PR 04/26/1964x'�iDY.BY RSCRTsATYON CO1�II�ISSYON l�'PING MYN[TrES W APRiL 26, 1964
^ ' �
Members Present: Rabert Hugh�e, val�rie N�laas, Jotm Wright. No q�sosu�o
Others Preseat: Harry IMessick, 8laiar Olaonp Bill Frsnk. President of
Fridlsy Little uague, Clar�nce Mitchel, Trmasure� of
Fridlsy Littl� L�agw.
lo Desesiptiou by ms�rs of the a�rly farmed Fridlwy Littla Lesgu�
was given� Ciarification was a�ade of t1�e prograe as coopared w�tl�
tt�at plas�ned for 1964 by th� Fridl�y► R�creatioa Cao,isaion.
811a�i.natiau fihraugt► tryoy�, wiil ba dons at ati �arly wo�h da� �
so that baye aot quali£iaa �y atill participate in the City prcgra�,
Piaal tryoub dat� will b� May 20. 1964. T'he Littl� L�sgue ia ti�ia
area is to be r�atrict�d to 15 boys par "A" tw and 30 boys pa�
"8• tw. T3t. s�tqp tliis y�at calls far four "A" tws and four
�B� tO�NB. .
Fiaal r�gi�tratioa aats wil.1 bo satwrday, May 3, 1964. Ragistxa�ioa
fea ia $1.00 pa bay, a$3.00 °A" t� ieo must b� paid to tha �lttle
^ Laagtte foaC palCticipatioa.
1'he �e ranq� Par the Littie I�ague is 9 to 12.
Psograo b�giaat Jtma 1 aAd �ds August 1.
Ilessick ha� pr�e�mte� th� turo psograws and },�y� diPf�ences in i:tw
Fridlept DT��wa i�a ord,r to el�sr up any caalusian tlut say roeuit �
Zt aas enq�g�eted by wric,lht to hav� two bodiae (R�at�atioa Coa�sis�ion
and Littie Leaquo) �t aa� talk out eo�aaon probl�s and to iaau.�a
as little conflict as posaiblo.
It aae aiso poiat�8 out l�at boys may piay in both l�aguoa if th€wy
so d�sire.
��� �3�tad our �ntire group �et with Little Lsagu� repr�s�nt�-
ativ�s a£+t�r th� s�aaa� qsta qoia�9, 1$is s�8 aqrNabl� to a1. �
couQ�do A ep�Olal m�stielg 18 to b� Co31s1der�d 8om! tim� iat �.ana,
2, 8arry Mtasick Rspo�t:
� (a) 8� Stickfrs hav� a�criv�d at�d are the same as last year,
5800 hav� b� r�1v�d (extra 300) at a cost of about $450,00.
1�n at�aouacMa�nt will be put ia Fridley Newa to t�otify apastment
dwell�s to pick up stickars at city halla
FR%ALEY REC�A'�IG.�3 CUi�LISSION FgEi's'�i�'G PAi�LLPPE3 -.�R�2. 26, J.964 (Cgn�; ia�ta�:�
(b) 470 boys have enrolled in baseball program, Registratiaa
formally over but will take late enrolimenta far two �xe
w�ekse Coat $1.00 pes boy to cover insuranceo
Insuraace beinq handlwd by Dick schillinqaro
softball program will stast May 18ttio Thare will be two
alow pitch leaquee -- 12 teamse
�y Norberg has ba�n hirad aa Playground Supwrvisor, Mis�:•
aorbarq is a Hiqh Sc'hool Art Tescher.
Thr�e high sehool boya have bean hired as baa�ball asaistar�tsm
John Hamberg, a junlor hiqh teacher haa been hirod as baseYaall
(h) T�n playqzaund aasiatants have baon hiredo Six o£ thsse axe
seturniaq fxom last yAnro Two moace have yet to be hiredo
(i) Dixi Lent may be available fot Tennis and Archery ina�ru�tc=�,
�►e ia a Physical Education Major at Bamidji Stafiea
A Camp Supervisos haa yat to be hirad. Mtssick will call t�
of !t for aay available candidst�s who ar� qualified.
Reqistration for tho playqzound program will be held oa Map 31sto
"T" 8h3Yt8 dx'!! 8$111 8 Einaacial qaeation.
3o A raqnest has boen received from the Girl scouts fo� tha use of
Locks Park for May 25tho T'hose present felt this request was q�:.ite
in lias but felt it should bs paseed on to the Park Commission �`�
furti��r action.
