PR 09/21/1964/'1 �L7Ul$3 OP PARKS AND PLAY(�i.OUNDS SUB-CU�TPTSS D�ETING - S�P�B� 2i ..
Memb@�S Pz�ta�tt
Otit►ers Pz�enta
O t►
Thamg�son, Swaason, Skj�anrold, Sampsaa�, Hughes
Petk Dfl'IKYtO� I70ri11Ae M1Co cien waliace, Mts� a!lt�A
Bukovich of tiw Leagae of Wamen Yotexse
B�totion by swaasoa�, sacoaded by sampsoaa to accept the minutes oi the
August 3. 1964 caeeting se matlacl, Motioa �a�crl�3a
�_ �t_iY�_� � _ 1.«_
PrSnciples o¢� �hfch plan fo� Locke Paxk 1s based:
i� 7"hs plan i8 riOt pressnted as a Caaplete ids3s but �a 8 b�s1s fa�
camaaittas co�ssiderati�.
^ 2 � ReCOmmehdations for considetatiaa� by the conmittae in tite lcaase3f.� 4e
ao Z'he road be�ween the ah�lter and the rreek int�rf�x��:
with a natural p2ay area and sh�ld be mrnredn
90 T9u north boundary of #be park lies to tYee south of the p�es�it
east�wast rosd lyinq aa�th of th� eheltare 1'he road liea oxs
Mianeaota Transf•r Railroad propeztye
4a T'he ennsYxuction of tiie Natth Suburbaa Sanitary 3eMrex Disir3ct,
w311 r�saow a nambpr of fixees along tha narth edge af t#=e parke
T�+� line'ia �ected fio run 20 feet aorth of aad parallal to kh�
i�Or'Yh 9dq� Of tYIE� p�ks 1aCFV�►B= 0 1t w211 af £eCt tli� app�Hx'szi�e ��
the �arke Yt is dosiralsl� to make arranqmooeata with No�aSoSflDe
�&aa� in construction of tta� liaee the miniraun damaqe be cione ta
�da� p�nxk proper•ty o
50 3"hs �3.ata previously subtnit�tt�d ,in whic�s no Yhtco� trafcic was
�aawa ttucouqri the park appe�ara i�sactiical � sa� �iraulation
of mcr�as traffic shoulc] be pranr3c3odm
P1dE1 P=BS�IItOdt
OPOOaB Ax'68 ��IASil1t 20�i7 =A�ZOtttAd p8Ik111Q t0 !far'th mYt�i t5&B� Of
sheltar, play eoust a� playgrcn�nd squipmaa�t to northaas�t oa
��lt.aC, PiCniCkitrg in ptaesnt pidsie area e�ad woods to a�st o
woods to be partia].ly brna�ed oute
�Yma s�aixt oE drealc - opesi ar�n, d�ision oaa purpos� �e�t beEt
�.���5 0� ��.s �
210 �95� (Con�inued)
t �^�:��' :ii.. .:.]i: � l .._ ...i-.')C :.'
unt21 Eoot bsidqes are built �o op� the as�a from the arsrt;ha
Nortiiea►at area - a possib�e asaa fcs amall 4rou� cau�ea
Wst aaud - space fa� op�i arwa rrcreatloz► - teanis couxtse
�obogqaa� slope. stco
Basis €ar Futurf Plannitgs
Tt►e fol,lavit�g is sqzesds
sa 'i'tte Cawmittas reaa�6s aqait�t establlsLment of aanp
Statta Ai.� roadwayys ixt os con�igtxous with E,occlt� Pat�ko
b. Th� gsnsxal l�yout of pa�k swds showa o� Mro 6�alla��°s
pl�n nre satisfac�ary to th� Co�itteeo
co Closing the road south af the sbaita� le a de$irable
develo�t of tbe prosa�t picnic grow�d,
d, plap court as�d oqui,pmmait azea shauld ba lxated as
shawsi on ttte plaad
Pt�rk� klotlari CaTtied.
s :�; a • ;,:_tj;{ • ' v: w�'='� `'.! .Y.4.i. • •.�. i:
2'h�xa is some iadieatioa that soma group is pianr�i�q to raise tYx�
lev+e7. flf 7,oag Lalce by damm� tha outlst. �aestiou is raisad aes iao
�ih��r tlhe �ssue oi impouading Al.ct Crealc east oE ca�tr�L �v�n�xe
should be re�-opeaed�
Tltc�pson wi11 pick yp topographical msps
which wauld be aSfectad, �. Don11a wi.11
+Couasty Co�mlis�ion�r Ni'k� O°SsTUto� to s�Be
plates st�► development 3x► this arasa m
' r . �7 . :i• �. ���:. :i:�. r•
of �he area in Ramsey Co��y
diseuas ithe mnfite� wi'cT�
3f tra� CouAty $osrd coa�ms-^
�!'!as C3ty owas E,ots 15 fihroucjh 20 1a4 Block S, af Riverviavr 8axghtso
$80T�55 isi sgociai Assoasments are rnxtstsadi�g ou the ai.x iatsm
TSdC@S j)�,' �Ot j�0i` ]►BSY 21i• 87.OUIIC; `q�$e00o W jl8V6 �'1l9S 2'6�j1168t'.8(1
to aell Lo�s 19 atid 20o No BpeeifAc offsr lsas be�► maded The
Ca�oittes has sw plaa £ar developaoemt ox t�►is ia� as a psrk� No
usofra2 cievelol�msnt can be fr�s�ta
hz,:�.+�"ds"i'�S O�' T�d�5 ADI7J 8L2�SCGR01k1US St38�h0!l�KT� �SSTYr1�s � S��'A�s,�i���
2I� 1964 (�osth.iriued)
o MotioA Cattied,
r,�nd the.,,�lacin,�_ of the �oce�eds of
� to be�us�ci far f�stur� ourchas
.��. ,. � i�:l� iM�� i�_'�i� � �����_��. D y•..
c.i `_a�:>. ..
