PR 11/30/1964�
g��iiRR� - DTW6l�8R 30. 1964
TT� �rtisrg was call�d to ord�r ati 7:45 P.l1. by JWzn S�rat►sos► as
Actiag Chs�irm� oE tb! Park aad Playgraau�ds SuDrooan�itt.M.
�Mwb�se Ps�s�at:
Oti►�ta Pss�t�
gARics� Svldrieo¢i, Skj�tvol8, SampBWa� Htgiies
'��"IONs Dt1r►phjfa SaMJstax'' Wriqhte SWal"d� SughAB
R�ensation DiT�o� 1MSSick, Pai'k DSreCtar Donlia
i'_ �L:'� � 4. rn : i. ��U;+!!_s'.�'?:Y�
Ma,ps og sewral psrk ar�s w�rs ptssstted for in£ossztianm
Fioodi�g af iea siaka haa start�. six��n rinks wili ]� lA uso� thia
DunpUy r�pare�7 th� posaibiiity of an ice sorapis�g madsitf� b�ing da-
Aat�d yy the Fridlry 1�aericaa Leqion Post #303o In rrtusmo tba i.eqio�s
waatd r�et the Pwck CamitWs to provid� aad msiatain s ape�i
akaLiaq riak oai �i�aL Dlooce Laka. T'h� L�gi.ou piana to apaiao�r a Fridlay
3�9 Skatiag Club with n�obtte0tip s�].ectsd bY ogon tsial amon9 the
ya+ith oY th� Cityo in diacusaiaa, it appsarsd t]�t Saat Moo�e Lak�
migitt bs a b�tes lxatiaao F�rtba� infom'aitia� v�a� £elt to bs awded
an the tiAS tabl� Ear the a�at:loao n� o! li�ta n�o tYP� of
ascitia� to b• �urniah�c7. �tco ONy p�obl�m fa�eee�a ia th� ability
to pacavide tb� gaalliti�s aNdW £ar a hi�b 4�11ty siak os► auc� shact
lbtian by vPrl�►t. s�coaKlsd bl' Hug��s. that D�m�y laavestiqate the' fissttt�r with Donli�'s assistanc�o Matiau carsi«i, Dunpby will
p�ovid� a waittea r�par! to t1� Park Cc+�ittes Mith iaio�mation capy
to the R�ar�ati.on Ca�iasioa�o
r :yy1•c- ��.� �' •.: �:'�.i �• �. .�.,. ... ..f� r'�•; � ...�,. � ■i���—�4.i�i
Versiafs of th� job descriptiots as adopted bY Park CapmittN and
R�crre�ation Cawoiasian wae rovi�wed aa8 revisi�s pxoposed to make
tth� two v�raiasa carapatibl�. ,Motionyhaf Skj�rvold, secae�od b�t San,�sou.
to_ ado�at _ti►� _ job _deaeziptiaas ae revia�d. �lot�an aai'riid e Copy of
s�vis�8 Job D�aCri,ption is attae�t�d.
