PR 06/22/1964^ &�CB�ATI�1 CQ�ISSIOII l�BS'�IIG �TYS m JUA6 22, 1964 Tha asetiag of ttu Co�issim �s cagRed to ordss at 7:30 P. M, ia the Jr. 8igh Teacher's II,cwnge with Mr. Hughae ps�siding. M�bera preeent: Hugha, 1lrs. S�urd, Duaphy, (isaeff. Wright. Othera pr�sent: Aasry Meaeiek, Mrs. Mullin. l�TBS OF t�E6'PII16 0� MAY 2S. R964. The minutes of the m.eting of 13�y 25, �964, ver. appswed as rsad. TREAStBBR'S BSPOflT Motion by D�mphy, escmeted by Gsaeff, to accapt the Traasur�r'a ra�ost. Batimated 8ec•ipta $4,652.00 Racnipts to Data $a.50�,37 Balance of �ati.■sts �3.150,63 T.0C1CB PA�S DBiSICATIQI Budget $24,8b2.00 Sxpsnse $ 7g747o77 Salamee $f7,064.23 Tha Eacrsation Ca�issim eamuends eha Msk Bofrd, the City Band wd all othars who had ^ a part in the fine program prsaented on tha occasion of dsdicating Locke Park on Sund�y Juna Y4, �964, ae Zs30 Y� !t, c�< �re y:_ �_ � �r, Motion by Grasff, saeonded by Wright, eo urga We Pask Board to locate a suitab9.e park �aad in tho awtbern part of Fridlay adjtcent to Capitol Sereat and Hughes Avnnue aree. Motion carried unanimousY�> BERNA86 @OPBHT - SoB,A. A Onited Pund Organisation n ie outgravth of Heighte Becreation Ca�iaaion. Have a m�thly aeetiag of fuYg ti.ee Reereation Mrectors. T�re ia e ueeting everr other sonth of tha Ca�ission mQmbers to azchange ideas. Eae6 eecreation Ca�i.ssion eleeta a repzessnCativs making up a 16 menber Bo�rd. Th� naxt me�ting to be ,�nly 15th. Agendas Projacts and lo9ieisa Ca�ittee and SaYary ScheduYe, S,S,ao Servicas to lridley Crafty GirRe Franklin Theatsr Puppatsera C�.aim sarvicoa to Frid�ey far last PS qaars vorth fr� ,�500 to $1100 per year. ineYuding 8aka aervices. Discuesion oi S,B,A� M�mbsrship Motion bq Wright. eecanded bq Mrs, Sward, that the KsidRnq Beereatioa Caawiseion appfly for membarship in SoHaA, and that th� Chairmrn appoint a deleg�ts to att�nd 3,@,A, Eoard Meetings. Motian was tabl� untiY naxt meetiag. � ' HARi[L 1�SSICY'8 REP�tT A petition is in circulation concerning tha beach ordinaneas. Motion by �ohn Wright, secmded by Dunphy, ehat tam►is inetructioa ba i�orporated into the recre�tion program ea a esiafl basir, Motian carrisdo � R�cre�tion Co�iasion Meeting Minutes - Juaa 22, 71964 (ContinuedD � STA1tDUSfEB DAi6CB Y@OPOSAi, Mntion by ,4ack Dnnphy� .acmded Dy Wright, that the 8ecre�atiai Commiseion sanction �a danco aa propoaed by t6. Starduatera. Motion csrried. H�{PIEi�I 0� APPO%l�:l.'3 TO RECBSATIOH CONII�RSSIali: 8epreeentativ� of City Counci�. DeeQmber �966 Bepreaentative of Bosrd of Hducation To be appointnd B�preaentativ�e of PasY Bosrd December 1966 2 Bepreesntativas Appoiated by City Council Daceud�er i1964� Uacember �965 2 ltepre�entativ�s Appointed by City CounciY