PR 01/27/1964�. ��: • ` • /.\� :4C 1�`'f •:' '71 � 'C Y` C Ii. ♦1�,'.l' : •..\ � iII
'vl:. :i� H'��It1�_ ^1" ►.�.��i.1 4: ♦.. .�1: • ��
2�. �� t
•�-. � .� ' •.0 /• . 1�� f�
�l►s awetia�g wa= as11�8 to a��ar at 7:30, in the �+sac�ar's Cafeterla
of th� Fridley Seaiar 8L� 8diool witb Ro3�t St�aa presidls�g.
Me�rs o� th� Parke aact Pliiygrourd�
3i�CC1�,'CtA� PIl9e3f$f biC'S• B�li�lhO�fi� Wr�1'ti 87�!lYOld� 3WitS78011s
!1�'8 0£ Y.}le Rper@ati.0a� Cqm►168io�
Pr�Bel►t: RObezt 8u�h=o DuqpY►Y. i�s. Sweltd, l�3r8e NelsoaaB
Pawell, ara�f.
Others Pr�s�ut: Donlin, tsasaick, Dave Cbastiae
i.�. 4.!'iY � ' r ; .�_ �': ;._Y l,: � • �� � ; �1i_.bc�r_.._Y
lo !�o & l�8. Qiastia g�l the Teenagezs of Fzidl�►' nesd mo�e
R�Clational AcGivitias and suitable sp�8 fos eama.
2. would liko a cwvoittee to msat at their hoaua twiiaisting ofs
one City Couneil Dl�ar
osw sa�ooi Board �
� I�sague of �Taoen Vaters lim8�er
ona Recreati�n co�iasion Memober
� Parks and Playgrouads Sub-caemittes lt��
Camausnts as #ollowa:
$�'z5l 1�a��iok - Px'an �ience. feels art ASult must be witb
a toeaago gsoup at all Organizatio�al Dfeetipga to hml.p the intereet
9ro3r►9. oYhptwise ths entfiusia8m far idea8 £s].t�' aad diops 8way e
Dick Don].ia► - bSe�tioaied that Aaoka has 3 Youth: Ceat�r. 8e does
� 8� �� �3� t�ing csn such activity on his owti wiihout a£ull
adult s�visi.or�.
Mardena Eid�ha�r► - kad �erience in the organizatiaa► of th8
Anoka Yout2a: C�ettoaC o
Bad� Sugties 3woaa7Cy - Feela tl�exe is no oppos3tiou i:o t1�e p��pos3�-
� tioai of s Youth C�nter. �vould be a vaarth�Vhil,o cw�ai�tjr ��vity, At
this ti,me, :teithet ths P�ks and Plqygto�urds or tite ReCrestion Co�eaissioY►
could go it►to tt�is a� aa ofgicial basis,
Ja3�a swaosoa� - vatvataerea to ait sa oa� aeattaga as �aaeatativa
of tha Pasks Ha8 Plsygrout►8s Sub-com�itteeo
Joixat Nieet3x� -- Park� and Playgrouncis se��ca�w3.t�ee aak7 R�cr�at3rsrs
Comtoigs.°.-;� JaausPy 27, 1464„ (Cpntlnusd)
�__ .S if +1� i ' �•<;
��8 .SQii�tii: s�+1.�wi1 '� Z�a�e$ �' JC*.$rr.� i�y I�Jo 19�a
Playground PYOgrnm - A11 playqrounds wili be used startisag J'une
18e 19640
Day Camp will bs hsld fn Lxke Park.
