Briass� Mro lNsalek will putd�aso £o�nr kicking tees £os 3rd Pr3zes.
Motiott b1► Mrs. Dietsoa. .ecoa,aoa by nunpi�y ttiat a�sessck accept aonati��a
or gwcc�►ase the p�clzsa +�a n�caasasy o 2= 30 �Lo 3 s 30 P.M, , October 12 a 1963 e
FoofiEx�ll CliniC by lSr. O'Ni�].. 29ts Hi�t School Football Team wi11 be in
uni�asm asrd will illustrat� £ootball t�'haiqueso
Diew Ic• Skatibg Tt�stsuctar - l�se Jamsa See will no1Q 45 minute clavaos
@ 15 gir18 gez claa�. Regietrat3oa - Decem�er 7 aad Decem�er 14, 19�30
Girl� age 8 through 16 - 9�Y.o 12 A.Al. Progt�m bogisis Deaem�ez� aa, 3.9C�3
at 9 A.A�o 8ae4► pastial,paat wili r�osive a ddeet of inatruationso
���« �••,��;��
I3�ar D3nC� Sv4p�rViBOX -� Mi88 AaAatt'� �t�1780at� a t� in. Hlgii S�iool
Ele�nr.ary sc�oo7.. First naaee waa sept.ior a7 - iso sa a�tte�sdance>
CQl�+lISSIOTt 1�ETING M2N[PPES - OCTO�SR 8, 1963 (Corttixa�sen)
n �
i: • � ..r>' �',�
t�ot�oa bl' Du��,l'• aec�a� bl' Mrs. Mo].soa►. tttat discuasion on tixis it�u
ba ta]aled uatil next aestit�go
�I'�'. i1s ~ ��..
Chaxm Cliaic for girla aqe 10 throuc� 13d spoaso�ed by seR.Ao wili be
a smtusday mozaing in �aid-�Tav��re
�'��'�. ..:'=71�i;� :.���!';�+�
Diagram of progosed b�a� iacilities at Moare Lske Beach ia in our filem
Tho staggered dock poeitioas facilit.s�C� inatruction in water activitieam
Guard Placamea►te - ons ia �adt taur�r and at p�a]c timss, a guard i.n boat
would b0 patrol].in4 alaa�4 tbs barrelso
Bo'� Huqhes will presea�t copy of li�e proposmd diagram to Parks and Plsy-
gsoux�ds sub-cavnitt�o. �ili rsca�am�nd tbab the bea� be exta¢�dec1 aaa
additional 100 foet nosth of the ps�ssatt b�nc3► limit, and that the iaec-
essary equi,pmant be SurAia�sd by the Sub-ca�itt�ea The Reareation
^ Caoanission to prrn►ide a�ly t�achiag ar lis�structioa aidsa
The Recrestion Sv�-ca�aittae subm►itt�d tspost iueludiag Jab Con�trol,
Job and Code �soet. Aftsr dieCUSSiou. iC rias 8ecid�d �he 8a�-co�niitee
shovld coatiaue ttae stuay an8 ad8 two itrms - Control o£ Funds and
Control o� P�rso�l to 'tiio repart, th�u aubmit it at the goveud�err meet�ny o
�4ot�ou by D�rao 8aco�t. s�Caa�6ed bY (i�caefg. tl�st the Recraation Cam�aissioa
recoa�sid�t aAd drop the riquest made to MC. Wagna�r by letteic of Jti].Y 26,
1963 ta� Co�siou Staad o�aratiaai at Moare La]oo Baacho !lotion ca�'rieda
,!�� : �.��: -
1964 Budgrt - Pasa�d by Frid].`y C1ty Ca�nail as pr�ted with exeeption
oF reductioa ia Recroatioaa Dirsctar salary fram $7000 (FUll-timeD ic�
Don Maysra gav� raport ragar83ag 8ead LiEo c3�tar8 Tos Ha:asoa•s rec�ue€t
for salary adjustment, 8is agreed aalaty for 1962 was $350 per monChm
sm was patd eadh two w�sm7cs, tt►en a�djust»eat made to maxe v,p tt►e $3so per
^ month total 0 81s aqrMd ealasy fos' 1963 was $350 gsr mont�t fos ilvo anonths <
Ss was paid eadi two w�N]cs. thra adjuatm�t mads at e:ed o£ the two mon�ths
to total $700. He workod two cal�adar m�oaatbs plus aaas nu� of days.
