PR 05/25/1964/`�
aec�nTaaea ca+�ass=ae� �ss�r�c �rarss - w►�r ss, i�a
2'he mo.ting of th• caaai.ssto� was csil.a to o� at s i+,li. is, �,
Hi� T� ° s 7aunge alt2► !� • liughos presidiag •
biembers Pres�nt:
O�ters Ps�ts
$�8e IICS. &i1a1Cd, POwl11, G:alff
�. ;..a.�
y���[.iV� • ^ .._..�4�t' � � : J�
The miautes oE tha ��Lg oi A,pcil 26, 1964 w�rs apProved as r�ade
�1i � � li =.i. � � .:i�. �'� �
R�Port fram CitY Hanmgsr 8ar1 P. Wag�aar as of A,pril 30. 1964a
Totai sp�tst $ 3,9�4.76
Balatscs ?A s 88T.24
� ���.�.�iY- :t�lr:i: _ i._. i!'_i� _J:i�r, . • �� • ;,- •.� �. 9 i ic'� r��._n. ' �.:. ••�... �
- - .��_tiG.'"
Beads aAd Park Or�9inanc�s will havo sscwnd roading befa� th� Cou�cil
01� W�dASSd�yo Na�( 27e 1964.
(ioZ£ Cotts'ste Sw1�al,ng POOl atld Clt� $otis�a
Psul SeQaes has bNn rotains9 as Co�sultant to sugcra+t ways �d
w�ans of coaductisg a evzvay oE eitizans of Friclis�y tp c�t�smine
theis co�s�sns of opinio� ou this caopl�c.
City Cv�ufcil has b�en isifoz�] of ths Ps'o�osad 81an of th� !loa�e Lake
8� Soue�. It wili bs brou�tt btgar� the Coaacil at this W�sday�y
Regular t�sting.
Loekw Park DediCati.a�:
To be suaday. �ne 14. 1969,. Invitatioa�s i�avs baen extsnd�d to
��3t d�9i►itasies o Pritaeipal s�aicar will bt Mr o Russ�ll Fridley �
Ex�cutive Dir�ctox of Minneeota gi,stoo�i,�ai societ�,, R�resantative
of DougYas t9�aps1 will pz� tiw shelt�Y to ths Citys to be aecep�ed
bY liayacc William J. Noe.
R�servatioa�s at Locke pask fa� piQaicB, e�ces
Fridiay resideats and Fridla7t 4r�Ps art not r�quit�d to abtain
rgap.wations fa� vse o€ t&e park,
' tei� ' �! k : �,5.' «
Bea�b Stickers are to b� mailed 3'u� 1, 1964.
Owners of apart�o�►t buildisiqa will b� aotifisd that thoir t�aaats way
p1Ck Ltp St1Clc!!S $t C1ty 8a11� ODt $�9 gtlCk6r foit .8CI1 fai911ye
t38CREATIODi COil4ISSI0�1 t�ETiN(i 8!]�tTPBS - DIAY 25. 1964 (Coatinuedj
addi�ional stic]aae for Fridley roeidsnta arw 25� oac4�. 7�he c�►arge
is $2.00 far non-x�•sid�nta of Fridi�y.
Is searehinq fos a Camp Ai�Cectar £as Lock� Park Day Camp.
Beaeh and P1ayg7COUf1a $egistratians
AL City Hall all day M�y 80, Jtu�s 6, 8, g. an3 10, 1964e $3a00
each child �$6a00 p� iasily (� plsyground). Seac� s�gsstratiAu
is £r�e,
Don AYyo7cs 2is8 Caa�poHaa a Ps�es it�l�i9� f0� th! Sulqu�t PsOqs'aon at
Moo�ra Lalc' Baach. Will bs publis��d io F'ridlsy R�COCd. Ca�y is in
out fiiee
Taen Age Da�rc�s a� H�y�s Sc$ool:
100 to 150 atte�o DTo di£iicalty since last Fa7.l with conduct
of tho daac�rs oac of d�ap�ro�e procuz�t.
�IVIC �5i0IR 1tSPOiRT:
� The Part YI rtpart from l�c. Jam�s Flaa�, Dis�cto�, is ia oux £ileo
�ave axpr�s�d ths opiaioa that tbe T�en Aq� Fsidisy Danc�s at Hayes
sc�ool are aat a warthy activity fos the R�ct�stiaai Ca�uiasion,
Fur4he�s that th� R�eaatiat Commiasiat ahottld ca�sidat activity foac
th. Tosc► A+gexs Sa p2a�e of the danCS proqraao
� �DIbTi�CB:
i�tsan by rars7.1, s.aonaad by Jmra. Slrara ti►at a strcu,y oia�.ctson me
voiced by th� R�er�oation Caamiesio� aqaiast tbe wording ia S�ian 4m
Article 6°st ara sisk" outsi8�s tho B�Lgnated wvimming ar�a at any
t�nieipal S�se�e �lot,�,ot� carri�d,
�an Aq� Asne� Caomitt.�t haa a fum� in their Bank Acaoant of $3360270
1'he Commissioa is in agraom�nt �tlfat c�rtain of th�s� moa�iss be used
��tu�t whids might be nssdW in the �xt yras's ProcJraat.
.�' '�; '�Y^�`� _ '1[i:i �;�c•. Kr, �ri i :I' r•uv�. � :vuc w
— ��
Same of th� bay� in Whitzuy Qsarfi•s as�a could nat qala admittat►ce
to the grograa 8vs to r�gi�tratiop b�iog fuil at th� D1�],e� schooi.
CsiaAff°8 eo�c.ra ss tnat tt� n� B.oe�tttaa to jo� sa «,r �oyr��
RL't�tSATIOeT OOilQSSI�T )BS'PIlXi l�ifTPS3 � IIiU[ 25. 1964 {CoQltiAt�6d)
since avc regisbration dats is past, Harsy l�saiek must b� cautacteda
1� OF le1�8RS �+ R8Qt8ATiG6i C�I�QS8i�lT:
Rabert Huqhes wi11 dstermilse th� tim�s of �cpiratioa pf all the
psesent appoia'ho�nta.
