PR 08/24/1964i,
��f ,;.'�ri. � ♦ � t2.- :96 ' 1 1 '
a'!za m�eti.syg of the CamaissioA was cailed fio c�rder at 7s45 P,�9� ia� tls+�
�re Hiyh T�ch�°s Lounqs with Mr. �ughes presidirg.
,,,;....,. ;,. .,. �:�i�..
. .,s• ..,..,:,
Huqhea, Sangstor. Graeff. DunF�hYo Sward
$arYj► li�BBS�.Ck� JOi1ri SOZi�ert� DOII M@pESSo RLi&5�97.2
8sndarsoa, and a group of about 25 toenag�se
The rairxuCes af the moatiaq of �uly 270 1964 wero approv�d as mailed.
, � . �. �.:. .r:i-: ` r` : w-. : •�ti '. � e-i�. � ' • :+��.�i��:i•. �r :
Kro He�derson rsportecl tbat a tat�l of 321 membarsahips xexe aold a�
S1o00 � faoC Y2te iceea�age �eaeation proqrame A sitbgle progxam
coanbin3ng Js o Higb aad Ss o 81qh stadeats shaald be avo3d�ci e��ion
b� �aeff, �ac�ded bl' ��P�'+Xo that tho Recreation Caamisalon e�x,}ness
��s ap��iaticssa fos the intares4. ahavn ia the ��tal �oui°,�
G��er just caa►cauaea a�sa s�ggest r.hat the snt�es�ea partses �ecc�-
s�nci to t3xe Itocrmation Gaaaaissian a form af c�tructive for
contirauing {�3ss b°outxt Caater4 Mation carriad,
•..• •.. .•i :. : �._
Approximatsiy S00 boys participated in the basaball program with 6T�
oP the bcsys �a a�t�d�acee An ave�age of 2 or 3 forfaits p� day cauie
of 12 gsaae�a Som� boys played bofih Recxeation atui Little League b�.s�-
balYn Playess aam�a principally faraa c�tral area of Fridleyo �o
�olmberet suggested that mose stre�s shc�uld be placed va p7layixx3 a
laigl�er qual3t� of bas�ball with a baseball clisaic sc�aednl+dd ,�rior �o
the su�er programo 8e ffelt that the schedule was too laag and
suggss�ad a 6 week program with play-offs at the end of �ae ��ason�
�oys hiSed aS t�mplx'� s9�BtJ�3us8 l�cked eAthusissms but d1d � 3at1s-
factotYr�� jo2y� wpith6Ythe T-ball and P� Wee lesguese The J'uiiior 3.�gue
ia�edB adaalL M��ienp
�►a Cc�mmis�ioaa wianimously co��d Jcahn for his wark as bas�ba2l
ear�nissioaezo and askeK7 tlsat h� submit a writtett evaluat3.on c�� �ae
base1oa17� p�o�a� for ottr files�
.t, >��� ,►�,�� ,.�,
� Dan repatted �hat 720 �wrim�aeKS ircaa 6- 32 yesrs sigaed up fo� �he
awi�g Proqram> �30 registexe@ for s7s. and sr< Life savinga Approse�
�eats�.y 60 me�thers attended awi�uo,ing cla.ssea o $1, 20A o00 was tak�n 1r:
£re�nn th� sa�� of bsach sticace�s, It�ceived maqy complime�nta on th�
2i�G�ATZ(�d C.t�tYS5IQ�3 I�STING NINi)TS5 � AUGU3T 2�4, 1964 �C�ta�.arau�?;
' `� �,.
staff. Alnst of th� ataff will b� available neark yesuc,
R�aoarks and St�ggastionas
Ei e
n l0e
Op�tt bea� at the samo time as Mi�eapalis baat�sos in ox8�
to eap:�talizQ on publie3tya
BnCOitrage moth� ° s pYC�gx'am.
Aattici,pate noe+d fos aa additional i�atsuctos.
Requ3ra proof of s�sidesacee Wh�u yau s�md b� s�ick�s v
�snd swimming applicatiora.
8stmblish rate for fiaking outside the city people into ��aQ
8s'tablish etitoria fa� eadi swi�.in4 q=ouP anid give ac4ai�ra-
mexat card o
G�vo boac7t atickatts out at baach ane] sso� s�a! ]. - :�c�a�
8mplay at� itnstzuctor £ar a eot salary sa�hax than a� Yururly
Ax►ticigate �x� hiring oE a n�v beac� directo�a
set *ap 3 oriexatation a�tiwgs with life c�uardso
l o $�l Sld�.@S a!�C r
�.e �'3}18C'1.'{ii�'iJ.6Zis
3 e Gs�►�ai Red Cross Proceclures (curreat cara ren+�a�,bae
e�very two years).