Decamber �964 Haeember f965 SECS�TARY Mra. Sward vaa al�cted to repYace Erneat Pa�well who v18.1 retire Juns 30, 196k. �i'I' :. �C���iHtw!i���ii�;:A TabYed until Joiat Mneting with Park Board. PUBY�ICY1°Y Motion by Wright, ueco�ded by Dunphy, that the Hacreatioa Co�iasioa compi�� and ^ dietribute a boolclet ehis faE� out�ining the FridIley Becreati� Programo Mo�tar� carsied. YA$$�1/G ��fiA�� A9i61iIfS A15D 7T8 ST$SBT Matioa by Graaff, aecondad by Dunphy, that ths Racreation Cammisaion reque:tt the I+rfdbeq Citq CounciB to eatablish eontsofl8ed perking oa Centra� Avenue at Moore L,r.ke Beach Area and rm 7th Strsat residentia�l side npposite t� Fridlley Co�ona. Motion carri�d. MYSC�.LAI�E�S Suggeation by Jack Dunphp to set up a childsen's xork gsoup. Tabled untii �:ombinPd me�ting vit6 tbe Park Board. 14otiou by Wright that the $eer�ation Co�iasion camoend Erneet Pawell for hi:. dedieat�d aexwices on the Bacraatian Co�iasion. UnanimausYy curriad. IIBXT JO�1�P MEETBHG itext Joint Maeting, lla�tday. Jaae 29e 1964, 7:30 P, K, ac Teacher's �oung� of ��uniox High Schoo?.. The meating adjourned at �.Y:IS Pa M, � 2�So SWARD ACfIBG SECRETA$Y n r'1 � PARK3 AND PLAYGROtmTDS Si�� !lSTIDiG AlIP1tTP�S - JUD� 8, 1964 M�cs Pseseats others Present: '1�b01�80R• ..�p.•88� SMitl9Ca1• 3�Lj6lVO�.ds $eIDpSOII Pauk DizYCtOC Doeilit► 1'he msetiag waa Called to oa'asr at 7a35 P.M, by C'hairmar� Thompson at the Midland Co-op Building. l�lI�t[TPES: Minutes of moatitgs h�ld a� Ma�r 11, 1964 and llay 18, 1964 wero acceptea as mssled. (Motiot, by s�v#nson, secoaa vy s�jervoia). PARK �DICATIO�it Tri-County papors have b�a brieEed, aud will publish a atory oa the �leatio�. Minnfapolis papors will be informad by l�se Sampson. Progzams will be ready oa► oPodneed�y. Jtitne lOth, or Thurada7f. Jtiu�e Ilth o P.A. syst�m aa8 lactern will bo at�,ppliad by Midland Co-ope John Swanaon will tsks ear� of setting those up. Chaiss far tbe ba�d will b� supplied by Do�nlia. Parkiaq arsangemonts will be � by Donlin a�Ud City Policee siga at i7aiversity Av�ue will ba stsaight�ed by the Park Crewo � A qwst regi�ear wiil b• availabla at the c�e�. Dlss. saaqsson will get a book at�d eat up a tabie fa� it at the pre�y. Polaroid pictur�s �vill be mad� by skjssvold. Donlin will ses if a civic groyp wauts to of£er coxessioa� servicee Miss Fridlry will bo invite�. Work undar way ia Locks Park aaw as followa: Traila beiag marked= Polsoe► Zvy wirnitgs be1Ag installetlf Rest Roaoos eaapl•tsd= traffic Cantsol basriaas instialleds Craek ia i�adiate aros of sh�],t.tr wi11 bo cloare�. �' • .;, - ' �� ,.z�: •' v'! �_4_ _c. Motion by Au��s that it bt the polivy of tbis caeittee that no reservations gaar �ooclnsivo wt of park iacilities b. aoa�pted. seco�d by Swamson. Notiao carsi.