PR 02/24/1964n /'1 � �c�r,Txo�r �cxssiox r�rxnx� r�rES - �ssxw►t�Y a4, s.96a The masting oi the Conanisaia¢i was callad to o�des at 7s30 P.Mo in the xeacha�°s Caftteria og tbe Fzidlay Sea1ar 8ig� S�ool aith Robe�ct Hugh�s prwaidiaag o �trss Prfsaqt: T3ughes. Dltrrs, Dielsoa. Mrso saatd, Powell, GraOff and wri,gbt. Othass Pz.sant: �iarsy il�ssick, �eo Ja�ha lbisla�ek, 1820 I.ong Lakm Road Nartheast - 633-5192, Represeatative of LRague of Woqwtt Vot�rs, Mrs, Sdwa�cd C. Isala�e, 1218 Onondaqa WaYe 784�8298a t�8q Eda VA1110Wt, 1280 Oaswldiga G7ay„ 784-1564. Rab�t D> Ke�ndall, 666 1liasisaippi str�tB 560�ISZ6, Rogt�r sandau, 7361 lblody Drivea 784-6173, iROproa�ttiwg tho Fridlsy .Tayc�saj , [;r �ti ��y: . - r•�r �• �� r, . . �v �• � --- -� OWtion by Mrigt►t, seconded by ciraefi, tt►at ti�e mianL�s be approved as zsad. � ' !'i .<!:' i!i. _. ' �;. .4.' = ' 'i.:..�. .. .S�_. ,c'��.i ?t�r:i: - Tho City of Fridlsy Accounti�g Departcaant psesented 1963 Ex,pendit�res of th� Ca�tasion of $18,397.20. 7,acams as followa: . r�r� t_o,: « ,. City Appropriatloa F�es �4 �e8 Es�rolluent 5� sus F�ss $16,750.00 7� s 0� 193s00 1.183.00 $18�890.00 I$^$o I�13i0A0� lICSo V6i�18{iiC 8� �'• S�Atl WltCA pY@9lRt �Il t.t618 �21t�7CIB.<it of the £o�mtioz► of a Goldms Age Clu7ao Ca�onts as follawss D�s. voillswcs Infi�erostad Y►ocause of havisg saei► the annouac�ment in th� Sto William's Bullsrtiao l�s_ o_1�one: Has reo�ivad phoa�e caiis fram about 20 intexasLeB people. Thay are waiting to hNtr w�at might b� doAe OA dCtSVltle6 to be giaenmde �OCi�r Sa:fdau: 1�sa Hea�driCks of SRA wsg at th�1r JayCea Alaeti�o Lasft copiee of the Bookla�t "The OpQration of smaior Citizea's Club"< A L�adez ia reca�ended in ozd�r to keep the 4rouP runniag in an a�qaais�d mana�r, �'he l0ada�r ia usuaily paid on a m�stirg basis. �'t►e SRA recaas�ded figure is 25p psc mqetl.uq, �Ir. Sanciau will ar�7eavar to eatablish a a�sd £ooc the Golden Aqe Club and repc� at a l�eter mork3,trg, ^ 1t8CR8ATYON CO[�f33SY�I ABB4'IDTG �iT1TS - F88RUARY 24� 1964 (Con�inuad) �!:'_.�. �,�, �- ��•- ��- ��: �y� �• � � �.. Roger Saadau atated ttie Jaycees are intereated i�a furni$Aiag equipmento Raco�dation made that he p�esent thie matter ta the pa=ks aad pAa}p� grow�ds sub-coaraitte�, ��+ho bave authority over this areao -_i «p .,. . �,; , •, iias b�en prssente� to the City Cowncil. wo�diag was slightly revisa�d and was referr�d to City Attaraay wYrmaa smith. A copy was presentod to Harsy llessick for his pezusal. p�otion lyy wricjht, secos►ded 2�y Graef�`a to have � Ordi�e re-submitted to City Council aftez Sarry Aieasicls°s c7�eck-ova�r, blotioai aarri•do ' y�4.'ii �: Ls. "_'i ` ' 4�i _1_i,rrii�.. - _i ��� � r• 1� T4ey requast full use of 7,ocke park at certain times of their c3�toosin�go Motion by GranfP, s�onded by l�sm Swarda that ibc. FIughes (as respres�st- ativo to Pazks and Playgrounds 3ub�coimoittee) inform the Coaomittse of our isitesests iEi th6 LOCk! P�ke and to resiet moilopo].y of tba Park by /1 �Y 9rouP= 2bt10A CBrr�.ed, RBPORT BY J�IIi WRIGB'Pz AtLended maetiag at home of Mra. qsastin relative to Yrn�th Activitl�s, Reco�dations drawn up at tlto mastitygs 1. J► possible �w kind o£ program for Youth othex than the pres�nt Recreation Crnanisalon 