PR 10/26/1964�
The meeting of the Comodeeiaaa was aalled to order at 7e45 P.M. in the Jr.
High Teacher�s Louage xith Mr. Aughes preaidinga
A�&R3 PftE9FNTs Hnghea, Sangeters GraeffD Wrip,ht� 3ward.
OTf�R3 PRESBNTs Harry MesalCk� Chuok 3heridan, Bill Frank.
MINUTE3 C!' MEETllafi �' 3EPTEl+IBER 29, 196l�:
The mitsutes oY ttie meeting oY 3eptember 29� 196lts vare approved aa correctede
Mesara, Ch�ak 3herldan and Bill Frank of the FMdley Little Isague reported
aa► their seaeome Approximately 185 boys participsted this year. They e:pect
to add 2 teams next year, bringing the totnl aumber ad boys partic3patia� in
the program to 250. Ua3Yorme �mare bought for the Major Lea�e teama, donated
Yor the Minor Leagne tsams, Money was raiead m tollrnra: $12Q0 froaa apo�sors
�200 fram aelling ade for pa�ogrems� $300 fram ooaceasianee $�200 fsrom Mother�s �
Hall.gameo Hoys ara ncw eelling canc�y, Alao they have comuitments from nerv
spo�sora to �.ck up tesms. Hops to add league tor 13 - 15 year olde ao�mpnrable
to Babs Rnth League for next year. Ara ineligible for Nat3asial Litt2e League
memberehip during their P1ret year� but mqq cansider joi�.ng naxt qearo Hawavers
it ia veTq expensi98 aLtending totu7�eurte:ttei etCo
3ome childrea parEicipatad in both
felt Lhe two programe oamplLrented
areas so Lhat ohildren could get
Lootoe Park to develop Littls Le
Road �rill be availab2e nezt year.
reareation and LitLle League Progi•am. They
each oLher. Their teame �ers formed by
to practicea easi]y. Are for an area in
agu� tielda Praaeat area at 79th and Riwr
3�s grnvel in Sooke Peric is to be eold to highxay oontractor, t.hen area will
b, le�eled and oould be leased to Little Lesgue as baseball field, Coimoil
hao before tl�m agaia the park regulation oo�aerning beveragea. Has been
tsbled for reviaioa. The Recreatiam Co�i.asion me�Usre ahonid fesl free Lo make
reoamoeixiaLiona for the position of Chairmsu of the Parlcs and p7,e4y�oimds
3ub-Ca�mittse. Purohaae af both lots at Capi.tol aud Hughes vae app�oved,
I'ark Coa�ittes agreed that aelling aarrd or graveY Yrom Loctos Park rias an
e�roeZ7,s�►t idea. (Feit pa�oYit Yra� sale ahould be alioaated to Park Cammitteeo)
Catoh beain itt 3ylvan Hills has been filled and wSll. be eight o8 Harming housea
Deaided to deI.qy aotion aal Beaah House until atter firet oS }rear, AcaePted
joint rules and acheduled joiat maeting on Navsmber 30s 196lam
Follovis�g the ,tirst Jr. Aigh Dan�� a group o� eohool adod,�aLratora mst and
gave the folio�,pg report at the aahool board maeting: Due to aohool deetruction
++hioh interruptad eohool om�rioul�� the eohool board pasaed a matloa vith-
dr�ri�►B H�ee 3ohoo2 �ax' a�r other achool property) an a aite faa� dano�
for gradea 9 and lwer,
RIDCREATZOl+i COM�ff33ZOTT MEETlNa MINUTES - OCTOBER 26, 1961t (Contiaued)
AARRY t�S3If�o3 REP�tT
There are Ltm aeparate aheoking accounts, one Yor the Youth Canter and
o�e for the Jr. F�igh Danoe Caamnitteao Hngheq reoa�ended t1�at the Yout,h
Cd�ter mon�e� be plaaed in a eaviage accouat and at anoh time that a Youth
Ce�t�r ia faa�m�ad tdrea Lnxs► it mrer �to them, Wagner will get a ruling oa
Lhs Jr, Hig�h Danoe Fimd,
Third aession of bridge ia underwqq with 3Z begimurs. Man hae applied
to tsaoh advax�aed ba�i8ge so perhape olasa canld be formed,
Amt� paae and program Was conducted October l0, 196L, xith 176 boys
Pourtl.oipating. Three �rinnera Yram eaah a6e B�P P�'ticipeted iu the
SRA PRScH campetitlon. There srere 5 wixuyare from Frldley.