n lWt1oA by S�s�*.,.BeCOi�d�d by H1��h�8e..t1lat_,th�. JOl�I1t l�,Ot._�q_.�C��9�E
tl�_Council_to approve tl� �oaition of Park au� R�crr�atioa,Dir�ctox�
as a�u1l-tlme �ositioz�, and_ Eurth�ae r�qwsLs�,the .�uivacil__vto diicict
tfii City liaaaq�z, to �roc.wd to fili thia �ositioa _at, the_ �arii�et
�,ossibl� _dat�. D14�.�a9n c,a�'led va�n�ai�o�ta�1►,
JOI� lBiT�1G OF RS�iT2qi 001�liS3I0l1 11lID PARKS At1D PLAYI�tGI�1DS
^ SU�-OOIYSIT'PZi - �OV�ilBBR 30. 1964 iCo:tt3nsuodi
purpoa� og tl� disaasaion was outlii►�A by �san - coasiAaration of wn
ScNa whicfi baa bMai mu� discuawd ia r�osnt moaths. Objeatiw !e to
stimulat� thw�►t aad disausalaa, not nw�asarily to bsinq abo�ut artiano
Huq�s posat,«i out tt►at the subject app�ar�a as� ttu �g�aa to� r.t�is
m�stiag ae a r�ault of discussiaa by t'h� Joint sub-aaowitt�s Nhi�h
dr�w �p ths Dsraata�'e jot, daacrsptiono
ca�aante b]t �. wri�ht co�cerai.t►q Prablwo� ia malciag au� a chang• -
wottid zaq�%irt c9�anq� ia Chartiar (c�`nin3 Paxks Gaomltt�Y) and a
q�ang. in ardSn�naR #55 (ROCrMtion Caasisaion) . Vario�ua mrthods of
ocqaaizatioat and a�latioaxe tA othez ar4auiizatiac�a discussad (Committw
as Caaoisaio�► Eox� o
G�sal Diacttaaioai - - -
ConsiB�ration �ould ba qivea to glving other a�ool diatricts (oth�r
thaa #14) r�pr�eeatcatiar► is� tia graip.
Qu�stlaat 18 "What la t0 be gai=Nd by m�rge�?" Possibl� anew�rs - A
Dit�eto�r waild ltav! as► wasitt ti�oe of weu�ki�rq with oau bo�►. Sova�aci�a ia the ues o£ p�raotf�ei might xesuito Ia cass frictian
w�e to dw�►lap bstwe�a tbo P�rk an8 Reeteation qroups, it would bs
�e difficult to reaolve t]�e prabl�os 7»tw�n two groyps tlfaa withia
os�s group, As the pask acguisitia� psogram tapeaea og# aad work br
cas�s mor� o£ maintaiaiag axisting iaailiti�s. e sit:gl� grWp maq+ b�
all t1►at is a�edad.
It is poeaibl� that a si�glo grot�p mi�►t tend to divids itselE iuto
If ths propoaal were adopt�7 aow, th� siaglt voluntee� 4rouP reeulti�rg
wculd lsave to do th� same work as tl�e existing two bodies. Zt would
be better to msks eu�3► a c'bauqe after a full-tiar dir�ctor has had
time to asewos miuSy of ths op�riti�rg details aow haadl�d by the volua-
tNS gsot�s.
/"� It ia d�sirabl� to aonsidor pat�ntial typ�s of m�rqed o�qanizatia�
rwn b�foac. aqs�nt to rocomwosd m�q�z is r�ac�d in ardsr to aval-
uate poaaibl* impueov�t in a�ration as a rssult of m�arg�r.
/ \
♦ 11 :i_ i: [ ♦ ' - M' l �': •♦ �'.0 :1� �1� C" 1' I.1�
. � t �-.rl :'� � y• 1 av.�
Y.! . i _
A� WaB =Mt�1�d that YalY 1�8 Og t�l� $lOt� Wi7.1 COAS�[if,t Y�l1i
m�tt�r furtha� and discuss it aqaia at ttu �nct Joink �tiag.
� �t �. _
liotioa ueaU wt Aecr�atiar► Caa�oi.aslaa mMtin9 of Nov�ol�r 23, 1964
�zaiaq outsied� aativiti�a oi a pot�stial Park +t�W R�rs�atiou
Ditactor and ri�d to the JoiAt M�tin4 was s�►d by Sward. Dis-
ausaioa indi�t�i that mieuss of s public o£Eios i=► iurth�riag outsid�
acCiviti�s ia alr�ady eave��d by City policy aa8 t1�at it would furth�ac
l� rul�d o+�t by aomman sonae ou tho part of aqy empiayw. T7ie prr
poeal was � that both groups ba al�rt to tbia sa�t oE prablem amonq
ita wapioy�ss and ta1c� actio�► if aad vOh� a prabl�w pr�ts itssife
90 acCia► ta7c�.