�d. n � � PAEtK3 AND P ( Coatir�ued) St�i:01�l3TTBS IBSTIOTG NII�iSTPBS -.7DD1� 8• 1964 �,�.� 7wro bays vibo tar� rails off !3u D�i�dg� at Moo�f Lak� PaTk wlse aPpsohende8. Doniin has in%ssb tau City Poliee that charqea sharia be pressad. llotiou by sk�awold, secaa8�a b1► satipaon, concurriAg witlt Donlia's actiaa. lbtion carrib naaniawsly. ' � �t�M �,: s ,� :r Doolin is direCt� to l.nfaac�a Laopard Jqstis tltat t.�1e S�b-CO�ittee is not int�rssLa� iA th� us6 of Oatlot D, Mar1aA 811is for paYk purposos. 1�1{1� I.I�i� _� • ' � 4' ►i� :q_�' An op,inioa fram tla City Atto�n�► Conc�►itg the possibility of imp�t oi Rie� CrMk east oi Oaetsal Avanu� to fax�m aa artifieia2 lake was rec�ivea, ����_ ��Y� ��� '� '= Requests fo� a higb Eon+es at t1�� naa�l► aide of PlYaouutb Square Park have been reo�ive8 sworal t3mss. Suel� a f�ce wouid cost ab�t $1,000. go mooalr is avaiiable far 3asLallstioa thia ysar, ,-�.��:- �. •��;.,��,_ ;�� A r�guest l�as bea� r�otiv�d gor purc3�aso of two of the lots ame8 by the Park Coa�sitC�e 3a Block S. xiv�cvierv 8•iqhts. Action deferred w�til a latsr dat�. Do�lia wiil secure a�ap �awiug locati� of lotao :,;-, ' .i-• A wo�k plaa far 1964 aad 1965 was ps��etnted by Do�lia and was discuased aad aaopted. (A aopy of th. plan is attscha� to tltese minutes), wax�k in the %ilavi.ug ar�ne w111 be daf� tviLii 1966a Rice CtMk at N.P. tsacks (botb atd�s of t1►e creolc) Qwse's YslanB 79th & Ald� oa the river Mtadoarlat�d ciar8ans �� r�_ ti•�� A proposed buagst Fo� 1965 was pae�aeat�d by DoRti,a, Aftts diseussioa aAd amsndmsnt o£ the Psoposai. nlotioa wa8 ss8� by Sughese seCOnded by skjervold that the folla+iag bn8qft �opoaal fo� 1965 bs adopted by the St�b-camoftt�so Motian carri�d. �i ��� /"� � ��_ !� '�_��1l. "�, ' �r� u. .(r,.,�c_:i; 475.10 475.10 475.12 475.12 : u. r:Y� .15:' �'ri; 44_i. Dir�etar Park St�p�iutq►�nt 3 Pai^ti-tim� mon 3 Part-tims st�tts Si�-T0T7►L 4.200 4, 6� 3,825 3.120 _ 11;6�5 4T5.12 8agir�M�ipq l.Opp 475.12 Public alo�ks 8mplay�a 5, 20Q 475.13 �baeUltant SexviCes 1,000 TOTAL PSRSO�IAL SSRVIC$S $23.U25 .ty;�.,� ...•{�;,,��. - 475.20 Coouaicatiaas 200 475021 Priatiuq & P�licatione 100 4i5.22 Utilitl�a bpp 475.23 Travsl, Co�f�ramc�s, 6, 3diocla 200 475,24 !lsi�t��: & �aix of Bqnipmett 1,000 475.26 Mainta�anca & R�pair of Iaq>sove• atints (SM SCh�dule �l bslav) B1,8i0 475.29 OtL�r Co�traety�ai Sorvieos 3�200 4?5.30 OtfiC� St�B'i��8 100 475.33 ibtar Fuel at�d L�ricants 350 475.36 -. - ��_� - � 475e39 Cen�ral Si�ppli.os 1,500 - 475e40 AMttaL 2.500 475041 Iuevrancer 6,Ba�da 1,000 475e46 LiC�pses & Taxes _ _ 2� 1�� � ��i$ � $�Zes$S ..�.' Y_ 1_. �.�1 M_.�_.. 