The Charin Clinic �iii7. be oonduoted the last 2 reeka of Novend�erm
(l�ll�ul9)Yail�held aL the1�196l�S�a Halloxeen Danae for Fridleq teenagere
�,9 PP�B Center vlth the Montereq e p18yiltgo
DoughmiLe xill be aervad,
Beaah - 3ample of rratsr well below, but would re0000mend eit�her reatriating
numbszs at beaoh or conaider a muxii.cipal poolo
^ s�Y �' Persar�l PeY ° Camnpared vith Mplae, 8t, Paula and Milvraulaae' Frldley
ie way under a� hour],y basis, Taolude achedule Por counail,
Skatin6 iaetructora Harbara See, ie available to tesoh iae akatinig clasess
thie �nter4
Inswra:toe Conmisaiaa► has advieed against hiring retired or older pereoa�e as
xatm3ng house attendantso 3hould check on this age gronp with Coaenisaiort
aRain ae rsg8rd them as vely 7re71ableo
:r � :�i : � r :
311ght aa,1,�stments were made sn the b,iaget withont al¢ertng the toEe7.,
Poesible additdau oY 1 ar 2 areas in the baaeball program xas saggeated,
Inoreaee iz, emphmis ot coomm�mioattng tne publia � tt�e Pubiicity
Broohure to be de7.e�qed uatil nev pereormel hae been hired,
Wat�ning honse houre s�era eatablish,ed ae folloWe: 609 p,m, Moa, o Frio
]A aemb - 9 pam, Chslstmas vaostion and Sato ]2 - 6 p,a►� Sun,
.: � a
Moida,y, Noeember 23, l��ts 7=30 P.M. at the Jro Iiigh Teacher�a loungeo
l�ext JoiIIt MestlaB' MoadaEl'� November 30s 196lt� 7:30 P,Ai, at the Jra High
Teaohn'as Ioun�s,
The msetiag ad,journsd at 11:35 PeM,
Respeattully aubml.tteds
Jackie 3urarde 3ecretary to the Conwi.ssi�
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Srie �t3ag :nsi ::ali�a to a�da by Qzairman 2'hho�p$aa•
M�as Psp�e�t:
Ottt�Z'i PL'M�i
'1�1OI�f80fi• SWaASCQls HL�l�ge gi�fgap
Pitk Dis�Cto� Don11A
�S OF 3l�SA Z1. 1964s
lbtioa� bY �o�• s�aon4od by iiughae to a�oc�pt th� a�iaut�e of tiN
$�P�� �1.e 1964 taNting aa mai2ld,
�C'P !B@�'1'Lili:
Ths �oct �iuq of the svb-ca�2ttN w3,11 be L�id st Mi�dlaad Coop
it 7s30 P.M. ou DTo�vamboac 24, 1964 (TUesday),
Layout advanqd hy G1� wallace waa g�t�sal�y wsll acospt�d bY the
planz111g ComYliBSiOn aAd Cou�1Ci1.
1��. i4' y�,: � - __q ._u
Road caaitxactar pacopos�a to purchas� some 70,000 c�ic yards of eaad
to b� �ou�vatb i°sas wast eAd of Lock� Park. priC� wwid be 18 e�stta
P� Yssd, As�e► would be ctit davn to an �].avation of appocoximatelY
8S5 gNt. Ait�t o�ooavations P�t wonld bf hauled in to cov�r th� areao
PsooNds mqy a� atq► not b� availabl� far Park tte�.
lbtion bY 9waasais seco�d by Sampson tt�at th� Committee qo on zeeo�d
ae l:avo�tag th� sal� of aa� as dascr3bed abow subjset to the con-
tsactos iilliag with snitabJ,y arabl� soil to s satisgaetc�y depth and
pco�vidiaeJ auitabl� P�n3s1 9rass covas to prrv�nt �or�lon af tbe
1it�1.Os�d ar�s. llatiau carsi�c7.