� ' ��1�!id .��.) rr ' •�; �:r. .� . �, �., �':i :� SSY.. =2� ��.��
aight l�ssoas ar. propo�d xar ths ca�e. r.eseo�ns wa�ula b�
oE�r�I by tta Itaareatia� Ca�aissiar► if asraag�ma�►ts can b� aad� go�
� al�ntsiq so11s of tha ligttts aai tY1� aot'tb�all fi�ld diamoud toward th�
hill. Motioa by Du�1�Y, a�coad� by 8n9h�e, to modify ths lightiaq
oE tho aot-tball diamoaid to permit ai�l�.t akiiag laseaus. Mation carri�d.
�iy:�:i; YYc wr.,�rryi �'r�?5 _ i._ .� .4 �: :
Donlii► will provi.d� a protectar at tlf� �o�poa�d pols oa� th� Camiaons
to grw�nt slbders from hitting t1�t polo.
NeseiCk ituiicated t�ad witl�ia tbe seaso�ably :taar futttr. fo� aa ice
rl�nlc to b� na�d 000alusivoly fo� 8ocksy. HockeY atiaks as� prohibit�
oz� �xieti.t�g riNcs as a sa€�ty matt�ra oaly ocaasioual us� of t!►�
scl�ool ri�alc is possiblo at pr�ssnt. Pas'k Camitte� wiii acassidsr th�
aMd lts tleslt ne�ct Ywar's Auclget proNedinga.
i i.S<<l. 3. ; 1� I..y -':y �iS ' i_Y_ �
It wsa agr�s8 that Joiat li�rtings wiii cas�ti� to b� h�].d cn tt►�
£iPth (St]►) ito�8a3i oi thos� montbs in w'hich suct� d�y►s oecuro
" - .__.i�.� � YY ., ,i. c�'.r �; 'i-_ ��5� �,' . . . � �.!i._i`L ��• ���i�!!;'�3'`��.:
� ���- yi!'� -
n It w�s agrMd ti�at if assistaac� i�► iat�rvi�wing aaa6idat.�a £ar ttu
position of rask au� A�cr�atioa air�etaae ia r�qu�st�8, ibs c�airm�n
oP ttt� two qralpe ar� �qpowar�d to s�lact m�ub�za of th�ir qrou,pa to
• /. .�. t'.♦ �. r. •�' ♦�.'. 1 L •'2 .`U .1� HfJ'li;f�_
' 1�,: a• � � ; • ;i �
� �:1��t1� `.1. 'i:Y
'1R1�Y b�iAg 110 £url�N� busi:l�ssa thA mNting ati�ou7CAb a►t 9t20 P.M.
g�sp�ctiy],1y ntfi�oitt«7 s
Ra�act J. �hoe
g�er�tary Pro�t�n
/ �
.n ey` r,t:n y�n..., � ..x . :.v ;°.:y�. � � ��t, c , • _ � i
Tteo meetl:rq was call�d to osder at a:3o by vicQ-�airmaa swunsonm
l�mb�ra Ps�s�ats
OthaB P=�s�1t�
b�vaason, Skj�acvold. SamPaon. H�ql►�s
Co�unci]ana� Ja�a wri�t, t�Gca. 79�awis Cod�ran. Lwvo
T'b• miautes oE the meetiay of �tober 19. 1464 wato approved as mail�d,
� : �;. ' •:� � � �.. 1�_� _ � . °,i' ,.Il. � � :_i �:i?�_. � '_ !.. 5!. . �_. . �,� �? .. ' _ ' 4� � �i . .
Tha City has discuas�d location o£ ssvaral wells oai adtool distric�
grop�rty. ia r�tura far this prS�ilage. th� City 3s r�quested to
dovelop two baa�ball 8lamonds at ttis aaat side of the Cam�s for uas
ot tl�� s�oolaa Diamoasds ehould b. rtady fos� battlmg pxactic�o stco
in th� Spriag oi 1965a 7'h� 1965 paxk budg�rt inc3.w8s oae additional
backstop at tb� Ccc�oaxse Aa ad$3tf.caal backstop will cost $350,00.
