PR 02/23/1965Page 1
The February maating of the 8ncraation Co�issia► vas calied to order ae
7:45 Y.M, in Llk Jr. High 1lnachera' Loung,e by Mr. Dunphy. Chairman.
Membara Praeent: Dunphy, Saogster. Mcaa Sampsaat. Mrs, Sward
OtMra Pressnt: Mark Nokan�on� Paul Browa. Mrs. Nalson of the League o!
woasa voters
The miautes of tl�e meeting of January 25, 1965 wara approved as correcCed.
Due to rain, Pollowed by snoa, clsaring of rioks wae very difficult. Ths+�
rinke are now opan - Wmeons, Moora Lelos add Logan Park. 'lben ara too many
rinka for one man to maintsin. More halp ie naadad to maiatain tha rinke
Mrs. 3ee etill ha� tw lessoae laft. Classe� are 4sld at tM Co�ons, 3be
has 28 or 29 iatsrested studsnts. T!►e Co�ission sLpuld consider startiag
ths leesms earlier in De�mbar prior to Q�ristmas vacation.
Tde skiing lessons at tl�a Commoas ase �oell conductad.
^ There �rt.11 Da a playetf !or Pourth place in t4e baskatball league. Tdan the
1- 3 aud 2- 4 place taams wili oeet in the linal play+a�fs. Thu winning
ta� aill attend tba Minnsaota Reareatim aad Park Associatioa 'Cw�mamaat in
Mankato on llerch 19. 20, and 21, There are four very str�g teame in the
leagua. Parhaps tw lsagwa, A and S, wuld be desirable asxt ysara Of tlre
70 aen on tha rostar. 43 ace fros Fridley. T6e men snjoyad the league� tM
ofliciatiag was good; dorsv�r. ane tsam, Qnelity Crnrctosn. did not canduct
themselves propsrl� aad should aot ba alloa�ad to enter tM laagw ns�ce yesar.
Ona gentleoaa o� iajurisd during a baakstball gama and vaa twepitalia�d for
[iva daqs. He hu iaqairsd about insuraaoe covsring this accidaat.
RSP08T F&OM A6LSN 3At�90N:
Nsw Brightoa has asked their plaamrs to conault riith Fridley oa the devslop-
mnnt of Bice Crask. Dick Donlia wtil drav up a lisL ot witable pmjacts for
3couta aad other voluntears to do itt the Parks. Preaentlq they ara buraing
at Moore I.ake aad Locke Park; clearing. at Chess's Islaad rnd Craig�+ay Parko
Comittee wtll meet aith Amsrican Legion to diacws iaa shav�sr and riaks.
Committee adjm ted bndget in osdsr to maka improvemsnts at Moora Leke and
build the Beach House. Cttq Oouncil approved tde hiring oP a Full-tims Park
and Rscreation Direciar, Paul Bcown and appointed 1bm Oochran to ths Park�
and Playgrounde Snb-Comuitbaa Por a thne qaas brae Couacil haa votsd eawmsnt
across the North ed�s of Locke Park to I�.93De
*3angster reco�eadad that all. precautiona puaibla ba tsloen to protact ths
I'1 sheltera Unaaimou�ly approvsdo
icSCREAL'3.Oi �C(`h'�:S$Iill'I *�ESTING M3R'(B'F�S -¢�EBRUAHY 23, 29FS 4'eg� 2
The School Board reappoinLed Mrao 3ward for a two-year term but did nat fi12
the vacancy left by Mrs� Nelaono Reco�endatiaaie of reeidents of District k14
williag to serve on the Recreation Co�isaion ahould be made to the School
Board prior Lo their nest meetiaga March 9, 19650
The School Board felt that if ttie Park Co�ittse and &ecreation Commisai�
merged, it would continue Lta preeent policy concerning uas oP achool proparty
Por recreationel purpoaea, However, they felt that, the City ahould appoint
someona reprasenting the 3chool DiaCrict f114 to the uew caamitteeo They also
felt that aimilar arrangnments ahould be �aorked out with all tLe school dietricts
eittier wholly or partly locatad in Fridley,
The Eorm of ths aew cammitkee should be explored, tacluding Lype of compoattioaa
eYco Jack Dusphy will inveatigate tha legal aapects and 8iacues thesa at the
next joine meeting„ March 29, 1965,
Commiasion felt tdat perhapa the baaeball Qrogram ahould be decsntrali�d,
Aakad Pau1 Brown to meet vith Harry Meesick to determi�a what type of baaeball
program ahould be eatablished�
/'\ 3vard moved that the Racreatia► Commission grant the request of the Little
League W uee a Daaeball diamard at ttie Commons< Secoac�d by 3angater, Passed,
Troop 319 will endeavor to burn brueh and loga ai Craigway Parko
Sampsa► racammendad thet the Perk and Hecreation Director contact the Boy