�'!a Ccm�aitt�s r�aa�dod t3►at ths City consuit with !�o Glau wailac�
as to sp�eifia t�acas Ea� the c�oa�Cract eo�ni�g fitl and grass cav�eo
llo�tion by SwsASOf►� �Cae�d�d by Sampsoua tht►t ths Co�aaitt�e stsaa�47,Y
� recaoo�►d that p�oc�7s �am tha sals of eatrd b� e�t asid� far Park
ns�o !latioa cxssi�o
�;�� r .'f, ���yp � n. y r..
pso Doalin will m�st with l�o �Payx�� to fiaaliz� purc3�as� of lots in
1'lYmout�► Additio<e,
. ��. 1 �. _ � ' _ .1� [): �' I.f�♦ C �i�.' .t C�C �:�;� ��., • � • :�_i•
D�� T�
� AP S.i1lID I!T it�sRV,Tg�q ��taaml�:
Zt ap�ars ths! aaaaa to tLs pask at 79th and Alda� WaRy cau 7� made
via B�lliis �syy. 1►ca�ss via 79th 3s alao poseible� t'bottgh mo�� �e-
P�iw, 3ith�r sppcoa�► would 1» loss eoet3,Y t]�an pntchase of
a8ditionsl land 1n Sloek BB oi Itivorvl��w Hoighta gae aa sp�soaeh.
Tgta Caoitt.�e will visit th� site Lhia moath, Doa�11a will have topo-
4raphical m�P� Pr�b ehoaiug goasible approad��so ACtion d�txrrod
an pwra�as� oi lan� �mtil nrxt mantho
$YLY111i PABKe
Th� fa�maz cat� bsain has 3�n gilled atth saado The ar�a will be
sodd�d and th• warming houBe will b� maved to the area. Tha ser�r
D�partm0at is �ida�taq asthods o£ providiuq a sooaF3i swala sur�mc�
tsao t2� AC�it to sautt� �nd of th� patk.
;�• :.�_
=sLtmates of $13,300 aa8 $12,900 have bYen reCeived £ar cas�atructicn
of a b�a� bouat at lfooz�e L�keo Pric:ss ars basad ou the park Directar
s�rviAQ as Cont�CaCta� and all wark be1Ag don� by 8nb-contraetarso
Mices are �aoaluaiw of caa�ectioas £ar savr�s. watar anci qas o c9�aac�
ar� that wark aou].d not be startad untii mid-itov�ar at tt�e eariiest.
T�u CaOnitt�s r�camm�nds de].ayy of coz�aid�atio� of beadt house co�
atxuctio� uatil aft� ths �irst of th� y�arv saad will be haul�d ia
fos ths 2»ac�h dvriag tt�s wintar.
:i!'� ; �, ' S�•�+;+��_
1�to DOQlZiA i.��.'8i�
lo Toil� Ea��Clliti,8 At LOC)ce patk are cios�d to pswont fr�eyiAge
2o s7catierg s�ks are boi�g b�ilt> A tota7, oF 13 or 14 ar� plana�d,
3, Outii�,id of Cocmoz�s softba3l diamo�sd has 1� iyspadad�
4. A11 parka b�ipg f�rtiliz�d,
5o Iwague Bail diamo�nd b�iag r�pals�do
F���- �.y �!i
llro Daaflin was authacia�d to iastali two bike racka oa ths park land
n aaja�t to xsa. cx«x sCboolo
�;ii1�:._ yr:_ ��,i.1��'?_ •�- L� i;t .�c�� ��1��
lbLiott t►Y H�h�e. s�aaayded by Sampson fio adopt rssolutiau adopti�g zules
MI�iIT�BS OF PARKS IiDID PALYrR001IDS StB� �gT�p - p�pggR 190
n 1964 (Co�ttiats�dj
foc Cafdttat oE Jo3at M�s�ltrgs o£ th� Park Caoie,itt.�e and R,�cicesti�
Commissioue Atta� discussion, t2�s ayis bsiay in thi msjo�itYo tb�
Q►sl,rnwt declar�8 tha moti�oa► earried, tCopy of r�so].utian att�ed) ,
llvtion b7t Sa�pso�►. s�eaad�d bY Suc�aa, that gssc� to oad� joiat �stiriq
og tsrs Pa=k CcomittM atrd the Itecr.atAon Comiai.saia►. a written aqaida
Ea� t1� m�etibg shall b� distributed to �s m�or og �seh qroqpe
KOt.�011 .�j.�s
� !�B'P� � 30. ? 964s
It is th� ci�s3r� oE th� Canittes to m�rt joiat�y with th� Reer�ation
Caoiala�laQS at� DTo�v�m�r 30, 1964,
Matim by saansasi. s�coaule8 by sampsou, to a�ija�rne M�rking aajourasci
at 11a00 P,lto
Rqp�ctfnl],y st�bsitt�d:
