PR 01/25/1965n BBCRSATION C(iDS�ff33I0N 1�81ZNG MLNiI'�S - JANQASY 25� 1965
The January meetfag oF tffi &eca�eation Co�iesioa was Called to ozder at 7z35 PeM,
in ths Jr. xtgh 1leachers• Lpunge br Mr. Hughes, chesrma.n.
Mambars Prssattts 2iugHea. Sangster. GraaPf, DuaPhy. Mrs. Sampeon, b1rs. gwasd
OLders Presents Mark Hokenson� 7�ro mambers of tM Fridlay League of Wemen Votera
MIZiNOTBB 0[+' l8B1'iNG UF- NdVBt�BR Z3 196�:
The mitnttea of the mseting of Novembei 23e 1964 aere approva8 ae maLladr
The eev�n t.eaas participatiag in tde basfestball leagui Gav�a caught up �
their schedule. The top Pqur teams vill mset ia a suddsn death tournam�pt.
The aianer s+ill go eo'the Miaaeaota 8eeraatian and Park Aosoeiatioa
'Dousosaent in Maakata on Marc6 19� 20, aad 21. (There ia a registratiaa
f66 OL .t'35e00.7 &e�ules of 14agaa play ara printad eaCh wee& in effi Pridleq
BeCOrd. 7�wo 15rophise rdll be pnrchaead, a►e for Che team cMmpion an8 ope fc�
thn seoring edeevpioa. Perhapa it saw�ld be eaell ta notiPy bnsineseoa and
ca.panies in Fridley<aDont atr Baalostball Leagus next.ymat,
� T6e Coamissiat ahould coosider starting a Man�a Volleqball Leagua next year to
nit4er follow or atim aimulLanaon�l� wiLh ths Sasketball Zeague.
Ths Patrbean ekating sinke ara in pretty good Ahape and the s�ar�ning houaes
ara o,psrating•satiegactosily. 8i.nks are aeil used bp Chiidran and audiLS.
There is a need to ksep cisildren a4f i�eaiatnlq altnr Plooding eo have
poete8 a mn at ths rink aPter Eloodiog and anaoaw�e at echoole.
Spasd skating at I.addie Lska. S�mdaq, Jannary 24, 1965. bY tbe Amarican
I.e$i� vea easll run aad wall aitende8.
This yaaar tlfsers havs besn requsats foz �oeloey rinka. Tl�s Commons von2d
lend itsalf to.Lwo sinks, a►e !oc hockey and cas for general skating.
At Moore Laka perhape a moolasy rink eAtld be c�9CCUCLsd aith gsneral
akaCiag around it. .
Barbara See das twa ligura akatiing saeaioaa. ome atth 15 aud one with
16 skaLers in it. There ere 4 aad 5 apre eeaeions lelt.
Tht akiing program is opsratiag aatistaotosily on tffi hill at ths Co�one.
swara movrea enat Jaak amyiq es noatn.eaa as mas.ts�n. 9.cona.a by smapaoa
Chossn by aee2aimatiqa.
l-� �s = L ,�
RSCBBATi�1 �1�1I33I� NIBBTLNG MtNUTSS -.7ANUA8Y 25, 1965 (C�tinued)
Psge Zt�m
RSE08T F80M PA&R f:�Tl'BS:
The Park Co�ittee elected Chris Skjervold ae scct+etary end Ae�len 3ampsoa
as representative to the Becreation Commission. Accaptad an ica aha�rer
from American Legioa in lea of msking a speed skating rink. Donlin will
eoatin� as part-tims Park Diteator untii full-tima Direetor is hire8.
Reco�nded thet a full-tims Park Snperiateudent be hised at a salary
oP $5,800 iac2udiag benefita. 8eviewed budget awd will c�tin� at td�
maxt meetiag. Jolm 8wans� aunovncsd ttiat ha ha8 aot accnpted hie
rnappaintment to the Park C�¢e.
The Sch�l Soard hae been adviesd about the poeaibility oE the merging
oP tha 8ecreation Comeai�sion and the Park Committee. They have besa
asked to coasider this and giae auggeati� before Mereh. At tLe preeent
they luve baen discusaing taacher contracts and state aid foraatlas.
Tt�a city hae receiveS 19 applications Eos a Full-Tima Perk a�W 8ecreatiari
n Mrector. 0! the'e 3 did aoL qualifq, 4 ost e8ucatfonal a¢d experieace
requireaents, 5 aet'`edncatioaal Dut not ezperience reqnirements� 1 met
ezperienc� bnL not educational requir�ent.. Hops to maks recommenBaCion
Lo camcil by Februa�y 1.
Gave pool taDle to Youth Center.
Aes Eoimd a mar&� d4gren o! willfngoess to msrge 8ecraation Caqoaission
and Park Committea by C6s Council.
�;:�' , . :,; . e u: .,; : : . • � «� ;. � : • ,u �r , � �:i;
Hugbes feele intnitively thaC the tw gtoup� ahould �rk a$ ene and that
aow w�ould be a goad time to do this. The tWO groyps s�ould be fsea to drar►
np their a�+n nampoaitian. sec.