3cout Troopa in ttxe area and work out a coneervatioa program of benePit to
the City of Fridley and ttse Hop Scoutao
3ince aeighborhood rinks ase so ,aell used, ttm Becraatian Co�niasion reco�a�s
that the Park Co�ittee should coasider adding to these and employing more
maintenance psreonnel to wack on these, as ciell as developiag a apeed skating
rink and hockeq rinka,
Mondaya March 22„ 1965, 7e30 PoM, at the Jre High linachars° Lovnge, Nezt
Joint Meetinga Moaday, March 29, 3965, 7:30 PoM, at the Jro High Teacher�°
� The maeting adjouraed at 11e05 P,M,
BeepeetFully submitteds
Jackie Sward
Searetary to the Commission
, . ; ��
> February 2, 1965
To: Fridley Parka and Plsygrounda Sub-Committee Froas Joha F. DnnphT
- Fridley Recreation Cow�ittee
Subjectz Boy Scont Interest in Conservation Projects
Moaday e�rening I had occasion to visit vith the ecout master of the Bcy Seont
Troop rrhich meets at the Lut'heraq Chnrch �rhich ia located on Misaisaippi aear
1Sast River Road. Scout Master Ehlenfeld of Troop 319 together vith thr�
members oP the Troop Board of RevieW uere kind enough to diacuss the matter
oY conservation affi conservation projecta.
Thia troop� and I mnst assume other Fridlsy troopa, are serioualy ia need
of coaservation projecta to they can tnrn the attention of their mer
bers. They alao s�antfoned to as that all boys abtempting to rise to the
rank of I,ife Scout �a�t complete a satisfactory consexroation project. It
ras suggested these projects could be as routine as grubbibg out atw�s,
swampiag out areaa, conatructing fire places and picnic areaa, cleaniag
out creek bottons and river fronta� building bird house projecta� and pruaing
of park trees, etc. It saas also thought that the troop and other interested
civic pertioa could combine for projects such as tree plaating in the parks
on 1►rbor Daq.
What thia particular troop vould like to have from Parks and Playgrounds
�: Sub-Committee vould be a aeriea of projects of what I siould call �bite sise.p
� `In o'thar words, if xe could set up a project xhich would embrace a definite
� area,and which a troop could complete iA &p a£ternoon or txo or three boya
Trorking on thdr Life Scont rank could compl�te in a quarter, or haif a year�
the troop could assign and see these projects carried to caapletion. I note
in the Parke & P7sygrounds report dated January 18 nnder aDoqli� Reports�
that cleaning aAd brushing of the Locke Park and Chases Is]and area is a
park depertment evolution for rahich ae xill probably hare to pay laboring
help. At least a portion of this work could be completed if aupervisory
personnel xill pravide some type of opea�ational plan and supervision and
co-ordination; , I personally
Yeel it is important for the comaunity and for the toys irrvolved that their
energiea be used in coaservation endeavors. This is the reason I have made
this report to you.
John F. Dunphy
Page 1.
- PAB63 AND PIA7C(�ODNpS SIIB-COI�i�QTTS6 1�6T1NG MINII'�g - Fggg9ARY 16, 1965
The meating wae called to ordar at 7;50 P.Me by Chairman Rug6ea at the
City Hall,
Members Preaent: Aughes. Saap�on. Dcnlia, 8kjernold
Otl�re Preaent: Mra Donatd Meiton - League oE Women voters
A, Interviawn:
Nine pereons were interviewad Eor ths potiti� of Park and Bscreati�
Director. Mr. Paul 8. Srown hag bnsa offered the job �a ealary oF
�7.500• 1fie Council wlll act upoa the recommeadation at a meetiag
Febrnary 15, 1965. Mr, Bram'e employment wonld �gin March 1, 1965.
Bo Planning Commission Activitfss:
Chairman Hughes has met with Che Planning Co�niseion and with the
Planning Conaultant. &eporte will be forthcoming from ties coasnitaat.
C. S£ce Craek Im�rovement:
'LLe New BrighLOn Village Council has votcd do�t a proposal to impouad
t4e waters of Long Lake to a lev�el of 865 feet which ia the snrveyed
level. New Srighton haa inetr�ted their planaera io open diecussions
� aith Fridley oa joint developmant of Rioe Creek.