He is antitled to psy ia� tbs nwd�s oi ds4ys aoctxa over fihe two cal�ar
amoz►the o
E€�CRSATIfl�1 CQ1SlTSSION bR8'i�iG 1S�i0'PSS - OCTO�SR 8, 1963 (C�inu�d)
� -
7�kae�m was discuesioa� og couslderatian o£ metbad of setting gorms of
ea�p3oym�t and �►age ar sai,aty is�fo�matlon.
Discussio�t of m�slss o£ s,p��adiug publieity oi ReCSeational activAty ia
�.11 areas og Fr3d].ey tlnrau�h us� of Sv].latin Soards eLc.
�7CC 1iYT*±�._QW T�i G�QSSICmis
�'a►s n�xt m�s�ting of the �iasiaa► will bo oen Thureday. Nov�er 21. 1963
a't f1t! City Hall itt 7
-1�A� I V 21 i �_i., �i
2'hexs b�ing tw iwekh� busl.nsss, th� m�ati�aq vae adjwrned.
Resp�etiully svt�,itt�:
Rrs�t P e Powtll
Secr�tary to tl�o Co�issiau
6241 8tmriao Drive �iarfiheast
F=1�I.eY. !lianesota 55421
Nw� 12, 1963
Deat It�Ye�s'�d:
�Ise FridisY a4�4reatiao Co�amisaion !.8 c_ap�osed of s� Fridley
Cit3a�e t�lao witla �be Reereatiaan D3rectoac, plan and axacy�r the
Re�eatiaa�l Activlti�a Eoa Fridltyo � Co�msissias� was �stablisl�od
by ordinanee #55 of: tke City og P'ridley datq�i �ov� 2, 1953 e
2�eotings are held at leiast ot�ce a moaa�►, uawily 1n tt►e Citj► $all d
R'he Activities s3paaisos^od by the CanoiaalQ� iaClt�Be t.h� Svmoner
Playgrwrui Prograws. �loos� Lalc� Beas� 3aimming and Liie SaEV1t�g Tsainiag.
s� s��u progr�, �oo�»$ii ca�c s.xi � F�i, F8L1 e�d WiAt@r
38PtBGd'1 DBM� at $�y� BC1LOOis W1iit6t 3p00Ct8 i;lCllid! Figl� Ii� Skat3AQ
'j'r�4o ��� 81FSjC�Yb81�. IA8�Qi1�s ga.' '�, T/�S$116 #i!d �PJ'�'6�.� C�.�Y11Co
Th•s� activities provide oppa�tvaities fqar participaLioa by qu3te a
croee seetioa oE the nge raage of Fr9.cii�► pegple,
Sa our a�t#s�g of S�pt.ambar 18. 1963. tho Secretary w�s r�quested
� �Eo mail a].a�tts� t.o� eads oi tho 8ridlsy ltiaist.�ra to endqp,YOr ,to €iad
wlzati 3ataeat theace� mi�►t be ia the Ccaamissios� iozming a ciW,d� Aqe
C�t�o Ia li� rvitb titis, we ate s�]cit�g i.i yoat could mnil ttue Secretaty
a list o£ ti�e �. aadreasas and,phanQ nu�rs af P�oP14 ip yowc
caaugs4gatiou livip� ul Frid1�Y. w�o are 65 yAars oi agt o� aver. �uud
�o would be 1ut�.st�d ia a Golden Age Clu'ta. _
i�s appraciate yc�wc camsideratiaas oi xhi§ xe4uest aad asaure you
w� ate alwa�►s op�, to s�u33ostioas £os Rec;aatias�al activities in taur
City of Fridleyo
wo partiau].�,r7y 3anitra yon ta attas�8 aAy oi c�ur thir8 Thursday
of th�s mouth ev�ing mewti�s. Mapt I suqg�st that yrna pho� me as
searetaty fos tlis acicuai msetiag place as if variea somB of the timee
t�es Aoba� Jo 8t�tas
C$airman oP tbs E7o�oo#asion
YOtfiB 831iC�IAlys
���� G=���..�,�
8a'�8t 8 a PCM�11
S�S�et,asi► to the f�
6241 Sm�risa D�ire �o�hwst
���► Mimteso�ti� 55821
�+� � - 56t#-1109
^ 12� 19630
. ,.: „ ,. . : . ., . :, . u
,. . . �
.,,;,. , . . _
� : �: . , �, _ .