Orasff felt thaL alI se600l distsieLa in Bridleq should be coneulted and
participate io a like oaaeutr.
Coamisti.on membera agresd to onet iaPo=oally at 2$.M. 8unday� Januar� 31.
1965, at ths hams o! Jacie D�mphq.
/ as- Ls
RSCREA'Ti�i CON�9'YSSZOt1 MSSTING MINUTES - JANt7ARY 25. 1965 (Con�inued)
n P� Three
Survey and evaluation of the recreation program.
Public relatiana and an advertieing brocfiure.
Pubiicity through peraonal con�act of the co�.ssion members.
Mondaq. Rebruary 22, 1965. 7:30 P.M. at Jr. High Teachere' Lounge,
The meeCing adjourts�cl at 30:45 P.M.
Respectfully aubmitted:
n Jackfe Svard
3ecretary to tlus Commisaion
/-�zs - �,S
Pt1RI(S .1ND PLAYGF�iUNDS 5UB-Cui�ti��ITTN� i�(�TlNG :iINUTES - JfiA'U�1iY 18� 1965
2he meeting was oalled to order by Chairman Hughes at 7s45 P.M.
Membere Preaents Svanson� Hughea� 3ampaon, Skjervold, Donlin
Othere Preeeat: I4rs. i+loss oP the League of Women Voters of Fridlsy.
i3IhUTr.4 - t•1TbI,'TING vF a11011E�iB:1i 24� 1964. NuYEF1HER 30. 196L.:
P•Sinutea of November 24 and 30� 1964 were approved as mailed.
SJF.LECTI�P� uF,�S�CRF,ixti�t
Skjervold eelected as aeorotary to the group.
Sampson recca�ended sa r.epr::aentative to tha Recreation Co�niasion.
l W�1 °
t•Ir. Riohard Donlin xel.comad as a new mamber to the Parke and Ylaygrounda Sub-Committee�
Mr. Donlin vill contiaue to aerne as director until suoh time ea a fuli time
direotor is hired.
ttEFOr� S:
��,�B. oj full time director. Applications were to be reoeived up
�o JanuarY�1�5��9b5. ty persone applied at a aslary offer o! �7,500. ,City
ManaQr�.e intends to reoommend to Council by February l� 19650
le Yroble�ms with rinka due to ohangee ia veathere
2, An ice shaver has been used on City ri^ks. Shaver ia the property oP Ccon
Iiapida Legion Poat.
3> Locka Pa�: and bruehin� c+il:i be done in this area early eo as to
get a jump on S:pringe The sa� holds true for Chnsea �.
4. Hockev Rink: A rink would cost between 500 and 700 dollars. A poesible
looation vculd be I+bore Lake,
5, Park SunsrintendenL: Most City e�mployeea vould not be intereated beca:aea
oP pqy. PreauasL superintendenL receivea $2.50 per hour. Propoeed salary
hea boen budgeted at ��680.
Page 2,
P::f�iC3 +ii�D YL::YGrw�I�ll;i dUB-C(ii•L�:ITi�E i•��TIT�u i•�IAUTES - JA't:U: RY 18� i9fi5
�c�a,�wa )
PARK tillIiaTGIu.:IVCE i/u1Ids
Moticn b;; Donlin, ssconded by Samraon
be hired by the City Manager. P9otion
sup�,].y a�; roximately �5�800 for sale
OLD b1,SI:.E:iEit
that a Yu11 time Park I�,sintenance maa
carried. Note: (c.ur '�udget ¢ould
ry and bene3Pita.)
�„ Report: Jack 4AUiphy lettar dated Deaember 7, 1964,
T0: Parks & Plaqgrounda Sub-Committee
INPO: Recreation Co�iasion
FRp.iz John DunPY;Y
- a��. y •� ' �c; '1.: � • � �Y. _a.
s�aarsck-s.a se8u Le�.on Poet 303 or Fria�.ey sa 3osr,sng ths rsinneaot8 speea
Skating Aseocietioa haa contracted to field a team thie 19�5 eeason. Ths
post vill fu7.].y aup�..ort auoh a tem buying uniPorma� pTOViding a ooach� etc.
^ The poet will hold a seriea af race�8aye att�:pting to uncover talant at all
aga letlelae
Poat 303 vill build a auitable ioe ahavtr and donete it to the city oP r^ridle�
if Fridley will w3dertake to yrovide a� maintain a speed eketing traot. i�rther'
eince the'track ahould be illuminated they agreein pay the oost of illumination,
2dr. Larry Haner hopes to be able to +aell his f iret genaral raae day Your waeka
trom nov. Ribboae and recognitioa srill be awarded euacessflil. ynung rec�s,
Weekly or bi-monthly reae daye are planned to encovrage and devslop nanr talent.
Experience sboxa sa few ae 5 aut of 100 akatere hava the natural c+bility to
"make it" in competltire epeed akating. 3losters shou7.d etart racing training
at about 9 years; both boys and girle oan mmpete. Racing ekates are an
oventual must For the aericue akater.