��r_� -.,•
a_+_:.,.:,. �;+:it � -
Playg=omsd (Syp�xwisaa'• AssistaRts,
Sp•cial Iilstsuetocs )
�' C� i$ti1P�+isar. Aaaistar�ta)
Bas�ball (St�svlsar, Ass1atauta,
S�aCR� (Sttp�rvisar�, Lif�qua�c$a.
It►stiructos�s, gat.�mw)
Skatitfg (Waraitrg hotis� Att�dants,
Wsater �+r«,�r� - caslares► j�uusoz
sig�► rroqr�o aad Th�atar
Workahop Dit�Cto�s)
Wiat.�c Psogrm - Adult (Cfio�its
Conductox� s�ci PiaLiatr �Y�'e
Daae� Call�. Sxp�rim�tal
Progtmo I.sad�rs. Sas7atba1l
xef�zMS and sCa��rsj
sur�r program - Adu1t (8oE�ba11
�P��• T�anis Olficial)
.��:�:�; -+, �:,;,y;.,:
Admiaistsattivo (Ogiica St�pp11�B, BYae4t
Sti,Ck�rs• llaili�g $x,pinse,
AA�ii Rl�ts j{LBC�LSMOSS%
�layyqsowr3 (Kat�rials, Btsss�sj
�1Y ��4 IltaLirials)
$ae�ball i�tanCl. SqvS,p�ot�
Wint� Psogsaa - ts►ildr� (BoCksy
�qu],pm�t & IAS�saAt�. Hallo�-
wMA Party. R'h� Wo�kshoq�
7VV a{T/
$ 2,170�Od
2.000 e�0
��� . �.T
IBBTIN� 1�s - 1Q►Y zs, 1964 (Cart3ausd)
Winter Pu'OgrAm - Adltlt IIR�tsic LibrBSy
Orch�stra ailowaac�e, aad butld-
iag routal far c9�a�us. 8xperi-
m�ttal Psograa suppiiee. Saslo�t-
�1 ��I $ 800v00
s�sn�r Ptograis - A�ult (Soi�ball
p+4�� • Tmu1i8 Toura�nt
�Q�pMnt, sw� Fist3val
�• • �i_i_i; .i.�i:i: -+'
� •� .-.M' ' •'; : t1� N:.�
. , �..
• : �r�r�y
.�.��Yi4�t_�� �:i►s.., :.
Paaygso�ma aagistrats�
Day Caap B�gistsation
Basaball �gistratioa
wiater Progras - Chil�eea
(Skiiaq. T�t Diit�a, 2�fat�r,
Wintar Progtms - Aduit
(Worus ragistsatlon. scNara Dance,
$xPax'l.mental program, atu3 Saskat-
Ball f.esl
s�mimas Prcgsam - Adult (Softball Fops)
$ 8,770.00
$ 1,100.00
� �� � $ 4,819.0a
^ D�XT P�BT�TCi� Moaf�ay, J1mo 22, 1964, 7s 30 P.M, at Sa�siar 83qh School .
Ne�ct Jotut lte�tiug. MoNa�►►. �1ms 29. 1964, 7:30 P.R. at S�ior 81qii.
A�JOU�1Ts Thw a�stiirg adjo�sn�d at 11s10 P.M.
RespeCtfuliy submittads Sr�st P. Pow�].1, S�Cr�tasy to the Cowaiss�oA
iiembera Pree�nt: 1'hoog�son, swanaoa. skj�rvold. Svqh�, l�s. Saopaon
Othss's Pres�Ats Don11A. MCo Paul S�gper
- Y ,,. � . .,: «_-�.�,
riotton by a�ra�,aou :wosaatsnq suq�s as S�tasyo S�condod by Skjervo2do
Motion carrisd.
. _ - « _ r; . - �«,.� � . � �:t�c.�- l�_..
C�lalat r�tv�7 from i�. Harvay Gundoraon conc�rainq plantinq Ja�k
Pine in Look� P,srk. T'his poiizts up tt�w ns�d £or an werall laadscaping
plas�. Mr. Gl�t �Pallaee l�as besa setaiti�d to pravide suc9► a plan. Tk�e
plaa, when px�pitod, will b�, iesceiwd by the Co�m�ittao aa8 oth�r iiat-
ereatet7 patti�8 b�fose accapLanceo
' �cil�_ • ' r� ��iL���` _�!.1_ .. �:, '.�:,.!YS!�
ThO (iOlf Cotlrse Svaluatioa CamooittN has aCa�pt.�d ytc. Piul S�gnet°s af£sz
to sasiat in prfparati� ac�d tabulat�.on of a survay of public opinicn
^ oa tiolE Coura� aad Svrimmlpq Pool 7�ld it� th� City. This autvoy woul�
also iocluds qwstiona oa gen�sai desire4 fox� £utur� dw�lopmwt of Qarks
aad Aecr�atiar► Programs. 1'h� Fridlsy I.�aqtto of Waorn Vot�rs has been
approach«7 abotrt providiag intosvi�so Mro S�ga�r wiil tsaia inta�-
viaw�rs, provid� tha neeosaary qw�tionnairee arK7 tabyiats the reaul�s
of tt�e 1uL�rvi�e. Di�cwaaioa by Nr. gsqnes of cont�nk of aurvayo
(Copy of Snrvsy Qu�stionAairs is in the Ca�aittes's £il�s) A total of
300 intorvirws a� plana�d wlth tw mo�t than 1 interview ia tl�� same
bloek. siga�d su� tt�at all Bw9raghical parts of tiie
City./ A�q�u�s�ion�tiaq a ratis�y of progzes$ aai park dsvelopman�
during the past S ytase will 1� addod, Aaotli�c questi� will be added
aonc�rning the dtsirea o£ ths cowmuaity on d�vslop�at of a rscreati+�a
pro9ras. 79�� L�agw of Women Vo�l,�ra' Soard qpots M;y 12, 1964 to
corwid�r tt�t CaamiLtao`s r�qyaet foc iuterview�cs.
�_i�r��yc -.- �:.� �> r.- �
�lotiaa by Staaosoai. a�cwaded by Skj�wold to acc�pL aiaute� as mailec o
Matioa aasri�d,
� � �1. � ' ��, • ' � ���: � � ti e�r t � :�..._ �_ii(j.�.!.:. �:
�Y��a $t.i'� $a11�C Wil�. dOf1i� 8 �1'�At.� �0."O$s'ime
/� Dedicatiau wi11 b� J1�n� 14,
Thaaq�son will aes�d imitations to pr�aid�nta oE all civia groyps in
the City invitiag th�a aaci t1�� maN��zehip of thoir groupao
CeramoAy will b� publiciz�d in th� Tri�County ps�rs.