. . , �.. .
BLLembers Presentz
Ofihera Preeent:
Ali memk>era prosmnt.
City RepreBentative Mr, Donliti.
MI23UTES OF SSPTEI�38R 16, 1963:
Z'!te miaut�s of f.he Pazks and Playgrounds sub-comm,ittee he2d on
septe�er 16, 1963 were approved as mailed,
'?'he October meeting was not held dus to lack of a quorume
i�021IxiDi RSPORT s
Mro �onlin rspaxted the follawing:
Contacts have baen made wi�h the BTOrthern Pacific Railroad regarding
^ rental of possible usable park proparty at 48th and Main. gurth�rr
i,nvestiqation of this property and agreeme�.ts between the Ci�y and
the railraado
Ftinnesota Transfer has indicatad to Hre Dorelin that it is no� gre-
�ently intesest�d i.n seiling the 40 acre tracfio Howavsr, (�rr. Donllxy
will cont3nue to check on the status of thiso Dlotion made by r�righ�
roquesting our Enginee�x�ing Department to glve a specific aiz� of filxe
�ract. 84ation aeconded. Motion carriedo
�roperty transact3ons in Riv�rvisw Seights is being handled hy kiae
C3ty� A�torney atad wi.11 be iaa �City avnership �iy end of d963 a
Locke i�ark B�a3lding - the blxk az�d stoel work ie complete„ l9r,
i3oali.n presented the plan for tihe eleckrical hookup to �he ]suil.da.ny.,
'T'dier Ccuaru,it�es� concurred with the pJ�ano
1� eo¢mwuaiaation wae received from Coaastock and DavisB Tnce o Consuli,.sng
Bngi��xs, w�ll attd sewer facilitieso (Copy of letitex attaalaad
to secr��.ary°s minutes)o � work would begin next Spaing� Mcatioa by
Stsarasosa that the Committee reier this water and sewer hookup asad a3evei-
opmesst to our City 8ngineer fos reappraisal o£ the proposalso t�otion
seccnded. Motion carriesi.
;+rf��3T.��yES/ +1'� T�yd_t�AR1K.S i�7 PF�AYGEtt7i7Y�7S SUB°�COA�d9�fi'�EL� �TIHG y hiLDVEl�k3:.'i8
� A,bp d�ll'� ��,e�il'Ml.Zi����
��1, f1�
'S"hi� pag�k has ha,d watex os► it, cavea during the dry Fa12e A m�ti,on
raas r�.de to r�fer the a�,orm sewer sand dxainage pxoblem to �Yse �i�y
�nqixaeer for his recvmeua�ndatiox� of v► economie and feasible wa�� �.a
cira3n �1xis park until the No�t3t YTniveraity lateral is izast�Zl�ml and
this park aaxt be drainedo &iotioa� was eeconded. Motion carzfedo
DEV�'�?� .N�...�L,
Molcion by Il�ghes tha� tlie Com�aittee, far the presento wi21 not con�� kla� atudy o£ a golf ccuzse in t.he aity. Motio� sscondedo P4ot�azs
aarsi�d, Z•t was €elt by the �ommittee that we do raot have a3�oquat�
par.w ac��age to warrant the de�v�lop�etat of a shart c� a� ^�,hia i:�m�..
