PR 11/23/1964^
&ECRSATION t�lIS3I0ai i�STING MINtPl'SS - NOVSt�SR 23, 1964
Th� asoting og t1� Ca�lasiaa was aall�d to o�dsr at 7:45 P.Ma in th�
J! 0 8�! �' Y I,OM1iil�j• �lj► liC. $tl�'�1�6 r Q18�,t'IY�A.
11�Pi�CS Prie�at: Hvf!►�s, Sats�gst�', (ira�Ef, Dtmphy �aard
at2�s Pr�ts Hatry l�I�ssiek, Mta. 1iar�e Chas� from !h� IWV
!t�[rras oi+ �r�c oF ocTasex 26. 1964�
�!►a miautes of t3a� mseting oE Octol�r Z6, 1964 ware app�av�8 as
A letter of $pplication for �aployme�t £os suatse� of 1965 was receivsd
Eroa Dixi� Iwaft. BarYy IMssiak will s�nd a r�ply,
A 1�'tt�aC COZia�lAi=Ig the hitinq of a£ull-tims Park aA�i R�crAatiou
Dis�ctalc waa r�iv�d fran► tbe Fridlly vtaVa Notiaa by Graeff,
s�cond�d by � to r�aaivs the co�icatioa�o Kotian passod,
HughRS T�posted that ths CoomittM will m�st Tu�eaay, Mov�r 24,
1964. Thsy had nob p�rwioatsly mst ttt.ta moath.
�ro¢rr rac� sAa�nr iessicx:
Naxisa soo¢re is moving back to this ar�a ar►d haa sha�m aa i,nt�r�st
itt woskiag far ths Ftidlay Reereatiau Depa�ma►t agaia.
Th� Jro Si,�h Daacv Co�nittw's dieakinq a�co�uab tatai of 5271.91
is to be 8rposilad ia the City°s c�ai Fund.
Adult Bssk�tbsil Twague w111 start D�c�oda�r 1 with 7 t�ams.
C'harm Clinic was h�l,d last wesk with ooly 30 girls att�ndiag.
Baby Sitting Clinia fa� girls lZ sad av� will start �act Saturday.
Will be bs].8 an tlsros Saturdays fram 9:30 A.DI. �a►tii 11:30 A.Al.
Skatiug Iwssc�s will atart Doc�a� 26 aad sun far 8 w�ks. An
ad8ltional instructar c.aa bt a�at�r�d if n�cessary,
Skii:g Ltssasis foc adults on s w�k night aad c'hildsys► aa► saturdays
may b� work�d outo
c3ra�ff mo�ved t2►at w�e authariz� $1.35 p�r ba�r fo�r warmitg bouse
attendanta. Mo�tio� died fa� lack of a s�cc�Wo
-.�.� � .�; u � ,' •.• :�:. �•�< �r• � ��. :�• .a :i'
F'�� �
Du�y mav�1 llfst vr� is�oz�aa� th� iwusly waq� of wasmitiq lsouN att�nd�
aata lsau $1.Z5 !o $1.50. s�eoa�9sd by Gsa�gt. Mvtiaa► paseM.
Tb� Caomiesicti aeo�t�8 tlu sdu�ul� oE ioe riaks as ��nt�d.
Tl� �ssloa aca�pt�d th� ca�l� R�ar�ati�oa► Sa'h�8u1� gar 1964
ae P�s�atAd• atb co�ad�d 8assy M�ssidk o� L1s pseaositation.
Gra�fi movod �at tbs R�pc�iaai Commissian r�cam�w8 1� tlN p�reaa
so dioew► �s th� Pat'k and R�'satio� Dis�etar'. Sa Cotlsid�tation fac
his ramua�ratiau r�linquist► hia ricjhts to activsly paitie�pate ia
partiaan politias. s�coad�d by Satgst�ra
�►asd mov«7 t.o tab7.� the abave mo�ion �ar actioz� at the joint m�etiag.
lfoadaY. �to�v� 30, 1964. S�ud�d hy sas�qst�z. llotian paseo8e
� : �i <-y !�i.• �,ti .:- • :�
T'he Covuisaioa m�rs felt that aay surplua mo�y gram this y�ar's
btWg�t s�tou].d b� a�turn�7 to th� City.
y'1:a. '�tr', �-iw.v: i�tf ��: " 1� �('_� C:
�rasig �r�se�d aa iate�st is► �stablisbi�g a ca�ittw to coo�dinat�
s,oga�matsa�, o� activitses Og ttu Tv+sn city nroa (cultorals Spa�tB
�ts. eta. j. anPP1�Y '�'�P�►tio� aad c�ap�raaas. ATo actica was
89+�►sd mov�d ti�at tl�e Raa�atia�► Caamiasio� spoa�so� a bailroom daaciag
class goc 9th grac%ss. S�aa�c7ed by Gro�fE. lbtiron Pai.l�da
:-�'.�y� .�:yyi�:�t .' }:i- ;'t,rv.:.Y.:� r• •�;
Sas�gat�r mav�] titiat ths R�crr�atios� Cawsission hola a sp�cial u�ti�g
to d�fi� Po11ta1'• r�eponsibiliti,�e aAd philosoPl�y. Swo�ad by
(isaef�, lb�ti+oa psaa�e R4t� Sp�cial 1M�ting will be held M�ooc7�y.