Donlin has arranqa9 uae of J�c� Bull�tin Soard to publicis� tha
r'e;�;5 i4IMa� ?r.H+�G"s'.C3"J%'i7S Sii23�°CdA�r'r'"'nl"'`b'"i'a�3: c�i:i':siu� �1�;.v:;"`i'b'w i� �`3 .'`,� S^�.�.
._ „
Con�intt� e . o e
Sig Olson informs ua that tw oannot bt a speakeso 2'hompson wi.11 inv�te
Rnssell Fridley of the Stato 8lstorical 8ociety to bs speaker, If not
available, Doaald Duacar► of th� tT o� Dt Far�stry Departrau►t will be
invit�7 0
Speakera will 'b� 1'haapson £ar tlso Park CaWaittae, a rdpreaeatative c�
Dowglas C'hsp�l faar preeeatation of tt►o plaqw, tbe Mayar fos accagt�c�
of tite plaqu�.
Sand has bean reqwsted to play.
Donlin will saquost aseistance of Soy Scouls in directing parkiaigo ��c9
Donlin will contact Saycaes to aes if they wish to op�rate concessirssa
at ti►w oeromot;y.
Doniiu will layout pasking aress - irxiustrial Park will b� roguesY.a�
to ailow parkiag oai their laud.
Donlin will provida eiqos dir�etiag traPfic to the o�rsmonyo
. .� . ;_;_�_: -
T!►a City has reeoivod a daed to Outlot D- Marian Hills
^ Juster. Doalin will inapoct tha lsad to determine ita
park use, aad rsport at tke zuxt maeti�g.
� - ,,,, . - � � � � H` � . �•1 _
Doalia reviewad RIKi-tage ag folla�+s:
£rom i.eonasa�
suitabllity t:or
lo ThoaQsaa► prop�rty at Sroad and iiuqo (3 lots being acquired)
2. Lots 20 - 26 in Hlock 88 - Riverview Hsiqhtse (Negotiations
have besn startad £ar Lota 20 - 25o City is st�pposed to owa�
Lot 26 but doas not have a de�d)o R�d taga on remainder of
lota ia Blocks AA, BBe � Z havs bsen withdra�m.
3o Area at nortt►oast co�raeer of City adjacsnt to Sprinq Lakee
(No actioa b�ing takenp
► •:i • ' � • [ijL+ � ■ : : � • .��c±. • :i. �'' �iiC ' :9 � " wG �P}li.i_. •. . , .. �. .
Impoundmtnt oE Ric� Creok to a l�vel of 860 or 865 faet abone iuean
s�a lwel w�ld provide a emall lake extsnding upstream to a point
at or near the present outl�t of .Loiug Lakeo Tboaapaon haa raguasted
an opinion on tho legal probi�rae of ma7ciaq suda a developmant. No
furthsr actiaat to be tak.x► until auc'H opiniots is r�oeiv«7.
� K= • •' �.�..o •;�. ..� -'';�.
Council tabl�d Boac�► Ozdinaacepreaa�t� at last m�eting.
PAFiKB ADID PLAYCi�OU�S Si�� lBST�fi 1QNiJPSS - liilY 11 a I964
Comtitnu«I e . . a . .
Mobios► by Swaus�t. s�conded by 8kj�rvold. to acc�pt the draEt of t]»
Park OrdSnanae as pr�s�nt�d by k,h� City Atto��y and to r�coaomend i�a
adoption hy Yb� City CouACil. lbtioa carri�7.
Motsoz�tn• sxj�rvola, s�coAaoa by swansan, that the comosttes eaaorse �t►e
Seach Ordinanc� as pr�aeatod to ti�s Counaii air�d strouqiy urq� its as3opt-
SOII. MOt�Ofi CiLTl��de
�I�Tt?S?�T QT'� PATORIT� PY�R P�igiS Fi_�TT��St
Z'hes�w is aurs�tly a cmffi�i�a�d balsnce of about $24,000 ia 4$� bond
aad laad de8lcatioa fuads.
$2,000 hae b�sn co�itl.�d on Lock� Park 5heit�r iaprov�meata.
$3,350 haa b�aa committ�d four pnrc�as� of threa lota at Broad and �ugo.
The Plan of work fo� thia y�ar
/ 1 of the Coomittev gavs priority
construction of a boac�► hous�
8� Hotts� i8 $11, 000 .00.
adopted at ths 8abruary 10. 1964 ma�ting
to the two a�peaditur�a abov� plus ihe
at lbaro La]to s�acrh. 8atim�t,�3 cost o£
::�T«: :. •t�� -.,: .. - _��•� �:�«;
cyoesor� t� auqh�s. s.coa�asa � sxjervw.a ta�at th• ComroittN 7C�affirm
its d•ais� to y�rocwd wsth constructiou oi the Moo�t r.ak� saach 8ousa
acco�diu4 to hhf plans eubmitted to tlt� Co�uicil ant7 ttrg�atly regatest
tha Cou»cil to pro�NB to adwrti� fo� bids i�c�iat�]y. lbti,as �asrie�i,
�' .1�.u�_ _i. �.� ��._. �`,
LoC]Ca Park �lt1s is Coqalot�.
Reqwsts Par uee of th. sheltar 1uw ban camiaq iae Policy oaa re�.�r-
vatioas is nwd�d.
Pol,ics D�pastmaat is wlllipg bo toak� the A1�►t n�t 8t Lock� Park a�r.
Auxiliary PolioMOan iu ordes to assi�t h1m ia kKping aacdts,
Coaceasioa� at Mao�e Lake S�se� I�ss b�tn appiiad far. Doa�lin is in-�
n atsuct�7 to discusa t�m v,titit th� s�li�nt and to att�t to s�re
a pera�staq� oi tl� concesaion atand's iaeoa�.
7'ha City°s SAgi�riug Dep:trtm�nt plans to f� th� wat�s filtratf,aaa
plant and zwsov� aacose to toilot £aailiti,es isas thw Comoons.
