PR 03/23/1964/'1
COt�lISSi�i l�SBTIDT�i MIni[TPtss - l4ARC8 23. 2964
Tha maetirig oE the Cammlasion was called to arc7ar at 7:30 PaMo in �he
81gh School Tenc�sr ° s Cafst�ia with D�. Sttq'has proaidiag.
lfa�ess Pzteints
othara Presant:
sugrbes, M,cso swara, pow.7.i & nunpby
Sarly Ne88iCk. Dos1 16�yes'B, ROglr Ssridsu
MI�fTl`�i3 OF lBBT�3 OF FSSRtiARY 24. 1964:
T3is miuutss of tha mostiag of February 24, 1964 were appsoved as sead.
�sc�8� o s �po[tT:
Dio r�part r�eiv�d fraa� the City
T'he area aosth of tha preaoat Dloo�re Lake Bea�► is to be dzagi.inad
after tha Nint� ict is goz�.
^ R'h• Citizoa n�i�hbors of the atea of the Fridlsy Comm�ns Tennia CAUrt
have indicat�d ti�ey will donats aad erxt a Teaaia Pzacticw Bossdo
To be 7� fMt hic�h attd 16 fset long e �
Patks aad Playgzout�s Sub-ca�itt.�e is lsiveatigatiag fihe instalaation
of a�na beadt hous� at Moore Lake B�Cti.
-�«: ..• _ � �v� �
This rti,at�. the sctteduiing of Saturday after000� Saak�tball praetice
far 8lwasntasy age by tho sc�ool syat�m coailic�d witi� tlia Sockey
proc,�am schodulad by the Recsqtion Covnisaion. It is s�qqestKl that
�ac� Program o£ Sc'hool and Ca�isaioss activiti•s bs coa�dinatsd in a
ressaa�abls way.
i!�'�, �'!i'=1�
Fridl�,y Jay�wes had no turnout fo� the St. Patrick's Dab► Daace at
Columbia 8.ic�i:s. Jayc�ea coaitactad Fridlay chur�hes for (�olden Age
Citi.zons. 2'be d�urdi�e xespar►ded with nonw or, at the most, one or
two r�tto tY►ey did not belisve wauld hav� aay intarest. Will awaa� wrarm
weatt►or, then try fox a pnblicized public meatiaq to detarmine the
main 3ntarest far aoldea Aga Club amaa�q tha tawnspaople aenior citSz�sso
� r„ �L�?�.� i•S�
Copy of rspo�t ia itt our filsa. A[otion by l�rs. Sward, a�conded by
D4r. Dun,F2►1', that tl�e rsport be acespted witli c�ang�s as noted. Motion
x�sc�saTiox �s�xssx� a�rxnra �nrnrss - e�cs 23, i9�a (cont���ea)
Beach OxdiAance. R'his ardiaanc� has been ok�yed by Sarry MasBick
aad is to be rs��t�mittiad by John Wright to the City Co�uncil.
Joi> 3�pplicat3on Form was �ppxoved by tY►e Coaaoaission and 1a to be
ex�acutod by applicaats far poaitioas of£ered by ttie Cauom,iasiono
JY. 8ig�► Dance o� P'riday, Dlarch 20, 1964. 125 ia attewdance.
Anaouucement of 1964 Basebali Hrogram ie a�edulod far publicatioa in
the Ftidlay Sditiau of the Recaacd of Weaua�day, Marc� 25, 1964.
Bask�tball - Frid7�y plac�d Si•h in stato Tournamant. R�► Crotik was
n�d All Stat� as CsY►ter.
Locks Pask Day Cauq� Pzoposal is in our file.
Beach StiClcmrs - Prices wote iII�v@8tigattd. MidweSt Sadge Co�ar�y will
^ furaisYt 5,000 C� $425.00 - siae 3'� X 4". Motion by l�ra. sward that
5,500 atiek�a at $465.00 be purc�taaad. Motiott assti�d. Mailings to
be made to eacb aouaehold, az�d advertiseme�►t to be made that apartment
daellers to plck u�p fih�ir stickar at CSty 8a11. Stickars will be sold
at 25 a�nts to Fridley rasidenta far each additio�al to ths ariginal
froe housdaoid aticker. Non-residouts wiii be c4�arged $2.00 psr
1964 Sas�ball Budg4t. Proposed Budget ie ia air EilQ.
Harsy Maasick propos� that a£ilm bo made shaaing ti�e aoereation
Caunissiasi y�arly activitias. R'he film cauld 'bo ue�d to provi8�
tho public•with a visual stoary of tbe various R�aation activities
thrcugh the yesr.