475.51 Suildiogs & 3brttCtutes (sea sdt�dule �2 be5,arj 21,885 475052 Fusoituse & squl,p�oe�t 475 475e53 �/aChi�cy & Shop Bquip�mant 525 475 a 54 AesogsoettY.g at�d g� & Nat�r Ccoq�etim gar Moa�o Lake B�aah, 16.698 TOiPAi. CAPI'P11L OUPIAY $39, 583 � � Pers�ai sax�vie;es otiier S�nses Capital Ontluy 23,025 32,585 39,583 T�� �� B�r $95.193 f�.T�.�':i_i �lil � .. �yL4�y 1.1 .4.� . , I� �.,l�y�t:Iy ) 4: .I/ y �� / � ..Y��1��L..i_ _ west side oE �t,00�e Lake Clay and t3raaing 3oOditg TOTi1L QiC planoers► ^ Clay snd cicadto�g S�edinq TOTAL �• �, . 1 _ <_� r_ i TOTAL $9.000 �� $ 9.780 � 2.600 380 $ 2.980 �� 7t3� StsNt Soutlt of T.B. #100 Gradinq aF Sod /'� sylvan 8111a 7ttt Stx� Swtth Caomons B� Broad ane Sygo Ci�al Rapairs of T.B. #I00 it1 otlfet a�as raraw Aaooa�r a�s.ab ) ) � i 1 i i,000. yarda 6,000 250 $ 6,25Q 300 640 $ 940. ,� i, �60 �xi,sao � n 1� � --� �t-- - '�ri�:�t`.iL c�1!_.�.�'S• i.�" .i�.4.i.���t�1.!li`' �e � L1�btB fa� Hall Diamoad Sackstop 2 Tef�uis t�et8 E'�t�ei�g TOTAL Y ._1�. r. .v � lNlodf► Maoor Larg� 1l�tltl-�urpop Coart i�assi�o�g Souse Saaketop 8 Hask�E FwnCiAq TOTAL Loc]co P,� Small Co�uet Bridgee TablYS & Fitiplae�s TOTAI. Broad � Huao aacac � ssii sasx.t e ascxstog TOTAL 7th St�C�t Soutb og T.B. �100 Saall Cour� 8askrC �� �►��� 8u�s Jack & Jill $4,600 660 3,300 56i1 $ 9,120 ... � $a�4Q� i�boo 360 $ 4,360 $1,200 600 504 77A $ 3,074 $ 600 800 200 $ 1.600 S �oo 364 $ 964 $ � 144 s �a� .�� 4�Sth Maia /'1 F�aCe $ 1.086 ., TOTAL ACOOiAfP 475.51 $ 337 $21,�85 PARKS A�1D PLAY(3RO�1D8 Si�-OO1�II'1R'�B 1�'PIiTG DQD1U'PS3 - JI� 8. 1964 n (Continued� �=.�i_"'i���•�':::.-���.r�:� a�;-;,�_� if Y_ It was agre�d that halcaEarYat t]te 3ub-ao�oitt�s•a segular u�etinqa will be held au tl�e 3rd Nonday of ead► month. �.':_i.y _:�i�:� r:i%��__���1 Joiut Maetiag wit]s the Racr.atiaa Comiatasion oa Juae 29. 1964 - Ti.mf eAa PlaCe to b� S�t. Reqular �iNtitg of tb! Sub-ca�oitt�e - July 20, 1964 at Midland Co-op at 7t30 P.M. C�airman Ti►c�mpsas d�clar�d 1�s msetiaq a6joura�l at 11:3A P.M, RaspOCtfully sut�mlttad: �, Rab�rt J. 8ughes secr�ltary to the s�-aomoittoa Attacl�ment (Wack Plaa Par 1964-1965) /� � � --,,.�.�,,. „A a.,.,a„a .>x .a.,- � e�e r i, a _ _ we.i�. d ,. � (` : � • . Y � ,. �P 09ni11 l ."bG)SJ� � _ _ Q ` � ^+ � �� �IURi:c ' : r , �� _� _ '� r� . �n `� �` 1� `�.� y`/'',/�~✓ w `�. g • .`.e J� \.00. svtv_ . . � - � ' " _ ;, `\ ��.lily� rfi� : � ' � ' ' �,_ � t�� � �. — � � —, w� � �. i1^ - .,, _ : � , � .. , �.� � � —� ' , .�� . . oierna�v w� -' ���� �` �PROPOSE.� �ES"GN FO.R . LOCKE PA(Z.K C. 1 T`� O� F R.l D L EY ��-�s�r .>r�;m.z� �,l ^',^ �.~ �, V � � { ��� , �� 4. , ii I �°`�"^�' R. r i ; , , Jt � �"' � •� "V� 5 �', . ��. �' �� � � {;� t�� ,'`, F �t. w �o �� � . �1'. � ' . •�1� ����� 4� :. �f ��;