PR 01/16/1964n n COd�'LZSSZON L�SETING ATII�TiFisiS -� JAI3iTAFtY ].60 1,96� _� —_.. _�� The m�eting was callad to order at 7:30 P.M. at �he home of Valerie 1Nelson with Mra Huqhes prasldingo Ma�e}�ers Presrnt: Oth60Ca Pr418l�its HughQB, t�s. Nelsos►, Mrs. Stivard, Powello (�s'aeff, �PhY. AATtl► If0881Cks �a & l�liee Derii116 Bt138Sldo MtBv JOId36 l�littleatat e ,._���jiyy" � ' 4e!= _4 L/��,."r..4 � � . -' � t`=_Y. �r Motlon by lsCS o N@lsona 96COrid6d by D�a o swsx'd e'4h8t t11e mlautes bB approvsd as raado RBPO[%T OF BOB FIUC�S FOR TRRASLmiaar Ci#y mili forward official rspo�st at �d of January, BFaPQ�'.l'_ QF HOB HUGFiB3 FRQM PP3?xs AND P7LAR?'CR2ot1LdDS SUB�CQb�IY'PTRE`��TS�ic: Dick Dnn].ia much conaa�rned over caru3itioas o� thc� ice akating rinks due to �]aw varl.abl� weather o S�ase Islst�s City hda ilot Consumro3ted thB purCltase as yaC. �r and Huao Streots: six lats camg�r�.sistig an arta of 150 X 250 faet, pwCChas� rwt Catatm�eateda Shatt�r i.a Locke Park: Is ess��ially completed. Slectricity servic� is ia wltir ,an �uka�tic ui.c�tt 19.ghto Joittt meeting of th�a P�Ies and playgrounels Sub�ce�aaittee �uci ths R�ez'�atic� Commissiozt aaa 1loaidayo Jaauary 270 196�} at 7a30 P,M. in th� Fasuity Lune:hroom of Ltie P'rid ey Soaaior 8igho Topic �E Disc+uasie��s will bo Rulos and Regulations Eo� Pa�ks aud Pla�outuia Sub-coma�i�t�� �i�.�� S.�- �� - l�� !!ro DSeasick p�restnt.ed a Planue[i R�creation Proqr�m £or esatiro ysat af 1964, �fotiona by btrs o eaasd, seconded by Pa�,rell �o accept the Progra�a aubmittwd, Mbtiar► ess',tild, n ilra o lLa�cil� S�ndricks of Suburbau Rtarestiart Assoeiatiaa, argaaizor of soaioz Citizeas Clubs iEar 3RA will attend out moetinq at £uture COdiVQiilellC6. / ` . . , _ _.. . .... . ... -- - `di,i:i6.kau�a.:..;$.(.:.a, icwo�f:'�;..!4i.k.'t32ti i��.'�..wS°'3 FaS:::iFls:�i7 "' sibat.w,t ,',:, ��,=p .@.�u' .. .,i,�w"i.o.m.. bf.;..�.. � ---- ..,_ --��cv--..:�c-��r....,..._+ �e Skatix� R3aalcsx 9 mer► wosking on shiPts a� tlae ri.n'�s., 5 br�slc-ina have occuxxad a�E 48th and 14ait► sts�ets 4 aclditional since that groupo viarming house heate�e vs�r� a prable�n at girstB but situa�lon has im�rwed, Hoc7ee,� Leagu� undexway o in 7 dayse naa the Bssketbal3 Praetico in Slmr�eatary age level on Saturday afteznoons s•�artiz�g at 1 Po&I. cuts i.nto ous �ioclsey Proqramo Pa�well Xegueet�d to iaquire abut this cotiPlict. aaementarer Basebail ReQiatration is ta be 2 Tt.M. saturdayo April 11 and 18e 19640 g,�g,�gxs�t3� - so pazticipants a� comaoos,sa canaiet oi 1/2 hour lessana on Satux�d�y morni�gse �! - ��.: ? ,�, _ , . ,.. a„�t �aati� Januaty 16, 1964. � Colloge cym. /'� - Prograut is half coa�plsted - 2Y►d half starte tonigh'to Tournaments will be Marc!h 13, 14 & 15 at Sta Cloud 1964 Saseizall l�rocnrama Aepart of Harzy t4essick is in our file uadea� his seports, � suzArm xBpox�r: Datsae Ca�itta� - Has li represeai:atives o Cw�niit�e is in chaxge o€ mo�►o rocos8s, recarct plsyero Jaunary 17e 196�n - Will be skatiag psrty