�. j�, YOtfPH COt�TCII�:_
B4otioa by MCB. Sward, saconded by Nr. Dunpl�y, thst the B.Y.C. Report
be tablod until John Wriqht makse a rspart u,pon the Couacil act3on
an aams. Copy of rapart is in our fi1e.
/� so£t Ball Program be continued aa was used in p�r�vious sQSSOas.
Motion by lCrao eatard. s�condoc2 by Mt. DunpY1Y, that thw Slaur and Fast
Pitc� Leaglies bo sat v,p so dewaa8 requixes. �btion carriec7.
RBCRSP�TIOIA c��lZSSI�t 1�BTINC3 �ES — iWRtS 23, 1964 {Contiaiue�cl}
...1�yQ.�; � �.,. i':�����i!`�!�zR'�
SpeYd ICe S7cati�ng - LAttOr is !.a ot3r E31ee MOt1041 by MC8 o Sward e
aecondod 'by Du�y tbat tite Racr�ation Co�muission wasld b� interres�ed
in spousoriag an activity of this kis►d iP sudb a akating facility
could be psovided. �lotioai carriedo secratary to farward a leti.�x
to thf ParkB Stid PlAygrOUnds St7b�COaaoittee aild to thY 3$tool Board
DistricG #14 to determina th� !s►t�reat i�x Providiag the spe�d
Skatiaq £acilitye
pvB*_.*_ca�r oF ����AT*_aet p�r�?►_x•
Mrso sward to iAguir• ixito �ocmting silk scr�en poat+ers far distri�
butiaas about thr city.
�g �o�r �esm�aa oF �ca,�aet cx�tssxa� �n raaKS �n Pr.Axc�oamms
^ Monday, Msrc'h 30, 1964. 7m30 P.ble ia Sc�tool BQard xoam of the S�nior
_ Hiqh Schoole
.�:r,4 y;<i:y :�._ c • ' 1'i�� .i � ~i_� ' ��S w4tji►.' !.�
Motrday, Apr11 27a 1964, 7s30 P.Ato ia Srniox 81qh Schcolo
�.� u �: :? 1� �'"':� �'i
Th�re b�ing no £wrthoz busiaess. tha m�eting adjaurn�d at 11:30 P�Mo
RespOet£uily submittad:
Stn�st P. PvWall
secretasy to tbs Coa�t�sioza
2'he rae�i»g was called to a�de� by Chairn�u �oqpaaa ab 7:30 P,Mo
l�amb�rs Brea�nt: Thomq�aoa, sxjetvola, Swyh�s
Othas6 P�C�s�nts Park A1reCtoz DoAlia, Frldlry Recr�e►tioa DireCtos Sarry
Nessick, Fridi�y R�crsatioa Caaoiasion i�nbsra Powe11,
ciraogg, l�s. 8i�laido a=18 l!=. R. JaAqAro P1. MeSBiCke De
BsuAlco� G. DOty.
1'be CanmiLt�e diap�sed with th� Secsetazy's s�osta
' ':�1. t �:�� �.� ��.�.il! ;c � ;�; n :� .• iii4; y n:
Bx'�een�atian oi Proposal by Diak Donllsi as a s�m� of the group making
the p�oposal...
A ao�inatiou 18 hole, ps,r 3 qolf catraat sa►i�aming pooli � club
houet is ptO�oc�1ld� Total o�lSiaal cost is �stimsted at $400,OOOv00.
Annusl iAaums ia e�imatad at $102,000.00 to ¢134,000.00. As�►ual
r� .�.�. ts�i,�as� �o�e�tso� of $aoo,aoo,ao in a�s r.,re�u. ��
is astim�ted at $92,000.00 to $105,000.00. A copy of the proposal
1s ia the Sub-committee's fils.
xation by at�qt,ss, a�coa�aea by sx��rvola, tt�at tbe sub-camnsttee express
to tbe Plaaniag Commiseion its iata�est ia tke proposal fo� a muaici�
paily operateci Pridl�y Country Clob, aad r�commtud sta coz�tinua8 study,
aad iurtha�r, seaammaid that suci� atuc7y be ai�7 princlpally at
tttr s��sd aad linaucial f�asibility of the psoposalo l�lotio� carried
.• _�: � ���
The City has takea� titl� to C'has�'s Island. The City will pay tAe 1964
taxes on tt►is lat�d.
l�.��; •;; • �_1... «�
Copies of th� proposed S�acfi O�dinauce w�acs raceiv�.
' • ' •.�� . . � ,�. ;�: �t�; _� �,•
� Nogotiatioas with Na�thora PacifiC foz l�as� of lan8 near 48th aaci Main
hav� boen t.�ainat�d due to sxc�saive r�strictio�s r�quired by �a�therm
PARItB A�iA PLAYGROUDTDS si�� M2NL1'P8S - MARtiI 9. 1964 (CoA$isluod)
�i~1�'. '1.l \.