PARKS AD1D PIJ1]lC�Oi1NDS SIIB�IOR�1"1� I8'6TING ltIDi0T88 - IIAY 110 1964
Motion hY 8u�hea• saco�Wsd by SwaaBOn that
ne�7 for toilst facilitias at th• Caomona
Couaail aad urq� th� Coav�cil to aasure use
Ca�mo�na this aaa�tr. Motion aarri,�d.
�i:iv� ..a.?Y ��,:� �' �:r. h'_��,_i�.4�4_i_.
May 18, 1964 at 7:30 P.Me at Mi�lanr7
��.i�.��; � �-��r
Tgts mNting a�djan�stNd at 11t4S Polte
Rsspact�ully submitt�8s
Rob�rt J. 8ugh�s
Sscretazy to th� Sub-aotomittee
tho Ca�ittes Y�riag thm
to the att�ntion of ths
of su� faciliti�s at thc�
�.p � �� •u�• ��• �:�• ��.
Harvey Stark - 1095 Carol Drive - 78l�-7812, Troop � 20 (Fridleq Lious Club)
Ted 3trosberg - 690 57th Ave. N.E. - Si18-2356, Troup � 23 (St. Philipa I,uth.)
Robsrt Culver — 63�1 N.S. Waahington � 560-1lt81� Troop {� 137 (Frid]ey Jayceee)
ai scnnobrich - 5649 5tk st. x. E. -,6a3362, Troop � 157 (tn i,egion �303)
Faye Ehlenfeldt - yH80 Stirasoa Blvd. - SiTB-617A, Troop � 319 (Bedeemer Lnth.j
c,utia BoBtrom - 6382 Batur - 56a2E,ol,, Troop � 480 (Fridl�q Caveaaat)
�r�.iii���,onteu -_ aoX i98 c��A — adi-7s41, Post �4sl� (stgraust�e P�enta ciub)
A, PARKS ]16D PL1IYC�IItqt�g S�� 1�LTIlTa lf�OT88 - Ni1Y 18. 1964
1Md�l�rs Pr�s�ats 1l�orpso�, Sa+insoaa, Sa,paca. Hnghes
Othata Ps�pntt Pa�k D1r�atar Doalia. Mt. Gl�q olallaCl, 8ark
S�O °�estitq °ras t�,ib to os�da� b7t �isn�aa Thospsoai at 7t10 P.1l, at
lti�llaad Co�op Oflicer.
�:�t�_� - � _�� . ;,s_
7'hos�psoz►. 9�+at�eaa, and Dot�lin have .iaspact�d Outlots C. and D ia
Ma�iaa Hiils wbic9t b�ve bNn o££�rid to t� City Par park purpoaes.
Diotson by saaaaoai. .secoz�a bi► �.a. tbat th. sv�-caa�i,ttes finas
tha subj�et parc�la of laa�i are aot auit�d to uas Eoz park purpoass
and that Y.bey noti bs 'aAs a part of t2� park prograro. Motii� carried..
, � . r, :,: � «_
1. '1'he $i�hway Ds,partoent shys that ww havw sc�s latitud�
iaR ths loaation of the roa8 aortb of Loeko park. Id�aily, the
� roa�i �oniid paralieb the Miati�ota Tranaf�r right-of-�way at the
very narth edg�,o£ ths park, Sf,tb�re i� Lo b� a zwi! at all.
�. 7'hsra is a queetiott aa to a�oac�hi�ii of the 30 footi atrip of iand
be4�►�tn th�1 ao�rth �dq� o£ Loeke 8ark aad ths Ni�aata .Tranafar
3. Th� is uQ rql assd iax� a tt�rou�b road in th� vicinity o! the
park. A parkitiq asea at eit�ms �d of thw park vrith aec�sa sosds
to Uaiv�.ity Av�w aad to Highw�Y #65 v►ould ba 4uite adoqnat•.
T'!►is apparoac9� Nouid ba most like]y to pr�s�rve t]i� woa8land
c�wraetR of t1►� c.otrai past of tha park. The Co�rsitt�s wouid
praf� titis app�oadt.
4. Rtw pask ap,p�ers to bo best suifi.M to developoMnl., aa � fmrily
picnic an8 nstmc� trail typa of park since th�n ia little latrd
sn3ted to'.large�acal�, arg�saiso8 spovrta. .
S. � O�o oi !�e higheMt pociority itios 3a 8evelop�at►t a�wid bs th�
s�tablishnwnt of'p�rms�nt st.s�ps to cm►trol a�osiaa.
6. Other tho�fg4ts iar �tw�lc�aw�ta - a fire circie, woa! sta��g.
area, a�+ ou�.gl+m (amali court far vollayball. �ta.j, awiaga
�'`''-+ � P�Y9r� �iPo�ut. atC. �t►e dqY c�iA9 arK e0ioula be
aepara'ted . froat tho ga�ral gicnio axma.
llr. �Pallaae wiil tsy .to have a ratg'h skotcb of LoCks patk 8aval.op�nt .
ta� diacussiaa ot� Ne{y �i, I964.
P�RACS e'�NA �?r'27PCROIINDS SiTB°-C'O�'.i."Er'�Li i�BET%NG P�TpPLg � l+fA9t 3.8, 3965�
JI (Conti.uttetl�
Donlin has raqueettd that the baach house construction bs brought
before the Couneil tonight. (5-18-64)
Motion by Swanson, s�conded by Sampson, that the A�a�e Laks Beach
re£reahment concesaion for 1964 be granted to Sugens Sutton in
ex$ange for.a paym�ent of $100 plus 10% of gross salas. - i�fotion
Rxv�itvaEw �sac�rrsa
Negotiaicions are tu�der way far �rurchass of Lots 20 - 25e Block Bso
Rivervieur 8sighta. PaSce aot knowu.
: �i ' Jh` �,.0 ya ; _ ... .
A roguoet has beoa received fraa tits Hiqh School Gymnastics Coach
� fo�r the location of paralYel bar� aau7 a harizontai bar at �ioor�
Lake Beac�ta Cost would be abouic $200.00. Motion by Htu,�has�
secoade8 by Sampa�o that this r�cgu•st be denied. t9atla� carried<
Douglau C4�ape1 will presesat the ahelter a� Locke Pa�k to �the Citys
Mayar �tae will aCCept fo�r tiae Cfty.