D�e�d�ae 7, 1964 at 7:30 P.N, at th� haas of Bob Su�s, 548 Sic�
Ci'Nk Ta�'sac�.
�:,�u ,,:y �: �
Jotat aNtiag lfonday. Hov��r 3p. 1964, 7e30 P.M. at !h� �Tr. 81qh
��r's 1.onng�e
.�Y'1 � � � ♦� \ C •' �" ��-C �I' � �. :�•
�� Y�
�cr xacK:L� �rnicit
MonaelY. D�obrr �S, 1964, 7s30 P.14 st .1Y. Si�R T�sc�pc°s Loung�e
�i �. 1�;>'.� -�'.��
� aNets� aajaurn�a at ii:zs P.x.
R�sp�ctiully avbaoitt�s
Jacki� sward
s�crKasy to ths CaAnissiaa
Direator oY Parks and Recx�eation
Nature of Work
It ia the reaponsibilitq of the Park and fieoreatioa Director to adminie„
ter the Park and Recreation p:ograme of the City oP Fridle� withia tha
limits of poliay eatabliehed by the Park 5ub-Cam�i.ttee sad Reoreation Oem,.
The Director 3s reaponaible for the overall plarming, adminiatration, and
aupervieion of the recreation pmgram and for the planning� devalop�eat
and maintenance oY parke and playgtrouads, Work is gerformed wider the
8eneral aupervisioa oF tha Park Sub•Co�ittee and Recreation Coum�iasion
and the City Managarj however� tha Director ia expected to eoceroiae e
large amount of diacretion in program admiaistration> Work ia ordinari7,q
rsviexed through diacusalons and reports,
Neaeesery F�cperience and Traiaing
Grsduation from a college oY reaognized atanding with a major in reereation
plus one year of graduate work in recreation (x3th prefarably a Maater's
degrea 1n reoreational adm3,nietration) plus two years cp.eacperience iaclud—
Sng admi.aiotratioa� aupervislon� proB�Ba Pereoanel managemettt, finano-
ing, public relations� planning development, and maintenance aa applicable
Lo park and recreation pro�rams
Graduatioa Pram a college of reaognizect standing with a��or in rsoreation
plus three yeara of axperience inoluding adminiebrations auperniaioa� pre—
8�A8r Personnel manag�ent� f'inanoinBs Public relationer P]annin8� devel—
op�ent, and maintenance as applicable to park and recreatioa programee
Naceasary Knowledge, 3lcille, and Abilit3ea
�bility to plan, promote, organize, am1 direct a lnrge recreetional program,
including both athletic and non-sthletic events� for all age groups,
Abilltq to plan sarI develop parke and recreational Paoilltiea Lo previQe
nptimwn uaage of land in meeting the Citp"a recraational needa.
K�wledge of businees and organisation methode and procedures. Ability to
meet and addreas community and other groupa.
Ezamplea of Work Performed
Serves sa technical adviser to the park Sub-�Coami.ttee and Recreation Co�ois—
aion; aut�mits plana, furnishee data aad reoommen3e policies for thoir conei—
deratloa and adopLioa.
Administera the approved reoreaiional and park programe and reoor�anda aev
act3vitiee� facilitieat and serviaeao
Page ZY�ro
^ Direotor of Parke and RearbaEion
Preparea the annuel bwdgets aad aubmi'Ge the� to t�he Park Sub-Co�l.ttes
and Rscrestion Co�iselon Yor reviev,
Ebaluatea the reoreation and park programa and rmporta on progreas ma8s.
Is reapo�ible Por the reor�itment, emplAyment, organisation, trainingi
and aupervision oY a11 peraoanel aotmected r+ith all phasee of recreation-
sl leederahip and aupervision� plua park and swi�fng beanh superviaion
e.ntl maintaaence.
Organises a� adminiatsre the puhlia ralationa program by ie
oittiy through aewapapera, bulletins, radio anfl disP�Y83 P� � addree-
eea groupe and organisations ead eaaploye othar methoda to inform and e8u-
aate the oo�unity o! recreation and park Punationa, eativitiee, atd t'sci-
Assiate ia the study of needs of the ooffiunl.tq and formulation of plana
for fu'turs development of reoreation and park ar�e au8 faoiliLias to
mest thoee needa.
Serves as a liaison betxeen different organisatione contributing to racrea-
tion a� park eupport.
l�dministera procurament oF supplies at�d ma.teriale for the park and rsorea..
tion programe.