400 ymrds o� sod woulc� b. r�quirad fooc ead� iniield. x'hh�rw haa basn
aome discussion oP use of 1.1�0 ior a iootball £ialda The City
wouid b� s�eted to maiataira tt►Q diamo�ds a�d would hav� th� ua� oi
the diamonAe r�h�m the achool ia not uair�g th�n,
xotson vg s)cj.�watd, seco�aaea by saaipson, to iastruct 1�o Do�isn to
desigst two basd>all diauonas o�► th� .ast sida of th� Cao�mons and b�qin
iastallatloa im�diatelyo T'he Cawmlttaa wtd�rataqde that !it•se dia-
a►ot�8s aro ios joint us� of the City at� Indep�adent Sc�ool District #140
lbtioa carri�do
�.i • ' � .`II �' 1 .� 1�M�f., s 1 + �
ffio iurth�r iafozmstiw� has � r�iveci an sala of sanda
.. ti ,��.ti. _ .�� r�tit,
10 �'he Couticii z�quea�8 recams�ui�ticu►s for paopla i,it►o would b�
qualifisd and �o sezve on �rolunLeer cwmaisaio�►o
3e The Council has leaeed a bui3.ding faa� the Youth C�ater fos a
period ot oao y�v Support of the qroup oaf aa infa�malo indtvi-
8ual baaia is r�qu.est.edo
r Kt'a���-. ��� .y�: ���_._.rii W. r 'r.: ���;_-�lk�:i �" "i.._ ' '
J� : «i._ �: .
Tds �ob desdc�ptiou prRSSnted at tha S�pt�mbar meftiaq of lohs Sub-
committN was diacuaesd aad r�visad, (COpy of rwissd deacriptian
ie atLacitad) o
/� /P�/A�yR�{K�a3_ •A-l_ID� PLA]CGitOtTlIDS St�-C�fMlI7'7'BE I�BTING t9INUTSS - N()VSi�Bg 24, 1964
I \ \r�/f�Y�L� 9 y N
P�e 7�vo
Motion by San�,son, secondod by Skjervold that the Caomlttee adopt tl�e
job dascriptSon as revised and read. Motlor► carried.
Ths Cow�oittos aceca�a�ds adoptlon of the jab descri,ption by the Rec-
seation Cavunission at the jofnt meeting on Navsal�r �0, 1964, and
further recommenda that the joint meeting act to aacure apprnval of
a P'u7,1-ttm� Park attd Recreatl.oa D1.rectar by tDe Council and imwediatt
action to hire a Diractor.
� �i - �.. • ' • 11i �': i� • ` ��1_ ' • ,�. 1i 1i.�i14_. .� � �� _ 1!. �5�.
The taxes and aasessmenta oa Lot 16 have beoa paid by tha Car].son
Satate. T4►e Carlaon estate aaks psyuiant of $2,984.$3 fo�r puzc�ase
of Lot 16. �'he Carlaon estat. wi1i. gtve ua a quit clalm dead an Lot
17. $1,580.00 irt taxe8 a�d aSSesBtusats are outstat�di�ng agaia8t Lot
teotion by Huqhes, aaeoadad by skj�vold to requsst the City Manager
to purc+hase Lot 16 at the l��t nagot:Lated price. Motion caacried,
All rinka are raac�y for Elooding. IIr. Donlir► is wo�kiny os► ice aaain-
tenance m�thods and m�chinerY. Rinks wiii be clearad of ancHr as soon
as it fa:Lis this yeara Sc�edu].e of warmiag houass rsviewed. Houses
wi11 open December 10 {or w+!►en i�e is rwady) and will b� opan until
Fsbzaary 15 (o,r ur►til tha ice goas out). Ho�ars w31I be 6 to 9 P.M.,
Monday throuc,� Fridaya 10 A,M. to 9 P.Mo, 3aturdaysf atid 12 Naus► to
9 P.N.. suwdaya.
�.��1��: . - : . �� _.i. �,f• -=� :,: �t=�; !r_ �� •�_ _ r.:iv '
Donlia roparts that thare ia an ne�d !,o aoquiz� additioaal land to
provid� access to t2w park at 79�i► aa�d Aldan at th� riv�r. Co�aittee
members w311 inspact the aita.