"�Y�1�_t .;., o. .,•i,a• -�-
Iwitt�r racoiv�d $raen Fridlay Leagu� of Womexi Vot�s atating t2ia�
'�h. Lea4ue caano� participa�e ia tcl�ae propossd public opinion su��a�y
concerninq aa�aabi;�tm�t o£ a Municlpal Go2f Courae. (Lettes is fxs
Chairman 29tomqpaon's files) , Future action on the survsy will iaxclude
coaopls�ion of the survoy ques�ipnnaire and effort to set up anoth�a-
saurca of i,ntarviawera.
� . : 1 i-a:M
Prelimfnary proposal presented hy Doni3no
dCi � ��(+ � . �l_.
May 19„ 1964 at 8:30 PaM� at Midland Co-op offiCeo
����-�T=- i1s45 P.Mo - ReapeC�iv.11v Subnitic�c]: Rob�rt J. Hughos
S�esetary �.o �th� Svb° Gae�ittee
�� -'��s,,
AF and EM Y�Iemhera
Wt Dinner Meeting will be held at Ferrara'a
501 Eest Aeanepin ��venue
Tuesday, Sanuary 23, 1968
Ladies Invited
Sociel Hour 6:00 to 7:00 PM
�i�" i
Fillet q,7y
Lobster 4.95
Chicken Z,gg
Itelien Speghetti with Pieat Ba11a 2.85
ICalian Spa$hetti with Chictcen & Rib 2.85
We muat notify Ferrara'e of our food choice by Thursday, Jamaary 18.
ThereEore, p2eese de�fgnate your aelaction on 2he loraer portion of thia
eheet, detach aad eend to deek 301.
_-^..-.._.._.-.--^ .....................-..-._-_._°-____---...-_.__--
Reservatione requirad at Deak 301 by Wednesday, January 17 at latest.
Pleese circle choice and aote number required.
�. �� a�i
•�. �,,• ,��. .
� �� .,• �� � � �� r r;� :,• i. � .�,. - ,. �.. .�r• . �i i� �;�:
• u:�, n • c��• � - �u' 4►.��� N ...:1� • ,
Th� City Councll of tht City of Fzid7.�y do ordain ae foZlowss
.� _�. .,_ .,. :.1:
Ths dat� of fii� evasaai opaa�inq aad closinq of t�e
Miu►SCipai Sattting B�sdieso gan�xally � 15th �o Auclua•�
15th, shali bo direct.od by ths R�creatiaa Ca�►iasiaao �acYa
cal�ar yoar.
� � _ ., ,.i . , �� . .
tl) �'!►. Frsalay,pa7. 9athsr�y Sesches shaAa�
be att�r►d�d by lif�guaxda who shall wotk at 2�ours at�d
time�s designatKl by t1►e RaCraatia� Cammisaiono
(2) The Sype�visory Li¢eguard or anQv oaie of tts�
lifmguarde on duty at th� b�ac�► may closo the Bathing
s�adttue wha►nover ir► hia judgmaiat tlae wster is toc+ rougla
or cold fox� bathit►g. Dio pe�sota ahall bo parmitttid iu the�
wat.�r during t&e periods wheu tho boac�ea are d�clar�l
closed by a lif�guard.
77,03 Batl�+�� 8e�► R�� � R�au�ation�.
(x rafer�nc� c�aptar 75 - Pa�biic Beach �arkinga
(1) No p�rson si�ali i:i�row, cast, doposit� da�c,g��
la►ya Pla�es ar scattor in t� watwr ar upon aay iaat9xia�g
boact► a�► 1lghtea cigara or cigarett�s or ao,y g:iasa„
bottisse u�mils, tacka. wis.. aock�y, cang oa� othax sYaarp
oa� cvttiasg avbstanc�, or aay reius� matt.r o»� a�t8c1� ar.
thittig oE any kinde If atxy gl�s i.s brok�rnB the person
responsibir fac tha breakage shall i�ouiiately pick up t��
pi�oes aad place thmn in a trasla containtre
(2) No p•tson sha8�. brtng iato os use ixa th� r��t�x
artificia7, floata of any kitid c� dascriptlon.
n i3) No persa� shall bs
itrg, driv�e leadd carry �r
P�cnit azty dog or oth�z animal, alheth�r leasltad or unleash�d�
muzzlsd ar unmuzzl�d, oY►to the pr�misas of aa�r ]�atizing bea�lao
' ` ���� �Opti�D
(4) Dto person shal.l lsyt,x oz maxe us• of a� fix�
on any wumicipal b�, ��t in locations pravidmd for 4�a�
(5) No porso�s ahail swim ur baLhf ia th� wa�
fxanting a� bafitiing b0ach (a) autsido estabiished hou,�ss or
(bj outsSde the dessgnatod aw3aming as�a at aay �►unssE�isl
baach. P�seane maQr aaim or � 1a tla cl�sigswt.vd areas after
�etablia�N hours at t]�siz awn rl,sk.
(6) Dto awimm�r ar bath� shall �t� tlie avat� ag
onta any bathiag beac�, ut�l,�a cloth� in a su�.t�ble b�h�aiaay
dreas ar suito
{7) DTo peraon �laatl cna�ge clott�.s on an�► m�asr.h c�
in vehicles park�d at an,y beac�►n
t8) 1�o p�reon ahaii appear sn tt►e s�ate o£ xiuuit��
nor sliall a� p�rson make any indeeent eucposura �f hia o:�^
/1 het �rso� iai an,y pa7rk o�r t;pon any bathiug beac�,
(91 DTo ptrsoa� s1�a11 uss psofaruo ofE�e�vee o�
vvlgar lanquage and r►o p�san sha11 conduct hims��i or
hwrself in a rargh, boisteroias, sugqsstivo ar offenslv�
manner v�hi2e iss the wat� or tYpon aay baach,
�10� Ho pa�rson shall bring or carsy any b�,cycl�
�� �Y ���4 b��. �pt to install au� vshicl�
in racks that are provided by th0 City of Fridle�r,
(li) No person shall catrry oa uan�cosa� ccaxv�r-
satiaa� with lifyguardst a� falseiy call foz� h��.p Aa �s€sist �ncF3�:
at stand a1c sit upazs ar clExeg to ax;y lif�guaZd p�tdt�� o�
11q�it t�$d COCs �CO�t 13i 8A �61Cq@]1Cy'e Co go SIftQ � C13Sbc�
to aay lifsguard boats,
(12) No persoz� e4►allaonduct himsolf upon aay b�a�:►a�g
b�ach or ia� � water in *�uc� a mannar as to jeopascdize �u s
saf�ty aad heatth of himseli a�adJar otis•rao
(13' No per8oa having• or appat�tly haViug� any
^ infsctious dis�ase sha11 ba admitted to a bat'hing be�,o
(14j �io paso�a iloC�pt Childr�a theit pa►i'�¢sS:a�
cus�►s a� guardiaa�, sYtall be� p�rmltt«i in aa�a pAay a��2a
ot► bathing b�ad6es dosignat,ad fa� childr�n.