T9►a �irilling of tbe wtll at t2►e Lockt Park sh�lter will statt this week.
A bi8 of $4.00 p�r goot fcs drillitg was acx�t�d.
Yask Dis�etoz Do�nlia was x�qv�ste6 to act i�amediat�ly on (lj Locatioa
oi road on porim�ter og park. (Z) Sch�Bule far areek ci�au up. (3)
Designatiaai of Parkinq aseas, (4) Develo�snt Of area south of Atc�
CrN]c, (5) Ovara2.1 glans Ear dev.].opme»t of th� park, aad (6) Specific
plana Ear wask bo 'bs dartw thie S�m�sr.
Aeqwat by Gisl Scouts fa� us� og Loek� Park aa a day-canp. Uae of the
as�a by 100 - 150 qitis p6� �ne1c is propoa�8. Rect�atiar� Commissi�
resolution r�qu�stiaq t}►�t no gro� be allow� to manopoliza uae oE
park was rs8orted bY au�t�ao
lwts,on bst 8uqhes. seaondod by skjeawold, tkat th� sub-committes ini'osm
the G3r1 Scout Orgaaisatioa tlsat due to laak of auificieut faciiitioe
fos th• aw�sr of p�opi� Proposed. we casiaot fulfill the r�quest.
�It. �'haapson will dis�.�nao th� Snb-ca�aaittee•a decisiaat with the Girl
Scout O�rganization.
. ; . �;,• . «:
T!►o jolat epomittM CR Park ar6iaanc� has met aad wi11 rapart on
!(atdi 30, 1964.
: �� .r t.. t �l•i; , •!:; = : .c. :.� :
Plasfs io� a buildiag hav� i�eeai drasvn. Eatimatea aoat is $10,000.00 to
$12,000.00 pl�ta $7,000.00 Eo� cosu�reti� to saAVex and water lines,
Building ia propat�d ao bsit�g usable aa s bath hoaee. a warminq boused
and as a g�aral park buildia� Sa casa of ebange in ttie lake itsmif.
�t►e 8ub-ao�nittN requ�atAd th� Park Dit�ator to m31os a campl� eati-
mat� in detail £ar cost o£ Chs building and fitiapel,ai f�asibility of
the proj�cE. Repart to be s�a�y by Marc�► 23, 1964>
��.�_� 'i�_!`4 = ��i 4�� ' =1.`.'t:_
S��/� � ���y��� ^�....�,
n 1i�Y,�LX� 7Q ��/�w��/��w�jr WYii�
JaCk & Jill
�iYadinq - Sod
Asphalt Court 30 7C ZO
; ..: v; _+,•... _ .; .1,�.
• ' : r r
T�aia Court P�ci�g
Parkiig At�a
Jsek & Jill
PARI6S AND PLAYGROUDIDS 3i�� M�tUTBS - MARtS 9. 1964 (Continuec3)
Snmm� Wosk PrOjeCtB - tbntittti�d...
Fix Road� Wtll & Plt�ii�g
Additiaasl picnic tables (10)
Cx►arcoal Burnar
Y' �.�1
c+ � .
.� �.
1 " � -.i_. ��.. � " iMS�= t.s -1:C. Y`i:_ .
Additionai Fill
saedli�gs and Traes
Beac:lt 8ou�e
� �!.�! . ; i. e ; ; ..:i. •
Dedic�ation oi th� Locks Park �u1t�r ia acb�dul�d far Jua� 14, 1964.
N�gotiations are uadox voay ioor a sp�a7c�s.
�•..Li.n � � •
^ !!ti. A1 INesick diacuae�d th� desire o£ the r�si8�ta in ths ar�a of
lMadowlaad Gardeas for impxwment of pr�eaut park laad thora and the
Purc'hase and imp�ovam�nt of the adjacant 4utlota #2 aad #Sa 4wstiou
of aatua]. o+a�ahip oE Outiot #1 was raisatio ttr. 7�ompson agr�d to
look Sato the awnerahip oi tbe land. l�. Daalia agr�] to gwt topo-
gsaphical maps of ths axeso Bo�Gh actiona to b� tak�► by Marc� 23. 19640
Firat probi�m as aoS���sed by MCo A. lNssicslc is to aseure draiaaqe of
the ar�s. R'he Sub-camoitt�o agrosd to strtdy the prabl� and to determine
what actio� r.aa be takan.