4m A lette�c froau the League of wo�aen Votera regarding their avezsic;�
to Jro 8igh danceao waa zrsd by Hugheao
5. T'he i►ext moating of tha Recreation C000isaioa� will be the budqet
meating. Fiughes suq9ested a preliminary proposed budqet be drar�s►
up be£arehand by a special co�nittee to cut dvwa on �hhe lengtla e:.f
�tte lwtdqot meetinge Deaigtiat�ed C�mittaaa JaCkie Swardo Sob H�:�.qh�s,
John wright, Harry !lesalak.
� The maetirig adjourneds
Respactfully submitted:
Valesie Nelson, Acting Secsetary to the Commission
�y�°Z��l��' �
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The mostiag was ca11e@ to a�de�c by Chairmaa T7tompa� at 7s40 P.M� �'�
alidlaud Coop.
Me�e�s Presents
Oth�rs Prasa�ts
Rlla�sou. Sk�esvold, 8ughes
PA1k D!=YCtG�' Do�11ae MCa G10II ATa11aC!
lbtion by Sk�esvolA, saco�dod by 8ughos, to agprow all miautes as
maile�3. lqatiar► aarried.
�� _ • ��y�li�'- �1':s'Y►.Y4/5'i'!: i:- ifiS9-
Mra Thaapson raviewad wa�k oE the spaeial ca�aittee survaylag tlas ae�d
a� feasibility og a municipal gatf comcsoa A survay oi the ca�unity
ca�acnipg d�sire fo� sw�a a ca�rse is plaaned e It appeasa that rt�anm
bonds as t7�e sole saatce of fiaaacit�g msy ba yasatisgscttos�r. Add3tio�1
atudy and i�rqairy oa Einaaciwg is plann�7. S�q�ense aqd Revetsue data
cov�ing similar coursea in th� arsa ari beiaq collecte8 aaei exasined.
DTSCLLS33�T OF �tTBT_�PiB� OF I.00[�8 PAI22C:
a) Layout of N.3.S.SeDa lines in ar around park is �ead�d to aasiat
in plaoning<
bi I.i+Yout of rosd os roads ia and arwad park �st ba nadsa
c) Park es�trances muat be id�atifi�ci and located.
ParklAg i`acillties near thm aewr dholter muat be pzovided,
LandsCapo Pla�f ie aMdad.
f) Ovezall idea ia,to msiata3a the aatursld priiaitivw asp�ct of tiee
araa v�hila aaking it available fa� racreational use.
g) Dasy c�opiaq is plaansd ia tho ar�a. A space for tbis should be
dstermined. "Additiasial ca�plag facilities foz� overnight qroups
ar• asaszabaeo
hj Future vnter aad�ssaitary Pacilities should be plarined now in
arder to ass�e logical d�velop�tto
Mro wallace 1s r�quoat�d to cansider tl�ee pians and objectives a�t
ofi� sugqostioas .far sdzievlsig thm. 8. will have an Saterim repozt
readi' bY 11aY 1� o
: �.`c� �.�► ,�!'. • � �u 1 �: ..• . . ..,;�ic l,:cyc �. �� ;� � f
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•�-•t: : ...�� V.1" • ��. •!,y��•�4 ��� i , ..,..
aj Try to fittd out what tYte citizaus waart in the patcksm A survey ia
a possibilii:yn
b) Cos�sidor m�aans of c.�oaatrolling � of Rice Cra�k to avoid alternate
high at�d low ws�er periad�s. Wau1d requira eoope�ation with other
aities alau�g tho croeko
c) Consi.�ar developmetat of park land ia froat of th� gigh Scrhool aooa
1n ox�de� to help beautify tise setaool site.
. „• _2 xIS .y..±-''-
a) A propoeod layout of Moore Laice parg was preseat�d, CoAaervation
Departmont ia warkixrg on a repoirt oE lutu�e ex,pactations fa� the
lakea AIl water drainage fram �ttte ia►torchaa�e at Hiqhways #100
aad #65 will £low to the Narth and thus into the lake< Plaa will
be la�e�ad to Plaaaing Caamissicmo
bj Autha�izatioa far Sids fc�c Seadt 8ouse goes beEoa�s the Cou:►cil
taa�ight. A,ps�il 20, 1964, plaas aad apecificstioa�s will be ready
t�arraa o
c) Locke Park.oe,o
8o additi.aa►al vandaiism re�acted,
Do�► wi,tl Savostiqate cost of blackt� a�oa arounci the shelterv
Pl�aiag woak will atart tltis v�sog,
Donlia will inv�tigate possib3.11�y of i�sviag
park this sum�no�t o
T'ho well is fiuishad and t:ests o7cay.