1*togram and/or SChool Activitieao 2, A place for Youth to cottgregate other tt►an School Buildiags or wi�th sc'hool Personnei, 3, A plaCe aot nocessarily to be provided ar run by the Citym 4o Mrsa C�astin presented seports qakhored YaY Phane fraau oti�er xouth Caatsre and Orqat�izatians itt other co�►unitiese Sa A White $oar c�roup presaatad saos information on a Group Acicivity aimed at 18-21 age groyp, This group not in the thinkinq p�.aaz� af the c'hastia Gro�p, ^ 6 o stwdants at fi.lae msratiag agr�wd to form a sub-comnittee to ma7ce contacts with Fridley residents w3io are active i,n the otires thxee School D18tr1ct8 Of Fridl�y• wh3ch are D38tricts '�11, #13, and #16a. �exs will eadsavar to gath�r iaformetia�t on Youth C�tors and Groups ia oth�r camwnitisae n Rs�=o�t c�axssxo�t �s�rxxc x�rs -�u� 24, igba ceonttnnea� ��•�i=�:� � � • =��:.;.._ ..: .._:� _� : •<� �ttt�nh► mras£f: S� no ditaet connaetioo with %he Recreation Cane.tasior� a� ptasluit tiwo His obsmwatiaa of opitiicass at t�� meeting w�. guite divmraw and iadivtdnally paia�ed� Bab S�luss Pleased with #.Yia great itttosest ehowu in Reersaticao Tha�e r�pgmat�ad n�o unanimity itt t�rpes oz gxequescy o� Recseational activitieso Th, s�egmemt of public at tb, a�etiaq appearec] to be ao� arato tkat SC'hool DistsiCk #14 has caoQe�iti� with t2►� rlgnliY],a( G�gaRized ReCteatio7i aAd Coc�u1E�' (��ps� Fllt Xhat tbe 3d7to01 DiStr1�CE w86 qtiiite st7LiCt aTLd 3,xy tiqht oaatrol in the use oi sc�sool Facilftisa fas s�a�w tansosss qroups o�ther than the abwe mentioned recreat.�.oa a�nd ao.'ga�aiaqd cyrayps o I3�',�,siek,s Y=D at St. Paa]. has bs� bsought to �khe Yrniih°s att�at3.ass: Th� Youth ceoo�nts ase that it ia koo fas ��� aot �he ^ ia�trsat fio aako a lawg trip 8or th� R�creationo tiatAm by Wri�te secos�cled by arae!£, to accept Psstcn 3ca�►dall's oa�.2.�� l�o�tiaat .arriede ktS1P�iT OF �ARaY D�SSICICa Motiaa by paw1l, secasided by lbtao bielson, tbat Proposal A oE F3�y Messicic°s r�port }�e accopt�d. l�fotion carsA�d, Thia propoaai conti�ues th. $3.00 Sndividusi ragiatraxion and $6.00 8amily rrqistratioa S�s Prog7rsm 8me8 a8 set Up last year. Motion 'by !lrs. Nelsort. aecoaided by Wriqt�t, to aceept the reca¢�aded �+7ag� Schedule. D6otian carsieci. Motion by cirawff, s�caz�ded by l�a. Sward, that a Datiytims 8aseba7.1 Presc�ram be hald this au�mr. I�tion Casried. pttblic annouaCaiosnt oE this �l�sa will Ds mar�. DAY C1�![P AT I.00d� PAitK: . Harry 1�ssick wae requeete8 to prossnt a r•svmw of reooaameadati.ong for n the catc,p at I.oc7te Park fos thls Swaper Set►oo1 Vacatioai timeo • �! =s..__ !� sM; Has recr�ived pllone calls iadicating lrttax�eat. Inquired if soft �m13. gamQS b� dropp�ad arui vse� only Slow PitNho was requwsted to presea� Yeeo�tia�ns eithe�r waye Waa saquested to c9ieck ost available B�ac�a stickaz 3x�formatioan to b� psesaoated at u�xt mseting. ifa�wl\Flssgyyy� �ys'�advJCyVI� �� �•RViAV �' �Ryc�[ti !r'Ap �9V'1 �a�r�li�Jid��g� / \ j1Y�Y1 .yl[.' �, t lfonday, ltatc9i 23, 1964 at 7s30 p,lto 1t1 H3qh SChool T�aChe7C°s Cafeke�acia, ��31.,��-�; .,,� Tilli'IS bAilkj 110 fLiiL�iR: b118�88/ !�'1� IOS8t..3YiQ WiS d(�j011t'Sf�d Zlfi. �3. Fo2+1� Assp�etgully sqb�itteda 8rt�8t P. PCMell secrrtasy to the Camnisaiou. � �