Rob�z't J. St�glt�s
Socr�tary to tho
�71s, th�se is a s�ar ca�i.r� ana tsm.�y aoa�ratson
bslv� the Park CoaoitfiM aa�8 the Rear�ation Camiaal,on, and
�AS• P�iodic joS�t mwt�gs of tbo Park Caa�oitt�s and th�
aecr�stits► Co�isaiaa as� held to i�lfill tbis obj�iw, as�d
�R�AS• it ia d�a3rabl� to 8eiine #hs rules ur8as wt►ie� su�h
joiat mNtlsgs Abali b� aaa�duak�d aad tb� autha�isad oi th� two
bo8i.�a a�st3ag joiat�y,
N�i� '�,F'CRB, Bf 1T RBSOLVBD, t]lat ts1� 1O11Cw1t1g tul�s f0�
tb. e�o�,auat of �osat aw.ts�s bO BdOpt�d by tlf! Pa=k
AIID P� Bi IT ASSOI,VBD that v,pon adoptioD by Chs Recr�stloa
Co�oiseiaa tfi�t th�sa rul�e �a13. bs in fa� and app�y to all futur�
m�stirrgs of th� two bodies joisst7.y until su� sul�e b� am�aded by
aqr�e►t of tl� bwro bodi�8o
1 o T� Pa%'k C001ttM i�Aa �ii ReC,t�itlCil CG1�3.9810R1 �NCS�tj j Os=tj�Y
�i�.i � �1{�10�1ZA$ t0 �mlBatCt i1�► b1181�iMi �3,�► Sa► �pp�],►
b� tsaasaat�d by eith� bo�ly �pasat�],y,
Zm Ig ao� a�z of �itb� boS,Y x�qwats it, aetian an aad+ mttt.�r
uu�d�z di�ssio� s@�all b� def�sed and ths mnttwac ref��sad to
tA� two bodi�s m�stinq individually faor iurtlur coaaid�atiaa
o� a�Ctiaat.
3• 1M0t1n$S sl�all bo clltais�d by th� t9iaism�► o£ ths two bo8las,
�ah s�zvi�p st alt�rrst� m�t.iags, oar Sa ts►s abs� of t.2�e
C�airm�1 bY a�► a� c'hosa� by t3u mrd�a p�r�s�uto
4e A qua�ulu o£ th� �o1At bc�1Ae Sh811 �N m3s'1� U� O# 8 q1Wa� fZpi
�h of 1$� i�Wividnal, bodi,�sm
5• Mot3o1'18 mqy b�r 1Atroduoad ar swmo�ld�da di8Ctt88i0at 1�L4► bs O£P�iada
aad vot� mqi► b� caeC by �nda mi�r of eit't►�r bo� ps�aent with-
� out s�gard to vlhidi of the twa ia�dividual bo8i�s hs is i mamib�rm
" 6. OCh�r suias of th� �oiat bodias ghall bs aa giwo in xobacta'
xnl�s of Osder,
i AESOLUTION N0.229-1964
I WAERBAS, the Weaterlp portion of Locke park in the Citq of Fridley
I has an exces� amount'of earth material and lus noe as qet bsen improved byr
the City,'and '
� WF�REAS�`inquiry has been made bq the State of Minneeota Department
_ of Highwaqa as to whether or not some of the eacesa material could not be
emploqed in the conatruction of II.S. Trunk Highway 47. �
NOW,. TNEREFORE� BS IT RESOLVBD, by the City Council of the City of
Fridley, that tha City Manager be directed to enter into a vritten agreement
' with the euccesaful bidder of th'e contract for the conatruction of II.S. Trunk
�� Hig�ay 47 within the City of Fridley� which le[ting ia to take place in tha
' month of 6ctobnr, 1964. That aaid agreement shall provide tlut the earth or
grauulaz material be sold for a price of not leae than eighteen (18¢) centa
per yard and that eaid contractor or uaer atockpile the esieting top soil and ,
; talce no more qardage of eaid earth or granular material than may be permitted
by the City of Fridley, and further that eaid contractor ahall hgree to level
. �
eaid ground in accordance with the epecificatione and requirements of the Ciry
and replace nnd spread said atockpila top soil on aaid premisea.
Pasaed this 19th day of October , 1964, by the City
Council of the City of Pridley.
Willim J. Nea, Mayor
ISarain C. Brunsa , C ty C ei