� KF � �.'� • � i� �' - ;�y v� iS.c—��� L:_. �'�''}i
T7u Sub-co4+tisit4:es rta£iirm«i its ogpositiar► to vacatit�g Riv�rviaw
Terraw� adjaca�t to t�. Jaoger's prop�rty. �a Ja�r ttzea atated
tiiat in 1l.c�t of tl�ia dacisl.on. hs hae decidec] to diapos� of Ai$ prope�tyo
The su�-camiittea indicated that it has no intezoet ia i�o Jaeqer's
prop�rtyr at tts�a esm.. Notson 'b�► skja�vola, s.eona�a vx xuqlses, ttiat the
St�-cammitt�e iaform ths 8lanuiag Cami4lssioa tha'E th� Sub-CCOn�i�Ctae hss
no furth� int� Sa Lh� davelop�nt of Lote 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block
2, Riverview 8�iyhts lox� Pask Purposes. lbtiaa catsied unanimously.
�x"icY �.�t �..:i: ���� _i�
Marc9� Z3. 1964 - SP�cial lf�eti�ng to coa�aida B�adh Sauae aa8 l�adcwland
aar6ona. 5:30 P.M, at Th� 3oi�s.
YAttKS AND PLAYGltOR1ND8 S��CO�QTP88 MIHiTl88 -� 9. 1964 (COatiaued)
lMatiAgs Set►o8ul�d - cotttinu�d....
March 30, 1964 -�oiat 1Wetiag with t.�ua a�crtatiai Coa�nissioz► to
co�ai.cler Park Control Ordit►aacs aa� to diaeuss idsas far £uture program.
7:30 P.1/. at Fridley S�niar Sigh 8e'hool, Teac��er's Cafeteria.
April 13, 1964 - Regular Suais�osa Mwtltig gar A�ri],. 7a30 P.M. at
ltidland Coop.
R�aPeatiu7.],y attbmittads
&abert J. Sttg'hes
Actiag secretiary to the Sub-ca�,tttae
23, 1964
�'ho meatit�g wae ca11�d to � by Chairmaa 7'haa�$oa at 3:30 at th�
Ma�xs Pi�es�uts
�s Abs�st:
Hughas. Tr►oa�aoa, Skj�vold
:.:..� ..,,. �
. ,, . .,
.. ..,
�i.4= � Y'.�i -;.�: : • t.t:
Eet3mates for Beach Houae oonstsuctiou hava besn reK:elv�td. Coet
Poz eawer and watar hookyp ara Aot yet s�vailabla. park Director
is roqueatad to complate Yha estlmate aad preaent to the Coamittee
on bla�cc@i 30ti►. Cost to instail well will be eatimated, as wel2 as
the hooku,p to City water.
.4-i, �: • ; ; !y� «: :,. ��_. . v . � . i
}.LY.. . � .�
a�otson vy avg�.s, seconaea by sxjarvoia, to acc�t offet by ite co
Gulv�r - 6371 Waehftigton stseet Northeast to aaa�struct a tennis
practice board at Co�sona. �oustzuctiws will be 3/4 inc9a exterior,
Plywood ov�z 2 X 4 fsama. Tha board will be paiated dark green
on all eides aad fastenad to existitbg t�nnie backatop f�uce. �he
Board will b• 16 feet loag, will begin 1� feet above court, and
s�ctend 7� faet above court. 1�otiou carried.
T'he 3ub-COm�ittae esq�ress�d tlteir �thasilca to Kr. Cu1vi� for his
int�rest in parka aad his contr3bution to the City.
�,�,!_� y _ h.,�,,. • - � �; • ... � _
a'tia Minasapolis Council of Girl Scouta hsva been i.nformed tliak, t�is
Park Co�3,ttea facilities ia Locko park will not acxauoda�e the
Seouts' propoaed program there. R'he Seonts have requested consider-
atiost of limit.oci use o€ the park Par th•ir progra�u befare and af�er
the R,sc�Oation Co�aission Day Casg� progra�a, guc,�t�es will report th�
Recroation Caat�ission plauas fqt uso oE Locke park by March 30tYi.
Dsciaian on Scouts' program deterred uatil then.
�, e .:i= �;.
sp�cial Alastiag oE Farks and Flaygrounds sub-ca�ittee - March
30. 1964 af 7s00 iu Board Raao at the Fridlsy Seaiar High
23, 1964 (�antinusd)
Joint Msating with the Recreation Com¢aiasion - March 30, 1954
at 7s30 P.Mm in the Board Room o£ the Fridley 3enior High Schoolo
Raqular AUeeting of the Pasks and Playgraauids Sub-conmittee -
April 13, 1964 at 7s30 - Conf.rence Roo� at Midland Coop.
�'�-'-'' ' �' '�'''=� J'
There bei�rg no further business. Chairman Tho�son declared the
maeting adjourned.
Reapectfully submitted:
^ Rabert J, Hughas
ActitxJ Secretary to the Sub-co�mnittee