De Letter fraa John Duaohg:
Motion bq Sampeon. eaconded bq Donlin to accept comnunique and attech
same to miantae of masting. Copy hareto attached. (Sea Pages 4 aa8 5)
The co�ittee reaEfirms its positioa an the deeirability of ths vse o!
voivateeca Por pro3scts in the Citq parke.
Mr. Doniin wiil prepare a liet of auitable projecta for groupe or
individua2s intsreeted in eonaervation.
Minutes oP Cdomieaion Aleeting have bean mailed, the following.topice were
1. 8asketball �
20 oolleyball
3. 8inka: Children ars using riake Loo aoon alter Ploading.
4. Merger: MnrbeB degrae of xillingaese a► part of Cameil to mer�s
Paska a� Sacreatian>
Page 2.
(C�t inued )
1. Park Bond fund �8,000
Park Depoeit fimd 8,735
ce:i t�rt�n r,�a ass
Donationa 15
2. Park eroTk now un�rway.
a. Surning now in progrnas at Moore Lake and Locke Park
b, Shaviag of filled area. Moors Laka.
co Cleaaing ot Bice Craek an8 Cdaasa Island as raell as Ceaigway will
begin as soon as poasiDle.
de 3a�d can be purchaaed !or fiftq cnnte (SOq) a ton and will ba
haulsd onW MooLe Lake Beach 4n ap eree noc�h o! tbe warming houens
aleo aear the 1bT DOC&,
ee &eviev and 3.mrenWry oP park aquipment ia in progreae.
Mr. Donlin will canpile an invantory oP psrk nquipment.
oLO a�sspess:
� A. Ice Shaver: The Amsrican Legion will aeet wtth the c�mitCes ia Mareh
to discuee detaila and ekating program.
Ba 1965 Pmaran: Raport by Chairmen Hughee entitisd "Work in Parks."
*1. Motion by SemDB�. secoaded bv Sk3erveld:
The c�ittee adjnated the bndget to complete at 2east the north
and of Moore Lake Beach by eliminatiag additional improvamenta
W Flannary Park ia 1965 at a coat oE ;2.980. elimiaata additional
improvemente at Broad and Hugo in tEe amouat of �964 and elirinate
court. Penca and aer�ing house at Malody Mannor Por 1965 in the
amount of s2,570. Total adjnstment to Afoore Lnks Pro3gct =6,Slk.
Motion carried. No change in Wtel 1965 budget.
2. 8e st b Cit Mana r- Verbal:
1. City Comc 1 at ths meeting of Pebruary 15. 1965 hae
aQprovsd ttu hiring ot Mr. Paul B. Browa as Dirnctor oP
Parke and Rscxeatioa prograos.
2, Thoaes Cxhran of 1171 Lyade Drive haa bean appoiated to
the Parks and Plaqgrounda 3ub-CammitLSe fot a 3 year Lerm
as of Jannary 1, 1965.
3. Considarations: When rinks are caneicbred Por nezt esasm we
may aant to me�e furtl�s adjua�ents in tha budget at thaL
n time. Yoesible savinga could be mede bq cooperatioa s�
the Public Works Departoeat. Mr. Donlin wLll dsaw up a liat
oP projects for cooparative dealings.
Page 3.
^ (Contia�d)
4. i�r r• Discwsi� postpaad until euch time as an entire
�est � caa bn devoted Lo this topic.
Aas raqusated uee o! a diam�d at the Cosmons, Motion bq Doalin. esconded
by Sampa� to authorise the use of tke flianand locatnd on tlu north end of
the Co�a►a ne:t to tha varming houae by tAe Little Leagua per tLis aeasan
at no expen'e to the City. provided the area is not aeedad Pcr the City
recreational progr�. Motioa cerrie8.
1858 MOOING:
Council has voted eaaement acrosa Lhe North edge oP Locke park to the N333D.
1�ia involv�ea the removal oP saveral treea up to a vLdth ot 300 f�t, oE
thia perhapa 70 feet ia on park property. Conaultatione wLth private nursariea
and the Countq Ageat saera not promising.
ACC633 TO IA((� PAR&•
n &equest City Sngineer Co detarwine what routes rrill be open into Loclae Park
at any one timn dnriog the N3SSD coastruction.