Ox� lot is tax tax�ttit uawo The other wtll bacaaae fc�f�it SFS OctoSa�s•N
IDiscusslaa►s havs be�n held with tUm owaexs who haw proposed �a caav�y
iao�E 16 by Warrax►tg Dosd aa�d I.o� 17 2�► 4uit Claim Deed for a�ot:al of
$i,5�0m00B s�jact tio autstandiag ta�aes and assassisasta< 5�,87ae00 3xi
ta.^ses �d aeses�ts are outs�F.sndis�g aqainei the lots. The bezzst f,as�
foxmatian a�n those lots 3s tltat tb�y are not buildabl8�
l��.on b� fiucyhmsa sacaa�ded bY Si�ia�vold,, that the Co�.tta� �sacca�d
to fiiaet City fihat the City mov� imcoocilatelX to aCdlulre f.o� J17. b�ry t.�e,,
fo�fei.Cure axad _to n.9ottat�a P�'dsaose oac othsr aoguisi�.ion of i,o� ?16
at t2f,e most apmronriate timem Maa�i�n carr2ed„ �V
-'1, . 6 Y;�;.� r,. � «.� � i_917iSi r� " ��- _V. '
$lo�3o3i ia assesa�aents ie outataadinq aqainst tho lats� S�i���
of lota is $450 v00 esclt � Total cost would be $4�,183 e31 � I�. %�iaer
appoata that two ad83tiaa►al xots waald be aeeded to psrnrids co�i�ts�l.,y�
opea► accesa to �ttie sajacat�t parx lanae
Motiw by Swansoa�o aecaada�3 bY 8ugl�esa to t.ablo consideratioa� saf ic1i�
purc'�ase un�i]. alternativos fas acc�ss atm� ixnvestigated,
i'h� pool ixa 5ylvan Patk has dsi.ed u,p, City Sagiae� 3►as .ts�qta�c�� �s
�o our plaas far the �aal� aswn 7'hw Co�oittee has rna plaus fcsr �e
aswa at i:he preaent timea
,.�. �__a-,.. .� � r,.� . -,•.i:�'��- �
Ft1El�'�.8 dCe �Oj�08AC� 8'G 'F.Z►A f`O�.lOWSE13 81'C�AE
^ SS/ZV�6f1�i17F c¢'09ii1t7 iS dYj►'
48t1n & l�ain*
�e Lakeo
� i�c3�c��s Warmiaag Sousa
��0� M81�Q� �:llM}
Ri.cY Creek 3diool
8ast River Rosd Sdhaol S�.�:�
t�cpitol aud HuqhOa
Asoa,d axed Huqo
S6�Ia � 8l+sia
^ x].Q �964 (caatsawa)
y'�� ...� . .� " h1, ' . :i: � H' i;: ' M•
:Y_,._ 1.1 L' _:..�_1_. � � "►' � �_�'���1� i
A draft jcb dsscription fuz d Park and R�ec'Ceatian Dixecta� wais
gzeaontse�i, lSotior► by soansan. seconded by Bughes, to reoe�ive th�
raca�datio� and aam�end tlae Co�mittea fos its efforte
. .. � . r . _is't r; =y:4 �s� -
A resolutlon adopting rui�s for eonc9uct o£ Joiist meatiAgs of the
Parks aad Playgrouads sub-cammtttea aud Recrestian Cam�l,ssioa� was
prssented, Motion ]�y Sughes, saconclea by Sampsoa. Discussione
4�ion by swanson, soco¢xied by skjmvola to tabie, Iso�ior► aarri�d,
lLo�tion bg auc�t►es, aeconaea by sxjdrvola, that untal suct, eime� as
rules for comluct of ,7oint meatia�^s sha11 bs aqrl+ed to bg the pa�g
Cc�nittee aa�d �t►� Rocr�atiaai Co�oission. ao further joint mae�ia�gs
s�a1i 7� sc't►eduled.
�;+.v r� �� .
Next r�yults� moeting of the Parks and P2a4ygrounds sub�-co�an�t��e
r+ill bt h�.1.c3 oa Moasc3ay. October 19, 196e1 at ?a3Q P�,lRa at �hm
l9ldia�d Coop Officase
• , . �� ,� :;:a.:
Ther+e bei�g no furtha buainassa, C�sirman T'ham�paon �clare8 tYie
s�t�xj aajousnAd,
1Zesp�c��uLly sub�nit��ds
atui��er� J<. Etnglt�
secr�taxyr to ich� sub-�cauenittoe