Teattis Tousnament ; �,� s�
Swimoting Pr4gram
B��{i� Ba.vA.Ys YWie �P i�{Yf � L$y �a�6 a4. \.�$n isi,i il,&g616.
a�8 4
O�kher Faciiities N�eded � Yca Rinks and Warming �iouseso
�'acls Dunphy discussad �od ot publ3city of R�eation Programo
r'1 Suggestioa to have Iiarry Mess9.ek's 1964 Progsam s�� ou� with Beeach
Stick�rs and Fridley Anttual Repart m
� � r�•��b_ _+.� • •��
.�_ce Crea.k Schoo? - A Recxeatia4a spo� has been gxepaxed in coag�a�.ion
with Sc9aool District #14 School BoarBo
Flame�rv Pauk � All purposa Court has b�n install�do
Riv�rview S�iahts � six lots ixave yeen purchassdo
�aic�wav Tsstates � Alultlpurpose Couxt aiad Sal.l DSamorid to b� i�n�slar�i
for fi.h,is aeasono
�o�'� y,ak� Beach -• Addi.�ional drac,�g3iae work aill ha �3nisris2 �k�c� is��
is outm A v�a.tea pc�2lutioaa clxacic is a�@e coa�tixsti�lly� slope �.s 2a�I,r7
ou� far a Beach kduse facil9Ltys
IKelodv Manor -�°h°hpre is hape fa�r a pxop�.rty settl�nant.
I.xke Park •� 5heltax ia co�leked, Question is ur�se�tled as �o �hso
n 1a to man the sheltaro
Sce skatin� Faciliti�s thig v�ar - Weathsr rAnditioas have nat b�sa
conducive to prep�r floodingo Scsaping axLd cJert�a�, upkaep,
. Soiat Ii�ating � Parks ased Pla4►gratu�da Su�i-cotamittee aacl R�cseatio�n
^ Cammaisaion- Jaauasy 27. 1964. (COS►tisw�d)
� ::�rlti L .2 •' �,!�i1Yir '/i t�._ .1.�_
SOftbail Par]c at Co�roaoa - Qyestion oE rWhy tl��e Roet Roome w�a loc]ced
laat s�. Anssoer - the S�ti7.83ag waei not C1ty a�ed--so we�:e 7cept
Dick Da�t11n will ead�avar to abt.�tia Park an8 Public Recreatiou Pu'dl.ra�ams
Eras� athex ca�mmtaities as modeis,
Motloa3 by 2dt6o awsrd. BY�d by ��es. 8ic�1$Orii, that tNO reps'68entati9es
�cm ea�► Caomisaion bo appointod to conaider o,rdiaaaces frcm oth�
caco�uaitiee ta ar8ar to reca�d an ardiaaaae i`e� srttinq np Rules and
Regulationa for Pai'Jc aud Pt�11a Rsereation faailitisse Motion carrisde
Motiaat by Jd�n 1Pright. eeconde8 by l�s. Nelaaa4. that tho tam earom,issiona
will s�eab th� Syb-caa�itt,� to dol,iaeate tha lirras of reepousibiliti�s
iu tha usa of park faciliLies b�twe�n tbe t�wo camaiasio�se Motion
AeCteatiou Co�iBaiar► Jalfa �• B{rse S�vat$
Parks and Playgrouu8s S�-cao�ittee llca. 83c4►t►ara, llr. Doulia
T!�►is divisiar► oi =e8poaeibilitiss to be dlscussec3 at a�oct �oittt meetinge
��.;:.-+�4 ;c�:��•� - - ,.•s .
3n9S�8tad ttsat St7me m6Bi1B b6 gtov3+ded t0 CoWCdiABte the Long Tl�sm Plaais
of eacl► coamiaai�a. 74�is e�ould be kept i.n via� by the Recraatiosa
Camission Rmp,rea�tative iran the parks aad playr,�rouada sub-camitt�ee
.�:;� �...�� �.�_�+�+� �;��
Moanc�y• Max+ds 30, 1964. 7s30 P.M. 1n Taachor's Cs£ota�ia of S�ior High
Sd�tool o
='lOtioA 2%Y 1�q�Y� seeoudOd by (i��effe LhBt 2hY 96COp8 L81£ Of tTle m9Q'ting
ba �t ea3de gar lung tarm plsnniag bY the two commissionse i�4ot3ca
��' �eis�3 tt° furtt►e� bvai�t�s. th� meetiaS adjournea at 10:30 P,Me
ResPect£u17y snbmitteds
8rn�est P. Pow�ll
sac�xetary to the Recseation Ca�lasion
10� 1964
The meetit�g ��as called to order by Chairman Thompeon at 7:30 P.H;., at the
ktidland Building.