A�slifist as�d boat t�od.
Co�naider replacetinent o£ wooci�n docks and addition of s;�:t8� o�
water Wheole Also a�d a ra�t ar 8.fving dock at norti��
ce�t ssix3 out 100 fe�t at rio�'%h at�a a
Don wi,ll submit txls report on the �w3�incJ Px'o4ra�m sad 3.r► wr�'ti��
£or or�se fileam
i. "� ° � i4. '.,i a m . . .� � . �..r. - i � �ti� �� . � i Y. . � -,�:4. �_4�i' .
Negotiatiot�s foz buyitvg land at Cap3tol and 8ughes axe ea�ercv�y�
Doaxlin has contacted aunes aabd by zsext meeiing should have a�rico,
Use of ye�utis volunemess f�r eleaning up psrks favorablyr xeceived by
ecuaaitt�. �oalisx wi11 t�y to �.nrstitute this psagraffia
° � s ;�. : �'4�r ••�,�
Hudgafi has raa�a�.ned untauc��d � has beex► �camined by Councii w�wtce
�a x� s�uay c�o,� oac.. parx r+u�a�.e� nag vesn Cut $ao o aoa a o0 o se�
worx ou� - sias �or b�crn ho�as� una�ta�aoo �r:ii asx �o= bids aa�S�:ae
aagc�Amlc�t c�o�u�YSSxo� r�E�r�t� �s — a►ucus� xaB 1.969� (�co��s#.a��i)
� Pa�� °�e�
iias ask0d Stat� €ar intarma�tlon c�aceorn3�g fcuture of t�lOax� Lak�a
�; � Y'%'� �+ta • : _; � u
progxam wili follow 2ast year's autl� with tlie add.�.tio� of: �a
I3ay.ioweo�en Paa�ty at t.hs 8011� S�to�Pin4 C�r►ter. {�+arwi�sia� o�:
me�nchauet��q�ga.���yeaij o Pmchaps a baby sitti�g ciinic �ars b� set: �a��
� LI� saA�fi�Y�a ,
� �L.—^--�1�[."Ya�iL� 1,1 •,iy.. i'./ 6. � �.M: .
Grasff mavod that the r�creatian �ommissian rscomm�d to �e ��.ty
Coux�ci.l thafi t�e Park Ordi�nce be amau�ed ba rea� ttEat n� �n��se�.-�
catinq liciuor or noa-S,ntoxica�ia�g �nalt 2�.quor shall b� c�sssaafiasad� flas
]P�k ProP^�'�Y� Second by Sa�rci. I�i�otion aarrle�, �he aya� �i:��� i�
tile 1qIIjOYSt,'�(o
�.��.,Y_ . . .:'�_:'. . , �-"k .
r"1 Monday, 5wpt��s 2$� 1964, 7s30 PoM, at the �ze liic�a Tsactie:�: °a
�_L� -,�k;i.,.
The a�eti�g astjouax:ed at 21:2s F.t9,
Resp�s•tfuTly submSth.eds
�scJs1� S�►ard
s�csa��:az�yr to t�e Cammiasio¢e
�� ��4r 19�6r4
#�^. t3�.� �, �
?7s70 R1vs.�v3.� �r�a�r �csar�l�st
im+'�t33.�*a �� ���432
..,., r ,
;,.. 1u.}'4 � r.: N �M f.l: .i .,
�' r3.. �.> D'.I< �4f `fn.
'SY{ �°1 '..p.S . .f«M'i' #. �� . 0.
i �Y �w�. a'b� .i :. ➢(�c F.ts.r 1.x �i� F f
e. b9 � A.�. li '
O f !t^ }..♦ � if aJ .:. .b.�� • .::s � .!'.$ ' Y _...:: y '
:6 �.) � t.c.'-Si >.V�� i. 5�.% �.b
� = A e .sci, M 1. t..
Vk` .� '- "� �:�a 8 1 i � -f Y .�. '. � �.::. 9 . �'� n�� .• .: i f .: • �asLa R .'N� �.
La. �y� �Ci� #15���y� ��y.y!y'��,@` �� ��M�A�Y��� 4Y ViLiW .
ii�{wAr�ii I &'i.Ywi��R {:�Mg4r4 4ii� {��L�uW ♦ � ..