/ �. ��� iroa000
(15) No c9aild unc%r 12 yeass of ag� ai�a12 bs all�r�
on �the beact► unloas ths c3si28 is vnder icha sqpervision of a
ca�peEant p�son w`ho eha11 be mar 14sa than 16 y�ars af ageo
r � �.���Lt. �. :.l.a_� -
All lifegusrda �ha7.l be subj•ct to rulas aad requ�at��us
prfacxi)�sd by filw Ra�cr�atiaa Ccamission.
t: • : c..
The duly apPoint�8 iifeguards aro bsraby autho�izad
and em�powsred to order sw�s axt of the bati�ing baaeh
wa�ers at auCh �im. ancl w�et stulz conditiats as thay d�a
nvr�sasry fac tLe publia w�aifase aud to maintsir► fhe �seac�+
asid safAty oa thv str�ets, groun�ls an6 wat�rs �svolv�d�
7'1m06 L3auors,
^ It ahall bo unlawfui far an� p.rson to havm in his
p�sa�eaioai o� to conaums any iato�cl.cating liqnor ar xma►�-
i.ntoxica�ir�g mait liquos on Fri8l�ey �lunicipal Ba�thiag 8eac�aes �
77�Q� ti�s.:
T'hat tbis Qrdimapem shail canatitute C93apt�r 77 of`
th� Ci�y Code of th• City o£ Fridlry aAd tbat all g�al
provisions ot ths City CaAe, iacluding Chaptor 105 ent,Atis�
Penalti�so �all apply �o ite
Pas�d and A6o�tsd by the City Council of the City of Frie��+
fi2s1s � d�. of �Ime . 19640
^ Marvin C, Brunse3.1, CITY C[�RK
First Readii�g: ,;�y 8. 1�,64 ,
8aco�nd Rsadiag:_�71fM 2. 1964 .
Publis3aa__ .71s1� 1G. 1964 �
William Je Dieee !lAypg '�
oan�c� xoo 270
iLi�1{OOC D . . ' . . . . . .
Th� City Couttcil of th� City of Fridlay do ordaia as follows:
soct�l� R'hat the City Codo pf Fridl�y ahall be amra�de� to
psovide for a Cls�{pteur 78 deali� with ths use of
parlcs and parkway,s of th4 City of Fridlsy sad to socure the qui:ta
ord�ly and suitable uet aad eajoymoat of such parks. Parkways �nd
portioas of gublic laads, straaws sad riv�rs by the p8uple as►d
Preacrlbing,p�naities far its violation.
78,A1 �sfinitia�s. �e y,tord "Cpm�;t}.�e" as us�d 3n �his
C'1saPtar is her� fde ine�7 to maan ttie "Pask Cwaroit�" of �h�a
C1ty of F7C1d1Qy. AI1d thY tQYlD "P7:7C3" 1YeSI18 pd:'kSe PAICkW��Bf,
p28ygroLilid3� ]CiC1�Bat1o�1 flAlds, and buildinqs, lakQBe str��4N
� riV�t's, aad beach�s thereia, Ynd all pub13C sorvice fa�3]lic3�s
condnatod on grouada, builditrgs atfd structures in t1�s �it� of.
Fridl�y whidz are under th� control of th� Park Camwittee�
Insofax as this Chapter to boacius, it is to 1� con-
struec7 as su,ppl�uas►tary to and not to supors�de t�e existi�g
provisiaa�s ia Chapter 75 of tho City Co�.
78,02 A�,�. No p•rs� st�ail bo, oz s+moaiss in or 1,aav�a,
or park any v�icle in at�v' Bark. Par]c�,►a3t or driw, eax�pt
duriag those hoyrs designated by tho Park Comiaittee, but t�ais
section etaail not apply to tbc�� who ara autliarizer� to rasneaixn
in a park or on a par]araya
78003 Dof�:e, No pesson shall cut, br�ak, aaratch, ma�k,
r�crve, mc iu aay way injure ar deface aay build�q, f�ca,
P�a la1�s fl8tjp01le COI1BtXt1,CC1oS1 1aprOV6911BOt f�C�1.13.ty t� 3E1y
othar feature of property upon or within any park os parlstvay,
78,04 Fl�s at►d 5hrubao Mo pireon Aot an �piay�e aa
th� City aha11 pick a� cut atqt wild ar cultivated flarex am°
cutB break. ar ia ahy way injuse or deface aqy traa, s�s or
plant withS,a the limits of atiy gark ar parkwaya nar aarry
within or out of aay parg aac parkway aay wild flower, tr��
� shrub, plaa►t o�r pa�tion the=eof, ar axiy soil oz matori�l af
atty kitsd,
^ Paq� 2..<vo
78.05 14ae�� OEf oE c,rass. No person �i►ail go oa foot ar
otl�e�wiae qpar► the c,�asa ar turf of soy park ar parkway where
a�' Prahibitary eiqa is posted.
78.06 �hrowiaa 3ta�es. �to pa�saaa ehall ti�raw a�r cast a�
stoae ar� any othaoc aAisaile witl�iu at�y park a� pas]o�vsy.
78.07 j�tt� 8o pa�aoan �all thsaa, dopoelt, place ar
lsave �t aqy park o� par]�ta�y, ar watas thersin, atq+ paper,
rubbi.e3�. waste, os rofuse of atq► kir�. w'hathe�r o� nat the saae
3s o£faasive to �►e saosea os is iajurious to heslth, except in
tlio =�oe�tivrsTae �b�11a pzovidad for waste.