-�_1�. ��=-i.�.'. _s..!.� i.i.! :1, e .
we have title to the land now, b:tt ca:uwt take poasesaloaa until a
parfasma:tce baa�d or► tYae area is aleartd up. xho City Clark will
prese�nt all relevaait doctuasnts on �tha land to the C3ty Bnginees with
� the aim of sa�tlinq an�y uutatandiag prablacas.
�: �;:�: ...��1:i�,, ,
Actioa to dam Rice Cresk east of C�sstrai Avanua haa not prxesdad
so faro Psoblems with sawer coawer.tions in the area sea� to be
aolvedo No dsEiiaite ccwmaitment of a�ppa�t has be�n recaivad Lrom
�i: _
ths County.
-�.�L_ ' `�!:k. � "y�,tl • ` .:u ; \__Y; �'_ •r� ico � ��� i ����
Residents of Swaasttom"s Addition raqwst d�velopmafat o£ a playqround
adjaoent to HiqhwaY #100 an Swaastram's Court. No descriptlon of th�
proposmci site was qiven 9st the lettaze Tbe land is ps�sently being
conaid�zec3 by the Board of Appoals gar a apecial use peratit to build
da�biw bungalowa. will get a 8efinite deacription and the
Cavaittea will cansidez the matter at the November 30th joint m�stinq.
,�.i,4 ;i,,:,_ �:��
$O I�C�li IO�Bt�L$ 8Ci1M�1li!(� 8t BX'68AIIt• C�E31Z'10�i1 Wu]. C8].i IDBRtf.:f$
if n�adtdm
Joi.nt m�stitg with Recreation Caqm.lGasion ar► �ov� 30, i964 at 7:30
aL ttta Juulor High schaol.
r�.�=!.1•:1; :!��: �.v
The mktiaq aAjournad a� 9s50 P.M,
R�apectfully subm3tt�d:
Robett J. Htlgha8
socretary to the Svb-ew�nittee
AttaC�iIDailts Job DesCi'iptio�u
Direator of Parke and R,ecreat,ion
Nature o£ Work
It is the responaib3lity of the Park and Recreet,ion DirecLor to ad-
�^+*�ster the Park and Reoreation programs of the City ot Fridley
vrithin the limita ot poliqr established by the Park Sub-Ca�l.ttee
and Reor�tion Co�dsaion.
The Director ia reaponsible Por the overall plaaning� administretioa�
ead supervieion of the reoreation program sud for the pianning, ga•
v�alopment aud maintenence oY parka. Work ia performed under the
general superniaion of the Paa�s Sutr.Co�i,ttee and Reoreation Co�i,e_
aione and the City Manag�s however� }.he Direotar ia ezpected to eaercisa
e large amount of diacretion 3n program administration. Work ia osdi-
asrily rsvieved through disouesions and reporta.
Neoeeeery EScperience and Training
Graduation favm a collsge aY reco�ni.sed eteadtag with a major in rearee-
tion plus one year of gradvate wrk in rearbation (vith prePerably a
Msater's degree in reat�eationa7, admiaiatration) Pluo two qeers oP a�-
parience including adminisiration, superviaion, Px'cgraaeniaB, P��
managemeut, finanain8, P��c relations, PIannin8, de�►elo�ent. and
maintenance as appZiaeble to park and rearestioa programe
Graduatioxi from a college of recognised aLanding vith a mnjor in rearea-
tion plus three qears of sacperieace includiag adminiatrat3aay aupervi-
eions P��, Pereo�e7. mena6�s PinanciaBs P�ic relationa,
P�Bs development� and maintsnence as applicabla to park and reorea-
tioa progiams.