S�t#3,OSt,�]^e19 �* �
ifeaz°3t �.Y �f��.
/'1 i�NOTBS 0� YABSS Al� PLA°�SOIil�S SUB-COt4a1TBB � AQ403T 3, 1964
Tha meetia,4 wa calged to order by Chaisman ThemPem at 7:30 Po M� at tha
Nidland Cowp 0lEiaee
A cl�lag hour for the buch is ssported to be uaWar aoosideraeiono Susvei�Aauce
oi tha baaeh has bsw cevenlY hai�icappad by lsek of a etated closing hou� this
yaar> A larga s�mber of broken bottl�a havs bean foamd on the beach. The City
polica havs iadieated ehat eincs.paa�le have the ri8ht to ewim at their own risk
at any tisa, the poliae hava dii¢iculty ia knowin8 wt►o should be on the beacho
Isotion bq Hughes, secaodad by Skjervold, that the racord shov that the opimioa
of ths Sub-Coaittea ia tLst tha beach shauld be clossd at 10e00 P, M, aach nigbte
llotiat crrrisd.
It ia tlu uredesataading of the Sub-Co�ittse thae tha preseaC park ordinammce
dalegates the powar of settiag houss og use for parke to tlu Sub-Co�itteeo
Lots 20-25 ia Bloek BB, Aivarviav liei6l►ta, ue offerad fos as2e to us fox $450000
^ each plue asseeam�ntsa Plotion bq �ughea, sec�dad by Eampson, that Donllin be
authorixed to proesed wlth acquiaitiaa of thaae lots at a total price noC to
excaed $3,500.00 iucluding ali aaaarements and tazeao Motion esrsiede This
purchase is part of the loag tesm plan for land acquiaitlera, Purchasa wi�A be
chasgad against the band accamt.
Negotiatiaa for D.am1 eouth of the a�ttstiag psrk at Capitol and Hu$hes haa ba�wae
Ho prica hae bsea set, but one ia expeetad to be ast this weeke E)onAia wi?1Y
coatinus mgotistioos and heve a iirm deal aet up for deciaion at the nosct
mesting of the Sub-Committaeo
.� � . . . .�: M. : PI
Bids received for constsuctim of the t400re Lake Beuh House were a�3 too hi�ho
The lor+ bfd was $15,SOOe Origiwl satimate waa $11.600. Beea�endatlan hF
DoaRin ChaC � get new (lnformal) eetimatos �nd ca►sider the gossibiAi�y �f
contzacting tha �ob ausalws lates this paar or iu the Spriag. Tha Sub��nitic�
authosised procaed and rsqueated him to sepost at the �st �eti4ge
�otion bq Skjtrvoldp aecondad bq Hughos).
Lxetia► oE aaphalt court at psrk ia auggest� for space wesC of presaat �icnic
^ grounde Actian def�aad amtil the averall pban £or tho Pask 1g Psaea�ated by
Glsm WalYacas
MiHUTSB 0� PARKS NID PLAleGA01JAD8 SDb-CQ9Q1TB8 m AII�UST 3, 1964 (CatCinued�
Doalin will inetail a drinkiog fouaWa at ehe ehelter tfiis month.
SpeciaT caeaeittse conaid�tia� a golf courea %r lridl�y intemde to maka a zeport
aho=tly aftel Ati,QuaE 17s 1964v
A� TO CHA!'P68 78 OF 186 CIZff C�E,
A proposod amendment Co C6aptas 78 coneidered by the City �wucil et the au�y 7
meeting vss raftrrad'to tiu Sub-Comaittee. After diacuseYat,.the coneanaus was
ehat feee for uas of psrk faciliti�a are jwtified aavly whan apeeiafl aasvices
�re raquised £or Che op�ration of the facility {for numpla. tha City basch�ja
Whess ths uss lo�d oa tha £acility doea uot impoae a hardship on ths citiaem of
Fridlsy. controi of access bq a fas epst� aNms uajastified,
Motioa bq Skjatvplda aecondad by Hughae, th9t tha Sub-Co�ittee a7cpless nou-concus-
re�a with "An wrdiaanca emanding Cliapter 7g og ths City Cods to psovide permita
fur parkiug in the public parka�� as first read at the City Council meetiag on
July 7a 1964.