sP��U'� far caakerurarme - a bid of $1000 per
rACtiwsd, 'iwo spratys w111 be mad�d
a x�.l.qltt aan Sn the
xre �as been
a) F�cts ms3,r be naKiad asouad 48th aa�I Ma� aad Sackmsn circley cost
would be rreil ovor 52.00 p� faat Eos 300 fast at 48th and �Yaits and
abwt $x.00 Per fo� for 150 fe+� at Hac]noan CSrcle. No moaey is
mudgehed PoT thi.s P�PQ�. A p�ablam e�cista at 48th aad !la3n �sitii
bal],a batted issto adjaceut yarda> 5lmilar probl�t exiata at
Hackman Clxe2e and at T�arrt�� parke Prablem a� Tersace may be
8olvld by mO�t�lilg tho batl:i4L' ° 8 bOx wxl� tlie b��k�top t2T�d �OOV7LIag
th. baseiiaos oE � ball diamorad. This approa�h �,rill bo foilarad
th3a swm�er. Dnniia w111 discuss tl�a prablems of #&� 48th aad Ataln
ar.a witta, tiu rmsidaats Sa that arsao
PARKS ANA FLE►�O�iDS St�� � DiIl1ITPSS - APAZL 20. 1964
a) work in Progrosa......
F�tilizer bei�g put oan ai.l parka.
Backatogs will be � at Rice Craelc S�taoi dyting the week of
A,pzil 2�, 1964
Pienic Tabl� ari up.
Wark � C�Caigway will begiu 1�la,Y 1. 1964. Finiai6 gra�ditg a:�d
installstion of a mq].ti-purpose court will be t�mplsLad this
Httlletin 8o�s�c7s will b� v� by M�y 1, 1964.
� V _ �' !�: i�.i ��"��,� ' � : y ���;_i� __i y�_ :�_ : `.t
�PPlicatiau receoriw�i isam 8uge� Suttoa� of 5763 Cs�tral Aveuue North-
tast fos conaeesi� at lioare Lake B�ae�e tttis sumeor, Do�lin will
discuas t�ma with him. Sub-cooaitte� secaamends aegotiatiou of a
p�rosntage oi grosa iacoms. Doniin will also aoasi�da�r a8vantagea of
takiag over tlte op�ratioa► of tho re��t atand iar tha cityo
�� %� r1
Motian by Sk�ervo,ld, sscon8od bY Sv�hes to �4otiate sale of ths
follaring lo�s: Lota 15 thratgb 20, Bloek 3, 83vetvieiw 8ei�tso
Th�e lots are pp fareseeabla �e to the sub-aa�itt0e�
7'hampsoa s+ill ask 3iqurd Olaars to spoak at the cls8lcatioai of the
Look� Park 3heltavc. Doniin wili requ�at the Civic Baad to perfoxm,
Donlin will iuvite th� Nayo�, tl�s Catncil, repr.eentative o£ tba
Dou$la8 t9f�{pel, md Ca�y CaoriiS83ol7ar O°BatiDOn to attlnd. �
1lal►oc, r�pa'�tative of Douqlis Chapsl, aaci C'a�ty Coaoissioayer
O'Baano� will be ask�d to spoak.
l�w�r.ZS OOII�CL OF ZRL smvr�.
The Mi�,polia Councii of the Girl Scouts has bNn ofP��d day
��4�J Eacilitiss 8uriaq Auqust of this yaar. No reepamse taas
bNn receiwd irom thaa�.
��Z ` - �.`'�'-
!, Pl�ts Ec� 2965 B�t m�tiage w�s discasaed,
3� �r..1 yti i��. �w���� :_i � :!:�: y__� � :_ir `li.'� �.:
IICe T�tO��Of1 Mli� �.00k �.'O B08slbil� e� OL` 9ltt�Q a j�I'OgZ'iw Pl'ltltld
iat no costD £o� the Lock� Pask 5tt�lta Dediaation cas�sor,3..
. .FS'� � ..n �es• r t,n. � ti: � -�► =c�: �.:r. � :� ;t;- - � .
� .
��_ ���.' ..•i: r� }_.__o
Ap�il ae, 19648 4:0o r,Al. at t3�e citp► sall to surve�• Zaarks (wear ola
1�Y ile 1964 iid i'1�► Z8o '.96�i St D1�d18M3 COOp t0 SieCFieB �.96$ St1$Qetm
Jna� 15a 1964 at ilidlan8 - Regtielar Ma�tlago
��0 1964 at 81�1 SCh001 � Jo1Dt Mltti�ig ielt3t ReClBAt30R COml.B�10IIw
��z,_. i�_� _�+
'1R1f�. %»S� AO f1�1'Y31� b1i8iAl88s '�lf A19�k3t3J Wa8 d�1,jOUYAeE°I.
` BtSp�Ctfully submittet7s
ltob�rt J. St�ghas
Acting Secretary to ti►e Sub�sa�ittae
' i.Y! R1 c� fi. 'vy B� eFSF�Ii
' R. YY%`vR�
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