78.08 Se3.linar �struatiaa. NO pesaot► shali plana or suffer
to rmosiA in any park ar patkway au�► qoods. vrarea, m�chaadise
ar ott�e� articles, in the nature og aay abstsuctio�n to the £ras
use ana e�►�aynsnt of said gark ar parlaray.
78.09 P08t1M Si<ms. �o p�'1'C80�1 �Iall p03t. paBti�r f2st�f,
/'� paiat. os afgix atiy uAautharised gl�ard, bill, AatiCe ar siga
t�poa at�y stsuCtui'e. trN. stot►e. £enoa. thisg o� es�closure
alosig o� witl�in auy park ar paslaway.
78.10 Distr3butioa� oP Circulars. go pm�soa sha11 distzibute
withit► aa� park a� garlava�y ar display aay cirettlara, cards,
. P�lastatl o� othe�Yttse, e�u�t as autho�eized bY
78.11 Fisecracic�ra. �io ,pers� �ali fire, explo8s oa� set
of£ any squib. crac7oe�. c� o�ha� thirrg ca�taining powder. or
other coobustible ar�loaivo material, withl,n the limits of
�Y P�k ar 8a'tla►al►t �t9,tfg E�ibitians of fire�wo�ks givea
und�r the diz�ctia� of a� by gsrntissioa� of the park Ccemmittee.
78.12 �ir8s. 1QO pe�soa dt►a11 rob, iajure ar destray atty
birds' aest witl�ia the limits of anQ► Park or Parkway. nor aim
or disclharge s� air guu, sling shot. bow aad arrvaa, ar athez
we�oss. a� throw a�,y atone ar o�Ch�r missi�a at a�► bird ar
birds' aast. ar wild aairoal withit� atg► Park ar par7arasy, aor
ia aq�i m�ne� capture o� kill aay bird arr �rild aaimal there9a.
/-� 78.13 Tra�i� No par6'+r� sQ�a1.1 at aay tise set, lay.
P�ePare. a� hav� ia pose�siCa �y tr�. a�are. artificial
13ght, aat bird 1L�e, ' ferrat, ax any contriva:u;e tiahatever,
far ths pusAo� of catd�in9. taking, a� killidg awy bird ar
wild aaimal ia auy park ar gatlaray.
��� �ea�oo
78014 �aLl Game Restxick ra s, No p�son shala p1ay� b<::11„
go1fB �apnnia, n� oth� gawes whids cause arnoya�as� ae iaacon-
vani�x►ca �o othrr us�zs of the park upon or wi�hin any parlc
�' F�'kwa1+'a except upon ba11, teni►is or approps�la�e a�hlat�.c
ga:ounds o� golf links, �ablished by the Park Cormaitt�aeo
78a15 l�enca�„x�il� No p.aesau si►all ataad aac sit on an�{
f� rail ar a�+ othar structurs not intendeci fax su�a �a��s
i:► as�y Park at partwtay o
78 a 16 �ri{x�r , j}�, No p�son shall move bea�h�� „��aat�; �
and tables fzam t1�Yir placss. in aqy pask or patlavaya �xc�pt3r�
nxa picnic areas, at�d thoza only w3thin designa�ad limi�s>
78,7,8 7�p svittiaa, No p�rson sOsall apit upazs th� �l�ca�
^ ox° EurniisYaissgs of atq► boat, ca�oe� building or wa17c 3.xs aaiy p�xlc
o�' pa�cln�ray�
78019 Sa1as, No pezson �a12 as11 oz ofPe� fox° sal� a�xy
a�3�1� oa� Yh2ng wEiatscaever i�a any park ar parla�vay� bu�. ttai.s
p�c Waibitia�n fk►all not �ply to saiea of xefreatau�ts a��d o�:t►ex:
articl�s by tha C�ty o� under .its dixection at pav�.liarr�s a�
s�a�s ca�nduct�c7 o,z authariz�d bX the City o
78a20 I•YO�Ean3tYo NO t11L'@Stli�]3uga PrO�AriOa dtTi,Bi.v�; d1��
oa�derly, im�uliing or indacent las►guage, ca�8uc� or �s.a�v3.a�.;
no� any act tenasng to a b�� q� r�i►e gublsc yeaces s�xaz3 �
a:Llowed i.n oz° up�xe arry� paar]c or parkways ttor sh�7.1 am� ��::an
���y at gamas of chance, drink itt��lcatiAg lic�uua�$ o�c be
ds�uaale. ot do aay aadecesyt, 1asc3vious, lewda or, im��o��s� �et
78a21 A1COho1lic 7B�veraa�sd Dto p�son shal'. take> us�b o�
h�v� iaa ar upon aa�y patk o� parkwa,r. atW ��q iiqua�o
7g a 22 d�oas 6 Na persoxa shall ba peYmitt� f�o tak� a��r d�
n igska ariy oark unl�ss i� �a l�d b� a suitabl.s ia3asl�,, ar.� i�s aa�a
c:s� slaa].1 ax►Ir pc�son a]LYoas o� b��..r►g axiy dog a<�nmd or �a��.�xd�
b� �ai� :ltata ��aKk wa��3e � it9�o ar{y birci cr�' aa►3aua1 ���£uye�,.