/\, Diacussion oo the motioo brought out these major poiats oi a4grs�meat by the
' membere of the ca�ittee:
i• �pe� and free aceesa to pnblie Eands should be tiys baaie pol4ey oE
owr pask syatsm, The parke are me.of tha pflacea•whare citiaens caa
most esaily sw t4►eir taz doiiara wrorkiag Por th�m> Access to the
paaks rhould be as fsae of restrictioa ws the condationa and faciffiities
2. Tihils it is secogoiz�d thst ths City's iirst duty ia to pravide park
facilitioa fos its owa residente, it ie also recognised that visitors
eo eha Citq are impraesed bq aad sr�ember a well run amd soeessible
pasko Tdsrai`ore, it is felt that good public relatia�ns ealls for
makia; the Ciip'a parlcs aecesaible frealy to viaitors ae lang as
a�r own eitiaeas' use of the paske ia not hiadsred.
3a pea f�Be aod othar saetsictiom on ues of park faciliiia ahould be
imposod aniy in spacific caaas orhere eithar the capicity of the faciPity
ia being aaceadad or whara tha eoet of prwiding the fa�flity ahaapd
proposly be paid by the ueess. Our praesnt beach ie an eaample of the
first sitwtio�e A golf couras. if ona were built would eaemplif�
the second aituation.
4o Tha eost of policing an "aeroae ths bosrd" requiremeat for pasking
pasmita in ths parks would be wry high. Et wmld require a fu1T time
/� gate sttesdant at each park vhete parkiag Yota are msintainad aver
a maj�or pare of ehe yaar. ♦ guard vouAd be required at the Co�ons,
for asampls ftam Daeaob� through aid^February during ala�tiag season
a� ft� Mnq to September during baeebell susaa.
PIIIA)?BS 0� PARES A�D PLAL�AO� 808-COl4QT1'SB m AUGDST 3, 1464 (Continuad)
IIpon a voice Yote, thn Sub-Cwmittea goted unaninouelq in faycx of the motia�e
lo Items reperted for lniosmution:
a. T4e R.ereatian Ca�isaion la spoosqring a beach dance at Moora Lalce
� Baach an Wednesday. August S. The dance waa undestakea ec the requeat
af a gsoup of teeu-agere in the Citqe The Co�iasian agreed that no
furthes raqnesta for such affairs will ba eoasidared until thia dance
hes been evaluaeede Iiembers oF ths Sub=Committee are invit�i to attead.
b. A 2� week program oi seesastion for Juni� and S�ios,High School
studsnta will be rua beginnii►g August 6 at Parkview School. The
progr�,will be hald ia the'wening and wiSl feature ping pong, volley
ball. danciag, a� othes �tiyitieb which ase desired bq tlie participactsa
Diaeetor of the progsam will be ?!z. 8usse1l flendersan oP 63� Way, Frid3ep.
b, A aub-ca�ittea of the Ca�issimt is studyiqg a laasg�sauge plan for
recraetianal usas of our park land. A report caa be eapected 8ater this
fall. Coaeultation with Glea Wallaee maq be desirable duriag the atudyo
n Requests for hia aervise vill be diracted to 19r, Thaoq►sop as the need
d. The Co�ission is atudying ths psoblems and possibilitioe of a apeed
skatiag psogram, 8ece�ati�s � facilitiea needsd will be made to
Lhe Park Ca�ittaee
2. Itama seported with rnqueat foz ttetlm;
a, At the joint mantiag of the 8eereation Commission aad Paska Sub-C�ittee
an �vae 29� a sesolutiea urging that s psogsam utiliziqg voluntaar
aeeietmce in sueh srox�k as park rlean=up and deeela�nt ba adopted was
passede Such a progsam, particularly simed at the y�xu�g yeopSe of the
City, is felt to be aa excellent caty in which to build up a feeling of
respanaibility to�xrd city prepertp. The 8eesoatiaa Ce�iasion usges
that aueh a program ba adoptai aad applied to .ny patk projact in which
volvateer luelp caa ba usad affectivelq.
b. It haa be.a raported tLst Che ast supporta on aevaral of anr te�ie cousts
ara too Low to suppozt a atandard n�te If thia repost ie correct, the
Ca�ieaion sequssts that the coudition ba eorrect�d immediatelyo
ce It is suggasted that a drinking fountain be installed neaz the shelter
at Lxke Pask.