We have besn requneted by ttea 8�ecreati� Commi.saion to kesp the rinke opan
Por at least another week. Ws axtead our support to thair program and Will
do all posaible to keep tt►e Coamons opsn aod parhape Moore Laks as long as
Beqneat park planner to:
a. Cheek our plans and sabn recommandatione.
b. Provide updating oP piane !or the tuture.
c. Provide aite plane Por Locke and &iveslrant Parks and perhapa other.
*1. Motia► by Skisrvold, seconded by Sampsoa that wa raquast Oouncil to advertiss
for bids on a bsach houae tor Moors I,atos Beach according to tffi last
apecificationa � lile. Motioa carried.
2. BenovaLion of Loclos Park For 1966.
3. Other ibsms oP grioriLy W De cesrisd owr Por discussioa at a futun
f'� meating.
Page 4,
PAB� APD PIAYC�OIINDB 3UB-CO�ffTfSS l�E1'iNG 1�IIN0�3 - P'6BRUABY 16. 1965
n ccontisnnea>
Tt�e mesting a8jouraed at i1s45 P,Me
Reapactluliy suboitted:
c�t�st�u �. sk3��ia u
3ecretary to the 3uD-Coeomittea
* * * * A * * !t * A� ir ilr
February 2, 1965
^ 775: Fcidley Parlcs aad Plaqgrounde Sub-Co�ttttee F��om: John F. Dunphq
Fridlsy 8acreation Committee
SuDject: Boy Scont Internat in Conservation Pcojecta
Monday evening I had occaeion to visit vith tbs scout maetgr ot tlun Bop 3eout
Troop which vaats aC the Lutharan Church which is located on Miasiasippi oear
Saet 8iver 8oad. Scout Master Shlanie2d of 1Yoop 319 together with thrae
memt�rs oP tha Troop Board oE 8evie�a were kind enough to diecuea the matter
of ca►ssrvatiaa and c�sernation projecta.
Thie troop, and I muet aas�e other Fridley troopa, are serfonalq in aeed
of eonaervaeion projecte to which theq can turn the attention oP their mam�
bers. They also meatiaeted to me that all boys attempting to riae to the
rank oP Life 8cout �st complete a satiafactorq conservation project. It
wae euggeeted these projacts could be as routine as grubbiag out stumps.
av�ping out areas, ca�fatructing fire plaoes and picnic areas, cleaning
out creak bottomn aad river lrat►ts, bufiding bir8 hovse projecta, aad psvaing
o! park trees, 6LCe It wae alao thought that the Eroop and other internsted
civic parties couid cambine P� projects such aa tree plaating in the pasks
on Arbos Daq,
:fiat this particular troop wwld like to have fro� Paslcs and Ylaygrounda
i, Sub-Co�tttee wonid Dn a saries a�f projsete of what I vould call "bite sisee"
In otber raords, iP we could aet ap a project vhich would ambrace a dsfinite
area aad vhicA a troop could cooplata in an afteraoon or twe or three boys
erorking on their LiPa 3cout rank conld coapleia in a qnartar, or half a year,
Pa�s 5.
ths troop could asaign and see theae projacta carri� to completi.on. I nota
in the Parka � Playgsounds report dated Jaauery 18 under "Donlin &eports••
that cleaning and brushiag of the I.ocloe park and Chaaee Ialand esaa ia a
park depart�nt evolution Paz which wa will probably have to pay laboring
help. At leaet a postiaa oP this work could be campleted if eupervisorq
pereon�l eaill provide some type of operational plan and supervfaion and
co-ordination. I perea�ally feel it ia iupostant for the co�unity aad for
the boya involved that their energiss ba usad in coneervati� endeavors.
This is tt�e reas� I have made thia regort to you.
Jo1m F. Dunphy
ik+k,r te,t,tlr•,t • iF t4
Harvey 3tark - 1095 Carol Drive - 784-7812. 1Yoop A' 20 (Fridlay Liona Ciub)
Ted 3tromberg - 690 57Eh Ave. Ai.B. - SII 8-2356, Troop J! 23 (St. Philipa Luth.)
Sobert G�iver - 6371 N.S. Waehingtm - 560-1481, 1Yoop I1 137 (Fridlnq Jayc•sa)
A1 Schnobrich - 5649 Sth St. p.8. - 560.3362, Troop q 157 (Am Legion q303)
Faqe Bhlenfeldt - 5680 $tiaa� Blvd. - SII 8-6110, 15roop p319 (Bedesmar Luth.)
Curtis Boetrom - 6382 Saker - 560.2604, 15roop M 480 (Fridley Covanant)
William Campbell - Boz 198 Chanplin - HA 1-7841, Poet p484 (Stardusters Parsnts Ciub)