N�essary Knowledge, Skills� anc{ Abil3tiee
AbilitY � P�a P�mote, olganS�e, and dirBOt a large reCrestional
program, inaluding �oth athlatic and aan-athletia eveyLa, por al], ags
Abil4ty to plan and develop parks and recrest3onal facilitias Lo pro-
vide optim�m ueaga of' land in mseting the City�s rocreatio�al. needs.
Snwledge of busiaess and organiaetion �thods affi prooedures. Abillttiy
to meet and addresa co�ur►ity and other gsoupso
EScnmplee of WoMc Pertormed
Serees ea technioal adviaer to the Park Sub-Co�nittee sad Rsereation
Coimni.saton; submits plano, fYu�niahea data aad re�a policiea tor
thair �ronsideration and adoptioa.
%, Admiaiatere the approved reareational sad Ixi� PmBm� and reaoame�ds
- nex activitiee� facilitiee� apd servioee.
Prepszea the snausl bvdgete and suboii.ts them to the Park Stib-Comnittas
and Rsm�eation Covm�iaeioa for revieve
Pe�e Tsna
Ai:rector o� Parks sad Recrea�ioa
Evaluates the reareation and park programs sad reports on pivgrans
Is responsible for tlie seoruitment, empluymeat, orgsnizetiun, t�in..
ing, and auperviaion of all persotmel conneoted with all phasea of
recreatio�l leedership and supervigion, plus park and evimaiag bysoh
auperviaion and main`�enence.
�rganiaes and adminiaters the publia rel.atiozas prog:am by iaeuing
�bu� t�ouen n�s�en�rs, tuuet�, raaio �,a ass�yas ��f�s
addressea �oupe and organizatione and employs other met,hode to inform
a�i eduaite the ca�mnmity of recreation and park flanctione� activities,
and Paoilities.
Asaiata 1n the atud;r of needs uf the co�unity and %ormulation oP
plana Yor fuiure development of recreation and park aresa end ,tsci-
lities to meet thosa needs,
Servee aa a lisieon betveen dif£orent organisations contribuLiug Lc
recreetion and park �uppost,
^ Adminiaters procurecu�nt of supplles and materlsle for the park aad
reCreation prograros,
SPiCIAL !l�iTllKi 08 � PARKS ADiD PLAYC�O�$ ��' � D1Wi1�EA
30. 1964.
Th� sw�tin4 was ca11�8 to ard�r by Vi+ce-Chairaan 9Nansan.
�s 8s�t�
Otl�Ta Pr�s�nts
gvraason. Sk�arvold, SaoE►$on. Huql�s
patk Dir�CtovC Do�11n
.'.�! �}.-��_ � �,. 1,..;.?�Y4.>.., «.ln>_..
At £irat glaac�, tha psolms�d ait� do�s not ap�ar sutisPactory far
park usagto The isy og the laad snd Y� alosa�ss oi tife bighw�y
eNm to arqw againat this us�. !��-.�f Sk'�xvold. eic.o�d b,�
Su�h�s, tt�at.. tt�is ait� do�e not. APP.!�_to mNt�tD� n�s�is._of the Pask _
Cam�aittM gcz 8w�rlo,�Ornt of a park in tsw arsa in c�stioa� and_ that_.
,... .__�_ .,_ _
tht Cavoitl� will.,,caatitwe to look, ioar ao ap�iso�aci,ate sito in_thi
�.. ,.._v_.. ._. _ ,.� . -
.#i�• 1f9��RA , �+1� �
:i:��� �_a: �..��.
gagyla�l�r �dui�d msstlsg ou Jaaua�ey 18, 1964 at 7:30 PeM. at
flldland Coop.
� L�:��; _� --'t
ll�stia4 ad�onr�d ati 10s00 P.M.
Resp�etfu113t aubmitted:
Rob�act J. 8ttghe8
s�ct�tarY to tlu Snb-caamittN