Copias of two job dsacriptiowe gor Park and $�sastian Disectoa are attacl�s8 to
theae mimites g� iafaa�msti� aad cansideratione
14otian by Skjervold, seco�nded by 8aopsou, to apprava the minutas oi the �une 8
maeting as �silad. I�fotiaa earriede
1�8TIN�3 S�tII,BD
August 17 - Begular seetiqg of the Sub-Co�ittee at 7:30 at Midlmid Comop Offfee�,
August 31 - Joiat Meeling vith tha Aaersati� Ca�iasian at 7:30 ia ehe tuchar°a
;...�amg� at �ridl�y Jwior eigh.
r� ���,��,����.�_�
On a motim by Sk�ervold� seco�ed bp Samgson, th� msating wae ad�wrumd at
10:55 P, li,
Ra�pectfully submitted
8obmst 3. $aghes
Seeretarp to the Sub-C�ittee
T?,ie ia hi�A.Iy respancible admiaiatza:iva specialiaed word� in tt:a mires2a�m
and ae;�erv+isioa oi par}: pl4:nning sad �c;vale,.ment for city a�cnsor�d recr�a�c_�.1
and pa.-Ic ac.iviiiea. _
Vdork invalves the :o�pon�ibility for p2aanin� and ccordir.sEi:z� t'�e ��ve3a�-
mer.e a�.� rz�uintenance� oi park azeas ar.d for p.�nzin�, or�ani�i.�� ar.3 ciiroctl��
cify recrertian p:ogramc, iaeluding adu;4 �3:cat:on, Reaflons'sb#licy e•� e::dc :ss
prorno:fn;, ci2y athletica, se2ecting staff for cc� dccting pro,n,z:n�.., su� erviaing,
ar.�+ i:�s�4vice trein=_ng ozo;;ram�, V✓oric i� g�rx`ormed �r.�:er ti:� ��raasal �ua3r-
vi�io� of ch3 City ?✓iana�er; hawaver, '� la";,e 3:ncunt off the deacreYifln ic �xo:-
cis �d in vrc�ram adminiatra:ion.
_4.^!4p,a�.rGt,^:S C}F'�4'10^��; PF.;a^C>±pR'-{�
Plane and d•.rects th3 •:iosk oi ats:zere�_c ;�,:t Yi-:se inv��eu�8csra �.ztd.eaders
in carry=_r.L oui cducational and recreu4i�n-ai pra�xams.
A.tmnd� m.^.ctin�s of thc Park� �r.d R,ecreation Comr.zf::._:�>:; �d providso
reaaortv aa3 d�tsi3ed back�ro•:rsd mztcr;v.t for 6.i:em.
�c:c•ercpo and guidca forrnation ai recreational zad �duc�.•:' -�»; pro�sarna
a.r.d �cY,�ltalES.
I��.rforr:�€ o�e,ensivo p•..'�lic rei�:a�.a� crt�•ra: fa enliat eiv�c �.�u ay.d��.3•
s.��or2 ar.rl garzfcipaiicn in varim�a nr��z�::.zc.
P.�':s':e� peziodic visita to racrevza.c,�zvl a,°:� CCi'3CF1L`30� CCF,4@P8 g^i c+r;,flL�se
wctivaties a..°:d determine effcciivene�� ef pro�rar,�3,
T�tequ:�itfona neeced m�4CY13�8� �i2T.�,i1C$ �"..:SC� 0'�'�..$estiv°$i� �s"F0�$Y�3:e Qi:°�°.3`.?i•
r:sent b�:::��,tvey rec��ecte and muin8ains oYfice �c:mis�islraLiv� recordao
Pre, ares and d'ast ribLtos �ub2icity ezi�2cri�lo.
Cor��ucts inservice tr� �revra.:>;; ffor etaff inea:sb�rs, � •
DESf_RR3L�: KVO1M1+Lc^.DCE, SF{YL.Z,S .latdD :'��'i,ITI��
Ti�ozo.e�h knowled,3c of plannin�, achclulin�, pu51?ciainr� �a3 exccuSian oi
e;�tenaive 34hletic, recrcational �r.� �Cucaiier.�.l pro�rz:a-as,
�onsidr:rablc knowled;e oi tho philas;;-::;y :.r,,3 c�jectivz� of �u:.Iie rs,c:��.;cn,
I{r:��vied�e of puo2ic acrnir,iotration anc orgznixation metho�'� sr.d pr�aee�'urem.
A��Iitj� t0 wil4C CIC3., concise reporta.
�.ona:c?erao.e abiliSy in meoti�a� vwith eiu:;s, civic �roti�ss ar�d fa:�3vfcu�.la t�
o:cglain �a�3 ae�ure aceivo part'sz?na:ian nrogrzrne.