a� Ms�or� Lalceo Daaose - Sav� taad 2 per manth 31r�ce th� awason s�artod, attend�u� naa av�raging 150 paz danceo Pav�l.l was sequast�sd to in�orm tlse Sdtool District tYwt �oat racks at the cy�o would be dasixable far th� �ances as we,ll. as fc� othes £tu►Ctioas. - •_•�_=_2. . \L «: . �. lbtio3s by JaCk Dunp}�y, seCOtsdod by Mirso StivasdB that the Fridlt,y� Civir Choir bs offic�..al.ly farm�ad an�si be unclex the dir�e�tiaaa of Jamss k'lan� Harry Messick reparted that 10 werw presoat fa� the fira� meetitag lRosldays Jasitiaty 13e Y964, A Ftidley 2'maident 1� aCCGropslxiste A copy o£ P].ans aad Activiti.os as o# January 1B 1964 is ia our fil�� /'1 RBQiEATY�T ODl4�SSYON b�BTZAFG �TSS ^' o7ANUAIt`4� :�.60 3.964 :'Con$it3'6X�� • �;: .1 r:i ;i"se��! � ` ' • ,'a! � i 1968 Recreation Program ut►dar directiott of Harry bSesaick develo��d into a auccessful and well organiz�l ycar°s progxam w'±sids. was a creclxt� to Fridley anci was participat�d in by an increaseed numbar of Fridley peopieo .,,.�,o w;_;.i •.?,1�_ .�c_..: 1. p11�3�.�C.° t0 bQ IIWaTO Of. 013I OPBSdt�IDAe 2a Wa to be awar• of our �ployees° wo�k ax�d thsir wark wi�la the publico 3, Plaiuti.ng far Activitiea a:id tha�ir fulEillmelato 2'he i�ll et�ucy ia is► ou.: lf.leo .�, _ � +;5: - ^ Recr�atioal Caw�niasion Qrganizataon - Dunphy naaainat�d 8ob Sughesa Chais�msui Valerie Etels�a� Treasura�rs and 8raiost Parel.lm SecretarYe awcoond�d }�y Whitasy Graef€m : _ K..7_. i. i k _`i:� /`. . !'i_�I'. 4+t_h`�N.o_aday+o�.£. th+e monti►o Pawel2 is to 3nquire a�sout meeting place Mi �Mi $�iLiMi �b�i S��o1 e '[.1-> I�� I � � Ift'�.i`'� 1'h�r� baSng no further buaine�s, the a�e�tirig was adjourned at 12s30 A,x4 Rospectiully stabmitteda 8rnoat P o PoWell Secr�y to the Ca�aission n � � MIKUTES OF THE PARICS ADID PLAYGRUQND3 SUB-C�2ITTT� t+�ETING - JANUAI2Y 13, 1964 '1"he m�atii�q was called to ordsr by Chairman R'baaFeaas at 7s30 P,M. at tho Fridley City Sal.lo M�m�era Pr�set►t: Othes'8 Ps�e@Ltt 'S•. i. •' , �':1� Cbairman Thampsoai. Skjervold, 8ug'p�s, 81c�hha�rn Pack Dit9Cto�r poAlin l�totion by Hughes, sacas�ded by 3kjervold to approw �t►a minutas oE tha Dtoveaab�s 12, 1963 meeting of the Sub-co�ittas as mailed. Motion carried. '' �'•' Cl�rio Sk��strold was w�2aam�d as a new m�ar of the Parks aad Play- qroUads Sub-coom�i.ttee. , �!�. �: . � «; .�. �.. � . . ^ !(r. 8ughea Dec�ar, will joit► � reported ti�aL tl�e Recreatlon Caa�uiaaion i►ad not a�t ia Two aaw �srs, Dro Jotw Wriqht and Mree RoBsrick Sassd, tha Ca�iasioa► at ita t�axt meetiuQ oa January 16B 19640 ' ii �.�;.= Yi!'; r i�:'.4 Mro D�nlia reposted as followa: la 1'!�f akstiag riaka are ia opsration after so� traubie i�a gettinq wasminq house haaters working. Difficulty iu maiataiaiag good aurf.ac�s w► the rin]ca haa arisen froa bad weal:her sud from u�e oE riNca too sooa� aft�r Slooe9lag a 2e F3aa1 eietails of a�gotiated. !