•.-.-:� _ 4Y:
The traok �ould be a y00 meter track similar in detail to plsas provlded ua
by Minaeapolis park Board. It ahould be prn riv leid out vith beet en�in�sring
Asaistanoe. Traok markera are 1} foot l�gt�a o�' rubber garden hoae. Ths hoe�
piecea areIIroaen vertioe. ly into pleoe so ae to ourve eWa,y f'som the trsak and
Page 3.
P:u'iI{S +�ND yLnYGt�u,(iIJDS utiB-C�i•i;IT�ir� ;�i:'P1:uG ��:lI:U. ES - JA;�U:.tZY 18s 1965
blr. Larry Hamer catt ;roMde ue vith approved irack rlimeneiona. The City oP
Coon Raplds will iastall their track on Crooked L�1ce i�,ondey & 1liesday 12/7-8.
The track will be in uae Tuesd�y aYernoon.
Coon Re.pida usea lumber poeta donated by local lumber compa�r. Their track in
131uminated by 4 Colemaxi gas leterne,
East Moore Leke appeara to be the b eat track locat3on as oP now. Bvildore
ahould construct anow "dykea" to keep highway grit from covering the immediats
track. Should Parke need to a>nault vith aomeone on the technlaeAl. aide of ti�is
track conatruction I wuld suggeat (1) Larry Hamer or (2) Diak Gross whose
te�iephone n�bera �ra liated at the end of thia reporte
Track Ice Shsver
Coon Rapids built their own ice ehaner the a�omer of 19W.o It wea made fmm
plans uhich d upliaate the shaver o£ St. Paul. Producl.ion coet re�uted to ba
about v100.00 plus coat of b lade. Bladee used f or ice ahrivara �:re diacarded
bladea from paper making raachinea. �� shaver ahould be equipped uiLh 2 bladese
A hlade ahould be sharpened efter a month�s use."
n Use of an iae shaver +,rould �ske v�►ecessary the flooding of ice riaka mcoept
posaibly on a montlilg bsais. Labor eavings in thie area would be aubatantial.
Coon rapids would prabably loan ue their ahaver in order that we .:ight get n
j�p oa ta'riak aonatruction.
* Overall ahaver dimensions are 3� high by 5� vide by 6' long. The shaver
ia construatsd to be toved in operation. Tho bite of the blade aan be
easily adjuated. Initially a tdg bite oP ice 1a u•haved—the final pasa neede
a fina adjuetmant to provide a mirior g,laea Piniah. The towing vehicle ahould
be selected vith an eye for maximum traction. Cooa Rapids wcpecta to uee a
2 xheel drive Jeep to pnll their ahaver. The ehavcr should be oarried fram
job to �ob �y another vehiole,
Intereated �artieg
Robe:"E Roaearsns 786-3�49, Athletic Officer Shad�:riok-La Beau Poat>
Larry Hamer 560-1071, Coaoh of S.-L. Poet Skating team. Aleo heada Road
Dept. of St. t�ntho� Village and will build ioe shaver. (address l,1-66} Waq NEj
Dick Grose 78�5276, Coaoh of Coon Rapida Legioa Post 334 Speed Skating Team,
t�'. 2ekia HA'd.-lr981� Manager aY City Worke, Coon Rapide - 6aragoa Soe acraper�•
xould haQe shaver plens,
� Bob Pbuicher HA1-,2880, Managar of City of Coon Bapidso
Don Butte TAl,.-0103, Heada up Minnesota Speed 3kating Ase�a.
.. , PaBe 4.
Pi;RKS isldD PL:IYGRDUNAS SUB.�G;;�i•S'j'TEE T•�TIDIG i�IIiiUTES — JA1iUA&Y 18� 1965
2. The Fridley Legion ia very atvcicus to at,art a prog�m in Fridley. To
begin the Pro�am the Le�.on will 'aocePt e aub-sta�ard rink. The Leglon
nov uaee tbe faoilitiea on I.edd,y Lsks� The ehever proyided by t}�e Legion
vo�ld be avai].eible for use on ot,her riaks.
Motion by 3k,jervold, a::corided by Donlin that we accept an ica ehs: maci�ina
f�om the Fridley Legion and agree to oonatruct a.nd maintsin a ape d�alcating
rink next aesaon. Iiotion oarriede
�AI.L D_ I�,I�S:
The diamonda on the Com�nona can be conat„�ctod.
REFC):�T �h BUirFTs
Tha tinsnaisl aituatioa ia regar�i to boxid and eso�nov fuad� xe are maintaining
aur bas34 pMority rat3aB Pertei�iaB to deva].opmbnt of i8e F'ridlsy Pas�s end
PJ.aygiwuad syatem ea outlined Docember 31, 1963. Tha oaly remaiaing itam from
Lhat date ia the Moore Lalce Beaah Aouee.
!-� ' �.�� S.•s
Mr. Donlin xlll ConstnioL a qear end report Yaa� 19(�1,..
The meetiag adjourned at 9i5p P.M.
RespeotPul]y eutxoitteds
Chriatran K. Skjeraold II
Aoting Secrataay to the 3ub-Co�l.ttse