Ca:�iderablc ability in oetabliahir.� vnd m�inia3:.ia�g ci��:esiv� vser:�iza�c,
rel.�.�ia =�..4� vafth employoca, c3ty officials an� !ho gene,ra8 pv:a:.fc.
?T''1;.�.:13.l�s l:�/)�.[��1{lY«%1M1�4J:L ti�YEJ i�l�3n:.'tn:�Yl
^ �averai year'a ex}�Qrie7ce in a'sty Farrc oz a�.c:F;�,:g�� ;� �er��;;�;,.�
:n a suaosvisory canacity, Previous ek;i�rience in a�,ar?c ar.� _�tre�iie:s ��� �-g_
r-°rn� i:� a cc�munity havin� a po�ulation ot at leaot 1�J,0;3�. C�41e�o degaoo iax
r�rk ar� recrmstion adminfstratioa. Tpiree to five yeare e�serience in g�r2,�
z��;czEasirsn adr.sinfatrarion.
� Phie ie adminietratfve and pro£essional work'ae chiet adminiatsativa'
offioer uader the Rocrentioa and Parke Comnieeion.
The Superinteadent ie reeponaible for the overa2l y2anniug, adminiatra—
tioa, and.aupervieion-ot the leareatioa program sad to�C tLo planniag,
developoent und naiataaanoe ot reoroation areaa-and facilities. 'FVork ie
periormed nnder the general eupervieion oi the Citq lianager and tae 8eereatioa
and Parke Canmiaeion,.npon echioh ia.represenCed the oity, the eahool distriot,
and the oommunity counoil. -�York aa ordinari2q reviewod throngh d3sonssiona
and reporte. . _ _ ;.
Ser�es as technioei advisor to the ESannger and the Commissioai �nbmita
plana, furniehos data aud reaorsiende policiea Yer their oonaidoratfon asd
Pians; evaln�,tea� sud Anproveo the pro�raa o3 86t24�tt8B to bn apaneored
and initiates now activieios. �peciak feetnroe, eervicos ansl proj6cta.
Prepares. sev4e�te, and snomfta the budgat, preparee reports, and eval-
natea the pro�ram and park'oteratioms,
Ie reeponeible ior ths recrnitment, employraent, oranni$ation, training�
and eupervision oY all pereonnel conneotod with aIi phaaes ot reoreatfonal
leadership a.nd supervision, plus park aad swimeafng beach aup�rvieion and
Organizes aad adminiotrates the puDlio relationa progrom b�. iesniag
pnblicity through newapapera� balletine, radio and displayy; publicly addreases
groupe and organization� aad emnloys othe7r methode to inform arsd edaoate the
aommnnity of recrcation ead park iunotiona aad aotivftiee,
Asafate in the atndy o� the needa oi th� comuiyunity and Yormnlates planq '
ior future developmoat of racreatiou ead park areae and Yaoflitiee to meet
thoee needa.
8orvea as a liason between df4isreat organizationa contributittg to
recreai,ioa support pina organization nad dlraction oY valunLeer reeraatipa
advisory graupa repreaenting axeas or grojepte.
Conaiderable knowledge of the philoaophy aud abjectivee of public recrea•
tion and arics
P •
Sno�rledge oi busitteas and or�aaizatioa methoda sad proecdnres.
Ability to plan, promote, org�nize� and d3rect a large athletio,
reereatfonal, and par�c pro�ram. _
Ability to meot sad addr�es aommnnity and other groups.
�,,.a..,: � ... D�3IR.ADL� + ^.
�XP:,2II;isJCw A��7A T3iAININ6
:�, .. ,.. .. .,w
Gradnation fron a college of recogniaed standfng vith a gajor ia
reoreetion pins oae year of �radnate vork in recreatioa {with preferablq a
Liaster�■ Dagree in Reoreat4onal Adainietration) pino ta�o yeare o# experiancs
in the Yield of publaa recreation inalnding administratioa� saperviaion,
programming, paraonnel management� Yinaaoing, pnblia rolationa, sad park
planniag� davelopmeat and maintenanoe
or '
' � reg. a
3uparlatenden$ of $eareation & Parks (Cont'd,�
I �
� Gradnation irom a oollega oi recognized etsnding with a rcejor in
rooreation plus three yanre oY esperience�in public racrQatfon inclading
ad�a3niatrationy eapervisian� programming� personnel manageme»t, 2inanoiag,'
pnb2la relationsi:.aad park planning, devalopmeni, aad maintenauce. .
, ;,. .
� _
! ^