o� a�oaa ar�y ska�.ia�ey rink, ar 3n any pa�ck b�ai?d:�g whe�iaE�r �°eh�
dc� ba ]1.���Xt�i oY ot`ISBrs�sSs4try
/ \
Y. Q�p� 4 C�: U 7 4
7� m 23 �e Catt10 e hoz868 e�u►11A8 •�Ss16 s 3h�ep ;
gaatae az° fowl shall not bm allaved upoai park pzoperty o�
ixi any lake o� wat�s of any park atui all dwnera ox at�end�
aats of auds aliimals are c3targ�d with the duty of prerventiny
su� occursaACSe, but thia pxohibltion shali not appiy ta
animals o� fowl kept by tbe City or uncier its dixeckion�
78024 �,�ie�a Railso �To p�rson shall tie �r fasten
ariy �iimal t0 8�ly txl6o ehx'ube p18Yit• f�� bu31d1�Yg oI�
struettts'o 3ai 0� qPon E►t�y+' Park or pattldray. �oc�pt t3itchl�
rails pravid�d fa� that purposee
78,25 g�,�. �o batdo pzxession, militaxy ec�a�r
or any coimps� wit3a flags, ba�rs, ar traaspar�nc3ss, ahar.�
be allav� in ar upan aay park o�r parkway e�acept with a
writteA ptrmi.t isau�d by ttte City or its prope� osficlrs,
78.26 ��.ait�ma►ta o No ontaxtainmant oar e�dailbit3rm
shsii ba gAvan in any park ar parkway wcceptiag ths eaat�x�b�in-�
ments given un�ier the dirsation o�c autho�ity of the Park
78>2'I Pub1iC� Spaaki�o No publia m,ating of a�,y kiauui
shall bp hald in any park, oz parkway, playgxa�und c*r atiii�ic
fi�ldo nor ahall there be a.ny publlc speskiag the�ein. w�,th�
out a writton regiatrsY.ic¢► with the City.
78e28 +�, DTO poocsoa e�ooept aa agartt of tbe City shall
sta� a�• a�.re �a r�' P�►rlc o� n.Pon amr Farks�r�'. �pt tliac
amall £ir�s £ar culiaa�cy purposeB mqy bo na8e by �3cwic paxti�s
itt tha ateas d�sigaated by tlze Cammitteis, but oaly in the
placas in sald Paaeks Psov3d� fa� that pnrpoa� by t]�e Caomittes
aad uu8ar ita disoatioa.
Bva�y Prrsas► vWlw �tatts atp► sttt� 1'1re aad �v�ry parson
usiaq su�'h �ir� is hosaiYy chasge� with th� duiy of ca�letely
eactiiaguighing suc�t iis.s ar i:ire belaaro ltaviag suc� park.
EX reg. 33.01 aa8 99.19 of City Co�le).
78.29 Othor ul�. Tlse park Comsittes may eatablish frnm
tiss to tim� olt� sulas a� x�gulations qwaeniag tlae further
use and �ujoyasat of parYa. ParkY►�Ys. Pla�►grau�s, lakee,
eLrsa�s, at� the faciliLi�u tLar�of vA�ic4► �ali be effective
upaa Post�W swtic�.
78.30 � j�, A� paoeso�n who shali violate su�t► rulea
as rqulatiao� a� Mfio saf� to aubj� hS,aatif tha�eto, maY
be, ia a8ditias� to all oth� p�nalti.eo pxwi�8�8 by thia Code,
aocclud�a �ao t1N uee o! au�L laciliti�s.
^ �age 5da�oo
78,31 ��Efic R�+i�ations< The m�tor v�icle reg�u�.��ze�ns
or trafri� regulatians appiicabls �o City streets wi�2ra the
City of Faridlay sY�all bo a,pplicable in all respocts to th�a
avs�erehi4p. use. aacl occu��cl• of motox vahicles in khQ ar�a�s
ux�dsr �l�e control of the Ca�itteee
78.32 TOWIAV, go drivex of any v�hicla shall taw b��
or on the s9.d� ar puah in front of 1t aaY toba�9aa, ai�da ic�
83cstess� ro116: SlCat�se btGyClb. COd8tl�� toy v�3tiCled ox' �t�y
othas elidiag or coastiaq devioe, aar p�mit aq�► pe�so� iu or
upo�t such c7e�vice to attac:b same or himself to said veh3el�
noa� p�pc�plt atXy psrson to board as alight frw awr haag anto
said vehicle tt�n in �tion.
78.33 Passe�rara. Peraons riding iu ar ugou said d�vni�
c�� v.Y►icles in vioiation of Sactfou 78e32 sha11 be held tca k�e
:.n violation th�reof.
78e34 Roadwavs, No vahicl. oi atp► kind ar chara�c��z :tsall
^ L;� parmAtted to drive acrosa or on park lat►ds except an rcaad�
w,�.yss axqpt suda v�hicle� and mashiaee as op�zat.�d by tan�
Clty of Fridley.
78.35 Y�iclo Far SaZa 5,,�; r�,�n . No ptraots shall dslve cr
park any vshici� �paa aapr Park or paskway displayiag � si�n
indlcatitu� t2ast 1t 38 for ssla � exehaqq�e ar otYe�rl�aa d.<.s-
Plal'i�tCJ adv�tisitrga
78036 ,�o �o pprson shail waah. gr,sase, nr z�pa3r
as�Y vai�icl� on aAy park, bou].evard or parkway sscc�p�t such
r�paira as are requiraid by an am�rgaacy,
78.3? ���So �i u�pi�d vet�acle fuund l.n
violatiaa► of th� pravisians of this c�►apter ma}• 'be izy¢r�di��a2�f
r��ov�d an8 iapoundad by a�y polip officer a� duly a�akhcu°�z�S
p�rso� in aeoardanca sritl� tl►is Ch�pt.�r.
78.38 �oa�tsa Baatinq and Watsr Ski �. (X r�fo (�apt�+r &�
of City Code)e
?8,39 Permit. The City may suthorize th� �.asuan�� cf
ps�rmlts far usos and activiti�a it� wbich the ho1a�ears �y����
� raqu�et P�rmission (a) to smmain in ths parks o� cyn �-1a�r park�
ways duria� otl�r-wise prohibit8d hours: ib) ta poat notis:as:
(e) to par& vahicl�s in othawise unautho�izad armasa
/ ` ���e �3aamoo
78m40 Panaltleso That �liis Orc3inancs ahall cuxast�.�u+�~�
Chapter 78 of tbe City Coci� of �tpa City of FridS.�r ar�c1 ;;�aat
all gan.ural provisiona of tha City Cada, inciuding Ch�pt�a�
1.U5 ea�titled Penalti•sB shall apply to it�
Fassed aYSd Adopted by �h.t►e City Cnuneil o£ the C.ity of
Fridlay �1his Zad day of � , 19640
MSt�/162 C o B7C1121[3�11 e CITY CLBRK
i�iz'St FL4adiizqt_,,,,�y 18� 1n9C6.4 ,
.�i�.°� ��� � Zf _.17V7 y
Publisha .TnN 10, 1964 ,
William Jo �a NAYpIt '