N:e�nbera Presonts Chairman Thompson, Hughes� Suransen, Skjervold.
Othera Preaents Park Director Dbnlin
1•'otion by Skjervo2d� aeconded by IIughes to apprwe the ninutea oP the
January 13, 196Q meeting oF the Sub-Coffirittes as �iled. 1�SOtion carried<
Ns. Donlin reported as followss
1. WELLSs The Citp has a fovr inch pump which could be utilized itt Locke
Park. T�7ork could begin 4r�ediately of the actual drilling of a we7.1
with four inch casinga.
2. LDCKE PARK BIIILDING: The buildin� hea heen inspected and app�oved by
the building inspector. The overhead door and the casements have not
�,.� as yet been painted� but this can be done by C3tq peraonnel. There is
a atandard years warranty on the atructure.
3o BOY SCOUT ISLAPID PROPF�RTY: The Viking Council of the B.S.A. has through
their real estate co�itCee considered the sale of a five sare tract
at the Rice Creek snouth, and the 2-iiesisaippi 3iver. The real estate
committee has agreed that the City ehould have Pirst optwrtunity to
purchase this laud. The land has creek and river access but there
perhaps would be a lack oY parking space.
P;r. Donlin was inatructed to continue contect with the Viking Council
Por further development and to report to the Sub-Committee.
4. CIiASIS ISLA1dD: The �ub-Cor�nittee instsucted the chairnnan to expedite
the finaliza�ion of the purehase of Chasee Island.
5. TOT LOT AT I�00'i� LAKE: The J.C.'s would at some fliture date like to
contribute a Tot Lot at the P7orth end o£ Moore Leke. Thie would teke
place after develo�anent o£ fkiis area by clearing and filling.
6. ?tIVERVIF?t�! ftEIG:iTSs Action defered until mext regular meeting. 1�.
Donlin instructed to obtain information on Lots 20 - 26, IIloek BB
'.tiverview Heights.
7. ORDINAR'CE: A eopy oP the Colurnbia Heights ordinanee regu].atin� parks'
adapted f1�om the tdinnoapolis Ordinance, will be included with the
^ minutea of the r^obruary 10, 1964 Sub-Com�it�ee meeting.
1. JOINT MEL"fING OF PARKS AAID RECREATIONs David Chsaten appeared at the
meeting to speak on beha].P of the establishment oY a youth conter in
Fridley. He aeked £or non-oPPicial support f4�om individual membera of
both c��nittees.
^ The Park Camnittee will contiaue to obaerve the development of the
Yorctth Center Project.
DIRfiCTIONS TO TtIT; PA.�K DZRECTORt The Park Direotar wae instructed to
pa�epare a�?L�ti�n Scher7Le For 1961y �+�� and to present the
same at the next regulsr �aeeting.
L�KE PARtt �?C��= June 1t„ 1964, wae set as the t�tative date for
a dedic�tion o£ the Looke Perk facilit3es. Chairman Thompson vras to oon—
taat a poteat2al apeaker Por the dedicextion and a progrmn ia to be �is—
cuased at the next regular �eting.
SYSTE[>1 OF PRIORITI�Ss A motion by Iiughea, aeconded by Suranaens That
beyond the three ieaues to which the committee is naow c�+3tted�
a. Chaees Island
b. Locke Fark
c. Hroad aad Hugo
that there be erected a permanent beach ahelter at 2+I�re Lake. This is
to be rn�mber Yo� on the liat of priorities.
�� •i• a
I9otion by Skjervold, seconded by Iiughes, that the meeting be adjournede
� Alotion carried.
Reepectflil.lq subr:itteds
Christiatt R. Skjervold II
Secretary Pro Tem