SKATYN� kt�,NK5s Lxatians:
(1)�rz8txa � R4a�ao (xj Capitol & Hughes, (3aisylvan Hiils, (�� 2xid a F�.��<„
�s3 sa�t Riv�x 12o�a scr►ool si.tea fe)*Luyan parx, t?) �ro�a � t�ugc�y {t3�
/1 �Fiayea sctsoax, i9) commonsd S�a;��oore Laxe, (11) Fiannery Ya��, ��.z�
A�tias�ssippi & Csntralr and possibly Craigway �states@ .��.�ad� iKano� ��k
ax►d Taxraca Paxk, (* iYadi¢a�es warming hau�ea
,�.�.�• �_,_i�r�.
.t4r., Aon �ier� ssx�smi�ted a r�iccsx�� out2ining fui�ure dev�lopzu�n� fox
as�equ��� avricami�ag prot�etioa� and icsatruction faciliti€�s� 7��, wam mov�cl
�red, er�ca�d�d i:2�at w� a�cept P�%rw BLey�r°a zmport and uam �fa3.s aa a bas3�
fa� fu�ku.�e dervolr►�a�met�to ifr.. RDOnyi,n was xequested to ch�i� wri�h Pazk
Co�str��t�m im�d3�atsly to 2� al�ar land naw �os�d n�r�t� of �xf:�t�g
c8e��ad 1.�xxd anad 2} alear. ar�a soutYa o£ ths b�sac�ao P�+a�i�a a�v;�i�d,
F,�.iT� ' l�:i 7.1
�� ��s s>a� ta �t1ae ai:texltlon rsf the co�.i.�teQ that
prssp�aa-q�:�v lines b�,w�an Hruaii aaui Apcar� is no� n1.��
�ka+ex:��c��s t,1� Cc�¢i:t�� Sequ�st9 tRto City 8atgixse�c
e�x�� l��y �3 City paxk pxoper�y aTenexaitip sou�h
?9th to �°a:lgbrc�o3c a;ad fr� Ale�en L�ay �ka tkse ri.v�r4
.,,, • � •�v.. � tit� :�. r�
th� a�rss�ska:E� �;�z
a� th;i� �ia�*�.
k�a � a�ta �„�� �Sr: �g�,
o� s'+.1.e�a�ng�,, be�tv�sa
� �tne �a�mmittm� raco�da �hat w� �
praceesi to �Alspose a� tY►� p�rap���
a� 4g�h and D+3ain for a awet advan��geoua pgica to the City�.
, _. ;. : . , n ., n �, . �
� ._... . , ..,- � � �� � ,,
. . . . ...__ ..:.�.s t.. ,� .:� , , r. ,
. ..i,.. t.n�n.... . ....Na..�.�.31:Y 6, 4i+xAR�`J.w..=
i..L� .1�:i3 ;�S3S1'L:i.RiL�t�j
^ ,�,�..�.�..�,,�.a .. �....o.�._._..�..,,,�.a..d,.�.,��..�...,.».�-,�.,��.,s.�.�.�..<..W»a_,�e�.�_=_...��...�.:�.,...,.
e�,,: �;;�.. �`r�..
�'tr�+ Comaalt�e� aceenpf:s tl�ie r�s3.gx►ation of John Wr3ght witla d�ep rsags��t:s:�
�.'kee ca�ai.t�� Hiscussed possibl� ardS.aauees or rnlws to cov� th�
p�rks anei 4he b�each m
��� . �!._� �
.i�aia'�er 9� 2963 w�al bm the nmxt �egul�r mset%nc,� ot �Y►is ros�xn;Ltt�
�t th� City Ha7.1. 8x0A k�,i4.
�at�uasy i3, l.96�1a rmgulsr mme�tiatg pf tY►is commi�.t�m
.7anua�r 2iy 1964, the Conoa�itL•�e wi1]. mne�C wYth �kt�s ltecr�ati.oa� �omr�is�s�.un
for a j oisat masot�swj a
AI�TOdTid1�Y��.' i
/� �.ere b•iag ao f,arther bussnesr�e c�ta�irmax► 2*hum,pson aecamres� th�
aaamting ad j ourn�l n
RbS�A�G°�E121.% SL1v7Df.��616Z8
Mard�ene Sid�laor�n
S�X'�tasy fo tll� Sub-COSn[�it'tee