�, mattaro tha pur�aa. of Chase°s Ialaad ar� atill being Dcu�lia wili make wery effo�t to expeeite this 3a Purcfiase of gowr lota at Broad aad 8uqo has be�n coapletede M�qotiatioas far purdtaee to two additional Lots are uador wayo 4o Locke Park Shtlters a. �'!so ahelter is esswstially cao�l�ts as ias as coAatructiou is conoarn�d, Plwobing a�x9 water supply ramain to be in- stallad. b. �e City 8agiaeer haa stated that the psyli�aiaary ap�cifiea- tion anci cost �stLoate far a wwil and wat.�r supply pr�pared by CO:satOCk an8 Davlso Inc.'o a:'e lri O�dere Iri£Orn31 CoBt quote8 2�ave bNtl requlattd £som two soutc�8. D�, DoAlin MINiTrES OF Ti�: PARKS AND PIAYQiOi�DS SUB�TTSS I�iBTING - JADitiARY 13, 1964 (Contiuusd) wiii atte�t to have ali details of the water su,pplg ar►d plumbi�g wark laid out so that approvai for this part of the psoject Caa be given at the E'abruasy meetit�g of tbe Sub-ca�mitteeo c. The liraplace is cwqpleted aad reac�► far ueo, do �'he Sub-camaittae will Sadividually coasi.�ar possible plans gar dedicatioa o£ tbe sheltar duritg the Sprinq and 3wm�uar, Furthar diacusaion wili be qivea thia subjwet at the Feb- ruary mestiug. 5e Further 8lscusaiois of rul�s far the uss of park fscllities is ne�dodo The sub-commibtee proposma that this matt•r b• discussad at the 'oiat mNtitg with the Rocrestion Canmiesion ou Jauuary 27, 1964. 11r, Hu�yhea wsa roqu�ated to fi:►d a suitable location far that m�eting aad to it►£orm the mambers o£ the Sttb-coomittee. . s =. ,,:_ ,��:�,,Y . � ; ; �, � _�� ,.�-�: y�_.•, � � ; v; ^ Motion by Sic'�hhora, a�aondsd by Skjosvold, that th� r�gular me�tinqs of t2� Sub-comom;tt�w shall be bsld on the sacosW Monday of eac� mos�tt� o lbtios► catsied e .t��: : r _i �i� • 1 4 ._: �, ; .�£•_; tc�, :i- r:y - A draoaiag showiag lot arraogamea►t and lauct ariurahip ia siock a, Rivarvisw 8aiqltts prepared by ths �aqineari�ag pep�+�a•�•••t waa r�ceived by tht Sttb-catm�ittas aad diseuased e MOt1oI1 by SL�jlit6s 1ieCOSid9d by 3kj11�vold� that tbe «RLtb-CO�ittee sestate ita poaition as being uaalt�rabiy oppos«i to the vacation o£ ady city hsld laad coatiquoua to tha pazk land in Outlot le Pearson'a Craigwx�r Eatat.�s� aa6 tY►at !ho sub-caamitt.oe further etate as its ab'ective the evaz►tusl acguisition of all laod betweea ths pask lat�d in Outlot 1, P•atSOD°B Craigway Sstatos atW the river au8 saith of 79th W�, Motio� Cairi�do Purauaat to ths abovs actiott, the sub-camuitt« r�co�am�nda that ali llild�vllopld lote iR BlOC7c So 11A, eAd BSt RivlsVidw Heiqht8 b@ x'ed- �59�• �. Donlir► will dttock on oovaerahip of laad in those blockso A�SRl�1T i4ITS SCSOOL DI tcr: � Ths agr�eat coverinq joiat nsaq� of tb� laad ad�aesnt to xice Creek Sc3iool by the Sub-COmitte� aa8 Iadepend�zit Sdiool Diatslet �14, has be�a aigned by all parties aoaeeznad and is in sffacto MINUTBS OF T8E PARRS AND PLAY�GROUNDS 3�-C7QM1[ITTSE 1�8TING - JANUARY 13, 1964 (Contiaued) �'1 : i•:��� :!, �+.r M�otioz► by skjervold, s�cond�d by 8ughea, to adjoarn. Motion carrs�8. 7'h� msati�g was adj a�raed at'9t$5 P.M. Respect£uily submi.ttad: R. Jo iituj'h�8 s�cr�tary Pro Taaa /'\ �